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Author Topic: Vaiolis' RPG - the old one!  (Read 45690 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #390 on: December 26, 2008, 04:29:47 pm »

Normally I'd say yeah, you don't see the shaman, but you were at the top of the large hut, and the shaman entered through the HQ's front door, so you probably did see it. Also, I have this nice space of freedom today, post your turns quick enough and I may be able to get two turns in! Just waiting on inaluct. But no pressure, no plans anytime soon until new years, so I suspect a large wave of turns is coming our way.
Today's Toady Tip: 3 and 4 are not the same number.
How borgly is your borgle's borgle?
The Minister of BEEEES! and of The Great Charter for the Toady Protectorate!


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #391 on: December 27, 2008, 12:49:59 am »

Sorry Inaluct, too eager to wait :P it's a fairly straightforward event right now anyways, with most everyone fighting, so I doubt too much would have changed anyway.

Little conversation once again, but a quite large battle occurred. Also, spots 7 and 8 are now open! Wooo!

Turn 21
Group 1: Flat, Astor, Gaweir, Abronychus, Zak
Flat: If I am needed here, I'll stay and fight. Otherwise, I'll try and go to the village, looking for some survivors.
Astor: after hearing that Xix is alone I rush to the hut to try and make sure nobody is met alone. I try to avoid approaching crowds, but if I see a lonely warrior I will take a stab at it. Now knowing that I won't meet Xix, I will try to see where she went off to and try to protect her from the horde. The others are fighters and will likely fight for the village. I would be best at running to the less combat oriented member of the group and keeping the team together.
Gaweir: I rally as many the nearby villagers as possible, and order them to form a rough Phalanx, trying harder then ever to make them understand such a basic formation. Advancing quickly, I take a few other villagers if possible and flank the monsters. I try and repulse as many arrows as possible from the villagers with my shield, but try not to make my self extra spikey for the holidays. I also activate my Focus Spell before meeting the enemy. With any luck, the villagers will have made a grab for some spears, swords, and maybe a shield or two. And thank almighty Armok if someone grabs a Longbow and fucks over those archers.
Abronychus: I join the rest of the group and fight!
Zak: I jump on Flat, ride him onto the tops of the huts, race across the rooftops and leap off the huts, jumping off Flat in midair and land on the shaman and impale him through the chest.

With the enemy advancing, the group had to make a quick decision on their battle strategy. Seeing a shaman escape through the HQ door, Zak called on Flat. Flat came over quickly, lowering his head, and Zak climbed on. Raising his head, and pushing off, Flat flew into the air, and Zak did his best to guide him, first flying to the east, then slowly turning to Flat's right, moving south, then west over the tops of the shops. Gliding now, and slowly lowering, Zak looked off of Flat's shoulder, and saw the shaman leaving the HQ and moving through the jungle, along with a large beast, and Xix! Preparing his sword, Zak guided Flat as close to the huts as he could, and upon reaching where the HQ was, dove off with an impressive forward dive. With Flat's original speed, Zak was now moving through the air like a drill, corkscrewing towards the shaman with his blade pointed at its chest...

Realizing that Xix was alone, Astor moved quickly, sprinting southward before the Rahn inya force had entered too far, and dodging multiple arrows sailing towards him. The open doorway to the HQ in sight, Astor saw Xix being dragged from the westward window, and ran towards the jungle's tree line, hoping to catch them before they went too far. At the other side of the HQ, however, he saw the large brute moving with incredible haste, and the shaman moving quickly as well, faster than would seem normal. Thinking fast, and whipping out his sling and a smooth stone, Astor aimed at the shaman's head, and fired...

