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Author Topic: Battle of the Gods IV  (Read 70231 times)


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Battle of the Gods IV
« on: November 16, 2008, 07:37:59 am »

Welcome to Battle of the Gods IV!
The official successor of Battle of the Gods II (and to a lesser extent, BotGIII).

If you want to join, please write a description of your civilization (and deity). If you don't know where to begin, a few guidelines.
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Relevant links are:
BotG I:

We are ALWAYS in the need of more players and space is plenty (the map can be expanded as required), feel free to join.

Everyone involved in the game or wanting to join are very welcome to the IRC chanel to discus it. (go to then type in '/join #BotG dwarf' , or just click this: irc:// )

Rules (most of it copy-pasted from BotG3 rules):
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« Last Edit: December 14, 2008, 08:39:55 am by Istrian »


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Re: Battle of the Gods IV
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2008, 07:38:18 am »

Map Key
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The Map on turn 31(can be expanded/modified on reasonable demand)
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« Last Edit: January 28, 2009, 07:34:18 am by Istrian »


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Re: Battle of the Gods IV
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2008, 07:39:08 am »

Players (only those in this list are approved for play) :
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Destroyed civilisations
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Players awaiting validation
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Artwork (by players, for players)

Premade adventurers (get your own today) :
Akena the Katytan
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« Last Edit: January 29, 2009, 01:39:33 pm by Istrian »


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Re: Battle of the Gods IV
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2008, 07:39:31 am »

Q : Do cities gain popcap only from the tile they are on ?
A : Cities gain popcap from the tile they are on AND the 8 surrounding tiles.

Q : I think my civ should have higher popcaps on certain types of terrain due to tech/magic/whatever. Can I have that ?
A : Sure, but discuss the specifics with the GM.

Q : How are Divine Interventions handled ?
A : Divine Intervention will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Ask the GM beforehand. If it is reasonable and makes for a good narration, you will get what you want. It should also be noted that deities can influence the world only with powers related to their spheres (and a few common ones). Appearing before your loyal subjects is common for deities (so in most cases, you don't need permission to do that, unless you plan to tell some secrets to your followers).
Whenever you use DI, select a relevant sphere(s) and describe the intervention to the GM. The GM will then tell you how long to wait until you can again use that sphere for DI.

Q : How should I handle special resources like ores/gunpowder/mana/whatever ?
A : However you wish, just don't make it too unbalanced (like having every single ore in unlimited amounts in every city you have). The GM might tell you that a resource is getting depleted if you overuse it.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2008, 08:43:54 am by Istrian »


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Re: Battle of the Gods IV
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2008, 07:42:41 am »

When I said I would make a nw civ, I lied. The Tengu are too fleshed out to be simply dropped.
However, I will still make something new. I blatant rip-off of the old Tengu, but with a new flavour

The Race of the Hitengu

Tomoshibi is a concenptual god, rather than a bodily entity. One could see her as the embodiment of light or "life-force", which in this case, are regarded as one and the same.
Spheres: Light(4), Fire(2), Life(2)
Tomoshibi sees the Hitengu as just one part in the greater network of life. As everyone, the Hitengu has a right to life freely, and should flourish.

Similar to their close relatives, the Tengu, the Hitengu have the morphology of harpies. But unlike the black Tengu, the Hitengu are of sublime angelic beauty. Their feathers and hair perfectly white, and their features are much more humanlike in comparison to their crow relatives.
Their standing height is at an average of 1,70 m, the wingspan is at about 3,50. To be able to fly with such short wings, their wings and chest is very muscular, easily even out-strenghting dwarves. They can however not lift heavy weights easily. The shins of the Hitengu are covered in slightly yellow scales, that end in a pair of menacing claws. Their eyesight and hearing are of supreme quality. Their clothing is light and sparse, usually made from silk or cotton. They can only fly at low altitudes, due to their low resistance towards cold. The Hitengu are strict herbivores, and life mostly of their extensive orchards, the kinomi, a kind of nut that is ground to flour and then made into a kind of bread, as well as honey and milk. They get the milk from goates, which are never slaughtered for meat or leather. Their usual life expectancy is over 80 years, due to their very healthy way of life.

