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Author Topic: Meta-Slature (Bring your monocles!) [Turn 10, Phase II]  (Read 56421 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Meta-Slature (Bring your monocles!) [Turn 10, Phase II]
« on: November 25, 2008, 06:45:30 pm »


I am thoroughly surprised that there isn't a Nomic game on these forums!  Well here's my attempt. :P

Also: I copied this post from my own forums(  which are failing because it consists of like 10 friends.  This topic doesn't have a single response from them. D:  ), so if it seems like I'm referring to some inferior intelligence, it's not you. :P


The title is a combination of words coming from meta-gaming(which is the act of changing the game play based on what's happening on the game) and Legislature.  The original game is Nomic, made by some guy with more time on his hands than I have.  His rules were, however, more adapted for  real-life game, or a game conducted via snail mail, or email, not a forums.

The Rules might be difficult to understand, and they don't serve to excite anyone to play, so I'll sum up the 100's real quick: There will be these Rules, see, and you get to suggest changes to them. Then people vote on them.  As the rules change, the players must abide by them in order to keep playing.  You can win or lose based on the rules, and really anything's possible.  The original Rules aren't even permanent and can change, simply by voting.  Of course; they're designed in a way that should be difficult to dismantle(with the immutable type, and with cross-implications), but it's not impossible, and I'm sure we'll see some major changes in the first few turns.

The Terms of Play
Quote from: Meta-Slature
101.(i) Rules
   A. A Rule must be followed when in effect.
   B. If two Rules conflict with each other, the Rule with the lowest Ordinal Number wins out.
   C. Subsets
      I. A Subset is a Rule that is related to another Rule, and thus shares a prefix ID(eg: "101.C..."), or may be omitted when in a tree structure(like this one)
      II. A Rule that shares a prefix is still considered a separate Rule, unless explicitly referred to as its subset.

102.(i) Amendments
   A. An Amendment is defined as any change to the Rules such as: an addition of a Rule, a modification to an existing Rule, or a removal of a Rule.
   B. Propositions
      I. A Proposition is any Amendment that is not yet Ratified.
      II. Unless otherwise specified, a Proposition must receive a majority vote in order to pass.
      III. A new Proposition will have a number for reference. The Ordinal Numbers shall begin with 301, and each Proposition shall receive the next successive integer, whether or not the Proposal is adopted.
      IV. Upon Ratification, an Amendment retains the Ordinal Number of the Proposition.

103.(i) Players
   A. A Player is anyone who actively participates in one of the Phases of the game.
   B. In order to participate, a Player must always abide by all the Rules currently in effect.
   C. The Judge
      I. The Judge is responsible for any and all record-keeping of the Rules and Propositions. This includes;
         a. Numbering
         b. Proper Wording
         c. Other Information(proposer, date/time, affected Rules, etc.)
         d. Tallying Votes
         e. Re-Writing the Rules at the beginning of Phase I.
      II. Tylui is The Judge

104.(i) Phases
   A. The game will be conducted by a loop of Turns which are broken down into three phases;
      I. Phase I - "Proposition"
         a. Signifies the beginning of the Turn.
         b. A Player may suggest one Proposition per Turn.
      II. Phase II - "Discussion"
         a. Any unclear Propositions will be discussed and redefined.
         b. Players will then vote either "Yes" or "No" on each Proposition.
      III. Phase III - "Execution"
         a. The Propositions that pass will become Amendments.
         b. The Judge will update all records and Phase I begins.
   B. The Phases will advance whenever the Judge sees fit.

105.(i) Rule Types
   A. Any Rule may be assigned a Type.
      I. The Rule is then governed by the Type's Rules as listed in 105.D.
      II. All subsets of this Rule also gain the Type.
   B. The act of Adding, Removing, or Changing a Rule's Type is known as "transmuting".
      I. A Transmutation is treated just the same as an Amendment.
      II. A Transmutation Proposition requires an 80% majority to pass.
      II. Any Transmutation Proposition requires a simple majority to pass.