Gaweir ran back to the blacksmith's shop, and rallied the villagers who had assembled there. There were 6 of them, all looking quite frightened. Gaweir grabbed three swords, two spears, and a bow and a quiver with arrows from the shelves, and distributed them to the villagers, along with a few metal round shields. Surprisingly, they all seemed courageous enough to wield them, rather than back away and run, and prepared to fight. Leading them on, Gaweir rushed from the shop, towards the oncoming force, with Abronychus joining him from the large hut. While running, Gaweir held his shield up, blocking a few arrows, and organized the villagers lightly, getting the spear bearers ready int he front, swordsmen ready to back them up, and the archer to cover from behind. Gaweir fell back, joining the other swordsmen, while Abronychus joined those with spears and readied his own trident.

Turning around quickly, the shaman caught Zak just in time, and dove to his side, parrying with his staff, before Zak could pierce him. Zak managed to roll from his dive, and got back up without a beat, prepared to fight. The shaman put his staff into his right hand, and lifted his left, a small ball of thunder forming in it. However, before it was cast, the shaman was hit in the head by a stone with decent force, and, stumbling slightly, tripped on the root of one of the many trees. Zak lifted his sword and swung it down on the shaman, however his blade was deflected by a semi-transparent shield which enveloped the shaman, apparently made of energy. The shaman grinned and jumped up, swinging his staff at Zak, but Zak moved back before it hit him. Staying on the attack, the shaman followed his swing with a second, but this time Zak was prepared and parried with his blade. The shaman growled and swung a few more times, but Zak continued to parry. Suddenly, after another missed swing, the shaman continued to spin, and, whirling around, clubbed at Zak's left leg, sending him to the ground in pain. Moving over to him, and stomping on his sword hand before he could lift the blade, the shaman grinned and took it from him. Raising it, and pointing its edge at Zak's throat, the shaman prepared to finish him, however a second rock came from the trees and hit the blade out of the shaman's grasp. The shaman turned to see Astor sprinting for him.

Rushing forward, Abronychus and the two spear-wielding villagers stormed into three Rahn inya warriors. Gaweir, just behind them, began to focus, and suddenly felt the world around him seem to slow down. Swinging his trident, Abronychus brought a warrior down with ease, and promptly brought the weapon above his head, and brought it down into the beast's chest. The two other spear-bearers had more trouble handling their weapons, but managed to keep a steady fight with the warriors, until one of them was struck in the leg by an arrow. Gaweir then moved to the north, with the swordsmen, and prepared to flank the enemy from the side. The lone villager with a bow had great trouble with his aim, but his firing helped to keep the warriors more on defense than attack. Abronychus turned his attention to a second warrior, but this time the warrior blocked his attack. The three polearm wielders were being outnumbered by the five warriors, and the archers firing at them, however Gaweir then rushed in, and he and his small squad quickly overpowered the Rahn inya archers. Moving in, Gaweir ran right through them, his sword raised as though he were jousting, and impaled each archer through the chest as he moved. Abronychus, meanwhile, was fending off the warriors, but had difficulty damaging any of them considerably. However, with his focus on them, he wasn't paying as much attention to the archers. The villager who had previously been shot in the leg was hit again, this time in the shoulder, and, although alive, fell to the ground, unable to fight.

The shaman readied his staff, preparing to take on Astor's attack, but Zak grabbed him from below and took him down. Astor saw the chance and, leaping into the air, jumped onto the shaman, his dagger pointed at its chest. But, the shaman released a shockwave of energy, which blew Astor back, and forced Zak away as well. However, as the shaman got up and prepared to attack again, an icy shard impaled him in the stomach. Astor and Zak looked for where the bolt had come from, and saw the old man had ran into the jungle as well. Approaching the shaman, who was laying against a tree in pain, the old man lifted its hand, examining a golden ring it wore, which had purple bands on it, going lengthwise on the ring, as if extending to the shaman's fingers. Seeing this, the old man looked rather shocked, and stepped back, readying his staff.

"So, Shal'rek, you've returned..."

The shaman grinned, getting up from the tree, and hit the base of his staff against the ground. Instantly, Shal'rek began to glow, slowly becoming brighter and brighter. Surprising Astor and Zak, the shaman spoke, with a guttural and ugly voice.

