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Author Topic: All Dwarves Are Bastards (But Some Less So Than Others)  (Read 89678 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: All Dwarves Are Bastards (But Some Less So Than Others)
« Reply #15 on: November 07, 2008, 07:30:05 am »

- CHAPTER FIVE: A Good Reason Why "Let's Works" Never Caught On -

The Idle Doodlings Of Doomhammer (Translated)

7th Moonstone
I had a thought today! My home is getting pretty big and awesome now. There's all kinds of stuff to do. But I'm the only one here (Except for Fluffy! But Fluffy can't right vrey well wit hiz pores.) so that makes me all KINDS of job doers at once. I'm a leader, a manager, a bookkeeper, a broker ... I mean, wow, that's pretty impressive for just one dwarf! I'm so awesome, being four people at once.

Haha, no that's silly. There couldn't be more mes than just little lovable ME!

*Awkward lack of doodlings*

Anyway I need an office to keep track of things, so I'm going to do that now. Fluffy doesn't look happy about it. He keeps walking around the unfinished well and empty entrance. Maybe he's just thirsty?

28th Moonstone
Updating records is BORING. Hacking pieces of rock into shape is much more fun than these weird number things. But I finally finished. Okay, maybe I had to cheat a little bit by getting Fluffy's help, but it was HARD! I didn't even know numbers went that high, but we have even more stuff than that. Like, fourty six prepared meals, twenty one drinks and something like "two hundred and twenty" stones, oh my god!

10th Opal
I've almost finished building the well! Well, not really. (Hahaha, that's funny.) I still can't find anything to make the well with, but I'm ready to fill up my little indoor lake thing with water. I just need to go outside and channel into the river! But I'm sure I can still hear somebody outside, They're starting to scare me a little bit with how long they've been there. I'm going to make more stuff with stone instead for now.

18th Obsidian
My stockpile is very full now. I've made a whole bunch of mechanisms and floodgates to use later. I can still hear someone outside. They're listening in my sleep. I'm scared. Hold me, Fluffy.

1st Granite
I just realised something. It's been a whole year since I met Urist and those other dwarves, and began making my home. That's a long time. Lately I've been digging around in some other levels of rock. I still haven't found anything. Maybe I need to dig larger areas? Anyway, I guess I'd better update my records again. More stone to count. "Yay".

The scary man is still outside. I keep stopping to listen for the sounds of his breathing. I can't work. Can't think. Can't take this much longer.

15th Granite
The breathing has multiplied. Someone else is out there. Who? Who? WHO?

26th Granite
Oooooh! I've struck gold opal! Shiny. Useless.

9th Slate
I've struck HEMATITE! I can make IRON with hematite. I can make CHAINS and WEAPONS and STUFF with iron! I can make WELLS with chains, and TRAPS with weapons, and MORE STUFF with stuff! But my stalker is still waiting outside. How am I going to get fuel to melt things?

Aww, this sucks.

13th Slate
The breathing has multiplied again. There must at least a dozen people outside. I don't know if they are merchants or migrants or EVIL ANT OVERLORDS. I haven't heard anything yelling or anything. They must be friends of my stalker. It's not safe to let anyone in my home but me and Fluffy. I need wood badly. Not sure what to do. I wish somebody else stronger could come and deal with all this. I hope everyone goes away soon.

24th Slate
I finished digging out all the ore today. I don't have anywhere to store it yet. I don't have fuel to melt it yet. Some of the voices are gone, but most of them are still there. I'll pass some more time by making my stockpile bigger. That way I can have some parts just for wood and some parts just for metal. And maybe little parts for gems and weapons and stuff. Then I'll have to start hauling everything into place.

... This could take a while!

And now, it's time for ...
What Would Fluffycuddlekissesjoy Do?


You readers saw NOTHING, you hear me?

Meanwhile, the liaison is muttering something about the oaf probably just being the in the toilet and that he'll answer the door any day now.

Once more, mwahahaha!

Argh, of ALL THE TIMES and ALL THE PLACES ... It's like the RNG spawned that kobold just to free the bastard.

Fuck it, I give up. The oaf's been looking edgy lately, maybe he'll scare the liaison off. Anything that will stop the oaf standing around distracted all the time and back out into the open where he continue unhindered in the -

Ah! The alligator! Dear god, Doomhammer, GET BACK INSIDE AND LOCK THE DOOR!

