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Author Topic: (Succession) Speargroove nano fortresss,  (Read 71697 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Speargroove - Another high FPS succession game
« Reply #75 on: December 06, 2008, 10:22:09 am »

Pruvan has issued a mandate: Post Save 1/1

Well here you go everyone!

I actually uploaded it yesterday, but forgot to give you all the link, ;D sorry.
"OH NO! That carp is gulping at me menacingly, even though it cannot really threaten me from here on land!  I KNOW! I'll dodge into the water, where I'll be safe!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Speargroove - Another high FPS succession game
« Reply #76 on: December 09, 2008, 11:35:49 pm »

In case you're wondering, I'm still trying to figure out where everything is and what everything's being used for. This fortress is a bloody mess it is  ::)

P.S.: What's the best way to take screenshots?
« Last Edit: December 10, 2008, 01:07:36 am by Pruvan »
I don't see dicks...  I'd hate to ask people to point them out.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Speargroove - Another high FPS succession game
« Reply #77 on: December 10, 2008, 04:22:17 am »

Alt, print screen. And then open paint,gimp, photoshop or what ever other image editing program you use. Paste the screenshot. Save it, preferably as .jpg, .gif or .png and the upload it to your preferred image uploading site (photobucket or imageshack are the two main ones). And then add the image to your post.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Speargroove - Another high FPS succession game
« Reply #78 on: December 10, 2008, 04:49:47 am »

Oh yeeeah holding Alt only prints the active window, I hath totallay forgotten.
I don't see dicks...  I'd hate to ask people to point them out.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Speargroove - Another high FPS succession game
« Reply #79 on: December 10, 2008, 02:56:05 pm »

Oh yeeeah holding Alt only prints the active window, I hath totallay forgotten.

You don't have a print screen button on your keyboard?

Well either way sounds like you solved your problem, by the way when can we expect an update?
"OH NO! That carp is gulping at me menacingly, even though it cannot really threaten me from here on land!  I KNOW! I'll dodge into the water, where I'll be safe!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Speargroove - Another high FPS succession game
« Reply #80 on: December 12, 2008, 10:12:45 am »



The following are excerpts taken from the journal of Pruvan Lūkimush

10th Malachite, 204

Greetings, my name is Pruvan Lūkimush. If you're reading this journal it means you've taken an interest in the history of Speargroove, which also means this journal will have survived and its purpose is being fulfilled. I was chosen as temporary supervisor for this young thriving fortress because the previous supervisor has apparently forsaken his duties in favor of his own personal gains. I was chosen to lead next because the people have faith in me. I can only hope I'll be able to live up to the expectations. I am but a humble blacksmith now chosen to control the fates of my brethren and our home, thus I shall try to take decisive yet calculated actions to ensure the safe progression of our lives.

17th Malachite, 204

After seven days and seven nights I have finally managed to struggle my way through the numerous scrolls, documents, maps and work orders that make up our disorderly infrastructure. How anyone ever managed to keep track of the fortress' going before me is beyond me. There is a lot of work to be done but I've managed to break down a few key tasks that I hope will be accomplished by the end of the second winter to come. I will list them here, in somewhat right order, for future references.

1.Get rid of all the stones laying about.

The amount of stones that clutter up our fortress is astonishing, and the fact that no one's bothered to store them properly is beyond me. Right now our brethren are struggling to make their ways towards their beds because of the dozens of stones blocking up the hallways. The amount of space required to store these stones will be huge compared to the area our great leader has restricted us in, but I have a somewhat foolproof plan to take care of this.

2.Put the animals out of their misery.

This grotesque scene is, again, beyond me. All of our animals are stuffed inside this one cage and forced to live under horrible conditions. They have been traumatized up to the point where the only way to help them now is to put them out of their misery. It's cruel, but it's the lesser of two evils. If I could find the person who did this I'd throw him in a cage personally and store him in the deepest, darkest part of our fortress.

3.Get fundamentals of a better organization going.

Right now it's hard to tell heads from tails in our fortress. By the end of my reign I hope to have all workshops and stockpiles somewhat better organized. If not better, at least somewhat more logical up to the point where supervisors to come will be able to jump-start their way into helping our fortress progress further.

4.Move important things deeper underground

Some important items like all of our weapons, armor and ammo (!) are being stored pretty much outside at our front door. All the enemy has to do is move in, grab whatever they want and be off before anyone knows what happened.

