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Author Topic: Vaiolis' RPG - the old one!  (Read 45679 times)

Duke 2.0

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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #90 on: November 27, 2008, 10:46:30 am »

 I suppose my character did well because these enemies(creatures? People?) were quick little buggers, and my character is the demon of speed. But dagger skill only increased slightly? He stabbed more people than a prisoner with a chip on his shoulder and a broken piece of glass.

 For the next turn, my character looks at the people looting the shamans body disgust and heads over to the dieing guy. Perhaps he should suggest scouting around, and heading back after a good five to tehn minute romp of the surroundings. Of course, only if others agree to let him do that.

 Edit: Screw that, my character isw tired. After sitting down for a breather and looking around for some stones, then he asks to scout around. He isn't the smarts of this operation, but he knows when to rest us.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2008, 10:49:14 am by Duke 2.0 »
Buck up friendo, we're all on the level here.
I would bet money Andrew has edited things retroactively, except I can't prove anything because it was edited retroactively.


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #91 on: November 27, 2008, 11:19:15 am »

Wow, I can already write turn 5 :D

Before I do that, though, I'll answer up some stuff...

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And Duke, sorry for your dagger skill, you were too effective :P While other people made multiple attempts to hit enemies and kill them, and thus used their weapons more, you nearly always took one jump, one stab, one kill. It was on the higher side of slightly, though, you were only 2 points off from moderate.

And finally, Zako, that is perfect! I was about to complain about you choosing only 2 skills, but parkour mixes multiple, so I'll just break that up and you'll be good. I'll add you in, and then later today I'll get turn 5 up. It's Thanksgiving here, so you know, family stuff to do and such.

EDIT: err, scratch that. You missed your Dexterity stat :P
« Last Edit: November 27, 2008, 11:24:12 am by Vaiolis »
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #92 on: November 27, 2008, 04:59:30 pm »

A map has been added to the first post. Since a full map of the world would get very large, I've cut it into 250x250 pixel images, and all those will be posted separately. It's just below the last character sheet.

(Hope those colors are better, I switched all name colors to hexadecimal just to keep it nice and even)

Turn 5
Group 1: Flat, Astor, Xix, Gaweir, Abronychus
Flat: I eat the body of the one I had slain, then help carry the dead/people to their village. Also, I talk to Gaweir, since no one else can understand me.
Astor: After sitting down for a breather and looking around for some stones, I ask to scout around.
Xix: I try to prevent anyone from going off before we've been able to organize a bit, I do naturally in this take a leader position but I don't imply so directly, or claim anything, and try to remain humble and unobtrusive etc. I try again to make sure everyone knows what's going on, and urge everyone to share any observations they have made. I write down what's known in my notebook and also sketch a quick map, the map and writing down I do while doing the talking. I try to do these things as fast as possible, maybe 5-10 minutes depending on how much people have to say. I also warn those that might not figure so themselves that everyone should stay within sight from each other and not wander off alone. For examining the shaman with Kogar, I take everything that seems magical and stuff it in my backpack.
Gaweir: I examine the remains of the Shaman to see if anything is abnormal, after absently paying respect to Kogar. I bring Xix along, as she seems to be the brains of the opperation, and try and find something strange or abnormal on the magic wielding creature. When thats done, I say that we move on, before we encounter anything else keen on killing us, to the village.
Abronychus: I follow along to the village, but I take the shaman's trinkets. We can smash them into powder and throw them in the ocean later, assuming the villagers are okay with that. I let Gaweir examine the corpse first, though. I also discuss the possibility that the great evil we set out to destroy might be related to the strange group of creatures we just encountered. If the remaining native warriors seem to want to carry their dead back to the village, I'll help. I'll also converse with FLAT. That way, I might learn to speak Giant Bird.

After the battle seemed over, the entire party began to slowly untense. Gaweir walked over to the spear man, putting his arm over his shoulder and comforting him, silently praying to Kogar as well.

"We should try to stick together as much as possible. I'm sure you all noticed how out of hand things began to get once one person ran off alone..."

Xix, Gaweir, and Abronychus went over to the now dead shaman, looking over his corpse. A multitude of objects adorned his figure, many of them skulls and bones of presumably slain enemies, to show his power. However, he did have a few off-looking trinkets which looked more like objects of value. While they started to examine them cautiously, Flat walked off a short bit to find his kill. Surprisingly, the creature had lived, and was now resting with severe pain in a thick, leafy bush. Flat took little notice of this and dismembered him with his beak, before eating the pieces. The meat was extremely bitter, however its taste suggested there was a multitude of nutrients in the meal.

Watching the three party members fumbling with the trinkets, Astor laid down, resting his back on an old, mostly dead tree. Looking up, he saw the sun was no longer in the center of the sky, and had moved a decent bit. It hd probably been around an hour or so since waking from the shipwreck. He promptly closed his eyes and took a nap.