[Author's Note: There wasn't quite enough water to drown the migrants so at the moment they're all learning to swim. And dehydrating, somehow!]
« Last Edit: March 24, 2009, 06:30:04 am by OneMoreNameless »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: All Dwarves Are Bastards (But Some Less So Than Others)
« Reply #16 on: November 07, 2008, 05:54:27 pm »

I want doomhammer to build a giant statue of fluffycuddleskissesjoy
And (because of various programming quirks) dwarves are kinda stupid. Granted, so are the other races. But still.
And yet these stupid dwarves are going to eventually make a nuclear weapon out of cheese and basalt.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: All Dwarves Are Bastards (But Some Less So Than Others)
« Reply #17 on: November 07, 2008, 06:48:36 pm »

Not sure what is funnier; The fact that the cat is trying to drown the migrants, or the fact that the cat is failing.


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Re: All Dwarves Are Bastards (But Some Less So Than Others)
« Reply #18 on: November 07, 2008, 06:50:37 pm »

I want doomhammer to build a giant statue of fluffycuddleskissesjoy

Unless five stone walls artfully arranged in the shape of a "c" counts, that's probably not happening! :P


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Re: All Dwarves Are Bastards (But Some Less So Than Others)
« Reply #19 on: November 07, 2008, 07:14:31 pm »

if you hack them to be engraved, I'll be happy.
And (because of various programming quirks) dwarves are kinda stupid. Granted, so are the other races. But still.
And yet these stupid dwarves are going to eventually make a nuclear weapon out of cheese and basalt.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: All Dwarves Are Bastards (But Some Less So Than Others)
« Reply #20 on: November 08, 2008, 01:21:51 am »

- CHAPTER SIX: If You Build It, They Better Stay The Hell Away -

The Idle Doodlings Of Doomhammer (Translated)

1st Hematite?
I've finished stockpiling and counting stuff. When I woke this morning the breathing had gone, but there were sections of wall missing and blood spilled over the entrance ... My stalker must have got a nosebleed and went away or something. Whatever, now I can go outside and collect wood again!

24nd Hematite
I haven't collected much wood at all. That alligator is much more scary than ants ever were. Like ... "two hundred and twenty" times scarier even! It came close a few times, just watching me while it walked passed. Thing like that are why I only sleep every month or so. Anyway I have enough wood to burn for fuel. Now I can finish my well! I'll need much MORE wood to finish EVERYTHING I want. If only that nasty alligator wasn't there. If only I had a strong, fast friend that could protect me while outside. If only these two events could somehow coincide with each other ...

Hmm ...

... Nope, I can't think of anything.

19th Malachite
My well is finally done!

Now I can drink water without having to walk ALL the way out to the river and past alligators and ants and stuff. I'd rather drink booze OBVIOUSLY, but just in case I run out or something. And anyway the well LOOKS nice! It's my meeting hall now. I meet Fluffy there all the time. We talk about the dwarven economy over a glass of wine. (We're totally rich and posh.) Fluffy says Obama should just turn it off in America's init file. I don't know what Fluffy means either.

12th Galena
I've removed my old doors and built three floodgates to stop anybody coming in. The middle one is controlled by one lever, and the outer two are controlled by a second. I also built two other levers to use later. Have to remember which is which. Sticky notes are my friends.

I can't get both the outer floodgates to open at the same time. Um. Maybe if I pull the lever enough times ... ?

15th Galena
Okay, it's working right now! I also got this weird feeling something grew up to be a dog today. Weird, huh?

[Author's Note: There is also a female puppy in there. If those two somehow survive and start breeding ... Fluffy will not be amused? O_o]

3rd Limestone
I'm in the middle of doing a lot of digging now. It's only dirt and stuff that I'm going through so that's easy but still. These passageways are kind of confusing. I got lost a few times and went the LONG way around to dig out a few spaces. I've got a headache now. That's the point, but. Any nasty people trying to get into my home will have to walk a REALLY LONG WAY when I put up the middle floodgate. Then they'll give up and go away. Plus once I've put in a few more floodgates it can double as really fun water slide!

Or I guess I could put traps, like, EVERYWHERE along the path but that would take AGES and that's not much fun anyway.

