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Author Topic: Vaiolis' RPG - the old one!  (Read 45735 times)


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #255 on: December 08, 2008, 09:43:03 pm »

Once again, no turn. Been quite sick today, sorry :-\ should be better by tomorrow, or the day after though.
Today's Toady Tip: 3 and 4 are not the same number.
How borgly is your borgle's borgle?
The Minister of BEEEES! and of The Great Charter for the Toady Protectorate!

Duke 2.0

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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #256 on: December 08, 2008, 09:51:29 pm »

 Seems everybody I know has been sick except me. Now the internet itself has it.

 Sounds like a good time for a singleplayer game binge.
Buck up friendo, we're all on the level here.
I would bet money Andrew has edited things retroactively, except I can't prove anything because it was edited retroactively.


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #257 on: December 09, 2008, 07:06:03 pm »

*sigh* still quite sick. I promise, however, to make a turn tomorrow, regardless of health. Unless I'm hospitalized. But even then, I'll make sure my laptop comes with me :P
Today's Toady Tip: 3 and 4 are not the same number.
How borgly is your borgle's borgle?
The Minister of BEEEES! and of The Great Charter for the Toady Protectorate!


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #258 on: December 09, 2008, 08:35:15 pm »

If you are hospitalized then you will have plenty of time to make turns since you have nothing else you can do!


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #259 on: December 09, 2008, 08:52:43 pm »

NO. Bad Zako. *Swats Zako with a rolled up newspaper*


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #260 on: December 10, 2008, 06:41:37 am »

Im sorry, Im sorry! Forgive me!!


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #261 on: December 10, 2008, 07:14:47 pm »


That is all.

No, not really. Turn will be up within 2 hours or so, depending on if I finish it by then or not. If I don't finish it before 3 hours, I will finish it after 3 hours. Obvious post is obvious.

Feeling much better. Turns should continue as normal since, luckily, little to no work was missed after two days. Besides turns, that is.
Today's Toady Tip: 3 and 4 are not the same number.
How borgly is your borgle's borgle?
The Minister of BEEEES! and of The Great Charter for the Toady Protectorate!


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #262 on: December 10, 2008, 09:42:47 pm »

Another talkative turn. Mainly because a certain old man is a bit more obsessed with magic than he ought to be...

As a note, for magic, as the skills were not set for a while and I only just recently had them in, you'll find some characters have new skill attributes. Well, no, not some. Just Xix, who gained concentration from her staff use. If anyone would like any magic skills added in for their characters, let me know! Good with fire spells, casting in general, use of enchanted items (concentration), etc. As I've said, don't be afraid to be creative with it. You never know what you might end up with!

I'm also going to make magic a separate skill category. There are just too many skills associated with it, and already many with smarts.

And one last congratulations to Gaweir, who is finally cured of effects! Still has a cracked head, but now it hardly fazes him!

Turn 14
Group 1: Flat, Astor, Xix, Gaweir, Abronychus, Zak
Flat: I'll offer some more rides for flying. Maybe I can practice some aerial stunts, too... Maybe without people riding the first time, to figure if it's safe.
Astor: I investigate the old man for anything that I could use or practice. My old home valued magic men, and I feel it would be best to use such power to save my home and family.
Xix: I question him some more on the specifics, like how the obelisks work, what resources the Rahn inya posses, and some multiversal physics questions he wont understand. I then go and check the stuff on the web and try to figure out more specifically how it works whit different universes and what technique they are most likely using. I then follow the list.
Gaweir: I'll relax again, but also try and get some pen and paper, and try and draw a picture of Flat as he's flying. The Villagers seem to be entranced with him anyway. Should I do well enough, I don't see why some lucky villager wouldn't jump at the chance to buy it.
Abronychus: I search high and low for signs of amphibious fish like lungfish and mudskippers. If there aren't any, I stack up rocks inside the HQ, or something.
Zak: After resting for a bit, I then decide to go to the leather shop, see what they have and their prices. I then go to the blacksmith and do the same thing. If I can I then buy a leather helm and then a steel helm to go over top of it. I also ask if the blacksmith can attach some steel plates to my armor focusing on the groin, lower body and neck.