5.Create a proper smithing area deeper underground.

Being a smith myself, I'm worried that our exposure so close to the enemy is dangerous to important dwarves like forgers and smiths (if I may say so myself). I plan to create a proper smithing area, magma fueled of course, much deeper underground.

6.Build a proper meeting hall.

The above drawing speaks for itself I believe. Not to mention the amount of people who have complained that the serpent is giving them nightmares (me being one of them).

7.Create a solid defense at the fort's entrance.

Right now the people guarding our front door consist of 6 unorganized wrestlers, some wielding weapons they're barely skilled in. How we managed to survive for so long is beyond me.

8.Reposition farms.

Our farms are tiny at best and awkwardly located. I hope to have them positioned better as well.

9.Get people's rooms properly furnished.

Right now everyone has a room to speak of, but little more than a bed in most cases. Giving everyone at least a coffer for belongings and a cabinet for clothes is something that seems only rational to me.

10.Provide power to the fortress.

Right now the only thing that needs powering is a millstone outside, but in the future power may be needed for grand scale projects of unspoken purposes. It's a less important task but I shall try to fit it in my schedule as well.

11.Construct something memorable

Any fool's dream of course. To have something to be remembered by... This has the lowest priority of all tasks ahead. But we shall see what we shall see...

18th Malachite, 204

Time to get to work!

I've ordered the entire area in the above drawing to be mined out and used for storing all the cluttering stones in. The miners gave me an odd look, but I ensured them I knew what I was doing. I also ordered the small openings that were being used for drawbridges covered up, since they are no longer being used for said purpose. The area wasn't being used for anything, so for now it shall serve this purpose. If at any point the number of stones in our fortress diminishes, this area can be rewalled for other uses.

I've grouped our... 'military' into one squad and ordered all of them to equip crossbows. We have plenty lieing around so it shouldn't be a problem. I tried to put the Captain of the Guard in charge of the squad but the elite wrestlers refused to serve someone beneath them in skill. It's odd if you think about it, but I've no time to argue with them since they're the only ones keeping us safe. I've stationed them at the front door for now. Whether or not they'll be able to hold back any invaders is something I don't want to dwell on for now.

I've created a new refuse stockpile and ordered everyone to stop gathering filth from outside. The amount of turtle bones and shells we have is daunting.

Unfortunately I won't be having any time for trading. I've enough work already and quite frankly, I wouldn't know what we need anyway.

It's sad, but it has to be done. I assigned someone to do the butchering.

21st Malachite, 204

The mining is going faster than I could have hoped! At this rate we'll have that stone stockpiled in no time.

25th Malachite, 204

The area has been cleared and can now be used to store stones! I've ordered everyone to start hauling immediately. I'm hearing a lot of complaining behind my back, but in the end it'll be worth it.

25th Galena, 204

A month has passed, and progress is slow. But we'll get there eventually. Nothing worth mentioning has happened this past month. A handful of snatchers foolishly trying to make their way in, but quickly getting disposed of. Things should start picking up once the stones have been stored.

1st Limestone, 204

Autumn has come. And we're still alive. I'm doing better than I had anticipated!

9th Limestone, 204

Just an example of one of the felsite guardians being released and put out of its misery. He was missing an entire hand. The stump was infected and rotten from lack of care. Those poor bastards...

15th Limestone, 204

One of the merchants sounded the alarm when he spotted a goblin raiding party. Let's hope our defenses can take care of them...

19th Limestone, 204

By Armok... What a bloodbath. Not only were the goblins' numbers far greater than we anticipated, but a group of violet xelics attacked us from behind at the very same time! If it hadn't been for the merchants' bodyguards we would've been mercilessly slaughtered...

Only Olga, a former supervisor, and a single wrestler managed to survive the onslaught. Because they managed to get away in time. What little military we had is now broken and our fortress lies in the hands of whomever decides to protect us, which is a group of friendly traders at the moment. I'll assign some new dwarves to our poor army and hope we will have no more encounters to speak of until we have a proper defense going.

One of the dwarves busy burying our fallen was suddenly taken by a fey mood somewhat later this day. He probably figured now's as good a time as any to be inspired. A little macabre if you ask me.

