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Author Topic: Egomamost "Naturaltowns" - a sociopath's tale.  (Read 2730 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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    • My Dwarf Fortress-centric You Tube videos, part of my nominally vintage gaming channel.
Egomamost "Naturaltowns" - a sociopath's tale.
« on: November 01, 2008, 08:41:39 pm »

On a rainy day, like any other rainy day; 7 dwarves set out from their homes to create a new paradise. Sadly, they'll be creating a garbage heap instead.

Thus far, it's been uneventful. Zuglar and Ducim dug a shaft straight into the side of the mountain; tunneling north to set up a small underground farm and south for a temporary barracks. We were lucky fairly early, our digging uncovered some Tiger Iron and Onyx. 

(magnetite and platinum chamber)

(Well shaft leading to river. It's a Z level below my fortress so t shouldn't flood, and it blocked by a floor built over the stairs used to construct it.)

Digging below in order to create a well, we uncovered a large deposit of Magnetite, as well as more onyx and some native platinum. So much Magnetite in fact, that we had to expand the stockpiles for ore; and even filled the hallways with the stuff. It will be very good later on when we're able to use the stuff.

Eventually, we'll have a well dug; the large magnetite deposit has stalled that project indefinitely. Misten, our farmer, has planted some Plump Helmets, which should help us maintain our food stockpiles through the winter. Rough plans are drawn for the defense of the fortress. But progress is slow; we lack the manpower to do everything that needs to be done. Mainly because off all the ore below, which seems to stall everything right now.

(showing the stockpile issue with the ore, any advice for a newb to deal with massive amounts of ore and no way to process yet?)
« Last Edit: November 01, 2008, 09:49:25 pm by azrael4h »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Egomamost "Naturaltowns" - a sociopath's tale.
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2008, 11:56:38 pm »

If you just want to get rid of it cluttering the hallways, designate a 1x1 zone (i) for a (g)arbage dump, and then loo(k) at each ore you want dumped there and (d)ump it.  Dorfs will then dump them all in one huge stack, conveniently out of the way.  Plus dumping has a very low priority so it usually doesn't interfere with most tasks (disable refuse hauling on any dorf you want to do other things).


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Egomamost "Naturaltowns" - a sociopath's tale.
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2008, 12:35:30 am »

What Dresdor said is probably the best solution, though some people consider that an exploit.  It's up to you, since you're writing the story.

If you do that, remember that all of the ore will be forbidden once it's been piled at the garbage dump.  If you want to use it, make sure to reclaim it: (d)esignate (b)uilding (c)laim.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Egomamost "Naturaltowns" - a sociopath's tale.
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2008, 12:41:46 am »

You can just leave it be, really. Provided you aren't trying to put a different stockpile in that spot.

I'm curious, how is this a socipath's tale? Also, are keeping it only a story, or what?
Even the avatars expire eventually.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • My Dwarf Fortress-centric You Tube videos, part of my nominally vintage gaming channel.
Re: Egomamost "Naturaltowns" - a sociopath's tale.
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2008, 01:38:20 am »

I'm doing the dump exploit with the massive amounts of stone, but even with ungodly amounts dumped; I still can't use all the mudstone I have... I've just got a smelter going full time, working on all the ore I've dug up so far. I endedup enlarging the chamber a bit then designating the entire thing a stone stockpile. Now I have 20 dwarves running stone down three flights of steps... and still no well. TY for the advice, this is the first fortress that hasn't imploded in the first month on me.

It's a sociopath's tale because I am a sociopath. At any rate...

Atir Tinothmosus, trader and de-facto leader of this hell hole.

"Spring is here, and with ti a bit of hope for this mess. At least depending upon your point of view; the rush of fools new recruits means more mouths to feed. As such, I've contsructed Misten, out original farmer and whose ensured we had more than plenty through a bitter winter, her own private apartment underneath her farm. I even gave her a kitchen, even thoguh she's pretty well unable to do much more than work the farm and the occasional odd job aroudn the fortress."

"Thankfully, several were actually useful; a jeweler who immediately barricaded himself into the jewelry shop that had just been built; two metalsmiths, another stonecrafter, and another farmer to help lighten Misten's workload. "

"The rest were less than useful; if I had a weapons industry (or something to trade for weapons) I'd enlist the lot of them in as soldiers. As it is, I have a single axe. I desperately need an anvil, but won't get one until next year (hopefully they remember to bring one!)"

"Cleanup has advanced rapidly with the extra meat. With the extra help around the farm, and an extra cook, our food stocks should improve." 

"You know, I think I'll shove those with no skills into the army anyway. Maybe I can get my bowyer to arm them with something." 