"Not today, old man. I've got what I came for..."

With that, a bright flash emitted from the shaman, and he, the beast, and Xix vanished...

With all but one Rahn inyan archer down, Gaweir rushed at the final, but as he approached, he noticed a movement from the west. Quickly diving, Gaweir just barely managed to evade a pounce from an ambusher. However, the other three swordsmen were not so lucky, and each was quickly brought to their death. Gaweir swung his blade at the ambusher who had missed him, cleaving its neck, and beheading it. Without its head, the body moved aimlessly, and Gaweir quickly stabbed it in the back, the sword piercing through to the chest, and it was slain. Abronychus and the other spear bearer were starting to tire, but continued to block the swipes the warriors brought. With a final effort, Abronychus pushed the villager down and swung his trident with rgeat force around himself, bashing the warriors and forcing them to stagger backwards. With room to spare, Abronychus rushed forward again, impaling a warrior, and then swung the corpse around with his trident, flinging it at another. Gaweir, meanwhile, was fending off the three other ambushers, but with their speed, was having trouble gaining any ground, merely dodging. However, Flat came from the sky and snatched one of them, then flew upwards and threw the ambusher, sending it far away, most likely to its death. With only two ambushers, Gaweir had a much easier time fighting, quickly deflecting one ambusher's attack and stabbing at the other. Abronychus and his fellow villager had killed two of the warriors, but three remained. Still outnumbered, Abronychus attacked two of them, as he had more skill, while the villager took on one. The two warriors fighting against Abronychus constantly regrouped and attacked simultaneously, however Abronychus easily swept them away with a single swing of his trident. Deciding to fake them out, Abronychus held his polearm with one hand, while holding his gladius with his left, although he kept it hidden behind him. The warriors, seeing Abronychus with but one hand on the polearm, rushed forward and hit his trident away with ease. But, Abronychus then brought his gladius out, surprising them, and stabbed one, killing it. However, before he could bring the second one down, an arrow from the last remaining archer hit him in the stomach.

Noticing Abronychus' wound, Gaweir rushed at the archer, quickly taking it down and stabbing it thoroughly, while Flat dived down again and picked up the warrior attacking Abronychus, and then throwing it away as well. The villager, amazingly, managed to get an open shot on the warrior he was fighting, and stabbed it in the chest. With the last of the force defeated, Abronychus breathing heavily, he fell to the ground, and the villager, Gaweir, and Flat went to him. Hoping to save him, Gaweir took off the necklace he had from Flat and gave it to him.

"C'mon, Abronychus, you'll be all right!"
"Yeah I'll be... fine... but wait... where'd that big one go?"

Gaweir looked at Abronychus with a slightly puzzled look before realizing what he meant. The second brutish Rahn inya, armed with a metal mace, was missing. He knew he saw one enter the HQ, but there was a second... wait, one had entered the HQ? Gaweir rose from Abronychus and sprinted off to the HQ, but upon entering, found no Xix, nor any of Xix's things. The laptop, charger, everything that belonged to her. He did, however, hear a loud thud from outside, and looking out, saw the second brute was running out from the tree line, towards Abronychus, Flat, and the villager...

Group 2: Xix
Xix: Follow the- oh wait, I'm unconscious.

Rubbing her head, Xix looked around herself. She saw she was in a dank place. It seemed to be some sort of dungeon, at a glance. The walls were of stone, moist, damaged, and covered in moss. There were no windows, however there was a metal doorway by her, in the form of a large grate, as a jail would be. It seemed to be iron, but was heavily rusted. Outside of it, Xix saw an adjacent cell, and many other cells down the hallway, in both directions. On the walls were candles, dim, but effective enough. In her cell, there was naught but a stained and damaged cot. Looking herself over, she saw she had her tunic on, but everything else, including her glasses, were missing.

