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Author Topic: Vaiolis' RPG - the old one!  (Read 45694 times)


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #360 on: December 19, 2008, 01:41:40 pm »

Alright, caught myself up

For the XYZ thing, I'm not positive, but I think you mean let you just hang around and do non-plot-advancing things. Yes, that's fine, if I forced the plot on everyone, rather than allowing free-form actions, you'd be miles away by now. Of course, even if I don't force the plot on you, the plot will force itself. The Rahn inya are not going to just stand by and wait for you to come :P

As for wing it vs. strategy, I've got a basic understanding of how everyone fights, and could use that. Actual strategy would help me out, and would definitely help everyone team up a bit more, but then again, time spent making strategies is time not spent moving forward, or reinforcing the HQ, or getting food, or training, or anything else.

So... turn by... sometime. By tonight would be nice, good chances, but I give up on guesstimating (firefox says that's a word! I never knew) when they come, what with the seemingly random appearances of work that I have to do at times.
Today's Toady Tip: 3 and 4 are not the same number.
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The Minister of BEEEES! and of The Great Charter for the Toady Protectorate!


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #361 on: December 20, 2008, 12:19:39 am »

Despite what you think Vaiolis, you seem to be posting the updates quite enough. In fact, I'd say you put away time just so you can get an update up for us. Though I have to concede, writting a story isn't boreing. It's fun. So I suppose were not the only ones lapping up all of that fun you produce.

But, erm, seriously, its not like your waiting two weeks then come back all of the sudden and post an update. While I on the other hand, postponed a story for a month at this point. Speaking of which, I got writers block with Letz Get Lootin'. No idea at all what to do. What? I'm ranting? Well I'd better stop...

At somepoint.


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #362 on: December 20, 2008, 12:58:12 pm »

Hehe, alright, that makes me feel a little better :P

Still gonna stick to updates as frequent as possible though, cause its fun. By tonight is very likely, the weather forecast says all the upcoming snow will be here Sunday, not today. Plus all the painting is done. Huzzah!
Today's Toady Tip: 3 and 4 are not the same number.
How borgly is your borgle's borgle?
The Minister of BEEEES! and of The Great Charter for the Toady Protectorate!


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #363 on: December 20, 2008, 11:32:16 pm »

Hey, you know where we can get some free food? The ocean. If we can build a diving bell, we can harvest all kinds of strange fish that we can either eat or sell.

Anyone else have ideas for making money? We could try carpentry, but there probably isn't a big enough demand for it.


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #364 on: December 21, 2008, 01:11:33 am »

Building things like defenses seems to be the hardest part of a skill like masonry, or carpentry, when you only have a few people, which is why its not a reasonable option in reality, despite the fact its the only way to have besiegers, which would in that case just be raiders. That and will likely be rather mobile as the plot advances on us, so its not likely will either be able to, or agree for that matter, on bunkering down. So I'd say, get it over with, and delve into what were suppose to be doing. Or perhaps wait for whatever were suppose to be doing to become apparent, as it seems, whatever it is, wants to find us, but not us to find it....

Okay now I'm confused. Anyhow, I say we keep to our own little projects, and let Vaiolis decide when to drop the hammer.


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #365 on: December 21, 2008, 02:48:01 pm »

Bah, I was but minutes away from finishing this last night. Ah well, it's done now! Also, yes, at this point in the story defense building seems relatively useless, as there are places to go and such. But don't think it will always be that way, you never know when you might get stranded somewhere for 10 days, with a rescue arriving on the tenth, and you being constantly attacked throughout. This situation might not ever happen, but still, it could.

One last note, I've now added a way to see the enchantment on your items. After a certain amount, they cannot be enchanted further, unless the enchantments are removed for new ones. So now, an item is lightly enchanted, an item is moderately enchanted, and an item is heavily enchanted, and cannot be enchanted further. Also, an item is enchanted, but the actual amount/enchantment is unknown. This information of colors is also added to the bottom of the first post, below the experience and damage colors.

Yet another final note, I have the eerie feeling I might have forgotten to add/subtract items from your inventories at times. If you ever see something there that shouldn't be, or something missing that should be, tell me ;D (namely, I noticed Astor still had 4 orange mushrooms from before, when he already used them to make soup)

Really though, if you ever think something should be added or removed, tell me. Aside from the HQ list, I know people took bowls and moved them, but I don't care to keep track of every item in a "stack."