"Hold on. I'll admit, it is a disturbing story, however it seems highly unlikely, near impossible. But, its the only guess we have now. Could you at least tell me how these obelisks work?"
"Er, I assume they work just as any teleportational magic works, only much more potent. All magical objects have a base within them, or are enchanted themselves, for their power source. The source for the obelisks is either the keystone, or the orb on top. If it's the orb, that keystone is about the same as... hmm..."
"A wire, like my laptop. It's a conductor, it finishes the circuit for the flow of magic to the orb, which is like the battery. Is that what you mean?"
"Er, sure, that works, whatever you say."
"Wait, so how can the Rahn inya be a threat then? How can they be appearing if they require a keystone in the obelisk to use it? Wouldn't they all be stuck either in the volcano, or in these so-called other universes...?"
"I am not a seer, nor a prophet, Xix. I don't know everything!"
"But you do know many things. And I need to know as much as I can."
"Right. Well, I suppose that would either mean another obelisk is completed somewhere out there, perhaps a Rahn inya came from the blue obelisk without us knowing and snuck off to complete the others. Or perhaps there is another way to their volcanic lair."
"You said before that new Rahn inya are appearing. How can this be? What kind of power do they have? Is there a limit?"
"I would say they are gaining more magic for more potent teleportation, but it would be used in such an event. Thus, they must be able to harness magic, gain more of it, but never reduce their current amount. As if, when they add to their reserve of it, it grows, but when they take from it, nothing goes away. If that's true, we're in deeper trouble then I imagined."
"Infinitely gaining power? That is physically impossible. It must be something else."
"I'm sorry. All I have to work with is guessing, and if you ask me these are quite believable guesses."
"Hardly... but anyways, are there any non-material differences in these universes? Changes in physics? Differentiations between their universal gravitational constants, things like that?"
"Nice speaking to you Xix. Once again, good luck!"

The man quickly ran back to his hut, with, for his apparent age, impressive speed, and closed the hut's door. Xix grumbled slightly, partly for the lack of answers, partly for their stupidity, and partly for their own HQ not having a door.

While Xix returned to the HQ, preparing to perform further internet searches, and Gaweir borrowed a single piece of paper and Xix's pen, Astor followed behind the old man as he went into his hut. Knocking on the door a few times, wishing to be courteous and thus, hopefully, increase his chances of success, Astor came into the hut to find the man hastily writing on a scroll in many runes, apparently creating a scroll. Astor came up to him, closing the door behind himself, and motioned for his attention. The robed man looked up, apparently quite annoyed.

"Yes... what is it?"
"Oh! Erm, sory to bother you, but... well... you see, I wanted to-"
"I'm busy here, out with it! Or out with you!"
"Sorry! What I mean is, I was wondering if you would be able to teach me magic, or perhaps help me practice wi-"

Astor's eyes opened widely and he backed a bit as the man suddenly looked quite excited.

"Why didn't you say so! Of course I'll help you out, it'd be my pleasure!"

Astor smiled slightly, still shocked by the outburst, but glad it wasn't of anger. The old man quickly rolled up the scroll and put some sort of blue ribbon around it, keeping it from unbundling, and began to collect many things from around his workshop. The first of which was a plain looking, yet smooth staff. After the staff, he grabbed a large square piece of what seemed to be blue wood, a few tomes, a pile of clothes, and, lastly, a small bag of powder. Afterward, he quickly opened the door and pushed Astor out and followed, then hastily brought him behind his hut. There was little to remark, aside from it being nice and flat dirt, and a good sized area clear of foliage. The man went out to the woods, grabbed a few branches, came back, and somehow managed the two branches to stay upright, where he then hung the blue piece of wood.