Culture & Society
The Hitengu are connected to nature, and as such they life in perfect balance with their surroundings. This results in somewhat low pop-caps, as they do not use avaiable resources to the fullest. They belief that life is something holy, and will never kill someone, unless to save their own or someone elses life. They had to fight war against other civs before, to defend themselves, so they know how to produce basic armor and basic weapons, but only have very few of them. Their structures are of sublime beauty, and usually intertwined into nature. The roof is always made of glass, to let natural light in, and make you feel like you are less inside a house. Nevertheless, the Hitengu put a high emphasis on lamps, which are not only their favourite decoration for houses, but also used as jewelry.

Their society is organized in a parliamentarian theocracy. Head of the nation would be the Hinyuudou, which is assigned through interpretation of reincarnation. In other words, when the old Hinyuudou dies, the children that were born shortly after are tested and judged by the remaining priests, and one of them is (probably) the reincarnation of the former Hinyuudou.
The parliament consists of representatives coming from all parts of society, and are voted for directly. Both the Hinyuudou and the parliament have the right to propose new laws, which are only passed if the respective other agrees to it. This way the parliament ensures the laws are not too spritual in nature, and the Hinyuudou that these laws are not too "worldly".
There is no such thing as a court or any judges. The Hitengu do not understand the concept of punishment. There is no need to, as everyone in Hitengu society abides by the law.
They have no such thing as a greater goal. They only want to life in harmony, and if possible, spread that harmony.
Sprituality is something important for the Hitengu. Tomoshibi is not an actual god for them, but rather the concept of life-force. Each and every thing in existance, may it be plant, animal, or even a stone, has Tomoshibi in it. Light is the most dominant "touchable" form of tomoshibi, fire is also something regarded as such.
As a result, the inner sanctum of Hitengu temples is usually empty, or contains a mirror.

Their technology is not very far developed. Though their architectural knowledge is supreme, their ability to forge metal objects is only weakly developed. They can, however, produce and work with glass very proficently.
They also have extensive medical knowledge, and are able to cure most kinds of poisons or sicknesses. For the Hitengu, losing a leg is not a death sentence.

Magic & Divine Powers
The Hitengu practise a form of clerical magic, which they refer to as Hijutsu. In simple terms, it could be best described as fireworks. The Hitengu are a race that worships light, therefor, fireworks must not be missing in their festivals and rituals. But without gunpowder, that's a little hard. Hijustu is the practise of storing up light in containers, and releasing it in a very concentrated and controled matter, usually for artistic purposes, such as fireworks. These containers also find a place in everyday life, as lamps that glow magicaly, or jewelry that has a mysterious sparkling to it.

In past wars, there have been occasions on which this magic was used for military uses. At first, it was only armor and shields that emitted a strong light to blind the enemy, later the concentrated light was used as a weapon itself. Just like a firework bomb based on gunpowder exploding right next to your face can kill you, so can Hijutsu.
The ones who developed that use for military purposes had such a bad conscience that they would never be able to smile again for the rest of their life.
The military variant hasn't been practised in more than 100 years, only the civil use is still seen everywhere. The knowledge on how to use it to kill lies in the libraries.

Arrival in the world
They are natives. Long wars have decimated them, but as their enemies are now gone, they are slowly recuperating.They start with 500, at X18Y13

Population support and growth
18% growth
mountain:18/1 (unfavored/unfavored)
hill:180/2 (favoured/favoured)
plain:180/3 (favored/favored)
desert:18/3 (unfavored/favored)
forest:180/2 (favored/normal)
rainforest:180/2 (favored/normal)
river:+100/3 (xxx/favored)
water:72/1 (normal/unfavored)
glacier:20/1 (unfavored/unfavored)
swamp:72/2 (normal/normal)
tundra:18/2 (unfavoured/normal)

Yamato Hachirou Yumma Ken'ichi Uchiwakamaru.

The 8th hitengu ever created, Uchiwaka has been living as an immortal for the last 1500 years. His swordsmanship and Hijutsu both are superb. Uchiwaka as a legend has filled many books and chronicles, in more than just one world, but Uchiwaka the person is remaining a mystery that is only slowly unraveling.