9th Limestone
A bunch of merchants and some official dwarf guy have turned up to try my water slide! But aww, they're too early. The floodgates and everything are mostly ready but I haven't had time to channel into the river yet. I guess I'll just have to tell everyone to go away and come back later.

I hope the purple everywhere doesn't scare them off coming back later. I haven't stopped to clean or anything for a while. My home is pretty icky. But it doesn't scare me much anymore. I close my eyes when I'm near the purple and pretend it's all black like the mines. Except my mines that are green or white or something. Anyway I don't think the official is worried because he keeps chasing me around everywhere. I don't know if he's making fun of Fluffy of what. I'm too busy to play tag, go away!

16th Limestone
WAIT. I just had the BEST IDEA EVER! I could make friends with that alligator and then he could defend me above ground and keep Fluffy company and maybe even swim through my water slide and it would be the most best awesome thing ever and we could ...

... Oh. Nevermind. Well, it's time to test out my water slide. Fluffy looks a little scared. As if I would do something wrong! Okay, first I seal the entrance. Then I open the outer floodgates. Hmm, this is going to take a while. I guess I'll make some more mechanisms and statues and stuff while it powers up.

28th Limestone

« Last Edit: March 24, 2009, 06:30:22 am by OneMoreNameless »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: All Dwarves Are Bastards (But Some Less So Than Others)
« Reply #21 on: November 08, 2008, 06:51:00 pm »

And (because of various programming quirks) dwarves are kinda stupid. Granted, so are the other races. But still.
And yet these stupid dwarves are going to eventually make a nuclear weapon out of cheese and basalt.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: All Dwarves Are Bastards (But Some Less So Than Others)
« Reply #22 on: November 08, 2008, 08:59:21 pm »

- CHAPTER SEVEN: In Which Reader Requests Are Apparently Taken -

Fluffycuddlekissesjoy Speaks

20th Sandstone
Our first major defence is up, and somehow the oaf actually managed to not drown us all. Then again, given the speed at which water is flowing through the entrance detour any invaders are more likely to starve before they drown. Hopefully the oaf is smart enough (dear god, did I actually just say that?) to install at least a few traps along the detour. We're not always going to have six months to drown the bastards. And then wait for the water to drain.

We're still waiting for the water to dry up enough now that the oaf can fetch more wood without muddying my palace to be. Tch, I might as well put him to work in the meantime. If I purr enough around the few gems he might start decorating the place up a bit. Armok knows this place needs it.

10th Timber
The oaf has mostly finished cutting the few gems he found mining earlier. It's as slow as everything else is in this place, but at least he produced one each large gold opal and amethyst. While watching over our water trap today I took some amusement in noticing a rainbow trout swimming around. The trap has nearly dried out, so I suspect it won't be swimming much longer, mwahahaha.

20th Timber
The oaf awoke this morning with the brilliant idea of encrusting some random mechanism with the gems rather than anything, say, useful. I resorted to shoving one of his statues over to get him away from wasting any more gems. He's brewing and planting at the moment, but he sounds quite excited to be able to gather more wood shortly. Next time I shall make sure there are less trivial things in my stockpile before encouraging him to decorate them.

9th Moonstone
I have noticed it takes a disturbingly long period of time between the oaf deciding to pull one the levers and the levers actually being pulled. The purpose of the detour is to greatly delay enemy invaders and allow them to be trapped inside but I worry that no delay could be as great as those provided by Doomhammer himself. Tch, those traps must be built soon.

The oaf seems to be going a bit overboard in his treefelling at the moment. He just keeps hacking down the trees muttering darkly about revenge. Knowing him, the next moment he'll be all smiles and laughter, and wondering just how he plans to carry all that wood inside.

... And it looks like his plan is to carefully update his stockpile records to reflect how much dead wood has been left unused out in the open. Wonderful.

21st Opal
Alongside attempting to create the most unnecessarily large food and drink stockpile ever for a single dwarf, the oaf is constructing traps along the detour. At the entrance are ten stone fall traps. They're only one shot and it takes some time for a single dwarf to reload them, but the time and resources to construct decent weapon traps would be moreso unrealistic. We always have the "Death By Boredom" drowing trap. If any invaders survive that, there are four cage traps placed at the other end to catch any survivors for my ... amusement. In any case, it shouldn't ... shouldn't ...

