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Author Topic: Incursion  (Read 123282 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Incursion
« Reply #30 on: April 16, 2008, 05:04:00 pm »

Originally posted by Kagus:
<STRONG>Now, since your name is essentially unpronouncable by human tongues (and impossible to comprehend, for that matter), should I attempt to type out the common bastardization of "Cthulhu", or simply refer to you as "The-Sleeping-God-Formerly-Known-As-Muffles"?  

I have just developed a new name for the He Who Waits.  Tsgfkam.

Also, is there any penalty for taking an atheist mage before getting the stats required for specialising, instead of going with the tentacled one from the start?  It just seems kinda funky to me to be worshiping a "good" god...  But, as The Sleeping God Formerly Known As Muffles stated, "good" is something which is simply in the eye of the beholder.  And if what I read is true, Kysul created beholders.</STRONG>

Actually, The Great Mother created Beholders, as well as Gibbering Orbs, although some Beholders worship The Patient One instead.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Incursion
« Reply #31 on: April 16, 2008, 05:26:00 pm »

I've not even encountered the spiritwrack spell yet.

Those graveyard spirits rest uneasy, though.  Even letting flash bombs off in there will piss them off.

-The Violent Council of Breakfast


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Re: Incursion
« Reply #32 on: April 16, 2008, 09:39:00 pm »

If you want spiritwrack, start off as a weavecraft-specialist mage.  I'm pretty sure that's what gives it to you.  I've gotten it at first level on all the mages I've played, so I can only assume...

It's one of those big bottles of "Planar-Be-Gone", and does something like 1d8 points of damage to ethereal otherworldly beings per level, 1d6 for corporeal otherworldy-things, and so on down the list of non-natives.  It essentially covers everything.  Except undead.  I got royally screwed on that one.

I just had another level-two mage die...  He cast an alarm spell, went to sleep, and got buggered by a vampire watermelon, a skeletal kobold, and three to four skeletal hands when he woke up.  They all started right next to him, and since he had gone to sleep his defensive spells had worn off.  I managed to get a single spell off before I was ripped to shreds.  The spell missed.

And this was right after the two-y who got insta-killed by a shotput while wandering through a library.  That time, an ethereal vampire watermelon was involved.  They're bad luck, I tells ya.

I've never even managed to get started on an alienist character...  They all keep dying before I can reach the minimum level for the prestige class.

EDIT:  I got one to last long enough to advance to a level three mage / level one alienist (blighter started off as level ZERO.  Bloody pisser), and I now find myself in a bit of a jam.  I popped open the door to an underground lake, and there's apparently a summoner in there because I'm getting swamped with wave after wave after wave of summoned beasties.  I have to summon a similar horde to fend them off, and I'm not getting any EXP for the trouble.  I've used up four healing potions and three dimension door potions to keep myself alive, not to mention highly excessive scumming.  

So I'm just sitting around a bend in the corridor, tossing more critters to their doom, and trying to keep myself out of the caster's line of sight so I don't get swarmed.  Again.

I have to admit though, when I was trying to get myself out of that room (I had backed myself into a corner in an effort to escape certain death), it was a pretty epic struggle.  Massive armies of summoned creatures were blasting each other to smithereens all around me, and I had to keep up the reinforcements or else I'd be slightly dead.  In the meantime, the blighter that's summoning these things seems to find enough time to cast some sort of stunning spell on me, which seriously wacks my spellcasting.  Trying to phase-door yourself out of a group of five giant turtles and a shocker lizard is great fun when you've got a 39% chance of success.

[ April 17, 2008: Message edited by: Kagus ]


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Incursion
« Reply #33 on: April 17, 2008, 04:36:00 am »

Wow  :)

Truth to tell I have yet to use a prestige class and so far only hit level 4 a handful of times in any case.  I'm experimenting with other characters, but still having fun with my kobold monks. They're typically stealthy and agile enough that very little can touch them.  

... buggered by a vampire watermelon ...

.... Ouch.

-The Violent Council of Breakfast


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Re: Incursion
« Reply #34 on: April 17, 2008, 05:36:00 am »

I wandered around a bit more, and ran into another summoner.  I left that area, and found another one.  Except, after a grand battle, he revealed himself (didn't want to, but I can be presuasive).  A wraith.

Well, in my confusion, I shot a blast of spiritwrack at him in the hopes it would strike at his ethereal core.  Didn't work that way.