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Nation: Tenrai Minzoku
Teiichi, the capital X17Y12
Inhabitants: 500

« Last Edit: January 23, 2009, 03:27:53 pm by Akroma »
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods IV
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2008, 07:47:12 am »

Kazad demon of the Deeps. (Fire 3, Dark 3, Death 2)
Most have never heard of Him, as He goes mainly by titles, such as 'The Dark Rider' and 'Scourge of the Earth'. He controls the Orcs and their minions.
He is portrayed as a tall, strong figure, dressed head to toe in a dark robe. His face is hidden hy a hood.

Basic description:
The Orcs are the 'Master' race, which is as much as can be said about the chaotic nature of most of their citadels. Orcs have a red-black skin tone, with thick, muscled arms and powerful legs. Beneath them are the Trolls and Goblins. Trolls are huge hulking monsters, usually found in caves or ruins, they have a similar skin tone to the Orcs, but much darker. Goblins are also quite similar to their Orc relatives but smaller and more weedy. They are usually the cannon fodder of any Orc army. Orcs usually live for about 400 years, Trolls up to 800 and Goblins no more than 60.

Culture & Society:
The Orcs lead the chaotic strongholds in which they live, sending out raiding parties comprising of themselves, and their brothers, the Trolls and Goblins. It is a sad life to be a Goblin, as any Orc or Troll could give you an order, and you would have to do it. A slow death would be the punishment. The Orcs are a warlike race, although their method of fighting is comparatively civilised. They use horns and drums to signal to their soldiers, and Standards to keep them together. They also split themselves into warbands, comprising of about 50 Orcs, who work together using various tactics depending on their weaponry.

They can create many varieties of armour and weaponry using iron. But they are able to work with  almost any other metal. Their hand ranged weapons, such as crossbows are poorly made, as they will only go to Goblins. Their siege weapons however, are beautiful. They can build huge towers, ladders, Trebuchet, Catapult, Ballistae and they can even make, with some magic, pots of magic powder. In other words, explosives.
The Orcs live underground, in winding tunnels and caverns usually with large holes open to the sky, to vent away the fumes of their furnaces. As such they are unable to build much, except with wood. But even then it is of poor quality.

Magic & Divine Powers:
The Orcs have various shamans and magic doers that are able to manipulate the flow to a lesser extent. They can do small things, such as throw fireballs & lightning and can enchant weapons with some form of magic, usually Sharpness or Fireblade. Most magic is quite flashy and over the top, and all could be done an easier way.

Arrival in the world:
They are natives. After Gaz's conquest his horde was seriously depleted. As such they only start with 350 Goblins, 200 Orcs and 75 Trolls. They start at x22,y22

Population support and growth:
Goblins = 25%
Orcs = 15%
Trolls = 5%

Order is Goblins, Orcs, Trolls.
Mountain: 250|60|50//2|2|3 (F|N|F//N|N|F)
Hill: 100|150|50//3|2|3 (N|F|F//F|N|F)
Plain: 100|150|20//2|3|2 (N|F|N//N|F|N)
Desert: 250|15|5//3|2|3 (F|U|U//F|N|F)
Forest: 250|60|20//3|2|1 (F|N|N//F|N|U)
Rainforest: 100|60|5//1|2|1 (N|N|U//U|N|U)
River: +100//2|3|1  (xxx//N|F|U)
Water: 100|150|20//2|3|2 (N|F|N//N|F|N)
Glacier: 25|15|50//1|1|2 (U|U|F//U|U|N)
Swamp: 25|60|5//2|1|1 (U|N|U//N|U|U)
Tundra: 25|15|50//1|1|2 (U|U|N//U|U|N)

Gaz, the Orc. Warlord of an Empire, he finally defeated the last rival tribe and now intends to conquer the world. No creature, Goblin, Orc or Troll can stand in his way, and he is a ruthless tactical minded warlord. He fought his brother for the title of Warlord after his father died, and his career started then.