   C. All subsets of a Typed Rule inherit the parent Rule's Types as well.
   D. The Types
      I. "immutable", "i": This Rule is deemed "immutable"; any Proposition affecting it must be voted on unanimously in order to pass.

201. The first Player to total 200 points will be announced as the winner.
202. The first Player to participate in any Phase on each turn will be awarded 5 extra points.
203. For any Proposition that passes, proposing Player will receive 10 points.
204. For any Proposition that fails, proposing Player will lose 5 points.
205. At the beginning of the Proposition Phase, the three Players with the fewest points will receive 5 points each.

303. No player may propose a rule that is expressly designed to disadvantage one particular player, with the intention of making it difficult for that player to play
304. All future propositions shall follow this standard form:
   I, <Name>, hereby submit the following proposition, dubbed <Proposition Name>, to the court to judge:                              
   I respectfully ask all members of the court to carefully consider it's merits and cast their vote accordingly.

304. All future propositions shall follow this standard form:
   I, <Name>, hereby submit the following proposition, dubbed <Proposition Name>, to the court to judge:                              
   I respectfully ask all members of the court to carefully consider its merits and cast their vote accordingly.

304. All future propositions shall follow this standard form:
   I, <Name>, hereby submit the following proposition, dubbed <Proposition Name>, for the court to judge:                             
   I respectfully ask all members of the court to carefully consider its merits and cast their vote accordingly.
305. SEE RULE 105.B.II
307. Any Proposition with subsets are to be treated as a single Proposition.

311. "The (Un)Popular Vote Bonus" If a proposition passes or fails completely unanimously, it's proposer will be rewarded or punished by either gaining or losing twice as many points than they would otherwise get/lose
312. "THE SWEET RAVE PARTY PROPOSITION" Any immutable rule with elements contrary to a mutable rule shall take precedence over that mutable rule.
314. Bonus Vote
   A. During each turn, we are granted a bonus vote, toward whichever proposition the player chooses.
   B. If a player does not use this bonus vote, it is saved and added to a bonus vote count.
   C. The bonus vote count of any player cannot exceed the number of players minus 1, to ensure that no particular proposition is unchallengeable.

317. "Grammar Correction" The word "it's" shall be replaced by the word "its" in the phrase: 'I respectfully ask all members of the court to carefully consider it's merits and cast their vote accordingly.' This will change the sentence to mean "I respectfully ask all members of the court to carefully consider its merits and cast their vote accordingly."
(The ratification of this Proposition will modify Rule 304)

318. "Score Keeping" In the next turn, the players will elect someone in a simple majority election to the position of "Score Keeper".
   A. Duties
      I. The Score Keeper does not need to do his duties, but if he neglects them he gains none of the position's benefits that turn.
      II. The Score Keeper is charged with keeping track of votes for and against any election, proposition or other phenomenon currently being voted on.
      III. The Score Keeper is charged with acquiring any old information on votes when necessary.
   B. Benefits
      I. Only the Score Keeper may be referred to as such. It is a title that carries great respect and misuse of it is punishable.
      II. For his service, the Score Keeper receives two(2) points each turn.
      III. The Score Keeper may boast a green() monocle in his avatar.
   C. Checks and Balances
      I. The Score Keeper does not have any actual additional authority over his fellow players.
      II. A Score Keeper can hold other official positions, but it is itself an official position and so limits his choices.
      III. Once four(4) or more turns have passed since the Score Keeper's ascension, any player may call for a vote to replace him. Otherwise his term is indefinite.

320. "Proposition Bonus Loser Vote" The player or players with the lowest amount of points are allowed an optional extra vote for their propositions during that turn.
   A. If the player uses this vote, and the proposition does not pass, the player loses 5 more points.
   B. If the player uses this vote, and the proposition passes, the player gains an additional 5 points.
   C. This vote does not use a bonus vote nor does not using it give you a bonus vote.
   D. This can only be used before the majority of players have voted.