It ignores spectral undead and elementals.  Apparently, they're not alien *enough*.  On top of this, he was sitting in a graveyard.  Whoopsies.

So, I ran.  I used up another healing potion that I managed to pick up, and then fell into a pit trap.  I had to sleep in that pit for three sleep cycles since I kept failing the escape and falling back down on my backside.  I ate most of my food supplies.  I finally got out, and was going back the other way (to find my way back to the altar of Kysul, since I'd managed to piss him off before) when the wraith popped out of a wall a few feet away.  A summoning war followed, and I ran back up the pit corridor to get away (phasing over the pit).  After all that trouble, it turned out to be a dead-end.  I went the other way, hurled a couple more critters at the wraith, and skedaddled my scholarly butt as fast as I could.

I managed (after a couple tries and one of those tentacled things that can digest you, only in zombie format) to make my way to the altar, and found I had dropped my evil-critter corpse on the way in order to move fast enough.  I snagged the corpse of a graveborn rainbow sprite, and tried to get some points for the (I thought) evil undead critter.  Kysul wasn't interested.  

It was at this moment that I realized I was hungry.  I had two food rations left, and wanted to save them.  So, I ate the rainbow sprite.  The undead rainbow sprite corpse.

I am now a mildly disconcerting (the only recognizable alienist trait I have), sick, bleeding, god-forsaken alienist with two rations of food and no healing items.  Or wands.  This is the most successful character I have ever created.

Does the eating of (fresh) corpses actually work for any race other than orcs?  I want to know if I can actually use some of the slightly less...  "Abnormal" creatures as a boost to my dwindling food supply.

EDIT:  I stumbled blindly through the underground corridors, searching feverishly (cackle fever and the shakes, to be exact) for a single potion that could restore my failing body.  Any attempt at rest would simply cause my body to slip into death, my consciousness was my life. How fitting for someone dealing with such creatures as Kysul, and the great otherworldly ones beyond our ken.

After finding just such a potion, I fell victim to an orcish shotput.  From three health points, to twenty-some, to one single health point, all in the course of a few turns.  I soon realized what I had to do in order to regain strength.  I had to slay enough foes to advance to a new level, and survive off of the newly-provided leveling points.

And so I did.  I fought my way through the tomblike warrens of the underground, and finally reached my goal.  I attained higher enlightenment, and my strength was imbued to four whole health points.  I went to advance further in the arts arcana, and found that the alienist class has a disagreement somewhere with the spell list.  An error occurs every time I attempt to access the "learn new spell" screen, which effectively prevents me from learning any more spells.  Ever.

*Sigh*...   Well, he was certainly worth a try.  I'm going to focus on an orcish blackguard and a darkelven shadowdancer, as well as anything else that strikes my fancy.  I was really hoping for that alienist, though...  All those cool perks, plus the "third eye" spell which permanently makes you just that extra bit stranger...  Supposedly, even Kysul will grant you more otherworldly alterations if you are sufficently pleasing to him (he's still pissed with me, for some unfathomable reason).

I need to find some way of tying up/carrying live critters for my black guard to sacrifice...  Having a little trouble doing it though.

Damn...  Level 3 mage, level 2 alienist.  He had just accessed the ability to summon those psuedonatural creatures.  May he rest in whatever peace his tormented mind can achieve.

[ April 17, 2008: Message edited by: Kagus ]


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Incursion
« Reply #35 on: April 17, 2008, 08:55:00 am »

Originally posted by Kagus:
Damn...  Level 3 mage, level 2 alienist.  He had just accessed the ability to summon those psuedonatural creatures.  May he rest in whatever peace his tormented mind can achieve.

[ April 17, 2008: Message edited by: Kagus ]</STRONG>

If you check the DC of a corpse, that's what you roll 1 20 sided die towards.

As you journey to the center of the world, feel free to read the death announcements of those dwarves that suffer your neglect.

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the cosmos. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips, I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my veins. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk and free throw.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Incursion
« Reply #36 on: April 17, 2008, 09:13:00 am »

Originally posted by Kagus:
<STRONG>I had to sleep in that pit for three sleep cycles since I kept failing the escape and falling back down on my backside.</STRONG>

That's what I don't like about this game.

"I can see that you need to get through this door to survive, but you already tried picking it once. Try again tomorrow."