... What the fuck?

6th Obsidian
The rain. It must have flooded the pit where the migrants died, letting the animals swim through to the original pond and out into the open. The defences were open while the oaf were improving them, so they just waltzed right in. There's two dogs, a puppy, and two horses. I'm not sure if that counts as breaking the hermit challenge or not, but what I do know is that the oaf is "on break" at the well getting cozy with the lot of them. Bah, those stupid mutts and useless meatsacks will be struck down by the end of the week and we can get back to defending just the two of us.

27th Obsidian
The defences are back online, but the newcomers are on the wrong side. Look at those useless animals, standing around clogging up the hallways. I hunt vermin and keep this place clean, and what do they do? Nothing. But lately the oaf has been spending more time combing those horses than keeping me amused!

17th Granite
I don't know WHAT the oaf has been wasting his time doing lately, but it's certainly not cleaning. Miasma is stinking my not quite a palace up again. It's probably all coming from those filthy mutts. I'm just waiting for one of them to fall in the well or something equally stupid. I'd push them myself if it wouldn't taint our water supply. But no, the oaf would rather chisel away more statues that we don't have the space to put anywhere.

Elves arrived today, hoping to trade or some nonsense. At least the oaf did one thing right by locking them out completely. Although I was hoping he might be willing to forge some metal cages and trade away those mutts. Now he's skipping around like some school girl claiming he's a "legendary" miner. I thought legends were supposed to be about brave heroes who slew dragons or saved the world, not some idiot repeatedly smashing rock into pieces.

13th Slate
I caught an increasingly rare glimpse of the oaf today. His hands were raw and bloody, and he looked like he'd fallen asleep on the floor recently. Useless cretin. Perhaps he fell into one of his darker moods and decided to start fighting the walls? Ha! More likely he caught something from those useless horses. I said we should have butchered the lot of them, but did he listen? Hmph.

Somehow more migrants arrived today. Normally I might imagine some suitable punishment for their trespassing, but I can not summon the effort. Let them go mad outside.

4th Hematite
"Happy Growingupday Fluffycuddlekissesjoy! Thanks for all the vermin catching and everying! I built this tomb in your honor, isn't just awesome?!"

I ... He ... That's ... But he ... I don't know what to say. It's so beautiful. The - Doomhammer - smoothed and engraved it all himself. He even used all his precious shiny gems in the windows and encrusted on the tomb's door. Aww, Doomhammer, you shouldn't ...

AHEM. That is, this display of affection is adequate. Now, what's say we throw those useless mutts into a pit somewhere and start making this hole and palace?


What do you MEAN they're still pets even when the owners are dead?! Ugh, forget that. We'll build another butcher's shop inside and off the bastards. Useless oaf.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2009, 06:30:38 am by OneMoreNameless »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: All Dwarves Are Bastards (But Some Less So Than Others)
« Reply #23 on: November 08, 2008, 11:38:15 pm »

Well, I have to admit its pretty epic.
but theres no microcline.
any retarded dwarf like doomhammer would think microcline is awesome.
And (because of various programming quirks) dwarves are kinda stupid. Granted, so are the other races. But still.
And yet these stupid dwarves are going to eventually make a nuclear weapon out of cheese and basalt.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: All Dwarves Are Bastards (But Some Less So Than Others)
« Reply #24 on: November 09, 2008, 06:38:33 am »

- CHAPTER EIGHT: Something Like A Montage -

Fluffycuddlekissesjoy Speaks

12th Hematite
So it turns out that the oaf will dump the animals in the pit. Once he decided one of the animals was ready for slaughter it occurred to him that it wasn't really a pet anymore, after which he could change his mind and assigned it to the pit instead. Now we have a breeding pair of dogs and horses safely contained. In time they shall provide a stupidly loyal army, and a steady supply of meat and bones. For now it pleases me to watch the mutts trying to alternately escape or get intimate with the horses watching.

Not ... not in a sexual way, if that's what you were thinking. No.