Turn 19
Group 1: Flat, Astor, Xix, Gaweir, Abronychus, Zak
Flat: Well, now that I'm awake, I shall need sustenance! After that, I shall find some work. If there is no work to be done, I shall learn something about magic from the old man. If I can't do that... well, I don't know, I'll practice flying or something.
Astor: I'll likely follow the old man. Work can be done later, this seems serious.
Xix: I gather everyone in the HQ trying to get someone to make food. I tell everyone my findings and try to find out what others have gotten to know and generally increase organization. Then I follow the list. I am starting to despair in actually getting anyone to do anything useful.
Gaweir: I'll keep working on that door, trying to get it into a regular shape, try and get a knob and hinges of sorts, and pretty much just make it look nice.
Abronychus: I'm going to crawl up out of the well and go to the shopkeepers and old man to tell the old man about my dreams, and ask if they mean anything. After he says "Everything's fine, dude. Chill." I'm going to ask about their fishing and diving industries. If the old man DOESN'T tell me that everything's fine, I'm going to stay there and be concerned, and ask how I can help. If I have some extra time, I'll suggest to Xix that we think up a basic strategy for what to do if a situation becomes hostile.
Zak: I take a quick bite to eat then head over to the old man to check out the situation and to get my enchantments.

Rousing themselves, and removing the remaining remnants of sleep from their eyes, the group found themselves to be quite hungry, as well as thirsty. Flat flew down from the roof and landed by the firepit, as Zak left the HQ to sit by it as well. Astor began to walk to the large hut, but Xix stopped him before he went very far.

"Before you go wandering off, we could use some food. You made a decent meal last time, why don't you make us something else as well?"
"Err, well... alright, fine"

Astor sighed and looked around for something to prepare, but found there was little to choose from. He decided to stay close to the village, and look through the nearby jungle for more orange mushrooms, or something else that looked tasty.

While waiting for Astor, Flat jumped into the sky and began to fly around, the resulting winds helping to wake him up a bit faster. After a bit of warming up, he started to do a few simple twists and flip, and tried dive-bombing again. This time, he managed to change direction just in time, dodging a few people, as well as the ground. Zak went off to see the old man while he waited for Astor, and managed to catch him just as he was going inside the building.

"Yes, Zak, what is it?"
"I wanted to ask you, how are things going around here? You look a bit troubled."
"Yes, I'd like to know as well!"

Abronychus came through the doorway as well, dripping wet.

"Yes, I am troubled. Since the Rahn inya have come, I have been having visions in my sleep. Some of them have been good, however most are very disturbing. Two nights ago, the night before you all came, I saw in my vision a ship, identical to the one you had described, and saw on it many beings, aside from you, Zak. I then saw you all fighting the Rahn inya in the vision, and defeating them with remarkable ease. I immediately told Kogar, who was originally the chief of this tribe, and he, knowing many of my visions to be true, left with a group of men to the shore to greet you. And, lo and behold, he found you. I've no doubt he was quite happy and excited, at least once he knew what ship you were from. But I digress... last night, I had a vision of a nearby village being overrun by the Rahn inya. The Rahn inya must have found an obelisk in that parallel world that links to one near the village, and are now besieging from it."
"I had an identical dream! But, what are we going to do, then? If the village has already been overrun, should we ignore it?"
"No, there is still hope. That village was built on the ruins of an old citadel, and thus I believe that there must be some form of dungeon beneath, and I've no doubt a few villagers escaped to there. However, saving those villagers will give the Rahn inya more time to use that obelisk... so I'm not sure which should be done first. It may take some time for the Rahn inya to return to hence they came and tell of the obelisk they found, so we may have time. On the other hand, they might have entered that world, and only moments later found the obelisk. But, anyways, its your choice, whether to destroy the obelisk or save the populace first."
"To do such a task, any help would be appreciated. Speaking of which, are those enchantments ready?"
"Hmm? Oh, yes, I have what I need in my pockets. Hold on one moment..."

Shuffling through his pockets, the old man took out two tiny metal disks, which were red in color. He lifted first Zak's left foot, then right, placing the red disks onto the bottom of his boots, where they instantly seemed to weld themselves on. He then took out a scroll, which was glowing a slight orange, and mumbled a few cryptic words. Once he said the last word, Zak instantly felt his feet go numb, and his boots flashed a bright orange for a moment, before returning to normal. After a moment, Zak could feel his feet again.

"There you are. It isn't a very powerful enchantment, but it will help for sure."
"Thank you, very much. My feet went numb for a moment, is that normal?"
"Yes, don't worry. Go ahead, try them out!"

