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Author Topic: Kobold Camp  (Read 155294 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kobold Camp
« Reply #30 on: November 13, 2008, 06:52:22 pm »

Funny, I've actually gone out of my way to make my huts lopsided or not entirely square and uniform.


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Re: Kobold Camp
« Reply #31 on: November 14, 2008, 02:32:48 am »

So far, it's a pretty fun mod, but I seem to have a glitch getting kobolds to equip spears, they go to pick it up and immediately drop it after sparring and get stuck in a loop of trying to pick it up and not. I also can't get them to equip knives or any such weapons beyond axes. I haven't tried bows yet.

It's been mentioned in other threads on how to go about doing it, but it might be in flavor to make it so you can build structures from bone/skulls?


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Re: Kobold Camp
« Reply #32 on: November 14, 2008, 02:46:05 am »

It's a problem concerning weapon size. The kobolds have to use both hands to grasp weapons that are too large and they end up getting stuck in a cycle like that. You'll want to generally avoid spears, or mod them down a size or two. As for bows, you need to change the skill they use from bow to crossbow, since you can't tell your soldiers to equip bows -- only crossbows.
You can grab the final version of the mod here, it's got those fixes I think, but spears might still be two-handed.

And speaking of kobolds...
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kobold Camp
« Reply #33 on: November 14, 2008, 02:46:39 am »

^^^ The spears thing is caused by two-handed weapons.  Reduce the MIN_SIZE of spears by 1 and it should stop.

e: beaten


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Re: Kobold Camp
« Reply #34 on: November 14, 2008, 04:03:56 am »

If you want to be really leet about it, there's a built in solution to the spear thing.  Go (V) (L) (S) and tell the spearkob to use two weapons.  This actually defines how many hands he's allowed to use, otherwise he goes in a loop of "I need a spear - I'm holding too many weapons - I need a spear - I'm holding too many weapons" etc.  Not the most elegant system, but Toady supposedly fixed it for next time.

EDIT: For even more weapon fun, you can use the method described here to make bows count as crossbows, but still use the bow skill.  Just change this line-
You can do the same to blowguns (be sure to add them to the entity file) and similar things with daggers by adding a ammo line (with a dummy ammo type) tagged to SWORD.

One side effect is that if the kobold loses the weapon they were using, like a bow, they'll pick up any weapon keyed to the same ammo-skill, like a blowgun in this example, which they won't be experienced with.  But hey, they're kobolds.  You can't expect too much.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2008, 04:12:15 am by Aqizzar »
And here is where my beef pops up like a looming awkward boner.
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Re: Kobold Camp
« Reply #35 on: November 14, 2008, 04:31:09 am »

I'm pretty sure that workaround only works on melee weapons because the RANGED tag isn't actually invoked when they're using the weapon, which is because the weapon itself (e.g. knife, in the example you linked) has no ammo type associated to it. For a ranged weapon, it WOULD have an ammo type (it has to) and so they'd actually use it like a ranged weapon, and it would use the crossbow skill.

Which is fine all the same, only real difference is that they're called crossbowmen instead of bowmen.
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Re: Kobold Camp
« Reply #36 on: November 14, 2008, 05:04:52 am »

That's another thing to change.  They should be crosskobolds.

Embarked on another cave.  I'm determined to clear out one of these for a proper kobold dwelling.  This is actually my third attempt - on the second try I managed to land on a cave that already had kobolds living in it.  Sorry guys.

But number three doesn't have any undead wildlife or native kobs.  Just a one-armed bronze colossus.  Luckily the fisherkob managed to run across the map before being obliterated, so the camp might yet survive.

EDIT: Ah crap, here he comes.

EDIT: Well, the colossus just went back to his spawn point to chill out, so I left him be and went to business building a house.  Then I made a coffin for the dead fisherkob.  The cave has some giant rats in it, but they weren't near the entrance so I decided to be cute and put the tomb right under the colossus.

Turns out bronze colossi have ground penetrating radar.  Didn't know that until he was chasing the hunter deep into the cave to paint the walls with him.  Then he startled the crafter who was trying to inter the corpse, which in turn started a dwarf-like "must stockpile" reflex among the other kobs until I forbid the corpse.  Even so, the colossus was hot on the trail of three kobs when he emerged from the cave.