321. "sub-games" A sub-game may be created that contains a ruleset separate from the main game.
   A. Sub-game rules can not have any effect on other sub games without direct allowances in both games
   B. Sub-game rules can not have any effect on the main game.
   C. Sub-games are not affected by the main ruleset(other sub-games' rulesets are covered in A)
   D. Participation in a sub-game is optional, and assumed to be not participating if a potential player has not stated otherwise.
   E. Bribery is allowed ("I'll give you a position of power in my sub game if you vote down proposition X")
   F. Creation of a sub-game requires a majority vote.
   G. A sub-game can be destroyed by a majority vote.
   H. Sub-game titles must be shown in a diffrent color.
   I. Sub-game rules and propositions must be clearly markes as so, and have no impact on the main rules, and do not count as propositions or rules in the context of the main thread.

323. "Voting Color Coding" All voting must be colored coded such that a Yea/Yes is colored green and a Nay/No is colored red, with votes in other colors being disregarded.

324. "Charity Points" Any player may give points they currently have to any other player.
   A. A player may give any amount of points they do so desire, provided that amount is greater than zero, and less or equal to than the player's current amount of points.
   B. The player receiving the points must state that they accept them by the end of the turn in which the points are given.
   C. The points are transferred at the end of the turn, after other point changes.
      I. If a player gives points multiple times in the same turn, the points are transferred in the order in which the points were accepted.
      II. If a situation arises in which a player attempts to give points they no longer have after other point changes, all their remaining points are given instead.
      III. A player may not give points they are expecting to receive after the point changes.
   D. The player giving the points may not withdraw the offer after the receiving player has accepted them.
   E. No reason need be given as to why points are transferred, nor is it unacceptable to demand things in exchange for points
      I. The receiving player is not obligated by this rule to follow the demands after the points are accepted.

326. "Phase 2.5" There shall be a new phase, called voting, after discussion.
   A. During the Voting Phase, all votes are cast and counted.
   B. During the Discussion Phase, all propositions are actually discussed.
      I. A proposition proposed during that turn may be amended in the Discussion Phase by the original proposer.
      II. A new proposition may be brought forth in place of a proposition by the player proposing the proposition.
      III. Only one new proposition may be submitted during this phase.
      IV. A proposition may be amended any number of times during this phase
      V. Bribery is allowed during this phase.

327. "Screw You Guys I'm Going Home"
   A. If any player loses by a proposition currently in play or a proposition to be announced, then that player may choose a player to lose 50 points if they are above 100 points or gain 50 points if they are below 100 points.
   B. If a player chooses to use the provisions set forth by rule 327, they may not re-enter or participate in the game, even if another rule would otherwise allow them to do so.
   B. This proposition applies to players who leave because they are bored or have commitments as well, and treats them as if they have lost.
   C. If no player is above 100 points they may choose people to lose points in the order of:
      I. 100-90 existing points
      II. 90-80 existing points
      III. 80-70 existing points
      IV. And so on in that pattern.
   D. If no player is below 100 points they may choose people to gain points in the order of:
      I. 100-110 existing points
      II. 110-120 existing points
      III. 120-130 existing points
      IV. And so on in that pattern.

328. "after-the-victory" After a player "wins", by any authorized method, all marked scores are reset.
   A. Points starts marked.
   B. The winning player may make one bonus proposition where their vote counts as 49%(takes a unanimous vote against to fail) and no bonus votes may be used.
   C. Play proceeds as normal past that point.

329. "HAPPY FUN CANDY PARTY PROPOSITION" The judge may, at any time, appoint a temporary replacement judge. This replacement assumes all powers and responsibilities of the judge until the actual judge reclaims his position
   A. A judge appoints a replacement judge with a post consisting solely of "I do hereby solemnly delegate <NAME OF DELEGATED USER> as the holder of the office of Temporary Judge, until such a time as I may resume the duties of judge.
   B. A judge reclaims his position by a post consisting solely of "The judge is returned to claim the powers of the judgeship!"
   C. After an appointment and before a reclamation, the powers and responsibilities of the judge belong solely to the replacement judge, with the exception of the powers of appointing a replacement judge and reclaiming judgeship.