Zak went off to the side of the large hut, and climbed to the roof. Taking a quick breath, he jumped off, accelerating downward at a dangerous rate. However, moments before hitting the ground, he seemed to slow down, and hit the ground with a force just below harmful. He still went to his knees, but was otherwise undamaged.

Meanwhile, Gaweir had taken the door from the front of the HQ, and brought it back to where he had been before, along with the axe. But, before he went to work, he called down Flat and asked for the remaining three triangles he had. Flat reluctantly obliged, and Gaweir took it to the metalsmith over by the large hut. Giving her the three triangles and asking her for the objects, she said to give them to a villager she appointed to guard the place.

Going over to her shop, Gaweir found a villager behind her counter, seemingly quite bored. Noticing Gaweir, he perked up slightly.

"Hello, could I purchase a carving dagger, hinges, and a door knob?"
"Duraken dasainsho renkweir."

Gaweir looked a bit puzzled. The only word he made out was "no." Or perhaps it was "don't," he wasn't sure. Regardless, to make sure the villager did not mean he didn't have any, Gaweir looked around a bit. On one of the weapon shelves, he found a small area with daggers. Examining each, he found a carving dagger, took it, and brought it up to the villager. The villager looked at it for a moment before taking out a single traingle and showing it to Gaweir. He understood, and gave one to the villager. Gaweir then went over to the doorway, where he pointed at the hinges and the doorknob. The villager frowned, before looking around a bit, trying to find them. However, he could find none. Gaweir decided he would try his luck, and asked for a hammer, and a bar of bronze. The villager gave it to him, and Gaweir began to work at the bellows, hoping he could make such small pieces.

Zak, Abronychus, and Flat returned to the HQ as they saw Astor walking back from the jungle. He was smiling slightly, and was holding a handful of orange mushrooms. He placed them into the pot, mixed water, and began to make his mushroom soup once again. The others, upon entering the HQ, found the mats placed back on the shelves, chairs moved, and everything seemed much more orderly and neat. It seemed that Xix had organized a bit. While Astor was cooking, Xix started to speak.

"Alright, has anyone learned anything new?"
"I enchanted my boots!"

Xix looked at Zak despairingly, putting her hand to her face.

"Just trying to lighten things up a bit. I actually did enchant them, but on a more serious note, the old man has been having visions of things occurring, such as us coming, and a burning village. Come to think of it, I had the same dream."
"Hey, I had a dream like that too!"
"I did as well, apparently we can see these visions as well. We'd better keep alert for them. Is there any other news?"
"Well, with the vision we had, there is a village built on the ruins of a castle. The old man believes that the Rahn inya have found an obelisk nearby it. He gave us the choice of going to the village first to save who we can, but risk a larger invasion, or go to the obelisk, stop the invasion before it happens, but possibly lose the remaining villagers that are still alive."
"Much better. I have some news as well. Searching online, I found that I, along with an obelisk, are mentioned in a government site. The search for the needed password should be complete soon. I have a bad feeling that the Rahn inya may already be assaulting where I came from, and a worse one that, by now, that place is overrun... ...but anyways, does anyone else know anything new? Where's Gaweir?"
"Err... I think Flat said he saw Gaweir a bit ago... to the east."
"There, the soup's done."

Everyone grabbed a bowl and spoon, aside from Flat who took two bowls and a spoon, slurping his food down quickly, and taking the other bowl and spoon to where Gaweir was.

"If I might make a suggestion, we should get a battle strategy down. You know, if we ever get ambushed or something, and have no time to make one on the spot, we should have a few plans already prepared."
"Sure, that's not a bad-"

Xix stopped speaking as the sound of pans clanging together rang out from the north...


 - Wounds: none effects=tired, thirsty, hungry
 - Inventory: Lost Green Triangle Stone (3)
 - Skills: Flying skill increased moderately. Gliding skill increased slightly. Precision Flying skill increased moderately. Language skill increased slightly. Language Comprehension skill increased slightly
            Flat's Precision Flying skill is now at level 2!

 - Wounds: none effects=thirsty
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: Observation skill increased moderately. Cooking skill increased slightly
            Astor's Observation skill is now at level 2!
            Astor's Cooking skill is now at level 2!

 - Wounds: none effects=thirsty
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: none

 - Wounds: none effects=hungry, very thirsty
 - Inventory: Gained Carving Dagger. Gained Bronze Bar. Gained Blacksmith's Hammer
 - Skills: Furnace Use skill increased slightly. Metal Object Smithing skill increased slightly. Language skill increased slightly. Language Comprehension skill increased slightly

 - Wounds: none
 - Inventory: none
 - Skills: Language skill increased slightly. Language Comprehension skill increased slightly
            Abronychus' Language skill is now at level 2!
            Abronychus' Language Comprehension skill is now at level 2!