Then, I don't know what happened, but I think a kobold knee-capped him.  He's stuck in lying-down mode and moving slowly.  Sensing weakness, I ordered the remaining five to battle (which combined with the two deaths sent everybody into unhappiness).  They're still there now, pounding ineffectually on the colossus' bronze hide while he occasionally throws a punch at the one trained wrestler and misses.

EDIT: The colossus has yet to stand up, but he had two big advantages.  First, he may have crap speed and aim, but he only has to connect once to completely mangle a bodypart.  Second, he's made of bronze, and can't choke or tire.

It took a while, but he methodically pulverized the kobolds, who could only bruise him for a few moments at a time.  Now the only one left is the axekob, who's stuck in a wrestling loop with the colossus choking him.  They've been at it for ten minutes now, so I guess I'll have to abandon.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2008, 06:07:41 am by Aqizzar »
And here is where my beef pops up like a looming awkward boner.
Please amplify your relaxed states.
Quote from: PTTG??
The ancients built these quote pyramids to forever store vast quantities of rage.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kobold Camp
« Reply #37 on: November 14, 2008, 08:08:39 pm »

First birth in my camp and it's the maximum amount of pups as specified by the raws.



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Re: Kobold Camp
« Reply #38 on: November 14, 2008, 09:14:04 pm »

I've found a fun and completely in-character starting location.  Human town ruins.  All the wood you need with the entertaining benefit of random collapses.

Who would've though that semi-sentient komodo dragon thieves would be so thin skinned?  These kobolds turn unhappy at the drop of a log.
And here is where my beef pops up like a looming awkward boner.
Please amplify your relaxed states.
Quote from: PTTG??
The ancients built these quote pyramids to forever store vast quantities of rage.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kobold Camp
« Reply #39 on: November 15, 2008, 12:53:57 am »
The 4th and hopefully Final Version of Kobold Camp is out, and it comes completely packaged, including the exe AND this custom tileset!
All you have to do is download, extract, and run the game. All the raw files are pre-configured and the last of the tweaks are finished.
You'll never be able to look at the chains in your Fortress the same way again.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kobold Camp
« Reply #40 on: November 15, 2008, 12:56:13 am »
The 4th and hopefully Final Version of Kobold Camp is out, and it comes completely packaged, including the exe AND this custom tileset!
All you have to do is download, extract, and run the game. All the raw files are pre-configured and the last of the tweaks are finished.


Those are cute.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kobold Camp
« Reply #41 on: November 15, 2008, 01:07:29 am »

The sprites remind me of Cave Story, for some reason. Quite nice.

EDIT: Bonus love for baby kobold.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kobold Camp
« Reply #42 on: November 15, 2008, 01:15:54 am »

Those are some awesome graphics man.  Ninjas, Luchadors, Thieves, Nobles, just so great.  I especially love the kobold highwayman with the poncy hat.  If I can think of a way, I want to use that as an avatar.
And here is where my beef pops up like a looming awkward boner.
Please amplify your relaxed states.
Quote from: PTTG??
The ancients built these quote pyramids to forever store vast quantities of rage.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Kobold Camp
« Reply #43 on: November 15, 2008, 02:47:28 am »

I, too, am in love with his fantastically poncy hat.

I need a hat that poncy.  Just so I can...  ponce.
When you're following an angel, does it mean you have to throw your body off a building?

"So kids, what story do you want me to read to you tonight?"
"Oooh!  Oooh!  Goldibeard and the The Rotting Corpses!"


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Re: Kobold Camp
« Reply #44 on: November 15, 2008, 03:22:17 am »

Ironically enough, whenever kobold traders <embark on their journey> a bunch of "A thief has stolen <insert item>" messages appear. Crazy kobbies are so used to their kin stealing stuff that they think the traders stole all the things they possess from them.

Aside from that I'm loving it. When I started I sent a kobby with a sword out to hunt, the only animal on the map I embarked is an alligator. I expected a bloody massacre and cheap laughs with unhappy endings on the kobold's side of the story, but was surprised to see that not only did he make it out alive (though with a mangled right lower leg and some other minor injuries) he also managed to slash both the alligator's eyes out and cause some damage to its brain. The kobold is now resting and healing his wound, he has earned a lot of respect from me. Even though the alligator escaped alive. Contemplating building a fancy house for him.

Do immigrants arrive at some point or do we have to rely on kobold nookie to enlarge the population?

EDIT: Never mind, just had my first migration wave
« Last Edit: November 15, 2008, 03:27:30 am by Pruvan »
I don't see dicks...  I'd hate to ask people to point them out.
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