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   0    5    0    5    0     5    0

Nation: Warlord -'s Empire
Capital -Black Tower
Current population:
G= 350
O= 200
T= 75
« Last Edit: November 27, 2008, 11:02:19 am by Kashyyk »


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Re: Battle of the Gods IV
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2008, 08:06:17 am »



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Re: Battle of the Gods IV
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2008, 09:44:36 am »

there we go, is there anything missing you'd like me to specify, Istrian ?

and yes, the name Ranpu translates to "lamp"

There is a problem with the IRC
I try to /join #botg using the password "dwarf" but it sais I am not authorized to join, and something about a +r
« Last Edit: November 16, 2008, 09:49:03 am by Akroma »
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


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Re: Battle of the Gods IV
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2008, 12:26:44 pm »

Yay, finally, I'll post my adventurer sage/wizard later, but one question (from Akroma's race descrition):

Spheres: Light(4), Fire(2), Life(2)

What exactly do the numbers meen? And if I want to classify my hero's powers, how much points can I allocate? Btw, I'll be using Istrian's magic system, all credits to him for it.
<@Poltifar> yeah i've played life for almost 23 years
<@Poltifar> i specced myself into a corner, i should just reroll
<@Akroma> eh
<@Akroma> just play the minigames until your subscription runs out


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Re: Battle of the Gods IV
« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2008, 12:32:35 pm »

it shows how strong a sphere is represented, with a maximum of 8 points
Find comfort in that most people of intelligence jeer at the inmost mysteries, if superior minds were ever placed in fullest contact with the secrets preserved by
 ancient and lowly cults, the resultant abnormalities would soon not only wreck the world, but threathen the very ingerity of the cosmos


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Re: Battle of the Gods IV
« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2008, 01:21:03 pm »


((Starts at the volcano of (27, 23) with 50 creeps dudes, unless I have made a mistake in reading the co- ordinates))

The Erithreans

Civ symbol: R
Army symbol: r

God: Machinatus the Hidden (Shadow 2, Fire 2, Stone 2, Speechcraft 2)
The creator god of the Erithreans, Machinatus hadn't concerned himself with his people until just quite recently, sending them Machinatus the Pure, his diamond- encrusted avatar.

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Culture and society:
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Magic and Divine Powers:
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Population growth and support:
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Movement speed:
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Special rules:
- Volcanoes grant +200 pop cap
- No river bonus
- Can use the Deeps to move between volcanoes:
-- 2 tiles per turn
-- 5% of dudes lost per turn
- Can telecommunicate electromagnetically between two adjacent squares.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2008, 02:56:05 am by Dwarfaholic »


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Re: Battle of the Gods IV
« Reply #11 on: November 16, 2008, 04:29:08 pm »

I would join but I'm going to be buzy for some time. I'll still be watching though.
May toss the Dracon in again if I ever get the chance.
Disclaimer: Not responsible for dwarven deaths from the use or misuse of this post.
I don't need friends!! I've got knives!!!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Battle of the Gods IV
« Reply #12 on: November 16, 2008, 07:19:46 pm »

If this is happening I guess I don't want to be left out... on the other hand I'm not sure if I approve of this game, I liked the BotG3 rules better and I'd much rather see that resurrected. Also I think it's a bit hasty, there should be an OOC thread were we can discus rules long before the game starts.
I'd like to discus on IRC whit Istrian really.

If I join, I don't think I want to write an essay every turn, so maybe I'll just create an adventurer, I have some idea...

Basically, some forest animal gains sentience randomly from magic effects, that's me. Probably some rodent, maybe a rat or a squirrel. then I proceed on first turn to happen upon and join one of the mage organisations.
So says Armok, God of blood.


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Re: Battle of the Gods IV
« Reply #13 on: November 16, 2008, 09:58:36 pm »

So here is my desired race. I hope its not to powerfull. If anything has to be changed please PM me.

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« Last Edit: November 25, 2008, 01:37:22 pm by Heph »
[sarcasm] You know what? I love grammar Nazis! They give me that warm and fuzzy feeling. I am so ashamed of my bad english and that my first language is German. [/sarcasm]

Proud to be a Furry.


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Re: Battle of the Gods IV
« Reply #14 on: November 16, 2008, 11:34:34 pm »

Yeah I'll join.

Let me just make up a race first ;)
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