Kashyyk: Fine, it will probably be easier to dry the food.
3 +1 (drying is easier than cooking) = 4 [Ouch, this is bad luck]
Kashyyk again tries to prepare the food, but this time he attempts to dry them. He utterly fails again because he couldn't find a nice stick to hang the meat from.
Jay Kayell: I pick up the gem.
5 = 5
Jay wanders over to pick up the wasp gem but fails. He can't seem to remember where the wasp dropped it.
Banzayatc: I practice levitation by controlling the wind to hold me in air. I also return the hammer to Fenrir.
9 +3 = 12
Banzayatc is completely ignoring the commotion and instead is concentrating on how to levitate. He quickly gets the hang of carefully controlling wind and is soon floating about. He now has +2 to levitation but can only go a couple of thousand metres up into the air.
Fenrir: After recieving my hammer, I use the saplings to build a gate in the wall at the hole.
11 + 1 = 12
Fenrir uses his hammer to quickly build a massive wall with the saplings. It is several layers thick and 1m tall. He uses his hammer to pound them deep into the ground. -2 to any attack knocking them over.
Servant Corps: Mind control the Fire Elemental.
Servant Corps uses the gem to control the Fire Elemental. It is now permanently under Servant Corps's control. He can also see into the clearing through the fire elemental but they can't see out after the wall Fenrir built is done.
Webadict: I use my mind powers to take the black diamond from Servant Corps.
[As he is holding the diamond his dodge applies]
10 CTH
8 + 2 (diamond) = 10 Dodge
Webadict concentrates hard on making the diamond fly out of Servant Corps's hand but Servant Corps is just a microsecond too fast and dodges his attack.
Evil Voice: Give Servant Corps food and water.
Suddenly, a large bundle of food and a full water bottle appears next to Servant Corps.
Fenrir: Mind Powers Healing +1, Strength: +3 (+2, +1), 1 dagger (-1 to damage, +1 to CTH)), has 1 hammer (+1 to crafting using a hammer).
Banzayatc: +3 mind powers forces, +2 to levitation, has 1 machetes (+1 to damage, -1 to CTH), 1 daggers (-1 to damage, +1 to CTH. Has 3 picks (-3 to CTH, +3 to damage [as they pierce internal organs]).
Webadict: +3 mind powers kinetic, +1 to sensing geological formations, +1 to healing or modifying bones, has 1 rapier (+1 to damage, +2 to CTH), +2 to severing jaw controlling nerves of mammals.
Jay Kayell: +3 mind power forces, +1 CTH with mind forces, Can extract energy from plants, has 1 dagger (-1 to damage, +1 to CTH), has 1 half litre chunk of ice that has strange properties.
Kashyyk: +1 sense, +1 Mind powers kinetic, +1 CTH, has 1 machete (+1 to damage, -1 to CTH, +2 against flesh and bone, can shatter into shards against hard stuff like rock), and a snake skin. +1 to butchering animals.
Servant Corps: +3 mind forces, has 1 machete (+1 to damage, -1 to CTH), 1 dagger (-1 to damage, +1 to CTH), has 1 black diamond (can perfectly control any 1 NPC [Non player character], +2 to dodging mind powers).
Fire elemental: Has +2 to fire and heat mind powers. Fires started by it don't go out until its death (dismissing it doesn't count as death). Out for the next turn.
The group has enough food for 1 turn, enough raw food for 11 turns and enough water for 5. Each player is also wearing a shirt, belt with place for dagger and machete, long pants, socks, leather boots and has a quantum backpack.
Servant Corps has enough food for 10 turn and enough water for 6.
The group find themselves in a slight clearing about 8m in radius. The other 2m is a 2m deep moat full of water walled off by a dirt wall 3m high. At the South there is a large hole and the moat is filled with dirt. The hole is walled off by a gate of resiliently planted saplings trunks. The gate can only be opened from the inside by a small mechanism on the side keeping it closed. There is a small fire in the middle burning on plain dirt (the sticks are burnt out) and another one North at the place where the bobcat died. Outside of the moat is Servant Corps trying to kill them and take back the treasure. Inside is a downwards staircase leading to the ruins and a food store.