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Author Topic: The RPFG: We do not ask how many, but where.  (Read 14672 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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The RPFG: We do not ask how many, but where.
« on: November 16, 2008, 01:26:58 pm »

Welcome to the Roleplaying forum game!


A RPFG is a forum game in which you take control of a self-made character and guide them through a totally unpre-determined story in whatever desolate wasteland your benevolent and all-mighty game master drops you in ( me ). The emphasis is on the story, not on the combat or on any stats. Expect to see a LOT of improvisation.


Because I can.

Fair enough, how do I join?

You might want to have a glance at the setting first though.
First of all, fill in this:

First name:
Second name:
( add a third, fourth etc if your character has one and you think it is important )
( Aha, important. The flexibility of races depends from setting to setting. In this particular game, I only want standard races ( humans, dwarves,elves,trolls... you get the drill ). Even more preferable, just humans. The persons who think this will make it boring are the persons who are unable to make characters who are original because they are different, not because of their race. /rant )
( Approximately, of course. Just for practical and visualisational purposes.)
Specific interests:
Anything special in their appearance ( scars etc... ):
Background information:
( This is important. The more you write here, the more fleshed out your character can be. )

Vices and virtues

Each character has talents and faults. Here, you can choose which ones your character has. However, you can not have so many positive things as you like. You need to even this out with "bad" things.
You start off with 5 points that you can spend. If you wish to spend more, take some negatives ones to increase the amounts of points you have.

The positive side of life.

- Of noble blood ( - 20 ) : Being of noble blood can be considered a huge plus if you live in the right time and place.
- Fame ( - 10 ) : You are somewhat known in the world, and this can be a good thing in some situations. It can, of course, also be a bad sign.
- (Wo)man of the world ( - 8 ) : Your character knows what she/he should know to live in the world. These are little things, but little things can be important.
- Well educated ( - 5 ) : Having a good education has many benefits, among the ability to read and write and having a general knowledge of the world.
- Gifted ( - 5 ) : Some persons just understand and learn better then others.
- Charismatic ( - 5 ) : Charisma has and will always be important in the world.
- Well spoken ( - 5 ) : Words are a powerful tool, especially when handled carefully. 
- Sophisticated ( - 5 ) : Though it can be a vice for one and a virtue for the other, it can generally be said that it makes you popular in more "desirable" environments, and not everyone can be sophisticated.   
- Wealthy ( - 5 ) : By whatever cause, your character is wealthy. And, despite what some would say, every sword can be turned aside by the bright shine of gold.
- Strong ( - 5 ) : Being strong is always handy.
- Stoic ( - 5 ) : Can fight pain better then others.
- Good looking ( - 5 ) : Many desire, few are.
- Been in the war ( - 5 ) : War has always been important in life, and having experienced one can be important and useful.
- Healthy ( - 5 ) : One only realises the importance of a good health when she/he lacks it.
- Pleasant aura ( - 5 ) : Giving a pleasant feeling to the people around you goes a long way in making you popular.
- Heart-conquerer ( - 5 ) : Your character is quite adept in the ways of love.
- Honourable ( - 5 ) : This person just manages to be honourable from his own.
- Survivor ( - 5 ) : Can take care of his own.
- Relaxed ( - 5 ) : Never underestimate the relaxed person.
- Good with animals ( - 5 ) : Some animals can be man's best friend, and having friends is important.
- Untroubled ( - 5 ) : Has no real urgent problems in life.
- Agile ( - 5 ) : Nice moves!
- Efficient ( - 5 ) : Is no stranger to planning and scheduling, and manages to take advantage out of it.
- Fast ( - 5 ) : Woosh!
- Master of arguments ( - 5 ) : Knows how to win a conflict with pure reason.
- Diplomatic ( - 5 ) : A diplomat has the power to start and end wars others fight.
- Cunning ( - 5 ) : "A fox, to detect the traps..."
- Courageous ( - 5 ): "...and a lion, to frighten the wolves."

The negative side of life.

