Okay, here's most of the fall season. The fps is still pretty low despite all the butchering I did.
Diary of LegoLord
20th Galena, 242
I’ve made plans to dig out more living quarters. Hopefully no one will engrave these. I hope the tax collector never decides to start charging for rooms – if he does, a lot of dwarves will get evicted.
22nd Galena
Kaiser tells me that the mayor has mandated the construction of two bismuth items. Is that even physically possibly?
25th Galena
The masons are to begin producing blocks in massive quantities. It has occurred to me that there is no proper vault to protect the valuable artifacts that Bakedfools has accumulated. Therefore, I have begun planning the construction of a large vault built atop a thin, guarded, tower.
15th Limestone
A caravan from the mountain homes has arrived! Just wonderful! I absolutely wanted to be shut up in my room for another couple of months!
22nd Limestone
Trading occurred today. A lot of steel goods were bought in exchange for some bolts. Someone gave them a masterpiece iron goods as an offering to the king. What a waste. The steel crafts purchased are to be melted down to be used in armor and weapons.
4th Sandstone
The Tower is nearing completion. It shall be called the Tilted Tower of Artifacts. It shall hold our most valuable prizes, such as the bauxite idol and the copper amulet that metalcrafter made.
11th Timber
The Tilted Tower of Artifacts is nearly complete. My--er, I mean, the fort's--artifacts are now safe. The scaffolding has been removed, the artifacts are inside, the traps are set, and it has been coated in the vomit of the sun-sick emo-kid dwarves. All it needs now is a little goblin blood to dedicate it to Armok.
I should have the winter season up sometime this week. But not tonight.