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Author Topic: Creamcorn's super text adventure: ADVENTURE! World turn...ZOMGWTFBBQ #3! :D :D  (Read 12766 times)


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As in the title, not a RTD: it's kind of like DND, but moar texty.

Not recruiting anymore.

List will hold your respective class
<<{{[[((|-Webadict The petty theif!-|))]]}}>> <Has gotten card!> [3] [0]
<<{{[[((|-Inaluct the explorer!-|))]]}}>> <Has gotten card!> [3] [0]
<<{{[[((|-Vaiolis the scientist!-|))]]}}>> <Has gotten card!> [3] [0]
<<{{[[((|-Shikogan the run away!-|))]]}}>> <Has gotten card!> [3] [0]
<<{{[[((|-Frelock the physician!-|))]]}}>> <Has gotten card!> [3] [0]
<<{{[[((|-Kashyyk the ex body guard swordsman!-|))]]}}>> <Has gotten card!> [3] [0]

Quick Overlay
1.Basic intro
2.Over world map
3.How to join
4.Rubrics of skill

1.Basic intro

I'm looking for a minimum of three participents, though since RTD was so popular I'm trying to aim for five.

So I'm basically going to throw random things in front of you here, and it's up to you on whether or not you can survive them. Choices is what I will give you, to decide whether or not you will survive your quest, but I will let you make your own if you want to, though be careful!

The basic task is kind of like A.D.O.M. look for four mystical orbs, and toss them into various chasims of pure raw energy, you can do other stuff, but it's mostly HFS.

2.Over world map

Over world Map: The valley of Grundlestork.

P All players begin here
. Plains
& Forest
" Marsh
# Road
o Building
O Buildings
+ Site of intrest: Color Varies
~ Body of water
* Natural Cave: Color varies
^ Mountains
= hills
Very high mountains!
? You're going to have to investigate what's in here! HFS

3.How to join

To begin I want you to make a small chracter sheet, nothing too big. It should be based off of yourself, so no I've got three mythril mechanical arms or I was a dark elf banished for being too awesome. NO! No crap like that!

You are human, and your character should be like you, course unless you are not human IRL...

Here is a list of what I want.

Include strengths & weaknesses
Appearance: Skin Color, Hair, eyes, everything else is a personal matter. Sooo you can have cool scars, and such in this section. Deformitys: Are your teeth crooked? Is your nose abnormally big? The clearness of your skin? Etc

Physical abilities: How strong you are,(go outside, and lift something heavy to get a taste of it), agility, dexterity, toughness, perception, height, and weight. Generally weakness work vice versa with this one.

Psyche: Sanity, will, social skills, empathy, general happiness, wisdom of life, and any other thing that would help flesh this out. The therefore lack of this or greater atribute to weaknesses.

Finally... What ever else you feel like throwing in! Quirks, likes,(food, your physical preferences in other humans, etc).

A story of why you are here would help too.
{Something like this}
I (You) have traveled to, (blah blah blah). In hopes of (blah blah blah) the world of chaos, etc. Plus what your main profession is, it can really be anything you want. Your skills will be distributed by me.

4.Rubrics of skill

I will rate or try to rate on how well you will do in this world, with this handy rubric!
Gold: you won't have much trouble. Silver: you have a good chance of succes! Ordinary text: You're going to have to be crafty here! Blue: Be careful! Red: Pray, pray to Armok you do not die.

Very good
Pretty good

Below average
Not so great

Very bad
Almost non exisitent

Of course you have a good chance of increasing/decreasing these stats.


For countless years or as long as any one entity could remember. The world of Yotad has been generally peacuful, only broken by wars waged by sentient beings, and the ocasional out break of a natural disaster. Although the balance in the world is in danger, leaning towards chaos, despair, war, and death. First sensed by wise sages, and spread through out the world by word of mouth, civilizations prepared for war, waiting only for the first attack of their neighbor to the north, south, east or west. War came, but not in the form of goblin, dwarf, elf or mundane human, but in horrible visages of blooded clouds. Than what? Villages were streaked with the blood of once living, towns ran with blood, and citys were bathed in it. By what evil had this force come from?
Through out countless non stop days of magical spells, and scientific experimentation, the wise sages of the world, and one in particualr Zeilar; a master of magic, and science. Had tracked a strange surge of energy from the mountain valley of Grundle Stork, word spread hastened by the need of peace, curiosity, ambition, and a whole other multitude of emotions, along with countless adventurers, plus our master of science, and magic Zeilar one of the first to venture to Grundle stork.