Sighing, holding her throbbing head, Xix went to her prison bars, looking for a sign of... well... anything. There seemed to be no guards. Looking closer, however, with her bad eyes, Xix believed she saw a figure in the cell across from her, lying on the cot, either sleeping or unconscious. And, adjacent to that cell was yet another being. But, aside from those two, there was nothing else...


 - Wounds: none effects=tired (-actions), thirsty
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: Flying skill increased slightly. Gliding skill increased slightly. Melee Combat skill increased slightly. Grappling skill increased slightly. Throwing skill increased slightly. Carrying skill increased slightly

 - Wounds: bruised back effects=tired (-actions)
 - Inventory: Lost Smooth Stone (2)
 - Skills: Aiming skill increased slightly. Sling skill increased slightly. Fast Movement skill increased slightly
            Astor's Fast Movement skill is now at level 2!

 - Wounds: cracked skull status=untreated effects=faster tiring, light bleeding, tired, thirsty
                bruised back effects=none
                bruised stomach effects=none
                decently winded effects=much faster tiring
 - Inventory: Lost All but Clothing
 - Skills: none

 - Wounds: scratches effects=tired (-actions)
 - Inventory: Shield damaged slightly. Sword's sharpness decreased. Lost Necklace (healing)
 - Skills: Swordsmanship skill increased moderately. Blocking skill increased moderately. Melee Combat skill increased moderately. Tactics skill increased moderately. Dodging skill increased moderately
            Gaweir's Blocking skill is now at level 2!
            Gaweir's Melee Combat skill is now at level 2!

 - Wounds: pierced stomach status=untreated effects=heavy bleeding, severe pain (--actions), extremely fast tiring, very tired (--actions)
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: Polearms skill increased greatly. Melee Combat skill increased moderately. Sword skill increased slightly. Blocking skill increased moderately
            Abronychus' Polearm skill is now at level 3!
            Abronychus' Melee Combat skill is now at level 2!
            Abronychus' Blocking skill is now at level 2!

 - Wounds: broken left leg status=untreated effects=severe pain (--actions), --movement, bleeding, faster tiring, tired (-actions)
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: Observation skill increased slightly. Riding skill increased slightly. Swordsmanship skill increased slightly. Blocking skill increased moderately. Dodging skill increased slightly
            Zak's Blocking skill is now at level 2!
Today's Toady Tip: 3 and 4 are not the same number.
How borgly is your borgle's borgle?
The Minister of BEEEES! and of The Great Charter for the Toady Protectorate!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #392 on: December 27, 2008, 01:24:38 am »

I this turn, in order:

Swear long and loud.
Try to communicate whit those in the other cells.
Study the surroundings a bit more in detail to figure out as much as possible about those that built it and it's history. (architecture and archaeology)
try to pick the lock, if I am unable to find any tools for it I always have claws.
So says Armok, God of blood.

Duke 2.0

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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #393 on: December 27, 2008, 03:17:53 am »

 Astor asks the Shaman what the heck is going on. If for some reason we hit a patch of boredom where nothing is accomplished, Astor practices magic. Specifically, moving an electric charge through his body.

 As said before, I'm not a fan of the 'I point at you, things explode!" schools of magic so much as bending the laws of the universe schools. And when you control the energy in your body, you can do amazing things. No, I do not expect any Qi attacks.
Buck up friendo, we're all on the level here.
I would bet money Andrew has edited things retroactively, except I can't prove anything because it was edited retroactively.


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #394 on: December 27, 2008, 04:34:58 am »

Ow, that leg needs to be taken care of.

I fix my leg quickly by putting it in back in position and attach a splint and ask for pain relief from the old man. I then grab my sword and head back and sneak attack any thing hostile.

Great turn by the way. :)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #395 on: December 27, 2008, 06:07:50 am »

Next Turn:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Man that turn was awesome. And not just because Gaweir kicked some Ghouls in the rear, hard. Okay. Maybe that had something to do with it.

