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Author Topic: Creamcorn's super text adventure: ADVENTURE! World turn...ZOMGWTFBBQ #3! :D :D  (Read 12774 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • One letter short of a wookie
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Head:Hard Iron helmet under:tough elk leather hood
Neck:Iron neck guard tied around: steel amulet of luck
Chest:Rust proof iron plate mail under: padded elk leather armor under: finely dark green dyed warm cotten shirt
Left bicep:Covered by iron plate mail under: covered by padded elk leather armor
Right bicep:Same as L bicep
L fore arm:Covered by iron plate mail under: covered by padded elk armor
R fore arm:Same as L fore arm
L hand:Maneuverable iron gauntlets: under cushiony wool gloves grasp: Light hard iron sheild damage bludgeon;Great damage force;Excellent
R hand:Same as L hand - the shield
L hand fingers:Golden Ring of merchants guild
R hand fingers:Nothing
Groin:Maneuverable iron greaves under: padded elk leggings under: finely dark green dyed trousers under: warm wool loin cloth
L thigh:Maneuverable iron greaves under: padded elk leggings under: finely dark green dyed trousers
R thigh:Same as L thigh
L shin:Maneuverable iron greaves under: padded elk leggings under: finely dark green dyed trousers
R shin:same as L shin
L foot:Iron high boot under: cushiony elk leather sole under: warm sheep's wool sock
R foot:Same as L foot

About to send preferences. Sent
« Last Edit: November 10, 2008, 11:35:39 am by Kashyyk »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Comically insane
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Head:Water proof Cotten fiber Rain hat
Chest:Deer leather vest:Under warm sheeps wool shirt
Left bicep:Slightly covered by warm sheeps wool shirt
Right bicep:Same as L bicep
L fore arm:Nothing
R fore arm:Same as R fore arm
L hand:Hardened deer leather gloves
R hand:Same as L hand:Grasp Oak wooden club
L hand fingers:Nothing
R hand fingers:Same as L hand
Groin:Warm cotten fiber trousers:Under warm wool loincloth
L thigh:Covered by warm cotten fiber trousers
R thigh:Same as L thigh
L shin:Covered by warm cotten fiber trousers
R shin:Same as L shin
L foot:Hardened deer leather shoe:Under tough wool socks
R foot:Same as L foot
Arguing on the internet is like running in the special Olympics; even if you win you're still retarded.


  • Bay Watcher
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It's about time to get started!
« Reply #47 on: November 09, 2008, 10:03:50 pm »

 Finally recieved the last of the replies to my earlier post. Time to explain how this thing works.

As I said earlier it is not like a RTD, it's actually like a text adventure game, ever played those? If not than I guess I should tell you how annoying it is having a game read "Go up",(or north whatever the case is), and get an error message. So the entire game will rely entirely on me, even if you don't post!

Quick overlay.
1.Game in general
2.Moving about!
3.Interaction, etc
4.Stuff de et cetera

1.Game in general

In general the game will go something like this.
Game Master:You wake in a cell built of iron, it is devoid of all light; you feel nothing which indicates that there is a way out.
Poster:I scream for help.
GM:Your scream somehow permeates through your cell. You hear grunty laughter! Something shifts above, particles of black dirt fall atop of you impairing your vision, but only for a while. Mace Goblin "Well well! It seems our prisoner has awoken!" etc, goblins cackle.
Poster dosn't reply for two days, so GM takes it upon himself to further the story.
Poster's character: Says something among the lines of relasing him. etc

That's about it, the only thing that is same as RTD is that the game relies heavily on who made it in the first place.

2.Moving about!

Moving is simple, I will take it upon myself to decide on where you will move. Maybe your character walked into a bar, and met some mean people, than ran for his/her life into the wilds never to return. Maybe they met some kid whos parents were kidnapped by gobos, it really depends on my mood, and your character's card or if you make a post on looking for a quest of easy dificulty. You get a quest where you, have to deliver this carton of milk to the in laws across town.

Also depending on whether you are in a group or not. Groups:Other players or atleast one needs to make a decision on what to do in order for anything to happen where they are on the map or if they keep the game master waiting for too long, individuals:well time passes for them whether they said they wanted it to or not. Also players do not need to all be present for a turn to pass, I will keep track of individual turns.

Diagram.#-Game time P-players G-Group T-Turns W-Game Master waiting for turn I-GM took it upon his/her self to move story along for person

# [01]02]03]04]05]06]07]

So! We see that game time passes differnetly depending on whether the player or group posted or not! Annnd that the game moves along for other players even if one group or player had the game master waiting.

3.Interaction, etc

Interacting is straight foward. It's posting stuff! What kind of stuff? Well anything you want!

I decide to [Verb] very [noun] to the [noun]. After that I [Verb] to the [noun]. Yes you can fill all of those in with penis or bewbs, and you can get very specific when you do this. Such as.

Quote from: Poster Mcposter
I attack the evil wizard with my staff of flames, by bashing him with it. If he casts a spell I try to cast barrier, but if he casts a spell on one of my companions I cast it on them too. Also if his orc minions try something I activate my staff, and burn them.

