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Author Topic: Fogcrystal. A Domestic Comedy with Werewolves  (Read 10656 times)


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Re: Yet another terrifying survival story starring seven peasants.
« Reply #15 on: November 05, 2008, 10:03:00 am »

personal diary of KLAR, page 1

"Leader Dakost is a mean dwarf, mean mean mean! First he takes KLAR from mountainhome, tells KLAR that there would be bunnies and feather trees and pretty deer in new place, that we live together as good friend dwarves, survivin off da fat of the land! this is no nice place, this is scary place. when we stop, he tell me to dig loooong ditch around us, and whiles i dig, i tells ya, i hear something howlin' in da distance! it sure were scary, i dun want to meet up with whatever it were that be howlin'.


Dakost called to me da other day, saying we found some foxes! i was so happy tha' we found something nice! he told me to go get'em but by da time i found'em they little heads 'ere crushed in by dakost's mean mean traps.


our kitteh's had kitt'ns! i'm so happy! Dakost is happy too! he took a break from yelling at Neo to take a good look at'em! he were so happy that he took one! don't know where he be headed though, cause last time i saw his kitteh it were tied up outside. i wanted to go n' get it, but Dakost yelled at me again. i hope dat kitteh's gonna be awright.


i was diggin' through da bay-ox-zite awhiles ago, and you never believe what i saw diary, red sparkly gems! Dakost called'em rubies. when i were diggin through them, i kept a few fer meself, and befor' i go to bed at night i'll take'em out and look at'em for a bit. they're so pretty it cheers me up and keeps the bad dreams away.

I gotta go diary, Dakost is yellin' we founds a raccoon! and its head 's not crushed in.. er... not all the way in."
« Last Edit: November 05, 2008, 10:06:35 am by chaoticjosh »


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Re: Yet another terrifying survival story starring seven peasants.
« Reply #16 on: November 05, 2008, 11:04:07 am »

[You Uristkansas slabber-jockey I'll give yer grits fer garters if this keeps up...]


 Everyone seems a little frosty to me after this season, let me try to explain why.

 First of all, we have Elf traders. Oh yippedee-skip! Now we can have wood and booze and weapons and leather....oh wait, Elves don't sell ANY of those things. Oh well.

 Everyone gets really carried away carrying our goods to the depot, even the somewhat unhealthy fascination with building the wall gets forgotten.

 While the Elves are unloading...well, as the poet said; when raccoons come, they come not in single spies, but in battalions. Wait. He never said that. He said something totally different. But nevertheless (what a wonderful word, "Nevertheless". Three words in one. Let us roll that around our tongues, people, and praise Armok we were born with the ability to make compounds) we get three raccoons charging our traps in FORMATION! Goblins were never so disciplined. Anyway, one gets pulped by a stone-fall, the other two get captured by the cage traps. That's FOUR raccoons in cages now. That's three traps I have to reload. That's another two cages Neo has to knock together. Where does it end?

 Seriously, a bit of animal persistance and a bit less cleverness, and the last one would have dodged a trap and got through. We could spare some mangy stone craft thing (sorry Ubid) more than a cage, but obviously some god hates us.

 So. I was so busy running around taking care of things that I didn't get to the trade depot in time to trade with our friends the cannibals. OK?

 [I was so angry with Daskot. I refreshed the "trader needed" message repeatedly, but he kept starting other jobs. Finally, he got "Trade at Depot" and was TWO tiles away, then turned back for a drink. The Elves packed up as soon as they saw him go back downstairs.

 Realistically, we wouldn't have gotten anything good off them, but I wanted to build up his trader skill]

 So while the Elves are leaving we get a shout. "MIGRANTS!"

 Oh dear, poor idiots.

 22 of them, ranging from useless to pretty useless. There's a lot of planters. A couple of Trappers (?). 2 Blacksmiths (what does a blacksmith DO that's worth spending a profession on?) a metalcrafter, some children. A bonecrafter and a tanner are about the most useful. It's easy to see why THIS lot have have been cast out from the mountainhomes. I'm going nuts assigning mining orders to get rooms dug for them all and beds made, and then I take a nap.

 While I'm napping, things happen.