- Scumbag ( + 20 ) : People look down on you with vile disgust. Whatever you have done and continue to do, it doesn't make you popular with anyone at all.
- Infamy ( + 10 ) : Being infamous can be both positive and negative, but it tends to be the last one most of the time.
- Naive ( + 8 ) : Has no idea how things are and work in the world.
- Unstable ( + 5 ) : Your character has problems keeping himself together.
- Dumb ( + 5 ) : Your intelligence is unadmirable. 
- Slow ( + 5 ) : Slow in both thinking and acting.
- Lady man/manly woman ( + 5 ) : Your character is known to have certain traits of the opposite gender. Though some do not find this negative, there are always persons who do.
- Antisocial ( + 5 ) : Unpopular, unloved?
- Reckless ( + 5 ) : Likes to act before she/he thinks.
- Sickly ( + 5 ) : Simply disease-ridden or cursed by nature?
- Ugly ( + 5 ) : Repulsive for the common taste.
- Paranoid ( + 5 ) : Unpopular for his/her belief that anyone can be your future killer.
- Self-centered ( + 5 ) : Being self-centred doesn't make you popular at all.
- Easy to trick ( + 5  ) : Your character is easy to trick.
- Narrowminded ( + 5 ) : Thinking out of the box is out of the question.


Fill in;

One profession;
Two passtimes;
One religious belief;

The Setting

The year is 1071. The Classical Age has passed. Many legends and myths originate from it, and many wise men has lived. However, the empires of old has fallen, and barbarians now rule the lands. Darkness seems to gather over Europe.
The Western Roman Empire has fallen, and the Eastern one is in decay. Only two weeks ago did Romanos the fourth, emperor of the Byzantine Empire, lose at the battle of Manzikert, and with it, disaster will unfold. Turkish soldiers march through Asia Minor as we speak, and corruption runs rampant.
Even Constantinople, pearl of the world, is decaying. It is here that destiny will unfold. Perhaps, it is time for a new grand leader to arise. Alexander the Great gained an empire in his short life, so why should others not too? Why should they not be of Greek blood once again?
Why should they not conquer the world. Once again.

The Game

You all start somewhere in or around Constantinople. Search for a map or something on the internet, or invent a place yourself. It doesn't matter. Jiust give me a basic situation in which you make a choice. From there on, I'll write the story, and you make the choices. You make choices anywhere between updates. If you don't make any choices, I'll do it for you. Easy.

General tips.

It's the early Medieval age. Look up stuff about it. Remember what existed, what was invented etc and what was not. If your not sure, look it up.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2008, 02:55:57 pm by Asheron »

Quote from: Toady One
Did you just post a bunch of vegi-dicks on my board?  I've been trying to combat forum devolution a bit, and that involves fewer vegi-dicks!
Quote from: Yahtzee
Yes, random is funny, isn't it? Sometimes I set up a random number generator when I need a good laugh.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The RPFG: We do not ask how many, but where.
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2008, 01:28:01 pm »

First name: Relguan
Second name: Captain of the Mantis

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Size: 5'8"

Weight: 138ibs

Specific interests: Various pirate-related interests: sailing, exploring, plundering, etc.

Anything special in their appearance: blue eyes, wrinkled face (old age, in his 70's), large black beard with black sideburns and mustache, decent-sized muscles, light tan complexion, multiple light slash scars over body, but only one wound on his face: his right eye, and one major wound: his left knee, lower leg, and foot are missing.

Clothing:brown tripod, eye patch over right eye, loose white shirt underneath a large navy blue jacket, large brown belt securing a pair of thick brown leather pants, a large leather boot on his right foot, a wooden peg leg replacing his left foot, lower leg, and knee.

Other Objects: Pistol Dagger Light Crossbow attached to belt, underneath jacket, on right side, with ten bolts in a small side-quiver, a steel cutlass on the left side, with only its bottom half showing from underneath the jacket, and a large steel dagger hidden in his right boot.

Scumbag +20
Infamy +10
Ugly +5
Paranoid +5
Self Centered +5
Well educated -5
Well spoken -5
Strong -5
Stoic -5
Been in the war -5
Survivor -5
Agile -5
Cunning -5
Courageous -5

Profession: Pirating
Pastimes: Pirating, drinking
Religion: The lore of the sea (whatever you would call it), Poseidon, Kraken, sea beasts, etc.