Now you stand before the road leading to Viropdence, a town made even larger by geography. What are you looking for here, what skills did you undertake in your youth, and what are you going to do here?
« Last Edit: April 06, 2009, 06:06:46 pm by Creamcorn »
"OH NO! That carp is gulping at me menacingly, even though it cannot really threaten me from here on land!  I KNOW! I'll dodge into the water, where I'll be safe!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Creamcorn's super text adventure: ADVENTURE! Not like RTD
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2008, 08:39:00 pm »

« Last Edit: November 06, 2008, 09:44:52 am by Fenrir »


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Re: Creamcorn's super text adventure: ADVENTURE! Not like RTD
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2008, 08:54:06 pm »

Male, lightly tanned skin, green eyes, dirty blond hair

Physical Ability:
OK strength
Good speed
OK stamina
Very Good dexterity
Bad toughness
Very Good perception
I have anisometropia (one eye far-sighted, one eye near-sighted).

Slightly crazy
Excellent willpower
Bad charisma
Very good intelligence

Closing one eye to look at things, depending on the distance
Uses nose a lot

Being prepared
Being in a group
Jacking stuff

And bears
Oh my!

Unable to remember anything before the age of fourteen, Tireon lived on the streets of many towns, being kicked out of these towns within a few months. He soon became a thief, breaking into houses and pawning the stolen goods in other towns. Eventually, during a kidnapping gone wrong, he was imprisoned. Three years went by until he tricked the jailer into letting him escape. In an effort to hide from the law, he walked...

And walked...

And walked...

Until he came upon Grundlestork.

With nothing more than tattered clothing, he runs into a former landlord doctor trying to save the world...
« Last Edit: November 06, 2008, 05:08:33 pm by webadict »


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Re: Creamcorn's super text adventure: ADVENTURE! Not like RTD
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2008, 09:16:14 pm »

I approve. I wrote down what I consider my skill levels to be, 'cause I liked the scale. Feel free to ignore then, it just looks cooler than saying "I can like, run fast, man." Go ahead and tell me if you want something other than "MY STRENGTH IS GRRREEAAATT"

Male, white skin, brown hair, blue eyes.
Slightly yellow teeth. Minor overbite.

Physical Abilities:
Pretty strong and dexterous, and with decent stamina.
O.K. Strength
Very Good Coordination
O.K. Stamina
Pretty Good Speed
I can do about 700 to 1000 unweighted squats, and I have excellent fine dexterity. I can assemble very small things. For instance, I can screw in those tiny screws that hold together glasses. I can run for a decent amount of time at a pretty good pace, but it isn't anything worthy of notice.
Not very tall. Think 5'7"-5'8", 123-128 pounds. If I were larger, my strength would be higher.

Relatively compassionate when it comes to someone with a real problem. Otherwise, prone to being argumentative and slightly belligerent. Dislikes killing and inflicting pain.
I'd consider my reasoning skills to be either Great or Excellent, and my speaking skills to be Very Good, or Great, although I might be overestimating myself.
I usually make an effort to weigh my options carefully, and I tend to surpass many of my peers intellectually. I pay close attention to detail, and I can speak charismatically. Although I can speak well, I do not have a commanding presence. I can tolerate pain well, but I am disturbed greatly by my body being harmed. Superficial injuries are not terribly worrying to me, and I can withstand a lot of pain, but if my foot is torn off I will probably faint out of shock. I am not Ironman.

Vegetarian. (BAM, huge flaw.)
Enjoys very hot temperatures. No preference with regard to cold.
Begins writing something in one tense. By the end of many, many edits, it is not in any tense any more. It is scattered among tenses, like leaves in the wind.  :P


I came here to make the world I live in a better place for everybody, even if it means harming someone for the greater good.

I carry with me spelunking equipment, food, and a first aid kit. I can administer first aid and could probably improvise a very simple surgery. Earlier on, I explored some cave systems and learned to speak convincingly, in addition to learning how to bake. In short, my experiences are not useful, unless we are:
  • Cooking something.
  • In a cave.
  • Treating an injury.

I secretly suspect webadict of wanting to steal my pickaxe, or rope, or some other piece of my cave-exploration equipment.

Without a definitive focus with regard to improving the world's condition, I wander aimlessly until I just so happen to meet a tanned guy and a former landlord who looks eerily like me, but with whiter teeth and acne, who later turned out to just be a clever illusion. With nothing major to lose, I offer to assist them, as long as their goals will, if achieved, improve the condition of life on earth.

Edit: Man, you guys make me look modest. Also, I got rid of the strikethroughs.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2008, 06:36:41 pm by inaluct »


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Re: Creamcorn's super text adventure: ADVENTURE! Not like RTD
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2008, 09:42:57 pm »

5 spaces? Must hurry and write up a sheet! Also, can't seem to find the code for a background color, so I'll just make the text gold and silver for that.

Appearance: male, slightly pale peach skin, blue eyes, red hair parted between right side and center.