 The migrants ignore my order about water and rush to the brook en masse for their drinkipoos. While they're doing this Ol'Toby returns.

 Ol' Toby is not impressed, and starts chasing a miller and a child back and forth.

 The miller and some of the other useless scum have the brains to fall back on the perimeter, where there's water, food, defenses and such. But the CHILD! Oh know, he has to run way, away, back, and forth, back and forth.

 I'm asleep. But the other founders take it into their heads to stage a rescue, and rush up with their copper picks and axes.

 Neo gets there first, but steel battle axe or not, he gets smashed into the ground by the werewolf, who proceeds to savage him. His entire left lower leg goes flying off to land in a tree. Then Kubuk turns up. It all goes quiet after that. One pick-strike and ol' Toby was gone.

 Neo's in his bed now. Not very happy. I'm issuing orders to get the well completed as soon as possible.

 To make matters worse, another werewolf has appeared to the south. They're calling this one (guess what) young Toby.


« Last Edit: November 05, 2008, 11:22:57 am by Marlowe »


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Re: Yet another terrifying survival story starring seven peasants.
« Reply #17 on: November 05, 2008, 11:10:45 am »

Time for an area map:

Sorry if this is too big.

Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention:

Ubid has been possessed by a mysterious force. He's claimed the mason's workshop, which is awkward. I'm having a second one built in case we have to lock him in, but he seems quite content with the mudstone and picture jasper he's grabbed.

Gosh, I wonder what will happen?
« Last Edit: November 05, 2008, 11:39:12 am by Marlowe »


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Re: Yet another terrifying survival story starring seven peasants.
« Reply #18 on: November 05, 2008, 05:24:28 pm »

This is funny as hell. Keep it up!  ;D

I'll take the bonecrafter, assuming it's still alive.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Yet another terrifying survival story starring seven peasants.
« Reply #19 on: November 05, 2008, 08:34:15 pm »

Time for an area map:

Sorry if this is too big.

Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention:

Ubid has been possessed by a mysterious force. He's claimed the mason's workshop, which is awkward. I'm having a second one built in case we have to lock him in, but he seems quite content with the mudstone and picture jasper he's grabbed.

Gosh, I wonder what will happen?

Wow, dwarf fortress maps look really realistic when zoomed out that far. Id like to see a zoomed out version of the entire world with a "local view" resolution.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Yet another terrifying survival story starring seven peasants.
« Reply #20 on: November 05, 2008, 11:39:45 pm »

[Flat maps look nice. Any z-level changes though, and you get that horrible black void.

Oh, bit of a puzzle for everyone. Young Toby the Werewolf is actually visible on that map, but I forgot to mark him. First person to find him will win nothing at all.]

Summer 202

 I suppose Neo might stand a bit more of a chance if we actually had some buckets! I put someone onto it, can't remember who. I think I've instructed the migrants that they're all jointly responsible for a ton of different jobs I want done.

 Nobody's making a move to butcher the werewolf corpse. Don't blame anyone. Eating werewolf meat seems a trifle dark for us. On the other hand; WEREWOLF LEATHER ARMOUR! Sounds nice. Doesn't look as though it's meant to be though.

 Ubid produced a Mudstone Weapon Rack! Well, that's not completely useless.

 Our Bonecrafter has announced he will be known as Rickvoid. Whatever. All the same to me. I'm glad we have him, but currently we're a bit short of bones. I get him to make totems though.

 There's now nothing for it but that we have to start making iron. That means digging out the vein. I'm still not happy with our mining skills, so I embark us on a flurry of new digging projects as a workout. We dig out new corridors and workshop spaces and I sink the central staircase down far enough that we strike Sphalerite ore in Slate. Nice. If only we could get some copper.

 The big project now is the well. The cistern is done. It's just a matter of [place door][forbid door][placefloodgate][linkupfloodgate][pull lever][remove door]. Not a complicated operation, but it takes a bit of time and the consequences of screwing it up keeps me sweating.

 It's at the back of my tiny little mind that we are about to tap an evil brook. I keep wondering if there's something that can destroy a floodgate and swim, because if so we're about to give it an easy way to destroy the whole fortress. Unfortunately, I can't think of any way of preventing it happening.