So depending on the situation poster will survive or something bad will happen, it pretty much depends on the GM, but I won't write something like "a giant dragon comes out of no where, and eats you."; stuff like that.

4.Stuff de et cetera

So somethings like picking up intresting stuff, eating etc will be taken care of although HFS like certain characteristics, bad stuff, inventory will be handled well I'm just going to say fairly not "everything in your inventory turns into dust."

Oh, and death, it's permanent, if you die you're out of the game, and your spot can be taken by anyone who is willing. Unless of course everyone dies! Than I guess I will have to change *some* stuff.

There will also be a scoring system as well! Hope you guys look foward to who dose better than everyone else!

<<Game Starts in>> <<3>>

Oh wait, someone else wants to use the computer in my home, crap. O.K. I have done most of the first turn, so just wait for now!
"OH NO! That carp is gulping at me menacingly, even though it cannot really threaten me from here on land!  I KNOW! I'll dodge into the water, where I'll be safe!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Quick questions:

How much is our money worth? What are the exchange rates? What can I get for X money?

Is there magic in this game? Do gods actively intervene in human affairs?


  • Bay Watcher
  • Former King of the Mafia
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Quick questions:

How much is our money worth? What are the exchange rates? What can I get for X money?

Is there magic in this game? Do gods actively intervene in human affairs?
Umm... I believe 1000 bronze pieces is worth 100 silver is worth 10 gold, and possibly 1 platinum, though I'm not sure if there is platinum in this. Maybe I'm wrong...? There's likely magic in this game and gods? Most likely.


  • Bay Watcher
  • I Am Penguin!
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I'm positive there is magic, but the others I could only guess at.
Today's Toady Tip: 3 and 4 are not the same number.
How borgly is your borgle's borgle?
The Minister of BEEEES! and of The Great Charter for the Toady Protectorate!


  • Bay Watcher
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Okay, so now we have established that the supernatural exists.

I sort of think that we should explain our abilities to each other in character once the game starts, or something. It's pretty obvious what Kashyyyk's good at, but it might be more difficult to guess for me and Shikogan.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Former King of the Mafia
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I'm fairly easy to guess. And magic definitely exists. Look in the example. Somebody needs magic.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Comically insane
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Yeah my guy is a pretty wiry sort of ropey person. you would call him a rogue in other such games, but i prefer the term, opportunist entrepreneur. Climbs, jumps, stabs, runs and various other activities involved with the nefarious deeds he does.
Arguing on the internet is like running in the special Olympics; even if you win you're still retarded.


  • Bay Watcher
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Quick questions:

How much is our money worth? What are the exchange rates? What can I get for X money?

Is there magic in this game? Do gods actively intervene in human affairs?

Answer 1
Money is handled by what your material is made of, quality, what it is,(in this case coins) or weight, but mostly material. I guess I should tell you what your coins are worth, but really coins in my game can be made of anything.

[Currency points or CP for coins... on second thought make that economical value EV.]
Copper coins-5 EV
Silver coins-15 EV
Gold coins-30 EV

All of your coins are just blank disks so they all really do not have great value.

As for magic. Magic is handled by your own raw energy, no MP or crap like that, maybe you can get some extra energy, but thats apart of HFS, humans in this world use magic by using their bodies life force.
I really liked Toady's use of magic in AGOB1, and DC use of magic, so I sort of copy pasted some of their stuff, and the fact that their kind of system can help you get real creative with this game.

I'll give you a short list of spell classes.
Chanting-Involves use of words
Explosion-Makes your spells explode
Infuse-... most of these explain themselves
Force-Involves physical force...
Temperature-Involves... it's obviously what this class is.

Gods, oh gods! HFS, although I will say that there is a temple in Viropdence.

Anyway game finally starts in 54321.

Webadict's Turn

Webadict whom had wandered the wilds after being captured by the law, and escaping from it. Has reached the valley of grundle stork. A worn, but well marked rock road greets him into the valley. With only the cloths on his back he searchs for any sign of civilization, he sees a tall rock sign.

The sign reads... but Webadict can not read it, it's got pictures though.
Carved bellow are many names of adventurers. Webadict carves his sign into the list.
The pictures show a town, and an arrow pointing up, so Webadict thinks that this road leads towards a town.

Inaluct's turn

Inaluct the explorer reachs the valley of Grundle Stork, after hearing countless stories of odditys, and wonders of the enigmas that occur there Inaluct has decided that he should be the famous explorer to purge theses oddities!

He sees a dirty slender figure at a sign, carving his name into the marble rock sign. Inaluct hails at the figure, and sees it is a human, Inaluct asks who the figure is, and now webadict formally introduces himself to Inaluct. Inaluct carves his name into the marble sign too, although he has some trouble forming the words. Webadict asks Inaluct what the sign says, and Inaluct tells webadict that he can't read very well, but he dose know the road both are on leads Viropdence.