Physical abilities: Not so great strength, good agility but bad stamina (long distances... not so good for running), good dexterity, horrible toughness, good perception but bad eye-sight (good at noticing little details of things, but near-sighted, so with glasses perception is above average), 5'7", 110ibs.

Psyche: quite sane, fair willpower, bad social skills, displays kindness well but dislikes pretty much everyone, usually content, sometimes unhappy, superb mathematics and physics (or puzzle-solving skills, or whatever is suited for the game), good with languages, and for wisdom of life... not quite sure what it means. Thinks about life often and contemplates it constantly, but other than that, not sure.

Quirks: becomes enraged at stupidity, prefers to do things himself to prevent any errors that can be avoided.

Likes: intelligence, natural scenery, discovery of new places, knowledge, and events (glowing fungus? Huzzah!).

Dislikes: stupidity, crowds

Story: I grew up as an apprentice to a scholar, quickly learning the many things that life could teach me. As I grew older, my studies began to broaden, as my knowledge allowed me to comprehend more things. However, around age 13, my studies began to become more centered around the sciences and mechanics of the universe, around all that makes things occur. To name specifics: chemistry, biology, and physics, as well as most of the sciences that branch off of them. Math was also an aptitude I had, along with the study of history. Once I had learned most that was offered, or at least interested me, I ventured forth to learn more, as well as find and possibly collect whatever artifacts there may be to find.

Now that I look at the end of it, it seems magic exists, so if that is something we do in our youth, include that with my scholarly studies as Very good, otherwise ignore this sentence.

Equipment: clothes suited for hiking and such spelunking equipment sounds better, backpack, a large journal and pencil (and sharpener for just in case ;)), a pair of glasses, a magnifying glass, a small brush, and a 5 foot walking stick.

I might edit a bit further, but for now I'm off to bed. You get the gist of the class anyways.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2008, 06:39:09 pm by Vaiolis »
Today's Toady Tip: 3 and 4 are not the same number.
How borgly is your borgle's borgle?
The Minister of BEEEES! and of The Great Charter for the Toady Protectorate!


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Re: Creamcorn's super text adventure: ADVENTURE! Not like RTD
« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2008, 10:56:28 pm »

Yes a reservation post this is. Do not have time now give me 3 hours.

EDIT: sorry guys i gues the one with the quick fingers wins!
*ahem* now to continue.

Appearance: a male with dark brown short cut hair, hazel eyes, white skin
Deformities: A slight indentation in the chestal region
Physical Abilities: I'd say most of mine are Good to  Very Good, with the exception of perception which i would rate as Below Average (damn things always getting in my road)
Psyche: A realist, who judges people by their actions and opinions. Trusts easily and slightly insane. Willpower Pretty Good, charisma Fair, intelligence Good.
Quirks: makes a rhythm with his steps.
Likes: humor, success, bludging with others
Dislikes: old people humor, kangaroos! oh god the kangaroos!!

Story: living a life of hardship with his estranged father in a remote farming town, he decided to make a break for it whilst his father was otherwise occupied in the workshop.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2008, 03:06:09 am by Shikogan »
Arguing on the internet is like running in the special Olympics; even if you win you're still retarded.


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Re: Creamcorn's super text adventure: ADVENTURE! Not like RTD
« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2008, 10:57:59 pm »

Damn! You beat me to it Shikogan! Ah well, I wish ye luck on yer quest :D
Quote from: Ampersand
Also, Xom finds people that chug unidentified fluids pleasing.
Quote from: Servant Corps
Ignorance of magic does not give scientists the power to resist fireballs.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Creamcorn's super text adventure: ADVENTURE! Not like RTD
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2008, 11:03:46 pm »

Oh man, you reserved it while I was writing.

Of course, with one forum game waiting for my response anyway, another game I need to get started again, a paper due soon, and probably a succession game, I really shouldn't tie myself to another game.
And here is where my beef pops up like a looming awkward boner.
Please amplify your relaxed states.
Quote from: PTTG??
The ancients built these quote pyramids to forever store vast quantities of rage.


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Re: Creamcorn's super text adventure: ADVENTURE! Not like RTD
« Reply #8 on: November 05, 2008, 11:08:26 pm »

Oh man, you reserved it while I was writing.

Of course, with one forum game waiting for my response anyway, another game I need to get started again, a paper due soon, and probably a succession game, I really shouldn't tie myself to another game.

That's quite allright, there's always next time. :(

At topic.
I may have to change the participents limit.

Also while I was posting this, I tried to look for the best visable layout, which caused many rewrites, so I left some stuff that will require you all to read again, only a tiny bit more.

Also doing adventurers cards, which may take a *while* to finish! Dosn't help that it's 11:07PM EST, make that 11:08PM EST
"OH NO! That carp is gulping at me menacingly, even though it cannot really threaten me from here on land!  I KNOW! I'll dodge into the water, where I'll be safe!"