"Alright, so now that we have a moment of peace, lets try and figure out what's going on here. Currently... we know that the volcano is the presumable place that these creatures are coming from, and we can also assume that they are the evil beings, not these tribal people. They have what look to be shaman, so they may be more earth-orientated, possibly they are planning some sort of sacrifice or ritual? Or perhaps they are just pure evil, who knows. No, seriously, does anyone here know anything more?"

The party members looked at each other, frowning and shaking their heads. Xix sighed, but then Flat "spoke."


Flat began to rant with a series of chirps and calls. Gaweir raised an eyebrow, trying to determine what Flat was saying.

"Err... Flat says that, while flying above, he saw many towers around the island, most of them showing signs of age."
"Or being under siege, for that matter. They might be allies to this tribe, possibly more advanced ones, who have been sieged by these Rahn inya as well."
"Or they might just be old ruins from a civilization that died out..."
"True. We'll get to that later, though, let's see what this shaman has to offer..."

The party, aside from Astor, who still slept peacefully, began to rummage through the shaman's things. Xix took the two rings it had on its right hand, both of them made of stone, but encrusted with a green and a yellow gem, the green one square shaped and the yellow one an oval. Gaweir grabbed a small pouch it kept in a pocket, filled with some sort of dust. He dared not open it, in case it were dangerous. Abronychus took a stone talisman and a scroll it kept. The talisman was in the shape of an Ankh, but the loop side was filled in (no empty space between), and this filled loop shape was found on both ends. It was painted with some sort of dark blue, which bordered it, and had text inscribed into it in the same color. Flat, using his beak, took an amulet off of the shaman's neck, and, lifting his head, wore it. It was of simple design; a string with a stone circle. The circle had four small metal studs on it, evenly spaced apart, near the edges.

Once all the worth-while objects were taken, the party left the body, moving back over to Astor. Flat nudged Gaweir, and asked if Gaweir had any idea what his trinket did. Gaweir just shrugged his shoulders, unsure of what any of the items did. Approaching the spear man, Gaweir tapped his shoulder and, pointing to his pouch, did his best to inquire of what it was. The spear man took it from him and looked carefully, but was just as well unsure, and returned it.

"Dereken jondi bu'klen nondis. Kogar condrin entru."
"He says that he would not know about such things. Kogar, however, would."
"Wait, hold on... Xix, you said we were not on the same planet? Perhaps this island is supposed to be off the planet, maybe these creatures are the ones we were sent to fight!"
"That's possible, but wouldn't someone have found this disconnected-from-our-planet island before then? Unless... those who did find it never came back to tell the tale..."

Silence came afterwards. Flat gently lifted Kogar's fried body and placed him on his back, along with Abronychus who helped to keep him from falling off. On the ground, Flat noticed a light blue flower, fairly small, with a yellow color on the inside of the blue petals. Gaweir noticed it as well, and took it, if for nothing else except remembrance of Kogar. Noticing movement, Astor got up, but told them to wait quickly as he went and grabbed a few of the stones he had fired before, along with a few more. They were of worse quality, but not enough to cause much of a difference. Returning, the party began to set off once again, first tracing their steps from the jungle back to the path they had first been on.

Finding the path again with little more to tell, the party took one last moment to rest. The spear man looked down towards the nearby village, making sure it was still alright most likely. Xix, suddenly remembering the soundless head that she had thrown, looked back towards the beach. She squinted her eyes slightly.

"Hey, wait... is there someone down there, approaching us?"


Group 2: Zak
Zak: (no action for first turn upon joining)

After a few minutes of resting, his breath caught, Zak stood up from the sand, looking about to see what there was to see. However, there was little to see. Just a bunch of boring sand, and a scattering of broken planks of wood covering the beach. Oh, hold on, and also a... disgusting-looking head. Zak frowned slightly and started to trudge up the beach, noticing a line of trees. Looking closer, he noticed a path leading through them, and straight forward from it, a clearing, with what looked to be huts - a village perhaps. He took a moment more to stare at the sight, determining what might be there, until something large, gold, and blue blocked his view. He noticed, with shock, it was a giant bird! A few more entities came from the jungle, luckily none seemed to be watching him. He dove onto the beach, laying down, and becoming completely out of view in the sand.


 - Wounds: Pierced wing status=partially treated effects=flying penalty (--flying)
 - Inventory: Found a Stone Amulet. Ate a decent-sized meal
 - Skills: Carrying skill increased slightly

 - Wounds: none
 - Inventory: Found 5 Smooth Stones
 - Skills: none

 - Wounds: none
 - Inventory: Found a Stone Ring (encrusted with square green gem). Found a Stone Ring (encrusted with an oval yellow gem)
 - Skills: none

 - Wounds: none
 - Inventory: Found a Small Pouch (with dust (3))
 - Skills: Language skill increased slightly. Language Comprehension skill increased slightly
            Gaweir's Language Comprehension skill is now at level 2!

 - Wounds: Light scratches effects=tired
 - Inventory: Found a Stone Talisman. Found a Scroll
 - Skills: none

 - Wounds: none
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: none
« Last Edit: November 27, 2008, 05:01:04 pm by Vaiolis »
Today's Toady Tip: 3 and 4 are not the same number.
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The Minister of BEEEES! and of The Great Charter for the Toady Protectorate!