 Only thing I can think of is to wall off the well chamber should it happen. It might work. It might not.

 Always an exciting moment when a brook is tapped. This was particularly exciting. We still had peasants in the feeder tunnel removing the doors and the water came down FAST. Lolor McMiner came sprinting back past the door-lugging peasants like a small grimy comet. At least I'm glad to say that said haulers did get out eventually, although one mudstone door was drowned. It's sacrifice will be remembered. Thank god no mechanisms were lost.

 The water pressure was intense, and the cistern filled with remarkable speed. We actually had to do an emergency cistern enlargement (by channeling the floor of the well-chamber) in order to avoid overspill. Not that overspill is much of a problem, but I hate getting Jet muddy.

 In other news, I deal with the raccoon problem by getting a trapper to tame them. This costs us one turtle (oh yeah, I designated a few peasants to form a fishing industry. Somehow didn't feel it was interesting enough to mention) and we get our cages back. There's one male and three females, one of which is badly wounded. Hopefully, they'll breed. Raccoon leather has a slightly better ring to it than cat leather (I wanted werewolf leather though. Sigh).

 Rickvoid has picked up the werewolf skull to make a totem but the bones are just sitting there in the refuse stockpile. Dammit. I want werewolf bone gauntlets.




  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Yet another terrifying survival story starring seven peasants.
« Reply #21 on: November 05, 2008, 11:58:33 pm »

Personal diary of KLAR page 2

"Diary! you woodn' believe what 'appened! Tall skinny people with long pointy ears visit'd us and want'd to trade! i'd neva seen anythin' like'em before, so i asked Dakost and he said they were "dirty elves". I dun think they looked dirty at all, in facts, they looked like the cleanest things i ever saw. they skin was like that of a chillun. i got real carried away tho' an tried to touch one of'em when Dakost weren't looking, and He flinched back real fast, looked mighty scared and angry too, i didn't mean no harm. OH! and we got s'more coons! happy day! i asked Dakost if i could hold and pet one for awhiles but that just made'em yell at me again.


Oh My! no sooner than once them elves have left, some more dwarves appeared in the distance! now i'll be less lonely when i'm diggin' s'more fort for Dakost. They came and and musta been aweful thirsty from the trip here, and they went right over to da brook fer a drink. whiles they were drinkin tho' the worst thing happen'd, that thing that be howlin' came outta nowhere and started attackin anybody that got near. i gots so scared i hid in me room and wished on my ruby that it'd go away. i dun know what happened next, but when all the hootin and hollerin stopped, i peeked out and saw Neo bein carried to his room without his leg! poor Neo! he neva talked to anyone much, but i could tell he was a nice dwarve, a nice nice nice dwarf that didn't deserve to lose no leg.


i just got back from visitin' Neo Diary, but he were too busy asleep to notice me. I gave him my shiniest ruby tho', if'n he's gonna be too busy asleep my ruby'll make sure he has good dreams.

uh oh, i just heard another howl, i'ma too scared to write anymor' diary. goodnite."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Yet another terrifying survival story starring seven peasants.
« Reply #22 on: November 06, 2008, 12:37:14 am »

From the Elf-Flesh bound Journal of Rickvoid, Lord of the Bones;

What. The. Hell.

Upon embarking from the mountainhomes, we were told that our destination, the Dour Forest, would already be home to an army of well-armed, well-equipped dwarves living in an impressive fortress. It was in this place, surrounded by the very essence of the Dark, that I would be able to attain true mastery over life and death, communing with bones in a lair deep beneath the cold dead soil.

Instead, I find myself surrounded by the very worst specimen's of meat-bag I've ever had the misfortune to travel with. Planters. Peasants, by the Blood! Why, I even have a sneaking suspicion that among their number hide the most shameful, perverted of all professions; Soap-makers! Why Armok saw fit to guide this sorry lot to our destination unscathed, I'll never understand. And this was only the beginning of my disappointment's. This alleged fortress is no more than a hole in the ground surrounded by a ditch. It's not even an evil looking hole in the ground. And the well-armed and equipped military seems to have been magically replaced with seven (sorry, six now) half-starved, shell-shocked, terrified, miserable bastards. I think I saw a few picks and an axe. These are no doubt their wondrous tools of War.