Background information: At birth, Relguan was a buccaneer on a ship named the S.S. Mantis, a pirate ship of respectable size. At the age of 23, Relguan's father took a smaller ship out from the Mantis near a small rocky island with a cove, shrouded in mist, only a day after a stray cannonball ballista bolt had taken out one of the smaller masts, where he asked the crew to return to after 3 days. Upon arriving after the 3 days, however, the Captain was nowhere to be seen. The loyal crew waited for many days, but Relguan's father was never to be seen again.

After this event, Relguan inherited the Mantis as its new captain, and began to restore life to normal, engaging his father's usual actions. He amassed many large piles of riches on his travels, mainly from sieging cities and then raiding them. However, one day, when he was 25, he decided to enter his father's personal belongings, which had been left in a chest in the captain's quarters. Inside, Relguan found numerous maps of supposed areas of treasure, with all of them scribbled out - apparently his father had already tried those areas, and found naught but sand. Continuing his search, he came across a letter...

Captain of the Mantis:
      Attempt not to ignore this message, for heed me now: every word hath more truth then ye might realize, and every action I claim to take shalt be taken.

      Me and my crew hath far superior cannons ballistas to yer own, a hull sturdier than the hardiest of yew decks, and swords crafted with only the finest of blacksmithing available. I order ye to sail your excuse for a ship to a small island, many miles to the north of your current location. Keep going north 'till ye see a jagged rock directly to yer right, then head north-west. Upon your arrival, take a smaller ship and enter the cove. We will meet there. Bring naught but the clothes on yer back, for nothing else will be needed.

      Fail to present yerself, and my crew will give you but a single warning shot. And that shot will not miss.

Reading this, Relguan then realized why his father had gone to the cove, however he still had little idea as to what happened inside. The most obvious idea was that the other rivaling pirate captain had killed him, probably to reduce competition, but what if there was more to it?

With a stern look, Relguan attempted to remember where the ship had been after the cannonball ballista bolt had hit, but to no avail. With a heavy heart, Relguan sailed for many years to many spots which he remembered going to, and from them sailed north for many days, until it was apparent no rocky formation would be found. However, the job became much easier, when, while resting at an inn at a port at age 38, the bartender gave Relguan an anonymous letter.

New Captain of the Mantis:
      Judging by yer many motions 'round the seas, I've little doubt that ye search fer yer father's last point before he went in search of my cove. But I warn ye now: Ye've gotten into more than ye bargained for. This search is no longer a wish of yers, it be yer only choice, lest ye suffer the power of our cannons ballistas, which I'm sure you well know by now. On the back of this letter be the map ye need. Follow the same direction, and I'll see ye soon.

      As I'm sure you guessed, fail to present yerself, and my crew will give you but a single warning shot. And that shot will not miss.

Without hesitation, Relguan gathered his crew and sped off to the location: a small peninsula with a rocky cliff. The only difference between it and any other was a small cave on the beach, which was empty aside from an old wooden chair. From there, Relguan headed north, and sure enough, a tall rock presented itself, jutting out from the sea. As soon as it was directly to his right, Relguan went north-west, and came across the cove. realizing where they were, the crew protested greatly to Relguan's leave, but he left anyway, onto a smaller ship.

Entering the cove, Relguan was instantly greeted by a figure in the dark, obviously wearing similar pirate garb to his. But, as Relguan had suspected, the figure drew forth a pistol crossbow and grinned. He slowly stepped forward, and aimed the gun at Relguan's head. Relguan backed away as fast as he approached, and then tripped over a skeleton. Looking at it from the ground, he saw it in the same position as he currently was, with a bullet hole bolt in his head. But, reacting faster than his father had, Relguan rolled just as the man fired, dodging his death. He leapt up and sprinted towards the figure, grappling with him before he reached his cutlass. A brutal fight ensued.

The majority of the fight was the exchanging of blows to the face, however at one point the man managed to grab his dagger, and stabbed Relguan in the right eye. But before he could remove the blade, Relguan grabbed his wrist and promptly forced the man to stab himself. He then brought him to the ground, gave a few more blows, and tossed him into the dark waters, where he was never to be seen again. Putting his hand to his right eye, Relguan found it missing, torn by the man's dagger.