  • Bay Watcher
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    • My Dwarf Fortress-centric You Tube videos, part of my nominally vintage gaming channel.
Re: Egomamost "Naturaltowns" - a sociopath's tale.
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2008, 03:16:39 am »

Atir Tino - Manager of Egomamost.

(the big announcement)

(Ducim and Zuglar's quarters)

"Spring brought good tidings, in the form of our two miners, Ducim and Zuglar being wed. As a wedding present, they got to dig out their own private living quarters and tombs!

(More useless meat.)

We have been fairly lucky with new meat; most have had some semblance of useful skills. Especially the bowyers we got this past year. Sadly, we still cannot get anyone to bring an anvil or three, thus our smiths (we have three now) are doing menial chores helping clean up behind the masons and miners.

(The Halls of the Doomed. They had another name, but it was more... obscene)

I finally had my own chambers dug out; as manager, broker, and the nutcase who gets blamed for everything around here, it was embarrassing to have to conduct meetings in the barracks. I also ordered an area dug out for additional free bedding. I privately refer to these as the "Halls of the Doomed".

While digging my own tomb (I just think it's a good idea to do so) we uncovered some fire agates. Our gem cutter will make short work of these, the poor fellow has been bored out of his mind.

(Misten's completed abode)

We still do not have a well.

(our flooding 'issue'. My plan as the fearless leader is to ignore it. It didn't spread at all over the last year)

We have had a 'mild' flooding issue in our lower chambers; it seems that the water broke down the wall between our supply tunnel (for the well we never dug) and the large ore chamber. Needless to say, it annoys me. However, there seems to be little danger as several dwarves have swam up the tunnel and back with no problems. Eventually, it will flood the entire lower level; but I'll need to dig new stairs and construct a wall to contain it, and lose quite a bit of ore in the process.

Our current issues are a lack of wood; which is perilously low, and equipment. We have only two picks for mining, and a single axe and some crossbows for defense. Sadly, unless we do something soon, we won't have the wood to make ammo for the crossbows!

We have a solid supply of charcoal built up, and an even larger supply of iron and platinum for when we are able to forge some weapons and armor. However it looks like we'll be using stone and rock for most everything very soon."

End of Year 3

I cannot get my trader to actually trade. I've dumped product onto the depot (useless junk, but still...) and for two years in a row requested drinks, anvils, and weapons. This last year was worse, because I have plenty of stuff to trade, even if it's not particularly useful.

I hit 'q', go to the depot, but the 't' option is greyed out. Even with my trader standing on the depot. It's bad enough I'm not accessible to wagons right now.   


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Egomamost "Naturaltowns" - a sociopath's tale.
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2008, 03:55:09 am »

Strange. Is it possible that the traders have already left? Sometimes they sit for a while packing their wares up. If you're trader is there, I'm sure that you have 'trader requested at depot' on as well, right?

Other then that . . .
Even the avatars expire eventually.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • My Dwarf Fortress-centric You Tube videos, part of my nominally vintage gaming channel.
Re: Egomamost "Naturaltowns" - a sociopath's tale.
« Reply #7 on: November 02, 2008, 01:07:57 pm »

I've tried it with both 'trader requested at depot' and no trader needed to trade. I'll survive; my fort is pretty well self sufficient, but if I ever get any goblins (another oddity is I've yet to have anything attack, and only twice have I been notified of Kobolds) I'll be in trouble. My dwarves are already annoyed by the lack of proper drink, and the fact they have to wander across the map to get water.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • My Dwarf Fortress-centric You Tube videos, part of my nominally vintage gaming channel.
Re: Egomamost "Naturaltowns" - a sociopath's tale.
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2008, 09:57:09 pm »

Atir Tino -

"Mixed news for the winter. A peasant, whom I never bothered to learn his name, died. Rumors say he committed suicide, but I don't care enough to find out.  He did raise a stink, so I ordered a burial chamber dug for the peasants.

An Onyx Scepter was made by a craftsdwarf, adding to the wealth perceived by the outside world. In the real world, it's useless.

We have run completely out of wood, but still have a large supply of charcoal built up for the smelting operations. I've ordered a wood shop built in the northern tunnels; which is close to a lightly wooded slope.

Work has begun on Izum's, our original carpenter, home. However, we uncovered another large magnetite and native platinum deposit. We're clearing it out now, but will have to find another location for Izum's abode.

To top it off, the well is finally dug, and the flooded area down below cleared of valuable ore and a wall built to stop it from washing away the rest. The well is having trouble staying filled; due to the large chamber drawing off river water. It may take a couple of years for use to have the water levels normalize.

As spring rolled around, one of our two marksdwarves had a baby boy. I didn't even know she was a she, much less shacking up with anyone. Meh."