The Ponderings of Cerol Nimakingiz, Clothier

14th Malachite
It's been another horrible day. Our useless hunter has been chasing around wild horses again, swearing that this time he'll catch them, but he always comes back empty handed. I try not to cry in front of the darling children when I tell them we're having another vermin catching competition. Somehow they manage to laugh when they beat daddy. I can smell food from inside the fortress here, but it's sealed off and won't open no matter how much I bang on the floodgates. If there is anybody inside, I hope they rot in hell.

And worst of all, those flies are really annoying.

The Idle Doodlings Of Doomhammer (Translated)

24rd Malachite
I'm a soldier now! Well, kinda. I forged myself an iron crossbow. Then I built another workshop and carved out wooden bolts to shoot. Then I dug out a neat little practise archery range thing with a target and everything. I smoothed the room out so it looked neat and did some fortifications. Now if I catch any invaders alive I can put them in this little box and open the cage from a distance. They'll be stuck, but I can use THEM as target practise through the holes in the wall. Well, the stone target is fine for now. I drafted myself, which made me sadder for some reason. Then I went off duty with my new weapon and everything but didn't end up using the target. I probably don't have enough bolts to waste or something, so I'll try again later.

Oh! And we have a new little foal now. I had to ask Fluffy where it came from and, eww, I really don't want to think about that. I'm going to update my records in REALLY stupidly detailed detail to get my mind off it. And just 'cause I want to be legendary in something else.

The Ponderings of Cerol Nimakingiz, Clothier

11th Galena
I can't take this anymore ... Why won't those elvish merchants HELP us? They just sit at the edge of map, complaining about the lack of trade depots ... I've started writing a letter ... in blood ... to the king ... our peace ... was ... always ... a sham ...

I'm dying ... I might as well go ... with the stupidest, narmest, most foreshadowing ruining noise I can ...

GACK-AAAAACKLER-ARGH-SPLATTERPUS-ow. *Dies ... hilariously!*

Fluffycuddlekissesjoy Speaks

27th Galena
The corpse of some migrant has washed into our water trap. If we're forced to use the floodgates now, the first thing any invaders would see in the first slow moving wave would be a soaked, rotten dwarven body being pushed along towards them.

That is awesome. It sure is a good thing that that could never happen to any of our good friendly PCs wandering around, of course! No, never. ... Ever.

Are you getting all this, fate?

8th Timber
More. Damned. Migrants. The last ones haven't all died yet, either. This requires drastic measures to reclaim the surface. And by drastic, I mean drowning. Or starving. It'll be a very long, very painful race. For them! Mwahahaha. And to think, if only one of them had brought a female cat these deaths could have all been avoided ...

I very much doubt we'll be attacked by building destroyers here, so I'll have the oaf dig a back exit to my palace. He can block it with a hatch and just use it while the water trap is active. The oaf himself is declaring himself a legend of keeping track of things now. Which is somewhat ironic given HE hasn't noticed the starving dwarves outside. How he managed to increase his agility while sitting, writing at his desk is another mystery. Perhaps he has been watching too much Death Note.

Meanwhile, some sulky migrant has decided to kick down our old butcher's shop outside. That's nice, it saved the oaf the trouble of deconstructing it later. Aside from "a oak logs", there's also nineteen bones left out there. I've allocated part of our stockpile for their safekeeping, and the oaf can make bolts to practise with later. I wonder if the fool can tell the difference between horse bones ... and dwarves.

... Doomhammer ... What the HECK are you doing over there?!

That's just ... you're not ... while they're ... SCREW IT. You know what? It's NOT FUCKING WORTH IT. I can't take this naivety and foolishness anymore. I bet that tomb was actually assigned to HIM just to keep HIM happy, anyway. I'm out of here, to find somewhere I have a better chance of attracting a queen, and a slave who actually likes cats on their preference screen. Catsplosion can wait a little while yet.

I'm LEAVING, you useless dwarf, do you HEAR ME!?

The Many Complaints of Kadol Atorilral, Armorsmith

14th Timber
Doomhammer, sir. I do appreciate the time you've taken to conduct this meeting with me in your office, but I'm afraid I must bring several pressing matters to your attention. Now, I've heard that before now you've been living alone here, which is fine and good, but right now there are several hungry dwarves in your home and it is simply not right that we do not have proper sleeping arrangements, tables and so on. Expansion is going to have to come soon, because this place is getting crowded.