330. "Activity Report"
   A. Players will have the following information added to their status, and updated each Phase:
      I. First Turn & Phase of Participation
      II. Most Recent Turn & Phase of Participation
      III. Total Amount of Turn & Phase Participation
   B. The Player list will be sorted by the total amount, descending.

   A. Prop. 329's sentence: "with the exception of the powers of appointing a replacement judge and reclaiming judgeship." is be struken out and held void.
   B. If the judge is inactive for at least a week, and there is no replacement judge, a person may make a motion to have an election to appoint someone as "People's Replacement Judge".
   C. An election will be held for who will be the People's Replacement Judge. No Bonus Votes may be used in this election. Whomever have the most votes win. In the case of a tie, whomever have the highest score at the end of Phase II will win the election. If there is still a tie, then a runoff election will be held.
   D. A judge reclaims his position by a post consisting solely of "The judge is returned to claim the powers of the judgeship!"
   E. After an appointment and before a reclamation, the powers and responsibilities of the judge belong solely to the People's Replacement Judge.

332. "Almost Unanimous" If a proposition fails with only the person who initially proposed voting for it, then that proposition is treated as failing unanimously.

333. "‼cats‼" Cats are used as a penalty for frequent inactivity:
   A. Every turn a player is inactive:
      I. Any kittens they have become cats.
      II. They gain (((# of cats)*0.6) rounded up) kittens.
      III. they gain a cat.
   B. Every turn a player with cats is active:
      I. They butcher one cat, the cat being replaced by 5(five) units of kitten bones, and 2(two) units of unprocessed kitten meat.
      II. Kittens are not affected.
   C. If a player has more than 10(ten) cats, they are unable to use bonus votes.
   D. The number of cats a player has is "marked" according to rule 328, and it's default value is 0.

334. "327 Amendments" This proposition amends rule 327, the "Screw you guys, I'm going home" rule.
   A.  The following subsections of 327 will be stricken:
B. This proposition applies to players who leave because they are bored or have commitments as well, and treats them as if they have lost.
   C. If no player is above 100 points they may choose people to lose points in the order of:
      I. 100-90 existing points
      II. 90-80 existing points
      III. 80-70 existing points
      IV. And so on in that pattern.
   D. If no player is below 100 points they may choose people to gain points in the order of:
      I. 100-110 existing points
      II. 110-120 existing points
      III. 120-130 existing points
      IV. And so on in that pattern.

    B. A new subsection shall be added which has the following text:
If a player chooses to use the provisions set forth by rule 327, they may not re-enter or participate in the game, even if another rule would otherwise allow them to do so.

335. "Rectification of Repetition of Prepositions" This proposition modifys rule 304.
   A. The rule will be changed to the following:
All future propositions shall follow this standard form:
      I, <Name>, hereby submit the following proposition, dubbed <Proposition Name>, for the court to judge:                             
      I respectfully ask all members of the court to carefully consider its merits and cast their vote accordingly.

336. "Mentors"
   A. Any Player without a Mentor may select one current Player other than themselves as their Mentor.
   B. Once a Mentor is established for a Player, it can never be changed.
   C. For every Phase of Participation by a Player, their Mentor(if any) shall receive 2 points.
   D. A player that has chosen a Mentor is becomes the Protégé of his Mentor.
   E. A Mentor may not choose his Protégé to be his Mentor.

339. "Activation"
A player may become "active" in a turn even if they do not make a proposition.
   A. A player may become "active" in a turn by simply making a post.
   B. Posts which are deemed "spam" by the judge do not count.
   C. Posting to become "active" does not count as participation.

344. "Elimination of Mutual Mentorship" The following is to be added to rule 336:
   A. "D. A player that has chosen a Mentor is becomes the Protégé of his Mentor."
   B. "E. A Mentor may not choose his Protégé to be his Mentor."