I acutally feel a little sorry for these poor fools. It seems that at least one, the leader Dakost, was knocked unconcious and dumped out here. They're lucky to have lived this long. I suspect my traveling meat-shields companions will not be so lucky.

I'll continue this entry later. I thought I heard something over by the stockpile. Perhaps Ol' Toby has something to say...

OOC: I acutally have a small suggestion/request.
Eventaully, if you don't want the fortress to destroy itself, you're going to need a burial level. I request that it be built far below the surface. Also, when you carve it out, I'd like it if you could make my bonecrafter's room be on that floor. If you feel like doing a miniproject, you could dig a shaft from wherever the butcher is going to be, down to that level, then designate the top of the shaft as a refuse stockpile for the bones the butcher will be leaving. Then set-up a bone-craft workshop for the crafter near his room. That way he'll spend most of his time away from the others, and you can make him as weird as you want.
Like I said, more of a suggestion than a request. Don't worry about it until or unless we get some better defenses set up. (A proper military would be good, if you can stand to draft those... peasants. :P)
« Last Edit: November 06, 2008, 12:54:21 am by rickvoid »


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Re: Yet another terrifying survival story starring seven peasants.
« Reply #23 on: November 06, 2008, 03:49:35 am »

[I was WAY ahead of you on the burial level. However, on the other stuff, we already have a skulls/bones/shells stockpile. You can see it in the screenies. Your boneworkers shop is already dug out on the screenshots. It's the room on the workshop level, fourth on the right going west from the stairs. There's some stairs been built since so it's pretty close to the skulls & bones stockpile. Of course if you WANT to work way down in the Gabbro....]

Autumn 202

 A lot of digging and building got done last season. Our wall is now completed and we are beginning to put up walkways around it to facilitate the construction of fortifications. Our central stairway now goes straight to the bottom, to the depths where dwarf was not meant to go, and it is now supplemented by secondary stairways connecting the three main levels at the ends of the corridors. We can now estimate our stone resources. We have 6 levels of Mudstone, 6 levels of Slate, and 1 of Gabbro at the very bottom.

 That means iron and coal from the mudstone, zinc from the slate, and the probability of nickel in the Gabbro. Also, the possibility of copper everywhere. The possibility of copper.

 Why is it that you can never find the right amount of copper? You're either drowning in the stuff or it's just not there.

 Incidentally, we nicked a magnetite pocket extending corridors on the residential level, so iron ore isn't going to be a problem. Fuel might be. I've got Rovod and some nameless sucker out chopping trees. I want to see how much progress we can make on clearing all the forest out from around the walls. Fun game, with Young Toby out there.

 The injured raccoon is staring at me. It's trying to make me feel bad. Since taming, the things just hang about the dining hall looking windswept and interesting. Dwarves are standing around, complaining about the lack of chairs. Fair enough, I really should put some more furniture in here. Somehow there's always other stuff to do.

 We felt secure enough in our food to plant a crop of pig tails a couple of seasons ago, so I had a farmer's workshop and loom put up. We don't have a clothier yet but no reason we can't make the cloth. I don't want us to wind up with our nuts scraping the earth like those guys in Nist Akath. This led to dwarves wandering out to COLLECT the phantom spider silk.

 Well, I almost had a heart attack when I found out, but apparently nothing bad was happening, so I let it be.

 Then I get the word that our brewer (that's his actual job) is cancelling his silk-gathering on account of Werewolf.

 He's not far outside, but Young Toby is close. I use the mystic dwarven discipline of [TOO HORRIBLE TO TRANSLATE] to draft our hapless zysmologist and station him within the fort, also mustering the other founders to rush to the gate.

 Well, actually I run around screaming "Code T! Code T!" until Kubuk slaps me and gets me to explain.

 Anyway, our brewer makes it within the fort with Young Toby in hot pursuit.

 Young Toby is not one of nature's evolutionary survivors. He takes a jolt from a stone-trap, then crawls out BACKWARDS, prowls to the left a little, and runs right into another.