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Re: Creamcorn's super text adventure: ADVENTURE! Not like RTD
« Reply #9 on: November 06, 2008, 09:41:39 am »

I'm sorry, Creamcorn, but I must drop out. I may need to leave the state at any time, and I have no idea when I will back if I do need to leave. I'll keep my card for next time.


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Re: Creamcorn's super text adventure: ADVENTURE! Not like RTD
« Reply #10 on: November 06, 2008, 10:21:57 am »

Aw, and your's was the most fun to make. :(

Oh well, now theirs an open position left for anyone willing to take it!

Any takers?
"OH NO! That carp is gulping at me menacingly, even though it cannot really threaten me from here on land!  I KNOW! I'll dodge into the water, where I'll be safe!"


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Re: Creamcorn's super text adventure: ADVENTURE! Not like RTD
« Reply #11 on: November 06, 2008, 10:31:46 am »

I'll take that last spot, but I have to wait till I'm out of class before I can write up my character info (stupid mealy machines  >:(, yay for laptops in class :D)

Edit: Here it is.

Male, slightly tan skin, medium length brown hair, full beard, blue eyes.
Height: 5ft 8in
Weight: 160lbs
Large scar on left lower leg (got hit by a car on my bike in RL)
Upper back scarred from childhood disease (true story here, too)

Physical abilities:
OK Strength
OK Agility
Bad Stamina (I can hike forever, but run for 10 seconds, and I'm on the ground)
OK Dexterity
Not So Great Toughness
Superb Perception (except for the fact that I'm:
Colorblind (I can see colors, but mix up Orange/Green and Blue/Purple)

Clear-headed and very calm, it takes a lot to get me angry.  I'm able to think things through completely even when rushed.  I'm pretty good at seeing the bright side of life, and try to keep myself from being disappointed.  While I have a very good memory for facts and great intelligence, I have a below average memory when it comes to events in my own life.  Also, I'm fairly lazy, procrastinate all the time, and would rather not work if I could avoid it.  I am great at maintaining friendly relations with others, but am horrible at guessing what's going on in their minds or sensing their intentions.  While I make acquaintances with ease, and rarely make people mad at me, I find it difficult to forge strong friendships.  I am good at public speaking, and can command a crowd without problems, but I have difficulties when talking one-on-one. 

I can stand extreme hot and extreme cold for long periods of time without complaint, but room temperature just makes me uncomfortable for some reason.
I can do odd things with my voice (for example, I have a flawless evil laugh).
I can't stand people scratching their fingernails against a hard surface (actually, fingernails in general just make me queasy).

Art and natural beauty
Intelligent discussions
Music of all sorts
Reading fiction
Heroic sacrifices for the sake of friendship/(insert "good" ideal here)
Children/Childhood (I can't stand to see a kid get hurt)

People forcing their opinions upon others
People not following the rules they enforce on others (seriously, this ticks me off almost as much as kids getting hurt)

I grew up as an orphan in a hard town, having to beg to survive, and eventually learning to steal what I needed.  I killed my first man at age 8, and went on as a thug, leading a small gang of boys around my age.  However, my life changed when I was stuck by an arrow while running away from the city watch at age 14.  I was saved by a kindly old doctor, who risked being thrown into prison in order to bring me, a complete stranger, back from near death. 

I stayed on with that doctor, trying to understand him.  He taught me many things; the value of life, how to calm my emotions, and the practice of good medicine.  Now, I can no longer bear to see children in the same situation as I, forced to eke out an existence on crime and villainy, and have started an orphanage in a far-off town.  It is my goal to save all the children of the world.  I am a doctor, however, and have come here seeking a cure for the dangerous black pox, which now infects one of my young charges.  I've heard there is a man here who might know something...
« Last Edit: November 06, 2008, 04:09:11 pm by Frelock »
All generalizations are false....including this one.


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Re: Creamcorn's super text adventure: ADVENTURE! Not like RTD
« Reply #12 on: November 06, 2008, 10:42:20 am »

I'll take that last spot, but I have to wait till I'm out of class before I can write up my character info (stupid mealy machines  >:(, yay for laptops in class :D)
Okay, but you'll have to be a landlord for my story to make sense... Otherwise... Oh well.


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Re: Creamcorn's super text adventure: ADVENTURE! Not like RTD
« Reply #13 on: November 06, 2008, 11:02:40 am »

Do the players' professions have to reflect their real-life ones?


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Re: Creamcorn's super text adventure: ADVENTURE! Not like RTD
« Reply #14 on: November 06, 2008, 11:41:05 am »

Do the players' professions have to reflect their real-life ones?
I doubt it. I think only the physical and mental aspects should come close though. Although, I work as a Sales Associate right now, which is kinda like stealing.
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