Vaiolis's turn

Than Vaiolis with his vast array of knowledge of the world makes it into Grundle Stork. Carrying everything he needs on his back he feels he will find that Gundle Stork will supply him with many oddities, and items that will tickle his mind.

He sees two figures, one dirty dumb peasent, and a quite intimidating looking figure in leather armor, a bounty hunter? AH! They have noticed him, they appear to be friendly so what can Vaiolis do? Vaiolis casually, and cautiously walks up to them, exchanging greetings with them. Vaiolis asks if the peasent, who he now knows is webadict has heard of the light soapberry, in a slightly mocking tone, Vaoilis can't tell if webadict got the fact he was making fun of him.
 As for the explorer who Vaiolis now knows as Inaluct, he asks if Inaluct is in need of someone to talk on the way to Viropdence, Inaluct agrees, and says that Webadict will come along too. The tiro begins to make their way to Viropdence! Though before that Vailois carves his name into the Well crafted Marble sign, and reads it to his illeterate, and silghtly literate friends what the sign says.

The sign reads...
This road leads to the city of Viropdence just keep following after this sign in order to reach the city. May the gods bless you a safe journey! Carved bellow are many names of adventurers.
Important Names/Signs
Inaluct the explorer
Vaiolis the scientist

Shikogan's turn

(Shikogan you never really sent me the other stuff I needed... so I will go with what I have)
Shikogan after days of traveling away from his home, running actually, has reached a valley, he dosn't know where he is, but he is prepared to survive the wilderness, and any other dangers that he will likely encounter!

Shikogan wonders if someone was here, he swears he could of heard voices earlier. OH WELL! If he made this far away from home he really shouldn't care much about it. He sees a rock sign.

The sign reads... but it might as well be in an alien language because Shikogan can not read! There are some names in their, and a sign of somesorts. Shikogan carves his sign in as well.
Important Names/Signs
Inaluct the explorer
Vaiolis the scientist

Frelock's turn

Frelock the physician has arrived to Grundle Stork to help the wounded! And he is very well prepared to do so too!

He sees a young figure in the distance in a nice hat. Frelock happily hails to the figure! The figure greets Frelock as Shikogan! They both exchange words concernig what they are doing here. Shikogan tells Frelock he is a run away, Frelock disagrees with Shikogan's choices, but he can not do much to tell the runaway to return home. Frelock than tells Shikogan that he is a physician, and asks if the runaway would like to join him. Shikogan agrees, and they are soon on their way, but they both hear something rather large moving towards them...

Kashyyk's turn

Kashyyk the ex body guard swordsman has reached the Valley of Grundle Stork! Clad in armor from head to toe he is a very scary looking fellow.

From his perspective he sees two figures in the distance who have never seen someone in armor or atleast someone in armor not in a city. To disspell their cautiousness he sends a friendly hello to the both men, telling them his name. The two men quickly say hello, and tell Kashyyk their name. After many friendly words of exchange the trio decides it is time to make their leave towards Viropdence.

Mapity map map!
3 Shikogan,Frelock,Kashyyk 3 Webaddict,Inaluct,Vaiolis


There's nothing special to write about, besides this all of your first game turn, and that all of you have joined in a group of three, and are traveling to Viropdence.

Next game turn will hopefully pass by thursday! Also don't worry if everything seems boring right now, I will add something fun by next turn.
"OH NO! That carp is gulping at me menacingly, even though it cannot really threaten me from here on land!  I KNOW! I'll dodge into the water, where I'll be safe!"


  • Bay Watcher
  • One letter short of a wookie
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Lets all go to Viropdence, end up in a bar brawl and meet in tthe middle of a big pile of unconscios people!


  • Bay Watcher
  • I Am Penguin!
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And so it begins!

Well, not much to say for the first turn, so I'll continue to follow the road, conversing idely with my fellows, and keeping a careful eye out for anything interesting, but mainly only for the exploration/discovery aspect, not expecting any combat as of yet. As we walk, I'll also make light sketches of the area, to reminisce on the beauty and to serve as a map should we get lost somehow.
Today's Toady Tip: 3 and 4 are not the same number.
How borgly is your borgle's borgle?
The Minister of BEEEES! and of The Great Charter for the Toady Protectorate!


  • Bay Watcher
  • One letter short of a wookie
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Yes, I'll be walking towards Viropdence too. (I believe my new found friends will as well).

I have not dropped my body guard habits yet, so I walk along, keeping an eye out for anything that looks suspicious. I won't challenge it immediatly, just be prepared in case it does happen.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Former King of the Mafia
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I suppose I must follow, though wary of anything that approaches me. I still don't trust these two yet. Well, at least not the talky one.

If only I had something better than a club to fight with... Make that two clubs.

I walk slightly behind them, just to keep an eye on them.


  • Bay Watcher
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I'm going to stay with webadict and Vaiolis and use my social skillz to converse and reduce possible suspicion.

I also go out of my way to not suspect them of trying to kill me or anything like that.

By the way, Creamcorn, try using font=courier new for the map.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2008, 01:21:34 pm by inaluct »
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