Here's a local map of the area if you want to see it. (save scummed)
Yeah, that's 3 orc fortresses surrounding me.
1st Obsidian, 205, Late-Winter:
A siege engineer went fey today.
He took over a mechanic workshop shortly afterward.
10th Obsidian, 205, Late-Winter:
The now legendary mechanic finished his marvel.
It is, I must say, the best mechanism ever.
Only the best of beast will have their cage with this mechanism.
12th Obsidian, 205, Late-Winter:
Our 9 screw pump tower is working!!
The hard part is keeping 9 dwarves from running off to go eat, drink, or sleep.
14th Obsidian, 205, Late-Winter:
Wow, this is so crude and messy.
I wish one of us knew how windmills or energy related objects worked.
19th Obsidian, 205, Late-Winter:
I don't know what happened, he must of tripped in to the aquafier.
We should of made an emergency exit just in case this happened, ugh.
21st Obsidian, 205, Late-Winter:
Melbil, a mechanic or whoever almost suffered the same fate. Luckly, the ramp let him escape, we're going to have to let that room "drain" out for a bit before we start pumping again.
28th Obsidian, 205, Late-Winter:
A engineer slipped and fell off the screwpump tower.
That was hilarious, he made the funniest sound when he thought he would fall to his death when he was only on the second floor.
1st Granite, 206, Early-Spring:
Mayor, "Run boy! Run!"
This year went by like I suspected...hmmm. I know the orcs or goblins will bring even more this year. When the 3 survivors of the 80 orc siege return to their empire and tell(?) them what happen they'll know we're a threat. The arena is sooooo close to finish now too. Video will be included!