"You can be my apprentice! It's about time someone was interested in the arts. Too many think swords are all a hero is made of, when the caster can out-fight a warrior any day! Well, if the caster is trained properly that is. But that's why you're here! Put on these clothes, they'll set you in the right feel of things. And the robe's length will be a considerable improvement in some areas for sure!"

The speed of the man's talking nearly led Astor to believe he was insane, but he agreed to try to clothes anyway, and reentered the man's hut to change. Meanwhile, Abronychus was wandering around the village, apparently searching, Flat was flying high with two villagers at once, Gaweir was watching Flat intently and scribbling on a page, and Zak, getting up from a quick rest, proceeded to enter the leather shop. Inside, the smell of tanned leather was a bit overwhelming, but it fazed him little. He walked up to a man at a wooden counter, and questioned him.

"Excuse me. I was wondering what you have to sell?"
"Hello. We have quite the variety, this season has been most plentiful, even with the attacks. We have leather shoes, pants, shirts, gloves, and helmets! We also custom craft armor for those who desire it, but it usually isn't needed, as we keep a large stock of many sizes! If you're interested, we also have neck guards, wrist guards, vambraces, shin guards, belts, and, with the recent surplus, we have crafted some quite exquisite armor, extra padded for added defense! A bit less mobile, but still good! Interested?"
"In the armor, no thanks. However, I would like to purchase a helmet. How much would one cost?"
"Our caps and coifs cost but a measly one stone! If you would like one of our thicker helmets, which are also far more decorative, might I add, it would cost two."
"Alright, thank you. I may purchase one later."

Zak left the building and proceeded over to the blacksmiths. When he entered, he saw the smithy was hard at work pumping bellows.

"Excuse me. I was wondering what you have for sale?"

The woman turned around, apparently a bit startled, but then smiled.

"Most of my armors are custom made, but I do have a small range of weapons and shields. Let me see... I have a few bucklers, made with iron personally smelted by me, and crafted with oak. I also have metal shields, mainly of iron, although I do have one steel shield which is decorated a bit. As for weapons, I have short swords, daggers, long swords, maces, a few farming and other tools, spears, and a maul. None of those are too exceptional, I'm mainly an armor smith. As for armor, I have a few iron pieces around, but as I said, most of it is custom made."
"Alright. And what are the costs?"
"My bucklers are all a stone each. The full metal shields are two, with the steel shield three. The weapons are all two, except for the maul which is three, and the daggers and short swords, which are one. As for other armor pieces, basic armor is one, aside from the breast plate which is two, sometimes three. Decorated armor can go up to ten stones, or two square pieces, and my best works can go up to fifty if you're looking for exceptional quality. Although, by the looks of your bird friend, which the likes of has never been seen before, you have most of this village's currency inside it!"
"Yes, I guess he does like to be the center of attention. How much would a steel helmet cost me?"
"Of steel? Well, a simple cap would be two, however a chain link helmet would be three, and a full plate four. If you want it decorated, add in one or two, or more if you want something of exceptional quality."
"Okay, thanks. I may buy one later on. Also, would you be able to attach steel plates to my armor? Mainly in the groin, lower body, and neck area."
"Sure, that would be little trouble at all! For steel, and with covering those areas... I'd estimate about four stones. Maybe three, or five. And, of course, extra stone for anything decorated."

As Zak left the hut, returning to the HQ to wait for Flat to finish his rounds, Astor left the old man's hut, fully dressed in his new garb. It consisted of a blue robe, with large sleeves, wooden sandals, a pair of white gloves, and a blue hood, which Astor kept off his head. After bringing his original clothing to the HQ, disappointed in having to change his look, he returned to behind the hut, where the old man was waiting with a wide smile.