 He pulled himself out in front of the gate, and passed out right as we arrived. Anyone could have got the kill, but it was Ubid first on the scene, and Ubid for the win.

 Drama over. Of course, another werewolf was sighted far to the south only minutes later. We're calling this one "Anita Pallenberg" for reasons that escape me.

 Oh, and we never got to do anything with Ol' Toby's bones. We shall see what happens now.

 Shortly afterwards, our friends the merchants return. Thanks to my strategic brilliance in never designating a finished goods stockpile, most of the stuff we piled up for the Elves is still there. We also have more of Ubid's crafts, including a rather superior earring, and Rickvoid's totems.

 We sold Ol' Toby's skull and a whole bunch of stone rubbish (sorry Ubid) for booze, meat, barrels, some bins of cheap leather, and  a selection of the cheaper metal bars and ores.

 And One Log.

 Stupid merchants.

We're no sooner done with the trading than I get the word that Neo has risen from his bed and is moaning on the floor of his room. He is frothing and screaming and passing out every few seconds and generally making a complete Elf of himself. He appears to be trying to leave his room and fetch something, but between the "Missing Leg" thing and the "Fainting with the pain" thing, he's moving at about 6 feet per week.

 "It's a possession" said Rovod gloomily.

 I squinted. "What, the chest he just fell over? Yes, that's his. But I hardly see how relevant the statement-"

 "I mean he has been seized by an extradimensional force that wishes to manifest itself on this material plane in the form of an artifact. He has been chosen as it's creator, and he will go hopelessly insane unless he completes it."

 "Oh, a POSSESSION. Could be worse. Could be a useful mood wasted. Oh well. Just lock the door Rovod, just lock the door. I want to remember him the way he was. Stupid and useful".

 He was never going to complete anything the speed he was moving. Time to start planning his death.

 With the hamlet liason following me the whole way, I go down to the Gabbro and carve him out a 3x5 tomb. A coffin of Jet (how appropriate) is installed, and our two migrant engravers smooth the walls. We add a wooden weapons rack, in honour of his service to the community as somebody that hit trees with an axe.

 While we're about it, we carve out some more tomb spaces in the event of more cases of natural selection.

 Neo goes beserk shortly after his tomb is finished.

 One of the blacksmiths has been given the job of turning out iron armor (the second blacksmith takes over jewellers duties). We're making chain mail, helms, and shields. I've got Rickvoid on making gauntlets and leggings out of bone and shell, and our tanner is making boots and leather armour from the leather we now have. We have a barracks, a large clay room right below the surface. It features Ubid's artifact weapons rack, since that's the only other one we have. I draft our 2 trappers and a miller and set them to sparring.

 I want more recruits, but amazingly everybody is doing something useful and can't be spared. I've even got somebody making silk robes.

 Oh, dear. More migrants. Another metal crafter, a bowyer (hmmm), a milker (will be drafted), a woodcutter (oooh! Free axe!) and some farmer, peasant types. Damn. We just got the bedrooms finished for the last set.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Yet another terrifying survival story starring seven peasants.
« Reply #24 on: November 06, 2008, 04:01:43 am »

 :D... I love it, keep up the good work!
What again? Iron scepter - Lovehealing? Oh, I almost shed a tear... Put it in your ass, I'm talking about importans artistic defences!!! You see, yaks and bridge... Stop polishing that scepter! You're disgusting me!"


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Re: Yet another terrifying survival story starring seven peasants.
« Reply #25 on: November 06, 2008, 05:35:12 am »


first level underground.

2nd level underground.

3rd level underground.

4th level underground.

15th level underground.


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Re: Yet another terrifying survival story starring seven peasants.
« Reply #26 on: November 06, 2008, 08:08:50 am »

Winter's start

I never quite finished the events of autumn, and some things have happened that are worthwhile recording.

Firstly, Kubuk has become our first legendary citizen. I hate her. From peasant to legendary miner in two years. Nice for some.

Secondly, we had a near disaster. To avoid the massive demand on manpower we got when building the first second-level fortifications, I reduced the dimensions of the walkway around the wall to 1 tile. This may not have mattered really.

