Ladies and Gentlemen we have a winner!With the latest points totalling, qwertyuiopas gained enough points to finally win!
What happens now?
Well the points start over and we keep playing. qwertyuiopas gets to make a single "bonus proposition" where their vote on it acts as 49% of all votes.
Turn 8Phase 3 - ExecutionStatus Changes This Phase:qwertyuiopas, +10, Passed Proposition(R203)
qwertyuiopas, +10, Unanimous Pass(R311)
Tylui, -5, Failed Proposition(R204)
Serg, -5, Failed Proposition(R204)
Frelock, -5, Failed Proposition(R204)
Pandarsenic, -5, Failed Proposition(R204)
webadict, -5, Failed Proposition(R204)
webadict, -5, Unanimous Fail(R311)
Servant Corps, ‼cats‼(R333)
Cheeetar, ‼cats‼(R333)
Boksi, ‼cats‼(R333)
Armok, ‼cats‼(R333)
Fualkner, ‼cats‼(R333)
sonerohi, ‼cats‼(R333)
--Vote Count--352. 2 - 0 - Unanimous Pass!353. 1 - 1 - Fail.354. 1 - 1 - Fail.355. 1 - 1 - Fail.356. 1 - 1 - Fail.357. 0 - 2 - Unanimous Fail!--Ratified Propositions--qwertyuiopas
352. "alternate home" At any time a player may make a website, forum, or other suitable media to use as the home of this game.
A. Before it may be used, the players must vote on it.
B. The vote requires at least 80% to pass
C. The following positions must unanimously accept for it to pass:
I. the judge.
D. The judge is required to check all data for consistancy after the move.
E. If the vote does not pass, the alternate home is not used, and may not be voted on again for a period of 48 hours.