Other than that, I love D&D and games based upon it.

[ April 17, 2008: Message edited by: Mephisto ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Incursion
« Reply #37 on: April 17, 2008, 09:25:00 am »

No, it wasn't that.  It's just that I damaged myself so much each time I fell, I had to rest in order to recover enough hitpoints to survive another fall.  I could've tried to get out of the pit, but I would've died if I fell back during the attempt.

Earthquake Damage

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Re: Incursion
« Reply #38 on: April 17, 2008, 09:48:00 am »

Originally posted by Mephisto:

That's what I don't like about this game.

"I can see that you need to get through this door to survive, but you already tried picking it once. Try again tomorrow."

Other than that, I love D&D and games based upon it.

[ April 17, 2008: Message edited by: Mephisto ]</STRONG>

Solution:  Play a fighter.

Door a problem?  Hit it 'til it isn't a problem anymore.  You don't even need to rest.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Incursion
« Reply #39 on: April 17, 2008, 10:13:00 am »

Aye, but when you play a fighter, only doors will know fear in your presence.  Everything else will just laugh and then spew digestive juices over your body, causing you to melt before getting slurped up.

EDIT:  Oh, by the way;  here's a picture I took when my alienist found himself in the eeeeevil lake of summoning again (which also happened to host an ancient poultergeist).

[ April 17, 2008: Message edited by: Kagus ]


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Incursion
« Reply #40 on: April 17, 2008, 10:55:00 am »

Epic story!

Did I mention that when I found out abnout the flash-bomb-on-graveyard thing I was worshipping Mara, the Goddess who likes restful death? Yeah, that didn't go so well.  One flash, which I was hoping would damage the undead I was facing, and I get about six "the gravestone is desecrated" messages, each followed by an unimplemented angry goddess message.  Oops.

The only time I tried to eat something raw was a dead floating eye, having played nethack a lot.  Yeah, that didn't turn out very well for me. Died of something unpleasant about three rounds later.  And too many of my monks have died because I was doing well and then forgot to hide before going round a corner in a croweded office or academy.

-The Violent Council of Breakfast


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Incursion
« Reply #41 on: April 17, 2008, 11:38:00 am »

I just tried out an orcish necromancer (I'm working my way up to when I can safely devour corpses and thus gain their strength).  I got really lucky, and ended up with a guy who got "create corporeal undead" as an innate ability.

Abso-friggin'-lutely amazing.  When you first create the thing, it takes the standard drain on your mana pool, like any other "persistent" spell.

Here's where it gets fun:  You know all the corpses lying around the entrance?  Well,  I decided to test something.  I raised as many of them as my mana pooll would allow, and then popped back up to the surface world of a quick snooze.   Not only do the raised undead stay with you (and thus watch over you while you sleep), but the mana drain goes away.  I'm currently raising my undead horde with which I shall conquer the underworld.  I can currently create graveborns, ghouls, and wights.  I am currently set on creating a lot of them.

Heh heh...  I just wandered into the forge area and watched as my little army picked up everything inside and started equipping it.  This is gonna be fun...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Incursion
« Reply #42 on: April 17, 2008, 12:33:00 pm »

I like Incursion's name generator. My orc barbarian is named Henk the Elfslayer.

Also, does anyone know the order of material strengths for weapons? I picked up an adamant greatsword shortly after beginning. That never happens. If I find something good, I'm usually a mage or a small creature that can't hold it.

Edit 2: Goodbye, Henk. Henk spent his last three lives staring at a giant signal in the sky: "divide by zero."

Yes, every time I restored from a crash or loaded a saved game, Incursion crashed with a divide by zero error. I've deleted all my saves and may try again later.

[ April 17, 2008: Message edited by: Mephisto ]



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Re: Incursion
« Reply #43 on: April 17, 2008, 03:01:00 pm »

Originally posted by Kagus:
<STRONG>but the mana drain goes away.</STRONG>

Does that only work when you sleep on the surface?

Watch out... every time I get more than one ally, they all start accidentally killing each other with ranged attacks or weapons. They do *not* think about anything between them or their target, so make sure none of your thralls manage to get their undead hands on a bow!



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Incursion
« Reply #44 on: April 17, 2008, 04:14:00 pm »

Isn't there a limit to your "party" size, too, including summoned/raised stuff?
-The Violent Council of Breakfast
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