  • Bay Watcher
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    • My Dwarf Fortress-centric You Tube videos, part of my nominally vintage gaming channel.
Re: Egomamost "Naturaltowns" - a sociopath's tale.
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2008, 09:28:18 pm »

From the logs of Atir Tino - manager and trader of Egomamost

"Finally! Elves have arrived, the first which wasn't offput by having to climb the slope a ways to reach our depot. They carried very little of value, however; just bolts of cloth. We traded them some extra clothes for their food stores. While they certainly got the better end of the deal; we finally got something other than cave wheat and plump helmets. I'm already planning on using seeds from some of the berries to expand our existing farming stock."

(new farm chambers.)

"Our spring migration was exciting, with a new miner (finally!) a pair of hunters who were immediately drafted, a wrestler, a mechanic, a woodcutter and two carpenters. Along with a half dozen peasants, all of which found themselves in the army! HAHA!"

"I have been unaminously elected as mayor. Great, now I'm officially doing what I was officially doing anyway. We have a fortress guard, headed up by our sheriff. I need to appoint a sheriff I suppose."

"Census results are in. Dwarves know how to count. 33 serve in the army, nearly all armed with crossbows. Around a dozen monkeys, and three kobolds have fell victim to my forces; which are largely untrained, undiciplined, and unled. The hunters and one wrestler are the first signs of competency in the entire force; save for the three who maanged to earn their stripes."

"We have 29 civilians and 2 children. As well as an unknown number of wandering horses and dogs. Maybe we need to find someone to train them for some use. Such as food. 64 total living at Egomamost now. I need to have a few 'accidents'."

(the new "living" quarters; or tombs. I figure they can toss the bodies in a pile)

"Our outdoor farm will be built in a small cleft in the rock; where it's lush and fertile. For defense, a wall has been constructed across the entrance, and my mining crew is cutting down the slopes surrounding it. While archers can still fire into the valley, thieves cannot get in, and that's whats important. 

(our future outdoor farm. By the time this was etched, my mining crew cut away the remaining slopes. Despite the complete absence of alcohol, they work very rapidly.)   

(our flood-wall. Ain't it pretty?)

"With two woodcutters working full time, we've begun to build up a stock of lumber. We need more beds, and I want a statue made of me. For my constant brilliance despite being surrounded by dolts."


Finally got them to trade. Since I did it immediately after loading, I think it was just a glitch. Thanks for the help though. This game is addictive; I've never had so much fun trying to make my dwarves suicidal.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Egomamost "Naturaltowns" - a sociopath's tale.
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2008, 10:18:20 pm »

Nicely done begining. Are you accepting dwarves from the community?
Even the avatars expire eventually.


  • Bay Watcher
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    • My Dwarf Fortress-centric You Tube videos, part of my nominally vintage gaming channel.
Re: Egomamost "Naturaltowns" - a sociopath's tale.
« Reply #11 on: November 04, 2008, 06:15:18 am »

Not until I figure out how to do a few things. This is the first fort I've had that survived past the first year. Might let people pick dwarves in the next fort, since I'll have some idea of what I'm doing then.

I still have no idea how to set up squads for my military or order them to spar. Then again, I don't have a decent barracks for that yet, so maybe that's it. I also have no idea how to shut off certain jobs; which has been hurting me some since my masons or miners might be off doing something else instead of their jobs.

Plus, I'm not sure how to rename a dwarf. <.< >.>


  • Bay Watcher
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    • My Dwarf Fortress-centric You Tube videos, part of my nominally vintage gaming channel.
Re: Egomamost "Naturaltowns" - a sociopath's tale.
« Reply #12 on: November 05, 2008, 08:17:58 pm »

Atir -

"I have a problem. What is the best way to cook children? I love bbq, but I'm craving a quiche. Mmmm, quiche."

"The Unled are now a semi-coherent force. I finally ordered them into 6 squads; 5 of which are headed up by our veteran soldiers. 3 have been ordered to the north gate, 3 to the west gate. Now when we're attacked, we can have casualties on two fronts."

The military expansion is coming along nicely. The north gate has been strengthened, with the wall being thickened and the gate doubled. Future plans are to wall the tops of the entire valley; to prevent archers from firing on the farmers; and to raise the wall up higher, and add battlements. I want the north gate to be impregnable. "

"A dead lizard raised a stink a few days ago, having perished of our new cook's er... cooking. Now he's part of our new cook's cooking."

"Further improvement projects include a dedicated army barracks at each gate, as well as armouries to help prepare future troops stationed there. In the northern barracks there's another dedicated archery range as well."