Returning to the ship, Relguan's eye was treated, and an eye patch placed over it. With one of his goals now accomplished, despite the pain, Relguan grinned and sailed on, furthering his pirating career.

At age 51, Relguan hit yet another hardship during a city siege. The city had far more cannons ballistas than expected, and the ship was being heavily struck. Before the retreat message could be given, the main mast was hit, and it fell with a great crash, preventing the ship from moving much at all. Forced to fight, Relguan's crew barely managed to defeat the populace, but not before a cannonball ballista bolt took out his left knee.

Slowly sailing to the city to plunder it and repair while the men were too afraid to fight back, Relguan's leg was bandaged and then was replaced by a wooden peg leg.

At age 72, the worst of battles came, as another city, this one less-armed, managed to get multiple holes in the ship's lower hull, driving it to the bottom of the sea, and quite quickly. Relguan quickly gathered his things, leaving all the wealth behind, and abandoned ship.

A while after, he now finds himself "here" in a tavern in Constantinople.

There we go. Just had to replace all cannonballs with ballista bolts ;D and the pistol with a crossbow.
« Last Edit: November 17, 2008, 06:06:40 pm by Vaiolis »
Today's Toady Tip: 3 and 4 are not the same number.
How borgly is your borgle's borgle?
The Minister of BEEEES! and of The Great Charter for the Toady Protectorate!

Duke 2.0

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Re: The RPFG: We do not ask how many, but where.
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2008, 01:28:51 pm »

 ((Reserved. Although I feel roleplay threads might be the new RTD if this continues.))

 First name: Leander Claudius
Second name: Jason of Orris
Gender: Male
Race: Human, of course!
Size: 5'2'' (Bit shorter than the adverage human male.)
Weight: 118 lbs (A little on the slim side)
Specific interests: Smithing, survival in arid climates, his wife.
Anything special in their appearance: He has a beard that was once black, but now is run through with silver hairs. His body shows many small old scars of battles, and if you were to see his chest you would see evidence if it once being caved-in. He always wears a red strip of cloth around his neck and throght.
Background information: As a young lad he worked with his family like any other youth of his day. When his family moved to a larger town he was forced to stay behind thanks to an apprenticeship to a blacksmith, and that was where the trouble started. Bandits raided the smithery one night, and hanged him on a noose as they left. Thankfully they did not drop him 'else his neck would have snapped.
 The smith came back soon enough to cut him down before he suffocated, but his throaght would never be the same. After his apprentiship was finished, he decided to join the local military to get back at the people who tried to kill him. He was in that military, gaining ranks quickly and often enough that he was called to the capitol city to be a commander. Many years went by, and he married a lovely woman.
 One tragic day, under mysterious circumstances the both of them were found in their home with strange injuries. Leander was taken to a local temple for healing, his wife was taken to another unknown location. After nearly a year of recovery and not hearing any word on his wife, he started to search the city for her. Nothing. In his grief he ran into the arid wilderness to live the rest of his life as a hermit.

 I hope this is fine. He will be a bit older than other standard characters, but not old enough to be frail. Perhaps late 30's?
« Last Edit: November 16, 2008, 02:12:52 pm by Duke 2.0 »
Buck up friendo, we're all on the level here.
I would bet money Andrew has edited things retroactively, except I can't prove anything because it was edited retroactively.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The RPFG: We do not ask how many, but where.
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2008, 01:38:47 pm »

Oh snap, reserved.

Oh snap, unreserved. I had most of a character done, but now it's set in the real world in 1071, so my character doesn't fit in too well. I could play a barbarian raider, but I think I'll just sit this one out or wait until someone dies.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2008, 03:01:57 pm by inaluct »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The RPFG: We do not ask how many, but where.
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2008, 01:42:50 pm »

Warning; only three more slots free for the moment! ( Well, actually two. I'll let Armok join anyway. ).