*This fight isn't over until were sure every one of those sunzabitches are dead. So I think I'll reserve the turn after this one for directly healing people myself, repairing, and the like, and use this turn to clear the area of hostiles.

^-And if possible direct a few villagers around here in gathering the Rahn Inya bodies, and building a Pyre for them. We need to get this village cleaned up, armed, our party healed, our weapons and armour maintained for the next battle, and organize a WAR plan, not a battle plan. I'm commanding this party while Xix is gone, at least when we make any plan that involves battle. Don't like it, I'll take whoever wants to follow me, and overrun those bastards whereever they might be holding Xix. And I'll make that Old Man tell me where she is, what ever it takes. If we don't lead a force and take down that shaman ourselves, he'll cause hell for us. And as he's bound to have to many foot soldiers to take down by ourselves, we need to prepare....for war.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2008, 06:09:43 am by WorkerDrone »


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #396 on: December 27, 2008, 09:01:19 am »

I suppose since I can't actually leave for that village...

I'll pull Abronycus onto my back, as well as the other villager, and bring them somewhere safe. The villager can guard Abronycus while he's healing. I'll then come back for Gaweir, helping him defeat the giant.

He has a habit of being severely injured. I could be a mount too.


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #397 on: December 27, 2008, 11:59:56 am »

For those watchers, if any, who haven't read the turn, spots 7 and 8 are now open!

Also, I suspect Inaluct is either having computer trouble, or is off doing holiday things. But, once again, seems the upcoming turn would be straightforward for him anyway, so if you don't get to post you'll just rest up.
Today's Toady Tip: 3 and 4 are not the same number.
How borgly is your borgle's borgle?
The Minister of BEEEES! and of The Great Charter for the Toady Protectorate!


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #398 on: December 27, 2008, 04:32:25 pm »

For those watchers, if any, who haven't read the turn, spots 7 and 8 are now open!

Also, I suspect Inaluct is either having computer trouble, or is off doing holiday things. But, once again, seems the upcoming turn would be straightforward for him anyway, so if you don't get to post you'll just rest up.

I'd like to reserve a spot, how long until we are introduced, and would it be a problem if I was generally inactive for around a week?  I'm thinking it would be better not to join, but if we can get a way for my character to act properly it wouldn't be so bad.
I fully endorse the idea of mountain goats that hunt man.


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG - two new spots open!
« Reply #399 on: December 27, 2008, 05:27:56 pm »

You'll be introduced and able to take actions the next turn, and sure, you can be inactive for a week, just make sure to give a decent profile of some sort when you create your character, so I can get a general idea of what your character would normally do.
Today's Toady Tip: 3 and 4 are not the same number.
How borgly is your borgle's borgle?
The Minister of BEEEES! and of The Great Charter for the Toady Protectorate!


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG - two new spots open!
« Reply #400 on: December 27, 2008, 09:32:44 pm »

You'll be introduced and able to take actions the next turn, and sure, you can be inactive for a week, just make sure to give a decent profile of some sort when you create your character, so I can get a general idea of what your character would normally do.

Okay, here goes nothing..