25th Limestone, 204

The weaver has finished her masterpiece. She seems to have gotten some awkward inspiration from the coffins she was passing. I decided not to ask any questions. I hope none of the little girls in our fortress will have to wear this skirt.

10th Sandstone, 204

The merchants regretfully told me that they had to depart again. I begged them to stay but they told me it wasn't their call. Which means the only thing standing between us and death is a poorly thrown together army of dabbling marksdwarves. I have little faith at the moment.

Progress on stone stockpiling has been slow, due to the lack of arms. No explanation needed. We're going to need more graves if this keeps up. My brethren aren't blaming me for what happened, but still...

17th Timber, 204

All of the traumatized animals have finally been disposed of. I ordered the butcher to start hauling stones as well. We're almost there. There have been no more sieges so far. I'm still holding my breath.

1st Moonstone, 204

Winter is upon us. We have plenty of food and drinks to make it through. The guards outside are finding it rather chilly, but we're giving them booze to keep them warm. The stone piling draws ever closer to completion. Once everything's been moved out of the way we can focus on other tasks at hand.

6th Moonstone, 204

Our stockpile is almost full... And there are still more stones lieing about! I get the feeling we're going to need a little more space still...

9th Moonstone, 204

Armok does not seem to smile upon us this year. And just when we've almost finished hauling the stones too. The stockpile is full but I've ordered another small stockpile deeper down. My prayers are with our marksdwarves, no merchants are around to save us now should things go wrong... If this should be my last entry, let it be known that Speargroove did not surrender itself without putting up a fight. I go now to support my brethren. Let's hope Armok may yet smile upon us in our darkest hour...

12th Moonstone, 204

We are still alive, but for how long I do not know. One of our marksdwarves was shot and killed in the fight. The enemy wave has retreated for now but whether or not it was just a scouting party is yet to be revea

<< The journal entry abruptly ends here as if the author was interrupted while writing >>

18th Moonstone, 204

Another raiding party ambushed us and overwhelmed our guard. Olga fought bravely to try and defend us, but with only three or four dabbling marksdwarves as backup was quickly overwhelmed and struck down. But not without taking down a handful of enemies as well. The enemy marched on our doorsteps and all seemed lost, until Dain, our founding father, in a glorious act of desperation gathered all our brethren and led a counter offensive against our foes! With no weapons or armor to speak of, we formed what seemed to be a giant iron fist of courage and valor and smashed our enemies into bloody pulps. Yet our victory only lasted so long, a second raiding party arrived shortly thereafter and took us in the middle of celebration and recuperation. Our founder quickly assembled everyone and charged once more, but his willingness to die for his fortress finally got the best of him. Rushing forward in advance, he was quickly surrounded by a group of bugbears and brought to death. Knowing no honor they charged him from all sides, a great armed many against one unarmed dwarf. An unfair fight that was impossible to win... Before the others could arrive it was already too late. We took down every single bugbear we could find with all the fury in our hearts combined, but alas. A great many of us had already fallen in battle and this time there were no celebrations. Both Dain and Olga had fallen in battle, along with countless of others. Those of us who survived are now left with little faith in our existence.

Nevertheless let it be known henceforth that Speargroove will never fall into enemy hands! Not while at least one dwarf in Speargroove is left standing! Armok was truly in all of us this day, even those who now lie dead died knowing their death was not in vain.

19th Moonstone, 204

Burial ceremonies were had. I wish we had a grander burial chamber for Dain... But in his humbleness he never provided one for himself. Udil, another previous supervisor has taken it upon himself to fill up some positions that were vacant after the slaughter. I thanked him for his kindness. We haven't elected a new mayor yet and there's no need for a captain of a non-existent guard. We're all a bit shook up, and a lot of us are still demoralized... But we must press on. Especially now. We can't let everyone have died in vain.

22nd Opal, 204

With the stones out of the way I've ordered the construction of the new smithing area. I haven't been sleeping well and it's hard to focus on my tasks at hand but I have to pull through.

26th Opal, 204

We found a small lace agate vein. Some joy after all I guess. I've been having nightmares for several nights in a row now...

7th Obsidian, 204

I couldn't take it anymore, I've issued a lock down. No one goes in or out without my order. I need to be able to sleep at night knowing I won't be dismembered and see our fortress burn when I wake up. Until we are ready for the unexpected all contact with outsiders is prohibited. This includes traders.