345. "Participation Definitions"
   A. During Phase I, Participation is defined as posting a Proposition.
   B. During Phase II, Participation is defined as posting an opinion on one or more Propositions.
   C. During Phase 2.5, Participation is defined as casting a vote for one or more Propositions.

349. "Just in Case"
   A. This rule does hereby establish the motion, a way of influencing the flow of the nomic other than a proposition.
      I. A motion may be made during any phase.
      II. Voting on a motion begins immediately after it is presented and ends when its fate is certain.
         a. The first condition that makes the fate of a motion certain is if every player has voted for it.
         b. The second condition that makes the fate of a motion certain is if those in favor or those against the motion already hold a majority, and no number of votes can cause a tie or give the opposition a majority.
      III. Bonus votes cannot be applied to motions.
      IV. The following motion(s) is/are permitted:
         a. The players may strip the judge and/or temporary judge of his or her title(s) and delegate a new judge if neither the judge nor a temporary judge has posted within the 48 hours prior to the proposition.
            i. If the motion succeeds, a 48-hour judge selection period follows, at the conclusion of which the player with the most votes for judgeship gains the position.
             ii. If the judge or temporary judge votes against this motion, it fails

350. "Mining Operations"
   A. Every player gets allocated a 3x3 grid.
      I. This grid is allocated 'filled in' with black squares.
         a. Black squares are resources hidden.
      II. It is unable to determine the contents of a black square by looking at them.
   B. Every 'yes' vote a player casts, open a random square.
      I. As soon as a square opens up, the contents are emptied into the vault of the player.
      II. The previously black square becomes a period for compelete graphical purposes.
         a. Periods in squares have no uses, other then displaying that square has been opened up.
      III. The square is decided through a random d9 roll, with the top row being ordered from left to right, 1 to 3. The second row is ordered left to right , 4 to 6. The third row is ordred left to right, 7 to 9.
      IV. If the rolled number matches an already opened square, nothing happens.
   C. The resource that is added to the player's vault is determined by a d46 roll.
Code: [Select]
Roll Resource Name Value
1-18 Non-Economic Stone 1
19-24 Economic Stone 2
25-27 Unrefined Coal 3
28-33 Copper Ore 5
34-37 Tin Ore 7
38-39 Iron Ore 10
40-43 Sapphire 10
44-45 Topaz 15
46 Ruby 20
   D. Every 'no' vote a player casts, destroys a random square, replacing it with a black square.
      I. If the rolled number matches an already blackened square, nothing happens.
   E.  First all yes votes are rolled and dug out, then all no votes are filled in.

351. "Contracts" A contract is a binding agreement between two or more players.
   A. All players affected directly by the contract must agree to it.
      I. A player agrees to a contract by posting the exact wording of the contract with their name following.
      II. The text of the contract must be in a different form than the rest of the post (ie italics, bold, or in a quote tag), so that it is clear what is and what is not part of the contract.
   B. A contract must be exceedingly clear as to its purpose and execution, else the contract is null and void.
   C. Whatever terms are set down by the contract must be followed by all players involved in the contract.
   D. A contract may be voided if all parties who signed it agree that the contract is null and void.
   E. A player who is unable to follow the terms of the contract cannot participate until such time as when the contract is fulfilled or voided.

(Turn 8: 8-7-2009)
352. "alternate home" At any time a player may make a website, forum, or other suitable media to use as the home of this game.
   A. Before it may be used, the players must vote on it.
   B. The vote requires at least 80% to pass
   C. The following positions must unanimously accept for it to pass:
      I. the judge.
   D. The judge is required to check all data for consistancy after the move.
   E. If the vote does not pass, the alternate home is not used, and may not be voted on again for a period of 48 hours.

(Turn 9: 8-11-2009)
358. "Votes are for everyone!!!11one" Rule 310 is annulled.

359. "Forced Forfeiture by Feline" Any player that accumulates 20 or more cats will have all status records erased.