Also, it has come to my attention that you "rushed" to seal the gates once you knew we were hear. This is not acceptable behaviour especially when several of my friends now stranded outside or in your ludicrously long entrance passage that ...

... What do you mean, that was the point? No, we are not ... If you'll just let me ... FINE. If you will not share your supplies willingly, we shall simply to have to force you. DWARVISH BROTHERS, TO ARMS ending in greedy hands! This fortress is now OURS.

... Um, are you okay, sir? I am sorry for that, but oh god oh god what are you doing with that please we can talk this through reasonably GET AWAY FROM ME WITH THAT PICK YOU -

The Idle Doodlings Of Doomhammer (Translated)

30th Timber
My head hurts again. My home is a mess and I can't find Fluffy anywhere. I keep blacking out and I'm scared. I can hear friendly dwarves nearby but they're fighting and there's blood and some official is investigating and I don't know what to do anymore. I have ... I have to calm everyone down. Of course! My water slide! Somebody's been rampaging around here and the sticky notes are all messed up but I think I just need to throw these levers and ...

18th Moonstone
I think I messed something up the water isn't draining there's a body that collapsed on one of my traps kobolds are above ground stealing used dresses are they crossdressing or what I don't know but it's scary and I don't know what to do I need to think I can't ...


Will Fluffy survive the slowly filling water trap? Will Doomhammer remain sane with all the chaos that has come to his fortress? Will the author snap, give up, and flood the whole fortress just for the hell of it? The plot moves ever onwards, and only thing is sure ... one fortress must end, so that a new challenge may begin ...

All this if not slightly less will be revealed in the next chapter of All Dwarves Are Bastards!
« Last Edit: March 24, 2009, 06:30:54 am by OneMoreNameless »


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Re: All Dwarves Are Bastards (But Some Less So Than Others)
« Reply #25 on: November 09, 2008, 03:40:17 pm »

And (because of various programming quirks) dwarves are kinda stupid. Granted, so are the other races. But still.
And yet these stupid dwarves are going to eventually make a nuclear weapon out of cheese and basalt.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: All Dwarves Are Bastards (But Some Less So Than Others)
« Reply #26 on: November 10, 2008, 06:55:03 pm »

- CHAPTER NINE: The An Final Opening Battle Other Thing -

Lady Ruins Practises Her Dramatic Monologues

1st Opal

You would never think that they were being slowly flooded, hmm?

Ah, but of course, I begin too soon.

I have been watching this dwarf for some time now. The rumours of half a dozen dwarves disappearing traveled quickly in our restless times, followed by the usual whispered accusations: Did they simply perish to wildlife, or was it the elves? Did they escape, could the barriers finally be weakening? Are they even now trapped in goblin cages? There is no denying the suspicion we dwarves hold of the natives here, and them us, but nobody risked accusations in public.

I paid the stories little heed at first, but sent a few restless mooks to investigate anyway. What they found intrigued me: The bodies, starved and stripped, sealed away in a shallow tomb. This was no accident, but I knew it was no elves either. I had the area watched and soon enough recieved a report that a single dwarf was hiding nearby, occasionally emerging to collect wood and the like, but never when anybody else was passing by. Peaceful, for the most part, but with a temper like wildfire. When I heard of the Council's visit, I decided it was time to go in person.

It took some time to be sure, but I now know that it is him; Doomhammer, rapist to the land and once king to the dwarves. The elves must have lied about the total mindwipe, perhaps thinking it sufficient to merely seal away his cursed knowledge. Several times I have seen him rage again, while his childlike persona lies dormant, unaware. Common knowledge to men and dwarves alike would say that our once king perished when he was cast out. The Council must not know, or they would have claimed him already. Doomhammer himself must not know, not yet. He shall prove a powerful tool ... or weapon, perhaps.

As I speak there is bloodshed around and within Doomhammer's fortress. Too much for this place to remain a secret much longer, to the Council or our king elect. My plans must advance sooner than I had hoped.

16th Opal
The first of the migrants has died within Doomhammer's flooding chambers, by dehydration. A Rime of the Ancient Mariner reference would seem appropriate. I wonder where the blame for the death truly rests; Doomhammer, the once king, or that curious feline caught within its grasp. Perhaps all three. Perhaps none. I matters little, in the end.

Doomhammer is busying himself over his forge, crafting heavy armour.