26th Obsidian, 204

One of the children was taken by an odd mood today. Normally these sort of things only happen when one has come of age. I'm intrigued as to what inspired him and let him do his business.

1st Granite, 205

Spring has arrived and new year celebrations were had! People are starting to live up once more. With a new season come new beginnings. Let's hope this year will be blessed by Armok.

6th Granite, 205

Nomal, the child who was taken by a strange mood some days ago, just finished her grand construction. A beautiful looking crown. There's a picture referencing to the foundation of Speargroove on it. Dain himself would've been proud to see our youth grow so skilled so quickly! She may become a grand crafter one day.

22nd Granite, 205

Rovod, formerly a leatherworker, was elected as the new mayor today. Let's hope he leads us as well as Dain once did. I don't really know him, but others say he'll do the job fine so I don't care much. Work on the smithing area must continue.

3rd Slate, 205

I'm already beginning to dislike our new mayor...

13th Slate, 205

Creamcornicussomethingorother, the supervisor that came before me and has some sort of extreme self-esteem about himself, kept nagging my ears off that I had to spent more attention to him. I gave him what he wanted for now (to shut him up mostly).

24th Slate, 205

I've ordered all hallways, rooms and others (except for the working and unused areas) to be smoothed out. It'll give our fortress some well-deserved sex appeal. The smithing area is nearing completion, but because of the smoothing it's on hold for a while. Nothing to worry about though.

6th Felsite, 205

Found a lot of stuff today, strewn around the fortress randomly and no one dared touch it. When I asked my brethren about it they said they were forbidden to do so. I'm at a loss as to why this was so, but nevertheless I've ordered them to store it as well. Who knows when you might need some extra socks!

14th Felsite, 205

I counted today and we have 54 rooms... And only 28 dwarves to live in them. It's sad if you think about it. Still, I hope to furnish as many of them as possible. It should take care of the ridiculous amount of stones we have as well.

25th Felsite, 205

The magma furnaces and forges are in place! Now for the stockpiles...

26th Felsite, 205

We struck copper! Ironically right in the middle of our smithing operation. Armok smiles upon us once more!

1st Hematite, 205

Summer has come, and all is well. Construction is proceeding according to plan. We haven't had any more raids either.

14th Hematite, 205

Had to make another temporary stone stockpile for the newly dug stones. But our smithing area is almost finished! (How many times have I written that already?)

18th Hematite, 205

There's a lot of fighting going on outside. Unfortunately there's nothing we can do to help the merchants without risking the lives of our entire fortress... I feel somewhat responsible but... Ah,

<< There are some scribbles on this page, but they have been crossed out and made illegible >>

25th Hematite, 205

Another one of us is taken by a strange mood. I think it's the stones and lack of fresh air...

8th Malachite, 205

Another small artifact to add to our collection. Most impressive I say.

15th Malachite, 205

Just found out my work orders weren't being put through because Udil was afraid of a raging camel outside. Ordered a marksdwarf to take care of it. Things should pick up again soon.

15th Galena, 205

At long last, the smithing area is officially finished and open for business (better late than never)! All weapons, armor, ammo and metal bars are being moved to their new home now. I made myself an office near the furnaces to ensure everything goes right and no one does anything stupid around the magma. We can now take on some other organizing, notably the cloth and leather sections (among others). I still have roughly half a year so things should work out according to schedule.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2008, 10:15:01 am by Pruvan »
I don't see dicks...  I'd hate to ask people to point them out.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Speargroove - Another high FPS succession game
« Reply #81 on: December 12, 2008, 10:15:14 am »

1st Limestone, 205

Autumn has come. It's taking a while to drag the heavy metal bar bins downstairs but all the weapons and armor are properly stored now. I've also ordered the smelting of our newfound malachite ore into copper.

4th Sandstone, 205

I've begun reorganizing some of our workshops and stockpiles to make them a little more orderly. There are a lot of invaders outside, I feel confident I made the right call on locking the fortress down.

18th Sandstone, 205

Ordered the smelting of some stuff we couldn't use and finalized the slightly better organization. Onwards to more tasks at hand!

I did a counting, and to properly furnish all the rooms we'll need to construct 47 coffers, 31 cabinets, 54 tables and 53 thrones... That's 185 stones we won't have to worry about anymore. Looks like our masons have their work cut out for them!

I put the order through, time to get to work! Only a few more months left after all.