Name: Jalthas
Race: Wolf-Man (We need more non-humans, so I'll put my option of dubious half-creativity to the test) race is omnivorous, but vastly prefers meat over plants.
Age: 20
Weight: Slightly heavier the nost of his race, Jalthas weighs around two-hundred and fifty pounds..  The average male weighs around two-hundred and twenty.
Height: Jalthis stands at five feet, eight inches, the average height for
his species.
Details: Completely covered in dark-grey fur speckled with lighter spots, a face very similar to that of a wolf with a slightly longer muzzle, golden eyes, short, thickly muscled arms, and long legs that end in vaguely paw-shaped feet.  He has a patch of lightly colored fur that goes across his chest from his right shoulder that ends around the center of his torso.  His hands end in blunt claws, though he is still capable of grasping objects as normal.  His feet also are bluntly clawed as well.  He tries to maintain an air of calm, but is easily annoyed, one of the reasons he's become so used to fighting unarmed.  His teeth are in very good shape, and he is willing to use them in a fight if necessary.
Strength: 32, around the average for his race.
Endurance: 28, he is tougher then most of his fellows. (the race average would be 20)
Stamina: 36, slightly higher then the race average of 32. 
Intelligence: 28 Due to his upbringing, he has little in knowledge or
literacy, though he can manage some writing.
Learning: 55, around the average for his race.
Wisdom: 40. 
Speed: 37, or around average for his race.
Agility: 52, or above average for his race.
Dexterity: 32, on the lower bounds of his races average.
Luck: 0

Movement: Fast movement (good skill)
Movement: Evasion (great skill)
Power: Unarmed combat (good skill)
Smarts: Language Comprehension (good skill)

Spells: None
Clothing/Armor: Wears a pair of thick cloth pants on his lower body, a pair of leather bracers on his arms, a canteen with a carrying strap worn on his upper body, and a leather belt with a short sheath fastened to it about his waist.

Items: A sharpened iron dagger is in the short sheath.

Background: Living on a world where his race co-existed with the humans relatively peacefully, Jalthas was raised in a small tribe that resided largely in the forests. When he was younger, he expressed interest in being a messenger, a profession he followed until his tribe was driven off by the humans over a disagreement about hunting grounds.  After this, his tribe never really recovered, and he began wandering.  Though he maintains an air of politeness towards those who do not mean him ill (likely an attitude from his days as a messenger), he is vicious when angered and is capable of causing serious damage with his claws.    (More may be added as I actually think about this.)


Let me know if anything is wrong with it or if I seem to have misunderstood anything, that sort of thing.  As far as my actions are concerned, if I am not introduced directly to the other groups, my character will try to stay out of sight and observe the situation. 
I will try to join the main group at the first possible opportunity, attempting to assist them and learn to communicate with them.  If injured, my character will try to pull back from any fighting unless others are severely injured already, in which case he will try to drag them away from the fighting.

EDIT: Some stats tweaked.
EDIT EDIT: Added another 60 or so seconds of thought to his background. 
« Last Edit: December 27, 2008, 11:38:32 pm by Golgath »
I fully endorse the idea of mountain goats that hunt man.


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG - one spot still open!
« Reply #401 on: December 27, 2008, 09:57:00 pm »

Just out of curiosity, you mention 'overpowered' in the first post, what constitutes this? For example, if I have a demi-god who is almost as strong as a dragon, but looks like a guy, is that different than just having a dragon?

I'd like to join this game. Just as soon as I read all of the already posted pages . . . ;D
Even the avatars expire eventually.

Duke 2.0

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Re: Vaiolis' RPG - one spot still open!
« Reply #402 on: December 27, 2008, 09:57:47 pm »

 Hmm, on par with the rest of the group?
Buck up friendo, we're all on the level here.
I would bet money Andrew has edited things retroactively, except I can't prove anything because it was edited retroactively.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG - one spot still open!
« Reply #403 on: December 27, 2008, 10:02:57 pm »

Just out of curiosity, you mention 'overpowered' in the first post, what constitutes this? For example, if I have a demi-god who is almost as strong as a dragon, but looks like a guy, is that different than just having a dragon?
You have been banned from the internet for the following reason(s):

Improper use of brain

Duke 2.0

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Re: Vaiolis' RPG - one spot still open!
« Reply #404 on: December 27, 2008, 10:07:54 pm »

 Now now, don't be rough.

 We can do this without insulting anybody. Come now bay 12, you can do this.
Buck up friendo, we're all on the level here.
I would bet money Andrew has edited things retroactively, except I can't prove anything because it was edited retroactively.
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