"Ah! You look fit to blast a tree apart already! But let's not get ahead of ourselves. There are a few basic parts to magic. There is casting, which creates magic, free to move. Then there is enchanting, which imbues magic into an object. I'm quite fair at enchanting, but my main area is casting. There is also alchemy, but I'd hardly call it magical. Some casters, however, prefer to call it as such. But anyways, we care little for it. Alchemy and enchanting are fairly straightforward as far as I'm concerned. Of course, with casting, there are many more levels. There is magic which can be thrown at foes, or used to help yourself. There is magic which can burn with fire, or strike with stone. There is magic which explodes on impact, or splashes at others. The possibilities are nearly endless! Then there are those who practice its use, and those who devote their lives simply to discovering all there is to know! But, once again, let's not get ahead of ourselves. You're new to magic, and thus we must show you many of its simple forms. You can decide to cast whatever you feel like, or specialize in a specific area. Whichever. I'm far too excited to continue my lecture, let us begin!"

Astor was, once again, a bit overwhelmed by the rate of his speaking, but he generally understood what he said. The old man held out the staff to Astor, who took it and held it, waiting for instruction.

"Once an object is enchanted, it's fairly easy to use its abilities. Just concentrate on something, using the enchanted item, and if possible, the item you hold will do its thing! For instance, this staff here will throw out a bolt of energy. Like a miniature lightning strike. Go ahead, try it out on the wood piece over there!"

Astor did as he was told and, pointing the staff towards the blue piece of wood, concentrated on it. Nearly instantly, a somewhat loud crack was heard as a bolt shot forth from the staff. Astor watched as the piece of wood swayed to and fro, a slight cloud of dust from the ground clouding around it, but the wood was nearly undamaged, aside from being nearly undetectably slightly darker.

"See? Simple! Well, actually, it takes more than just enchanting it to create energy at that point. Otherwise it would have just amassed a great deal of energy and probably shocked yourself. Risky business enchanting can be, if you don't know what you're doing. However, mistakes can often lead to impressive discoveries! Such as a man I knew, who designed a fireball hurling staff, but the problem was he never actually had it throw the fireball! However, without it moving, it made a fine trap to place in the air, eventually exploding after a while. Same with casting too, but that's why you have those gloves on! They'll make sure you can't cast on anything living. Thus, don't wear them unless you're practicing on this wooden board, or some other inanimate object. So, ready to try out reading a scroll?"

On the internet, Xix was still having difficulty finding any connections. The internet still seemed identical to the internet she remembered from home. Same technologies, same people, same events. Well, not the same events. Time seemed to be continuing as usual there. But it didn't make any sense. Xix knew, obviously, this couldn't be any parallel dimension. No such thing existed. It couldn't be a lapse in time. Slightly more believable, but apparently the satellites her computer connected to were still orbiting. And it couldn't be the same place as before. She couldn't be dreaming, could she? Xix tried to think, to see if she could remember being in some sort of accident, possibly she was in a hospital, unconscious. But no, this was far too real. Xix searched the names of her friends, Rahn inya, checked maps, but nothing would come up. Then she got an idea. She knew of one connection between this world and hers. She was here.

Looking up her own name, Xix surfed through a good deal of sites, most simply displaying off-topic results, until she found what she needed. Apparently, her name came up in a government site, but it was restricted. She had a quick glimpse of being a test subject to some new disease, and passing out while being tested, and thus dreaming, but she thought it highly improbable. Using what tools she had, she attempted to find a way into the site, possibly find out why her name was mentioned, but the search for the password could take many hours, even days, or weeks. Regardless, she started up a program which would try every possible password, from aaaaaaaaaaaa to zzzzzzzzzzzz, as well as numbers. She then found herself becoming somewhat sleepy, yawning, and decided to continue searching online as her program ran.

While Xix did this, Gaweir continued to scribble a decent picture of Flat, high in the sky, the tops of trees just barely visible, his shape somewhat hidden by the sun which was directly behind him, his wings outward with a single passenger cheering on top, arms raised.
Spoiler: picture (click to show/hide)
While Gaweir made finishing touches, Flat had since stopped taking passengers, and began to put his flying abilities to the limits, twisting, turning, flipping, and diving through the air. It all occurred with little error, aside from an accidental dive-bomb into the ground. Aside from a bad headache, Flat was perfectly fine. A bit after beginning to fly after the crash, he came back to the ground and stopped, the headache giving him a tough time.