13th Timber, 205

Things are going well, and a lot of masterpieces are being created too. It should boost our fortress' wealth pretty nicely. Unfortunately Udil isn't very skilled at appraising yet so right now we have no idea how much wealth we're actually producing. It doesn't really matter, survivability and welfare is top priority right now.

27th Timber, 205

We've now started to move all the coffers and cabinets into the rooms, the tables and thrones will be next. Everything's going to look pretty darn nice once we're done. Even Creamcornicus, who's usually hiding in some corner complaining about the lack of statues to glorify his image, has decided to lend a hand and is actively melting the useless narrow armor in our stockpiles.

1st Moonstone, 205

Winter is upon us, the last season in which I'll reign. There are still a lot of things I would've liked seen done but I fear the lack of time will be inevitable. There's still no proper meeting hall, the food and farms are still poorly located, our defenses are a lot to be desired and there's no power in our fort yet (although this is secondary). However, the fort has become a much more livable place (even though there's only 28 of us now) and once our doors can be reopened I am confident migrants will flock from all around the world to join the mighty fortress of Speargroove!

For now, back to furnishing.

17th Opal, 205

All the tables and thrones have been ordered for placing as well. I also made a proper area for farm plots, since we have some spare room and less stones now. No dining room or better food stockpiles yet though. I'll see what I can whip up in the next few weeks.

11th Obsidian, 205

All the rooms are now fully furnished. Each room has a bed, coffer, cabinet, table and throne. Which means each dwarf will now have a proper place to store their belongings and a table to eat from. I also ordered the seeds to be stockpiled around the farm plots inside to separate them from the edible food. It's the best I can do in such short time.

1st Granite, 205

Spring has come, and my time as a supervisor has regretfully come to an end. I did what I could to turn our fortress into a beautiful pearl and I think it's at least shiny now. I decided to look back on my goals and see how many of them I had completed. Below is a summary of my one and a half year of reign.

1.Get rid of all the stones laying about.

All the stones in our fortress have been stockpiled, our dwarves no longer have to climb over an endless amount of rocks just to get some food.

2.Put the animals out of their misery.

The caged animals have all been put down, and new young and healthy animals have already started to breed.

3.Get fundamentals of a better organization going.

The stockpiles and workshops have been replaced to be more appealing to the eye and easier to identify for future supervisors.

4.Move important things deeper underground.

All the weapons, armor and ammo have been safely stockpiled, among other things.

5.Create a proper smithing area deeper underground.

Magma forges and furnaces have been given a place of honor by my side.

6.Build a proper meeting hall.

Alas, due to lack of time no bigger beautiful meeting hall could be constructed. I trust future supervisors will take this task upon themselves.

7.Create a solid defense at the fort's entrance.

Right now our fortress is defenseless and cut off from all outsiders. This has been my greatest flaw during my reign here. The lack of military insight is a spot of shame on my record. However, I have been secretly training a marksdwarf to become an elite. Ducim is his name. He is now skilled enough to perhaps one day become the new captain of the guard. And bring our fort back to military glory!

8.Reposition farms.

In the last few months I made a small farming area out of a piece of stone stockpile area. What with all the furnishing it was no longer needed for said purpose. There are now 4 underground plots and one above-ground plot of reasonable sizes. This should allow for a larger variety of planting.

9.Get people's rooms properly furnished.

54 beautiful rooms are now ready to be inhabited inside our fortress. Should any migrants arrive there will be no need to build more rooms for some time.

10.Provide power to the fortress.

Though a secondary objective, I had hoped to see it completed as well. A task for future supervisors as well I suppose. Right now the millstone stands rather lonely outside.

11.Construct something memorable.

Ah. I did what had to be done. No monuments will glorify my deeds these past months, but I feel confident I won't soon be forgotten. I'll resume my life as a simple blacksmith for now, until such time when I am needed again.

Thus ends my reign, and thus ends this journal. I shall pass it on to the next supervisor as a source of reference, and hope to see it one day placed amongst the great scrolls that make up the history of Speargroove. I am Pruvan Lūkimush, and for now I bid you farewell.