 Our assorted idiots are in the habit of walking ON TOP of the wall when moving to set up the fortifications. When you're doing that, and you set up a fortification to your left, and there's already one to your right, and the floor in front of you isn't built yet.....well. You're stuck.

 About 8 dwarves, about 20% of fortress population, managed to tree themselves with no way of getting down. I won't name names.

 Thank Armok  I actually noticed in time. By strategic suspending and unsuspending, and a single well placed stairway, we managed to free everybody.

 In other news I'm more pleased to state, our newly arrived woodcutter killed Anita Pallenberg! She was horning in on our lumbering operation (what a great word is "lumbering". Means both "collecting timber", and "very slow". It was both.) So I called out the military (currently 2 elite wrestlers and 2 normal wrestlers), drafted newbie woodcutter and Rovod, and wrote them off.

 It didn't need anyone else, "Neosen" (he's Neo's child?) gave Anita such a swipe she flew thirty feet! She didn't get up again either.

 I'd tell Neo how proud he should be, but he's currently trying to chew down the door, so I'll leave the glad news to someone else.

 And finally, I've been wondering a bit about Rickvoid. Seems he wants to work down in the tombs level. I don't quite know how to tell him that the thought of him working his trade in the resting place of our honoured dead (not that we HAVE any honoured dead. Yet.) fills me with revulsion impossible to describe. It's not that he's a bonecrafter, it's because he's him.

 However; he has entered a secretive mood, and begun a mysterious construction. It involves 2 turtle shells and some leather. Maybe he isn't a total cold-groper after all.

 I might move his living quarters down there.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Yet another terrifying survival story starring seven peasants.
« Reply #27 on: November 06, 2008, 04:59:14 pm »

From the Elf-Flesh bound Journal of Rickvoid, Lord of the Bones;

Not. Not werewolf. Something sooomthing else.
Spoke to me. Promised power. Just had to- to let it in.
It speaks. Always. It won't be silent, is never silent.
Demanded turtles. Leather. But I don't know what a ninja is.
Want voice gone. Hurts. But the power... Armok, the power...
*Several pages torn out here, the edges marked with blood and... other humors.*

OOC: I picked a dwarf at random, suggested he was hearing voices, and then he really got a mood. And might actually survive.
That's awesome.  ;D
Hopefully my turtle and leather creation will be awesome (hopefully werewolf related) and not be covered with images of... cheese, or something. What type of shop did I claim? Hope I get legendary in something useful.
Do you get legendary from moods?


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Re: Yet another terrifying survival story starring seven peasants.
« Reply #28 on: November 06, 2008, 07:01:03 pm »

If Ilral hasn't been claimed, I'd love to take him (Give him the nickname Glowcap, I have no idea why). He's got a good imagination so he has a longing to engrave things, and he'll give you the best images anyway.

If he's dead or already taken (I have read the thread but may have missed it) I'll take any other dwarf. Name him Koji and let me know which he is.
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Re: Yet another terrifying survival story starring seven peasants.
« Reply #29 on: November 06, 2008, 07:16:49 pm »

Personal diary of KLAR, page 3

"Lotsa things 'appened diary, lotsa things! we ain't gonna kill them raccoons, instead we gonna let'em heal up and we gonna keep'em and let'em make little r'coons, thats what Dakost said!


anoth'r one of those howlin' scaries came outta nowhere 'gain. good thin' it ran into Dakost's mean traps. phew.


I went to check up on Neo again today, but someone had up and locked his door. I heard something tho', sounded like Neo was moanin' and clawin' at the door. i tried to jar it open but it were no use. i hope he's alright in there.


Also, Dakost and me today were diggin' deep, really very deep into the ground. deeper than i've ever been before and we carved out some special lookin' rooms. i asked 'im what these rooms were fer, and he just said "Neo". i'm glad we're diggin' a special room for Neo, maybe he'll get better in here.


another howlin scary came out today! us dwarves were ready tho', and one o' the nice woodcutters killed'em good.

Rickvoid, one of those new dwarves i was tellin' you 'bout, started running around and babblin' something aweful. He stol' some leather and shells and hid inside one o' those workshops. i hope he be alright, he looks like a nice dwarf."
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