Quote from: Toady One
Did you just post a bunch of vegi-dicks on my board?  I've been trying to combat forum devolution a bit, and that involves fewer vegi-dicks!
Quote from: Yahtzee
Yes, random is funny, isn't it? Sometimes I set up a random number generator when I need a good laugh.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The RPFG: We do not ask how many, but where.
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2008, 01:50:14 pm »

« Last Edit: November 16, 2008, 02:37:16 pm by Fenrir »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The RPFG: We do not ask how many, but where.
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2008, 02:26:41 pm »


« Last Edit: November 16, 2008, 03:23:42 pm by Pandarsenic »
Your bone is the best Pandar honey. The best.
[Cheeetar] Pandar doesn't have issues, he has style.
Fuck off, you fucking fucker-fuck :I


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The RPFG: We do not ask how many, but where.
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2008, 03:01:46 pm »

Oh, wait wait. Massive cancelation spam.


Inaluct ; A barbarian raider? Why couldn't that work? I'm thinking of a Black Sea raider ( possibly a Kievan Rus or something ) who ends up in Constantinople after an (un)successful raid.

Duke 2.0 ; Great. Your age is fine. Oh, and you happen to be the militia commander of Constantinople. That'll make a interesting story.

Vaiolis ; :'(
« Last Edit: November 16, 2008, 03:08:16 pm by Asheron »

Quote from: Toady One
Did you just post a bunch of vegi-dicks on my board?  I've been trying to combat forum devolution a bit, and that involves fewer vegi-dicks!
Quote from: Yahtzee
Yes, random is funny, isn't it? Sometimes I set up a random number generator when I need a good laugh.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The RPFG: We do not ask how many, but where.
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2008, 03:03:46 pm »

No, never mind, I worked too hard. I'll just edit the whole thing. Ignore this post 'ere.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2008, 03:06:14 pm by Vaiolis »
Today's Toady Tip: 3 and 4 are not the same number.
How borgly is your borgle's borgle?
The Minister of BEEEES! and of The Great Charter for the Toady Protectorate!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The RPFG: We do not ask how many, but where.
« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2008, 03:06:11 pm »

If another person cancels, I'll uncancel and play a barbarian raider.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The RPFG: We do not ask how many, but where.
« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2008, 03:22:31 pm »

Ah right, and for my first action, I relax, awaiting something important to happen, and drink some rum! I don't try to hide who I am, hopefully my infamy makes sure nobody dares to mess with me. I have no ship anyway.
« Last Edit: November 16, 2008, 03:26:30 pm by Vaiolis »
Today's Toady Tip: 3 and 4 are not the same number.
How borgly is your borgle's borgle?
The Minister of BEEEES! and of The Great Charter for the Toady Protectorate!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The RPFG: We do not ask how many, but where.
« Reply #11 on: November 16, 2008, 03:31:36 pm »



Duke 2.0

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Re: The RPFG: We do not ask how many, but where.
« Reply #12 on: November 16, 2008, 03:43:57 pm »

Ex-military, mind you.

 I was thinking of an epic fantasy quest to find his wife, but I suppose I could modify it a bit. Although something unifying the whole group together would be helpful.
Buck up friendo, we're all on the level here.
I would bet money Andrew has edited things retroactively, except I can't prove anything because it was edited retroactively.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The RPFG: We do not ask how many, but where.
« Reply #13 on: November 16, 2008, 03:54:35 pm »

Wouldn't be hard to relate me to you Duke :P I might have acted as a bandit at one time or another and attempted to hang you while plundering, and you may have shot a ballista bolt at my ship and shot my leg off while you were being a Constantinople Captain Militiaman!
Today's Toady Tip: 3 and 4 are not the same number.
How borgly is your borgle's borgle?
The Minister of BEEEES! and of The Great Charter for the Toady Protectorate!

Duke 2.0

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The RPFG: We do not ask how many, but where.
« Reply #14 on: November 16, 2008, 04:01:00 pm »

 That... would make sense.

 Guard: Sir, it's a pirate ship. Why are they raiding where we can see them?
 Jason: They use fire to burn the shop they are raiding. It is still morning, and this fog is everywhere. Prepare the catapults, and be quiet about it! Also, get the ballistas ready. If the first volley of boulders don't hit them, fire the ballistas.
 Guard: Yessir!
Buck up friendo, we're all on the level here.
I would bet money Andrew has edited things retroactively, except I can't prove anything because it was edited retroactively.
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