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #93 on: November 27, 2008, 05:11:01 pm »

Hurrah! We have looted a corpse!

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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #94 on: November 27, 2008, 05:16:23 pm »

Next Turn:

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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #95 on: November 27, 2008, 07:07:17 pm »

This is great, you got the exact natural level of bossiness/non-bossiness I intended. ;)
Ugh, another human? -.-

I send Astor down to the beach to see what it was moving there
I take Gaweir, Abronychus and "the Chocobo" (What? I actually dislike those games and have never played them, Xix is another story in that matter...) whit me to the village.
"I already HAVE a plan of action, once I put it into Flowchart4d.exe I'll show you."
If I get time over from conversation and can do it while walking, I take out the rings and try to "feel" around them to see what they do and at least if they really are magical. (should be the skill that... I somehow left out when crating the char but thought I didn't, well she know how to use the staff that's really the same thing.)
In the village, using Abronychus Gaweir as a translator I try to get some hut for us to use as a base, if time left of the turn (unlikely) I set up my laptop in there, using the telekinesis wand to mount the Solar Cell Charger on the roof.

((that should be what I have to say, I might want to change some part when the rest of peaple post their turns and I have that naging feeling of having forgotten something, but both those are unlikely so this should be my turn most likely.))
« Last Edit: November 27, 2008, 08:02:18 pm by Armok »
So says Armok, God of blood.


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #96 on: November 27, 2008, 07:39:02 pm »

You do realise that Gaweir now had the highest Language, and Language Comprehension skill level at the moment now, right? Well okay Flat has a higher Comprehension. But I can talk.

And yeah, another good turn.


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #97 on: November 27, 2008, 08:08:39 pm »

I was hoping that I would get to try and act as a translator without understanding the language I was translating to.  :P

It would have been cool. We would have asked for a hut, and the villagers would have brought us a whale's jawbone, or something.


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #98 on: November 27, 2008, 08:13:13 pm »

Alright, I'll get a scale in, or at least state one. And sorry 'bout the scimitar, I thought you just used it to decapitate, then dropped it :P

As far as the math goes for the head... let's see...
450N/3kg (approx. weight of a head, I'm guessing) = 150m/s2 acceleration (Dang, I underestimated the staff ;D)
but, its force changes with distance, so at 9m its 230N...
230N/3kg = ~76m/s2
and finally... 15m is 90N...
90N/3kg = 30m/s2

Hmm... it seems my concept of physics has slipped me, I can't remember how to get time when you have force and distance... could anyone give me a refresher on the equation? Or rather the series of equations needed, whichever it is.
Today's Toady Tip: 3 and 4 are not the same number.
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #99 on: November 27, 2008, 08:29:32 pm »

I carry Abronycus while following everyone. I'll run ahead too, because running is fun. If I get too far ahead, I'll run back to the group and keep doing that! Hope Abronycus has fun.


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #100 on: November 27, 2008, 08:36:24 pm »

I just added dexterity to my character, and for my action:

Zak decides to follow them and identify what their purposes are. He will keep hidden though.


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #101 on: November 27, 2008, 08:43:42 pm »

450N/3kg (approx. weight of a head, I'm guessing) = 150m/s2 acceleration (Dang, I underestimated the staff ;D)
What I thought.  ;)

Edit: while I'd hardly call it inactive, this thread seems less active than it have been the last few days...
« Last Edit: November 27, 2008, 11:40:37 pm by Armok »
So says Armok, God of blood.


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #102 on: November 28, 2008, 12:43:47 am »

Fun Facts: Things You May Not Have Noticed Yet

- Despite being 7'6" and having the body of a lion, Xix is the only character with the word "attractive" in her profile.
- Astor is 10 points away from being as fast as a giant bird.
- Gaweir is the only person with experience in "Intimidation." Bizarrely enough, he  also has three levels in "Compassion." No one else in the group has either skill.
-We have a giant bird with us.
- Both Zako and I have characters with dark brown hair, green eyes, and pale skin. We have the two lowest Strength scores in the group. Coincidence? I think not. Xix comes in 3rd to last, despite weighing 350 pounds and being over seven feet tall.
- If F.L.A.T. were to try and fly while carrying everyone, he would have to be able to carry roughly 900 pounds of passenger. 550 without Xix. 420 without my character or Xix (my character can swim. Ha!). Translation: If we're being flooded in some place where flight is required for escape, Xix is screwed and F.L.A.T. is going to have to either take multiple trips or make some tough decisions. But I'm ready for that, because my character can swim and breathe water.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2008, 12:51:50 am by inaluct »


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #103 on: November 28, 2008, 01:38:41 am »

I only choose green eyes as its the first thing that came into my haed and you can tow some of us away if you can.


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #104 on: November 28, 2008, 04:28:52 am »

These are not the droids your looking for.

Inaluct: These are not the droids I'm looking for...

Move along.

Inaluct: Move along.

*Whispers to everyone else* That was close...
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