360. "Temporary absence" A player may declare absence from the game for a set period of time of at least 48 hours. During this time, they may NOT participate in any way, but in return are not penalized for their absence unless a rule specifically describes a penalty for "predeclared absence". The player may optionally declare their length of absence in turns, with a minimum of two.
    A. To R333, ‼cats‼, the following shall be appended: E. Any player in predeclared absence will gain only one kitten and no additional cats per turn of inactivity until the predeclared absence ends.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2010, 09:13:06 pm by Tylui »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Meta-Slature (It's a Nomic Clone, but rules adapted more for forums)
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2008, 06:48:05 pm »

Turn 1

For this turn, it might take a while to get the phases done, since it's new, and people are going to be confused.  Feel free to ask questions.

Phase I - Proposition

Tylui(Judge) - 0 points
sonerohi - 5 points
Armok - 0 points
webadict - 0 points
Pandarsenic - 0 points
Frelock - 0 points
Boksi - 0 points
Cheeetar - 0 points
Servant Corps - 0 points
qwertyuiopas - 0 points

Phase I is where the Propositions come into play, as the title of it implies.  Any Rule-changing suggestions you have go into this Phase.

301(sonerohi) - I propose that all criminals facing a death sentence be given an option for their room to be filled with cats, so the time slows down, giving them more time to enjoy their remaining life.

302(webadict) - I propose that any proposition that fails shall therefore cause the losing of the player that proposed the failed proposition, instead of -5 points.
(The ratification of this Proposition will modify Rule 204)

303(Frelock) - I propose that no player may propose a rule that is expressly designed to disadvantage one particular player, with the intention of making it difficult for that player to play

304(Boksi) - All future propositions shall follow this standard form:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

305(Pandarsenic) - Any Transmutation Proposition requires a simple majority to pass.
(The ratification of this Proposition will modify Rule 105.B.II, and must be voted unanimously)

306(qwertyuiopas) - I propose that players may be granted "advanced rights" allowing for Proposition of up to 3 times as many subsets to a Single Proposition as a standard player. Said "advanced rights" must be granted and removed through an 80% majority vote, and may be removed through the same method.

307(Servant Corps) - Any Proposition with subsets are to be treated as a single Rule.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2008, 01:44:19 pm by Tylui »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Meta-Slature (It's a Nomic Clone, but rules adapted more for forums)
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2008, 07:00:24 pm »

I propose that all criminals facing a death sentence be given an option for their room to be filled with cats, so the time slows down, giving them more time to enjoy their remaining life.
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Meta-Slature (It's a Nomic Clone, but rules adapted more for forums)
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2008, 07:03:52 pm »

I'll join

106. (i) Forum Amendment A
1) in order to join the game, any player must state that they wish to join the game, and be approved by the judge.
2) the judge should keep a list of all active players that he update at least each turn.
3) one turn will always be 24 hours.
4) if a player doesn't post for 5 turns, it is excluded from the game, and is counted as a new player would it rejoin.
5) if the judge is unable to do a turn, he must either abdicate, or announce a vice-judge for the duration of unavailability
6) the vice-judge has all the powers and responsibilities of the real judge when the judge is away, the judge will automatically count as away if he has not posted for 48 hours.
7) a player may chose to eve the game at any time.
So says Armok, God of blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Meta-Slature (It's a Nomic Clone, but rules adapted more for forums)
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2008, 07:05:06 pm »

I'm in

I propose that any proposition that fails shall therefore cause the losing of the player that proposed the failed proposition, instead of -5 points.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Meta-Slature (It's a Nomic Clone, but rules adapted more for forums)
« Reply #5 on: November 25, 2008, 07:12:52 pm »

I propose that all criminals facing a death sentence be given an option for their room to be filled with cats, so the time slows down, giving them more time to enjoy their remaining life.