 - Wounds: bruised head effects=tired (-actions), fairly full, severe headache (-actions), sleepy
 - Inventory: Given Green Triangle (4)
 - Skills: Flying skill increased moderately. Gliding skill increased moderately. Carrying skill increased greatly. Precision Flying skill increased moderately

 - Wounds: lightly bruised effects=sleepy
 - Inventory: Worn/Held inventory placed in HQ. Given Apprentice's Outfit (robe, gloves, sandals, hood). Given Weak Staff of Thunder
 - Skills: Concentration skill increased slightly

 - Wounds: none effects=sleepy
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: Concentration skill increased moderately. Researching skill increased moderately.

 - Wounds: cracked skull status=treated effects=sleepy
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: Drawing skill increased moderately

 - Wounds: lightly bruised effects=tired, sleepy
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: Observation skill increased moderately

 - Wounds: none effects=tired
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: none
Today's Toady Tip: 3 and 4 are not the same number.
How borgly is your borgle's borgle?
The Minister of BEEEES! and of The Great Charter for the Toady Protectorate!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #263 on: December 10, 2008, 09:59:29 pm »

I give a stirring speech to whoever and whatever will listen. Snails are an acceptable audience, but making the speech 'stirring' is more important. Like any good speaker, I keep my eyes on the surroundings and the village. The subject of my speech is heroism and the value of human courage, and why we plan to pursue and kill a great ancient evil.

I don't expect you to actually write a speech about that.  :P

Arr, ignore that, matey.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2008, 07:32:23 pm by inaluct »


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #264 on: December 10, 2008, 10:05:52 pm »

« Last Edit: December 11, 2008, 12:42:54 am by WorkerDrone »

Duke 2.0

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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #265 on: December 10, 2008, 11:41:42 pm »

 While Astor does not carry his inventory now, when he gets his stuff back he will try to modify the robe to allow him to run. Cutting off the bottom of the robe to knee-height and removing most of the sleeves being the priorities of this attempt. Remember, this is when he gets his stuff back, and not a specific action.

 For now, he asks the old man to teach him the secrets of lightning. Not just hurling bolts of the stuff recklessly, but more intimate things. Yes, he wants to be a bit more in depth than some brute spellfighter who just wants to throw fireballs at things.
 And while he does not know these things, I think magnetic fields(Detection of anything using electricity, including living things), charging his muscles for added strength, shocking as to remove strength from muscles of his choosing(Specifically, opponents) and eventually getting so used to lightning that he can become it briefly. Anything interesting electricity does to the natural world and how creatures use it.

 A quick deadly force of nature. Perfect for Astor.
Buck up friendo, we're all on the level here.
I would bet money Andrew has edited things retroactively, except I can't prove anything because it was edited retroactively.


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #266 on: December 10, 2008, 11:42:49 pm »

Hmm... Well, I'm done with flying for a bit. I go up to the blacksmith and ask for some armor! Maybe she can make it! Something that I can fly in, and run in still, as well as hold people, but it could protect me.

((Also, I only got 4 Triangles from that. Man, nobody is forkin' up anymore.))


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #267 on: December 11, 2008, 12:06:05 am »

So says Armok, God of blood.


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #268 on: December 11, 2008, 12:27:32 am »

Zak takes the required amount of stones to buy a thick leather helm, steel helm and steel plates to the groin and neck. He then buys these and has them attached/fitted immedately. He then talks to the old man after Astor is done with him and asks about enchantments that can be put onto his boots, focusing on speed, agility, endurance and specifically absorbing impacts from landing from a large height.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #269 on: December 11, 2008, 12:37:32 am »

Zak takes the required amount of stones to buy a thick leather helm, steel helm and steel plates to the groin and neck. He then buys these and has them attached/fitted immedately. He then talks to the old man after Astor is done with him and asks about enchantments that can be put onto his boots, focusing on speed, agility, endurance and specifically absorbing impacts from landing from a large height.
From whom? Me? Bah! I need armor!
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