"I foresee a great store of weapons and armor once we get an anvil or two. We have enough iron now to pave our fortress' main roads inside with iron; and line the walls with platinum. "     


  • Bay Watcher
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    • My Dwarf Fortress-centric You Tube videos, part of my nominally vintage gaming channel.
Re: Egomamost "Naturaltowns" - a sociopath's tale.
« Reply #13 on: November 06, 2008, 05:16:41 pm »

"YOU WHAT!!!" Atir screamed at the brewer, who she still didn't know his name. "I- I st- stayed to my orders, which were to-"

"BREW EVERY PIECE OF FOOD WE HAVE?!" With that she swung, decking him. It didn't assuage her anger. Not even a dried lizard carcass to chew on, and weeks to go before a caravan was slated to arrive."

from the logs of Atir Timo, Mayor of Egomamost -

"IDIOTS! Not only do I not get my dwarf-child quiche, but I don't get anything to eat! Nor does anyone else for that matter it seems."

"Our first battle was a bit anticlimatic, though bloody. It seems one of the recruits was depressed over being drafted, and finally took it out on his squad mates. He was killed quickly, but not before wounding 6; 1 civilian and all three squad leaders on the North Gate! I ordered the gates sealed and no one is to leave from that quarter until I get the army re-situated. One of those injured has been spending the last few months in a coma."

"We've struck more ore and gems. This is certainly a very rich site; our eastern tunnels are criss-crossed with remnants of Limonite strains, up below a massive chamber is still being dug out with Magnetite everywhere, and even large deposits of Platinum."

"My list of needs has been ignored completely. I want some chests, cabinets, a weapon rack, and an armor rack, and no one will make them for me. I want it made out of the granite pulled from the new North Well."


"FINALLY!" Those fools from the Mountain Holes brought an anvil. Along with large stores of meat and cheese. We traded some trinkets for the anvil, all the meat they had, some cheese, and some few weapons and a pick. Despite the technical value of those goods being higher, I feel I got a far batter bargain. Whats a few pieces of crystal against having my entire room plated in Platinum?" 

"I finally appointed a sheriff. None of the residents had any relevant skills so I chose a peasant. Can't be doing worse than we already were, with no one in the position. I may let him draft some of the army to guard the halls."

"I have ordered a great beautification project started. The main road is mostly complete, and the dining room is to be engraved with tales of our exploits. I rather expect nude images of myself on the walls instead."

"5 children dance in our halls now. 5! Is one for my quiche too much to ask?"   

"On a final note before closing this log book, our army facilities are complete. Both west and north barracks are finished. One even has a dwarf-soldier in a coma wasting a valuable bed. I need to remember to kill her so I can reclaim that bed."


  • Bay Watcher
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    • My Dwarf Fortress-centric You Tube videos, part of my nominally vintage gaming channel.
Re: Egomamost "Naturaltowns" - a sociopath's tale.
« Reply #14 on: November 07, 2008, 07:25:05 pm »

Screams and the sounds of battle echoed throughout the valley. A group of elves looked in through the west gate of Egomamost, viewing the carnage. Sickened, they turned and fled. There was little they could do now.

Everywhere in the fortress, dwarves fought dwarves in a bloody riot. Dwarves armed with axes and picks tore into those armed with nothing, and all were shot by bolts that made standing straight impossible.

A massive hole had been formed in the entry way, from which the stench of rotting bodies floated forth; a dozen dwarves, including two children, lay in the dank blood-stained waters.

Scattered throughout the fortress were more bodies; victims of the rioters that had crawled away to die.

Smoke wafted high on the air to the north; the farms were burning. Most of the workshops were in ruins.

Through it all, only three dwarves remained calm. Two made the oddest sight; ducking below the crossbow bolts skipping off the walls in order to continue their jobs smoothing the main walkway headed  east. One other dwarf was busy, but it wasn't...

Well, this dwarf was finishing the last bites of her quiche while writing in a log book:

The final log of Atir Tinothmosus, mayor of Egomamost "Natural Towns"; in the fifth year of the settlement:

"I FINALLY got my quiche! It is quite tasty; dwarves are tough, and so are the children, but they make a darn tasty filling."

"Something happened; I don't really care; but my statue won't be built now. Seems every one is either dead or dying. Except me, because I locked myself in my room with enough food and drink to last a month or two."

"Once everyone has killed everyone else; I'll finish off the survivors, and pack it in and head back to mountain homes. Maybe my new quiche recipe will go over there."   


I deliberately dropped a 6x3 section on top of the well. About a dozen dwarves died, creating carnage that had me rolling on the floor laughing. At abandonment, only a handful survived. Oddly, only one of the founders died, the mason. The carpenter, two miners and their child, mayor, farmer, and mechanic all were elsewhere, doing their jobs.  I'm going to start a fortress now that I know somewhat what I'm doing.
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