Well that doesn't really make sense...  But I guess it counts as a proposition...?
I'll join

106. (i) Forum Amendment A
1) in order to join the game, any player must state that they wish to join the game, and be approved by the judge.
2) the judge should keep a list of all active players that he update at least each turn.
3) one turn will always be 24 hours.
4) if a player doesn't post for 5 turns, it is excluded from the game, and is counted as a new player would it rejoin.
5) if the judge is unable to do a turn, he must either abdicate, or announce a vice-judge for the duration of unavailability
6) the vice-judge has all the powers and responsibilities of the real judge when the judge is away, the judge will automatically count as away if he has not posted for 48 hours.
7) a player may chose to eve the game at any time.

O_O That's 8 rules you just posted.

According to Rule 101.C.II, All subsets of Rules must be treated as a singular Rule, except that they shard a prefix(It's just a way I thought up for categorizing Rules).

Rule 104.A.I.b states that "A Player may suggest one Proposition per Turn"...  just one.  And you posted 8.  So please, pick one. :P

Also, I'm numbering the Propositions, according to 103.C.I.a, by the conventions as outlined in Rule 102.B.III

I'm in

I propose that any proposition that fails shall therefore cause the losing of the player that proposed the failed proposition, instead of -5 points.

Good.  Although, what happens to a player that loses?  We should make a rule for that.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2008, 07:17:39 pm by Tylui »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Meta-Slature (It's a Nomic Clone, but rules adapted more for forums)
« Reply #6 on: November 25, 2008, 09:02:14 pm »

Joining. One moment....


a. Alter 105 so that immutable rules cannot be changed or removed, but with a simple majority vote, they can be changed from Immutable to Mutable. In addition, mutable rules can become immutable with a simple majority vote. Effective from the passing of the proposition onwards.
b. Add to Rule Priority that Immutable rules always have precedence over mutable rules.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2008, 09:55:24 pm by Pandarsenic »
Your bone is the best Pandar honey. The best.
[Cheeetar] Pandar doesn't have issues, he has style.
Fuck off, you fucking fucker-fuck :I


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Re: Meta-Slature (It's a Nomic Clone, but rules adapted more for forums)
« Reply #7 on: November 25, 2008, 09:43:08 pm »

emm, it's one rule, is this better?:

106. (i) Forum Amendment A
     a) in order to join the game, any player must state that they wish to join the game, and be approved by the judge.
     b) the judge should keep a list of all active players that he update at least each turn.
     c) one turn will always be 24 hours.
     d) if a player doesn't post for 5 turns, it is excluded from the game, and is counted as a new player would it rejoin.
     e) if the judge is unable to do a turn, he must either abdicate, or announce a vice-judge for the duration of unavailability
     f) the vice-judge has all the powers and responsibilities of the real judge when the judge is away, the judge will automatically count as away if he has not posted for 48 hours.
     g) a player may chose to eve the game at any time.
So says Armok, God of blood.


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Re: Meta-Slature (It's a Nomic Clone, but rules adapted more for forums)
« Reply #8 on: November 25, 2008, 09:55:38 pm »

Edited my post to add a proposition
Your bone is the best Pandar honey. The best.
[Cheeetar] Pandar doesn't have issues, he has style.
Fuck off, you fucking fucker-fuck :I


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Re: Meta-Slature (It's a Nomic Clone, but rules adapted more for forums)
« Reply #9 on: November 25, 2008, 09:58:09 pm »

I'm in.


304 (Frelock) I propose that no player may propose a rule that is expressly designed to disadvantage one particular player, with the intention of making it difficult for that player to play.

(i.e. no "Playername loses 5 points every turn." or "Proposals by Playername must be ratified by 2/3's of all players." or tricky methods such as "Players whose names begin with an 'F' and end in a 'lock' must give 2 points to another player each turn".)
« Last Edit: November 25, 2008, 10:00:42 pm by Frelock »
All generalizations are false....including this one.