 - Wounds: none effects=thirsty
 - Inventory: High Boots enchanted (+speed, +agility, +endurance, +high falling)
 - Skills: none
« Last Edit: December 21, 2008, 02:53:06 pm by Vaiolis »
Today's Toady Tip: 3 and 4 are not the same number.
How borgly is your borgle's borgle?
The Minister of BEEEES! and of The Great Charter for the Toady Protectorate!


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #366 on: December 21, 2008, 03:38:30 pm »

I go investigate the noise, afterwords, conversation!:

I'm just going to go ahead and do in-character dialog, because I expect it's what would happen if this situation did come up.

"Okay, we need to think about this. If we decide to stop them now, we might be sacrificing the survivors of the besieged village. If we try to rescue the survivors, we might give the Rahn inya time to prepare a much larger force, which would result in even more deaths."

"Even worse, we could try to rescue the villagers and arrive at their village to find no survivors. What do you guys think we should do? Is it really acceptable to sacrifice our fellow men, even if it is for the greater good?"
« Last Edit: December 21, 2008, 03:42:34 pm by inaluct »

Duke 2.0

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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #367 on: December 21, 2008, 06:20:59 pm »

 Astor heads to the local well to get some water for the meal, looking north at whatever that sound was. If it is anything important, he will drop everything and look at it.

 Also, mayhaps Astor is a little ticked off at Xix forcing him to cook when there was things to investigate, like the old man. Just a little, but think of the future conflict possibilities!
Buck up friendo, we're all on the level here.
I would bet money Andrew has edited things retroactively, except I can't prove anything because it was edited retroactively.


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #368 on: December 21, 2008, 06:54:10 pm »

Eh, he can suck it up as we all needed food.

Zak takes some quick swigs from a canteen and goes to investigate the noise from the top of a roof near the noise. He makes sure not to be seen by whatever made the noise.


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #369 on: December 21, 2008, 08:36:34 pm »

I will bring one other person with me to the village, if someone wants. If possible, Xix, Zak, or Abronycus; since Xix knows more about what to do, Zak has cool boots, and Abronycus has the best Riding skill.

There's some time to fight both the Rahn inya and save the villagers.

Also, I'm hungry. And thirsty. Why haven't I eaten?!?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #370 on: December 21, 2008, 09:04:57 pm »

Next Turn:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Precision smithing will come in handy later on, maybe I could act not just as the token tank, but also be our metal smith. Or something. Swords, axes, hinges, knobs, handels, tools. Hell with the lack of skills in this party that DON'T involve combat (and your computery doesn't count Armok! :P) or have many uses, I'll likely end up juggleing smithing, carpentry, masonry, and combat all in one game...I hope those new slots open up soon, because that much manual labor just can't be done by the only two persons here willing to do something practical. At least Abronychus is opting to fish or pearl dive. One serves to solve our food problem, and one seves to solve our money problem. And theres me, the only crafter in this party. Not that I'm much of a crafter as of yet.
At least we'd have time for things like that later on. If we have time, I'd like to work with the black smith later on.


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #371 on: December 21, 2008, 09:30:24 pm »

I'm glad I don't have to drink water that someone else spent eight hours asleep in.


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #372 on: December 21, 2008, 09:37:16 pm »

Hey Vaiolis. You know something that just came to me? If I have dodgeing 5:100, then why the hell did I get thrown thirty feet into a tree by a frakking slow giant? Shouldn't that be an 'active' skill in combat?


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #373 on: December 21, 2008, 10:18:44 pm »

Doesn't matter how good your dodging is if you try to block an attack. You didn't attempt to dodge, and failed, you tried to block the attack, succeeded, but underestimated his power.

Sure, you could probably argue that Gaweir would try to do what seemed the safest. But with a massive axe flying at you, and with your shield already facing him, it only seemed correct. Why have a shield if you would just dodge every attack anyway? :P
Today's Toady Tip: 3 and 4 are not the same number.
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The Minister of BEEEES! and of The Great Charter for the Toady Protectorate!


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Re: Vaiolis' RPG
« Reply #374 on: December 21, 2008, 10:20:11 pm »

I dunno what to do really, generically follow the list I guess... I'm not very inspired today.
So says Armok, God of blood.
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