700 firewood for winter should work... if you use a fireplace and burn 2 pieces at a time since the ashes should keep you warm for two days.
Otherwise, you can never have too much wood.
Green warmth protection is nothing, you'll need several sets of full clothing to even consider travelling outside your home to gather wood in the winter, especially when the temperature bar hits bottom.
Remember that you can wear layers of clothing, but some clothing blocks other types of clothing, i.e. you cannot wear a reindeer fur coat over a "normal" fur coat, but you can wear a fur coat over a reindeer fur coat. I don't remember the details, but with a bit of experimentation, you can have up to 3 complete sets of clothing on.
There is no way to fix damaged clothing/armor, but it's just as effective as an undamaged piece anyway.
Temperature doesn't work too well in this version, heat only spreads to adjacent tiles; so you might develop frostbite inside your own home, regardless of whether there are windows.
Winter's a great time to practice woodcarving, weatherlore and - if you were smart enough to have made a fireplace adjacent to the water - fishing/cooking. I just carve wooden bowls over and over with all the wooden blocks I stored. Anything that's ruined gets thrown into the fire. But yes, winter is horribly boring.