<< On the last page of the journal is an exceptionally drawn autograph of Pruvan Lūkimush >>


Current map of the fortress:
File download:

Yeeeeah sorry that Dain and Olga died. I guess you could always go for another year and make a new character? Still, you both died in a heroic battle so it's all good I think.
Also I never changed the init.txt file. It's only after I finished my turn that I checked and saw the max population had been set to 30. I'm not sure who changed this but the next in line should remember to check the init for any changes he/she wants to make, especially if you want any migrants to come to the fortress. I managed to survive without them so it's all good I think.
I don't see dicks...  I'd hate to ask people to point them out.

Duke 2.0

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Speargroove - Another high FPS succession game
« Reply #82 on: December 12, 2008, 10:35:59 am »

 Alright, my turn. And seeing how our last overseer was so good to the dwarves, it's time for a crazy leader.

 Don't expect me to start today. Perhaps you will see an update next week, likely on Monday or Tuesday.
Buck up friendo, we're all on the level here.
I would bet money Andrew has edited things retroactively, except I can't prove anything because it was edited retroactively.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Forger of Civilizations
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Re: Speargroove - Another high FPS succession game
« Reply #83 on: December 12, 2008, 11:28:39 am »

Ouch, that's a lot of ambushes. I feel compelled to point out, however, that most of the creatures you had put down could have been trained as war animals to aid in the defense of the fortress. Although the beetle larva would have had to grow up, first.

Oh, and Guardians are golems. They feel no pain.

Interesting fortress you guys have going, though.
Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
Come play Mafia with us!
"Let us maintain our chill composure." - Toady One


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Speargroove - Another high FPS succession game
« Reply #84 on: December 12, 2008, 06:05:15 pm »

Pfft, why didn't you keep those hammers?

They were teh awesome, saved me allot of time too! Oh also if no one is going I'd like to continue my reign, sorta fixed my computer, (problem with the hardware). So if no one is participating next I'd like to go.
"OH NO! That carp is gulping at me menacingly, even though it cannot really threaten me from here on land!  I KNOW! I'll dodge into the water, where I'll be safe!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Speargroove - Another high FPS succession game
« Reply #85 on: December 13, 2008, 12:27:14 am »

Pfft, why didn't you keep those hammers?

They were teh awesome, saved me allot of time too! Oh also if no one is going I'd like to continue my reign, sorta fixed my computer, (problem with the hardware). So if no one is participating next I'd like to go.

I think we should wait for Duke to finish his turn. But after we go through this list:

b]Player List:[/b]
A_Fey_Dwarf (done)
Time Kitten(done)
Duke 2.0(current)
Hieda no Akyu

Ill put you at the top of the next list in the next round (after Hieda no Akyu has finished or skipped his turn).

Time Kitten

  • Bay Watcher
  • Evil Spirit
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Re: Speargroove - Another high FPS succession game
« Reply #86 on: December 13, 2008, 02:14:37 am »

It seems that no one is using the gate I built, or the bridges, and that the underside of them has been left open, which is bad if someone does try to drop them.

If no one has any objections, i can make an obsidian farm that shouldn't be breakable by leaver throwing, as long as the dwarves are kept locked out of the room while you're playing with switches, my next turn.

Duke 2.0

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Speargroove - Another high FPS succession game
« Reply #87 on: December 13, 2008, 03:21:29 am »

 Trust me, the magma lake will handle that.

 Yes, I am installing a magma lake on levels 12 and possibly 11. Farms may or may not be relocated to lower positions. Yes, the castle will be on supports over a lake of magma. Glass will be used. Sea-serpent shall stand in a cage on the highest rampart, showing all invading forces that I will NOT piss around with them.

 Those are my goals. That is my plan.
Buck up friendo, we're all on the level here.
I would bet money Andrew has edited things retroactively, except I can't prove anything because it was edited retroactively.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Speargroove - Another high FPS succession game
« Reply #88 on: December 13, 2008, 06:15:44 am »

Yea so how did we get a sea serpent in a cage in the first place? This is awesome, I suggest you release it into the aquifer permaflooded magnetite area.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Speargroove - Another high FPS succession game
« Reply #89 on: December 13, 2008, 09:33:38 am »

By the way, what's going to happen to those bajillion glass blocks I made?

I could see a bit of clearing going on earlier, not to mention the sand bags stockpile, what's happened to those, also you do know we have a legendary glass maker? Why doesn't someone make use of her?
"OH NO! That carp is gulping at me menacingly, even though it cannot really threaten me from here on land!  I KNOW! I'll dodge into the water, where I'll be safe!"
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