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Re: Meta-Slature (It's a Nomic Clone, but rules adapted more for forums)
« Reply #10 on: November 26, 2008, 11:19:47 am »

Joining. One moment....


a. Alter 105 so that immutable rules cannot be changed or removed, but with a simple majority vote, they can be changed from Immutable to Mutable. In addition, mutable rules can become immutable with a simple majority vote. Effective from the passing of the proposition onwards.
b. Add to Rule Priority that Immutable rules always have precedence over mutable rules.

Like I said to Armok, rule subsets are treated as rules, so you can still only propose one thing per turn.

Also, as 105.B.II says, any Transmutation proposition takes an 80% majority.  That way you can take immutable away with 80% instead of unanimity.

Your second Proposition is good though, do you want to use that one?

emm, it's one rule, is this better?:

106. (i) Forum Amendment A
     a) in order to join the game, any player must state that they wish to join the game, and be approved by the judge.
     b) the judge should keep a list of all active players that he update at least each turn.
     c) one turn will always be 24 hours.
     d) if a player doesn't post for 5 turns, it is excluded from the game, and is counted as a new player would it rejoin.
     e) if the judge is unable to do a turn, he must either abdicate, or announce a vice-judge for the duration of unavailability
     f) the vice-judge has all the powers and responsibilities of the real judge when the judge is away, the judge will automatically count as away if he has not posted for 48 hours.
     g) a player may chose to eve the game at any time.

That's still 8 Rules.  Every subset of a Rule is itself treated as a Rule.

I'm in.


303 (Frelock) I propose that no player may propose a rule that is expressly designed to disadvantage one particular player, with the intention of making it difficult for that player to play.

(i.e. no "Playername loses 5 points every turn." or "Proposals by Playername must be ratified by 2/3's of all players." or tricky methods such as "Players whose names begin with an 'F' and end in a 'lock' must give 2 points to another player each turn".)

Ooh, I like it.


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Re: Meta-Slature (It's a Nomic Clone, but rules adapted more for forums)
« Reply #11 on: November 26, 2008, 02:45:15 pm »

I support Frelock's proposition, and present my own.

The Right To Play: I propose a new form of webadicts proposition, wherein players that fail a suggestion lose, but only in the sense that they cannot win. They will be able to play, but their points remain static.
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


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Re: Meta-Slature (It's a Nomic Clone, but rules adapted more for forums)
« Reply #12 on: November 26, 2008, 03:37:47 pm »

I want in on this.

I propose the following:

All future propositions follow this standard form:

"I, <Name>, hereby submit the following proposition, dubbed <Proposition Name>, to the court to judge:
I respectfully ask all members of the court to carefully consider it's merits and cast their vote accordingly."



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Re: Meta-Slature (It's a Nomic Clone, but rules adapted more for forums)
« Reply #13 on: November 26, 2008, 04:09:07 pm »

I propose that all amendments dubbed 'immutable' be removed of this status, to allow a more flexible rule set.
I've played some mafia.

Most of the time when someone is described as politically correct they are simply correct.


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Re: Meta-Slature (It's a Nomic Clone, but rules adapted more for forums)
« Reply #14 on: November 26, 2008, 04:53:53 pm »

Joining. One moment....


a. Alter 105 so that immutable rules cannot be changed or removed, but with a simple majority vote, they can be changed from Immutable to Mutable. In addition, mutable rules can become immutable with a simple majority vote. Effective from the passing of the proposition onwards.
b. Add to Rule Priority that Immutable rules always have precedence over mutable rules.

Like I said to Armok, rule subsets are treated as rules, so you can still only propose one thing per turn.

Also, as 105.B.II says, any Transmutation proposition takes an 80% majority.  That way you can take immutable away with 80% instead of unanimity.

Your second Proposition is good though, do you want to use that one?

Like you said to Armok after. :P

And I want the first one to go first; I want it changed from 80% to mutable-ize it to Simple Majority to mutable-ize it.
Your bone is the best Pandar honey. The best.
[Cheeetar] Pandar doesn't have issues, he has style.
Fuck off, you fucking fucker-fuck :I
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