10th Obsidian
The last of the migrants have perished, starved before the water could claim them. I can not hear or see Doomhammer, and so presume that he is mining somewhere deep underground. For his innocent side to finally know these deaths were of "his" cause must be a notable strain, however, he will not suicide. Not while the once king rages inside him.

20th Obsidian
From how long Doomhammer has been in the mines without a break, and given the geology of the land, I can safely assume he has finally struck magnetite. Finding fuel for his smelter will prove the greater challenge than finding ore now, if he were to stay. He must feel proud. It is almost a shame he will be soon be in a place with ample supplies of either, but, I am sure some other greedy dwarf will lay claim to Doomhammer's success some day, hmm. Meanwhile, the water trap has begun to drain. Once it safe, I shall make my entrance and claim something of my own.

17th Granite
It is increasingly tempting to construct several pumps and have the mooks empty out the water trap faster. The image I must present to Doomhammer to receive his support, however, is a different one ...

Well, well, well. Look what washed up alive and well, if a touch angry.

That cat has spirit, if nothing else. And there always are a few too many vermin where I choose to dwell ...

19th Slate
It is time. The water has cleared enough to avoid any problems when I override the floodgates - since the cat left Doomhammer my trained vermin were able to bring me the codes. Faintly I can hear Doomhammer practising his archery skills underground. His shots are slow, and somewhat sloppy; I will not be at risk today. I shall open with a blunt accusation of murder, to put him on the defensive, however the presence of his beloved cat will distract him. I'll use that to bring up the more positive construction of the tomb, and his potential. He'll be suspicious, but after so long alone he'll listen. I'll offer him a chance to do the one thing that even his innocent mind will still crave: learn. He'll waver, but at that point it will take nothing more than a few promises to have him leave into the welcoming hands of a few reliable mooks.

It will take some time to train him and, more importantly, to understand him. But then my sleeve shall have it's ace. I will be able to return to other matters, and I do not doubt that in time my plans shall come to fruition and then ...

Justice will be done.

« Last Edit: March 24, 2009, 06:31:44 am by OneMoreNameless »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: All Dwarves Are Bastards (But Some Less So Than Others)
« Reply #27 on: November 10, 2008, 07:00:26 pm »

- A Note Regarding Future Community Fortresses -

Please note I'll be taking a short break before starting the next fortress. This felt like a good time to move on storywise, but I plan on running it ingame a bit longer, maybe give my mind a rest with some Super Smash Brothers. :P

Anyway, the next fortress (and, for that matter, probably all others following) I'll run as a community. I have three main plot/narrator dwarves in this one so that leaves FOUR starting dwarves up for grabs by anyone who feels like one. Just give me a name and any skills or items to embark with and you're in. (I would ... recommend one military skill for this particular fortress, yes.) If all four are taken, you can still claim a migrant when any arrive. Any other requests or preferences regarding your dwarf when the fortress is running will be taken into consideration if they're reasonable, and quite possibly even if they're not. ;)

FYI, the "plot dwarves" for Fortress #2 will be Lord Ruins (3 Miner / 2 Mason / 5 Armor User), Fatman (2 Grower / 2 Brewer / 2 Cook / 4 Macedwarf) and The Tax Collector (3 Appraiser / 2 Building Designer / 3 Record Keeper / 2 Judge of Intent). I might tweak those a bit, but you get the idea.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: All Dwarves Are Bastards {Now with added Community!}
« Reply #28 on: November 10, 2008, 08:46:56 pm »

Name: Kragus, Bone Master
Skills: Bonecrafter 5/Swimmer 1/HammerDwarf 2/Miner 2
Items: Bring some turtles and fish, so I have something to craft. Until we get a craftsdwarf shop, have me help carve up the mountain! Strike the earth!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Dabbling Philosopher
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Re: All Dwarves Are Bastards {Now with added Community!}
« Reply #29 on: November 11, 2008, 02:42:32 am »

Name: Ivanor, High Tinker
Skills: Siege Engineer 5/Mechanic 3/Wrestler 2
Items: Wood for ballistas (if we need it) and Bauxite for mechanisms (if there's magma).

Thanks for making this a community.  I've had a great time reading up till now, and I think it will only get better.  Best of luck!
All generalizations are false....including this one.
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