Right now, I finally downloaded the latest version of LCS and has already begun my crusade to turn the US into L+ without killing anybody. I will plan on doing this by using sleepers. My main hope is to ensure that the CCS will never ever come into being.
Sleepers currently aquirred:
*One Judge (Begining of the game, located in Courthouse)
*One Janitor (converted by...'Coerced Dating' [dating followed by kidnapping], located in Auto Factory)
Sadly, I haven't stolen any goods to sell to buy weapons to assist in kidnapping, because I do not know how to break Conservative Doors (and I need money to buy crowbars). I will try to go to some Radio Station/TV Station though, maybe I'll find stuff over there.
Right now, both sleepers are Spouting Conservatism in order to help inflirate conservative society. If they are high, I hope that I can easily use these Sleepers to funnel money to the organization, steal important documents, or start converting society, but for now, I decide I'll let society turn from M to C. My main fear is that with this new Infliration system, it means that my Sleepers are more likely to get caught if I start spouting Liberalism, and I don't want that to happen, especially since people who get caught will likely enough testify against you when you get arrested. (If however, that doesn't happen, I'll set them to just spouting Liberalism, waiting for a potential news story about the evils of conservaitism is not worth doing the CCS' work for them.)
[That being said, if I never get caught committing any crime...I may never have to worry about former LCS Sleepers testifying against me...so I could send them their doom...]
There is still the problem of me not having a weapon (I only got $7), so should I start recruiting Hippies and send them off to do some "Fundraising" and other recruitment?
...Oh yeah, and if you want to become a Liberal, tell me what you position you want, and I'll rename you. No pictures though.
EDIT: Oh god, I just realized Sleepers can go and launder money over to LCS. That's pretty useful, though it leads to the question of how long will it take for such money to be sent over, and how quickly that will decrease Infliration.