i see a problem with the [SEVERONDEATH:KILLED/EXPIRE] and[SPAWNONSEVER] tags.they could be used to make the creature spawn itself when killed. even the [SPAWNONSEVER] tag by itself could do that.
Urist McAxedwarf cancels fight: interupted by airborn Self Replicating Slime Beast.
put [IGNITEPOINT:0] on the thing, and you've got instant world destruction.
[LEAP:<number>] simmilar to [CANFLY], the creature can leap up so many z levels, making stairs useless, and survive that many z levels of fall without stunning themselves.
[HOSTBODY:<number>:<number>] instead of [BODY:<body type(s)>], this creature will inhabit another creatures body, and as such does not need many tags, as any tags it has will replace it's host's tags, and it will use any other tag's it's host has. also ignores [CHILD] tags in the sense that it will not breed. instead, it will try to 'infect' other host bodies, in wrestling. the numbers are the odds that any wresling move will infect the (potential) host. Zombies, parasitic wasps, and Dracula.
[HOSTIMMUNE] is immune to hosting other creatures by the above [HOSTBODY] tag.
[liTTERSECOND:<creature type>:<number>:<number>] when a litter is born, it will include a second type of creatures in the litter. like, Orcs bread, a litter is born of 1 or 2 orcs and up to 10 goblins in one game i've played. so goblins in that game are the orcs farmers, slaves, and war-fodder, were as the orcs are warriors.