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Author Topic: Incursion  (Read 125574 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • The Prettiest Kyuuki
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Re: Incursion
« Reply #585 on: March 21, 2013, 06:53:10 am »

Don't remember if you can, unfortunately.

Might try getting your alignment back up, though. I vaguely remember having that happen. Make sure you designate LG as your desired alignment on the character screen. Designating an alignment actually makes it easier to get to or maintain it.

But yeah, with a paladin, always attempt to quell, always offer surrender, and always check and see if they're "formerly peaceful" or something like that -- if they are, don't attack, go around. And make sure you disable complacency, or your mount will have you CE by the end of the game :P Alignment's a little finicky, heh.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Incursion
« Reply #586 on: March 21, 2013, 07:08:36 am »

Hmm, anyone know if I can redeem myself as a Fallen Paladin?

You can't. I've gone through the same scenario, going back to LG does nothing.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Incursion
« Reply #587 on: April 04, 2013, 11:38:41 am »

  I've completed nightmare second time, this time with a different build that rapes the game with glitches and intentional/unintentional exploits. The game's unfair on normal difficulty levels and downright sadistic at nightmare.
  Only thing in the end that could harm me were nilfashees (or something), greater demons who had a too strong charisma draining attack and some kind of purple lesser devils + bodaks, both have an bugged instadeath gaze attack that's impossible to avoid.
  Fairday was a rogue at beggining 'cause the multiclass system prevents you gaining skill ranks in side classes. Since rogues rock in skill department and have very nice starting equipment..
  After tense period of trap disarming, lock picking, sucker stabbing few lads and drinking dimension doors like crazy I've immediately got druid level which gave me pet (trap proof and infravision), produce flame (as broken here as in the tabletop). 2nd rogue level and then 2nd druid (barkskin, nature sense + obscurement), then 1 mage level with arcana specialization.
  By this point I was invincible sans occasional stat drain. Empowered barkskin + empowered mage armor with silly luck bonus gave me armor rating of a granite wall. After that game was rather boring because of the annoying message-flooding monster fights at lower levels, which there are 15 in nightmare mode. I've phased into goblin castle without waking anyone, poked the king few times with dex draining dagger till he was reduced to a spastic sack of crap and walked out like nothing happened.

About difficulties and remedies:

- traps, lots of 'em. Problem is that effective DL is higher and traps are both extremely deadly on the very first level and hard to disarm when you don't dump skill points and have a good ability modifier.
   remedy: always search in corridors. Use nighthunter druid pet as a mount to make this a non-problem and always invest in searching.

- stat draining. These come from traps, poisons, monsters and occasional cracked wands you ID by use to train intelligence.
   remedy: play a halfling, they get stat drain resistance which grows stronger. Cloak of the Hin also gives a boost to resistance. Stay the hell away from devils/demons.

- crap armor. This will be a big problem since rogue's high defence won't help you in lower levels where some enemies get >30 bonus to attack rolls. Bear in mind critical hits, which most of the time bypass conventional armor but not natural one.
   remedy: get empower spell feat and use it with barkskin/mage armor combo. Halfling's high luck gives nice boost to the second spell and they stack istead of using only the bigger bonus like other bonuses. You can get platemail-grade armor with barkskin at 3rd character level (1 rogue/2 druid)

- weak rolls. You'll need them high to impregnate yourself from stat drains/diseases/cursing instadeath/everything else
   remedy: play a halfling with 18 base luck. Go for the one body one soul feat.

- weapons. You need ranged weapons till the mid-late game as one hit can mean one critical hit and death.
   remedy: get on your druid mount, cast produced flame few times and watch your pet killing everything with fire pellets. PF has outrageous -tohit and range so you can safely kill OOD monsters by cherry tapping them from afar as you'll never run out of ammo.

Some tips:

- don't be ashamed to savescum, as this game is glitchy as hell and screwed my savestates few times.

- equiping shields with resistances gives you these resists even after you drop the shield.

- alchemy rocks even when you don't invest in it. Make yourself 20 stimtabs, then gulp them down at once before a tough fight. Speed bonus from tabs stacks, so you can in theory gain 10000% attack speed with them for some time (I had 1000% in the final fight)

- get 5 levels of worship with xel if you wish to use a weapon (instead of beastclaw or produced flames for the rest of the game). He gives you Improved Critical feat for free, so you'll get more crits with a choosen weapon which is always nice. Xel is very easy to please - get a high level monster summoning wand, cast protection from evil, order summoned monster to stand on the altar and to not move and kill him without retaliation.

- 1 level of Zurvash piety (which means 1 sacrifice) gives you one of the hardest to get and best feats for free.

- produced flames can be used in meele without penalties. Which means ~3 attacks in turn for armor-bypassing fire damage. Some common monsters (shadow/grey ooze) are immune to PF.

- scribe scrool sometimes gives you rare, impossible to cast from spellbooks spells (haste, major drain..) you can make yourself for almost nothing.

- very high levels of luck forces the rng to swim in treasure chests. Seriously, there are at least 5 at each level.

- dexterity draining weapons are great, as they give you experience for kills (poisons don't), work on everything except undead and many dangerous monsters have lousy dex. Buy one from shop with all this platinum laying around in chests.

- exploit the 'flanking' mechanic to get free sneak attacks - summon few monsters before a nasty fight, use 'call companions' spell to surround your adversary with too much to kill at once, close in and stab. Sneak attacks are untyped damage, which means it can kill everything except undead.

        Fairday Greenbottle, The Crazed Psychopath [WINNER]

Gender Male
Race   Halfling
Temp.  Clawed
Class  Rogue 6
       Druid 3
       Mage 2
Faith  Zurvash
XP     128453
Next @ 66000
Align  Chaotic Evil

STR: 25/78 [+7/+7] (base 12, +6 magic, +5 morale, +4 inherant, -2 natural)
DEX: 23/00 [+6/+6] (base 8, +5 magic, +3 sacred, +5 inherant, +2 natural)
CON: 11/21 [+0/+0] (base 3, +3 sacred, +5 inherant)
INT: 23/00 [+6/+6] (base 18, +5 magic, -5 morale, +5 inherant)
WIS: 28/04 [+9/+8] (base 18, +5 magic, +5 inherant)
CHA:  5/65 [-2/-3] (base 3, +2 natural)
LUC: 32/06 [+11/+10] (base 18, +5 magic, +5 inherant, +4 natural)
Fortitude  +38(+2/+3/+0 +9Ws +5Ma +5Mr +3Ft +11Lu)
Reflex     +43(+5/+1/+0 +6Dx +5Ma +5Mr +4In +6Co +11Lu)
Will       +43(+2/+3/+3 +9Ws +5Ma +7Mr +3Ft +11Lu)
           (+2 vs. death magic, +4 vs. enchantment, +2 vs. poison, +2 vs. traps, +4 vs. fear, +2 vs. theft, +4 vs. knockdown)
Melee   +toHit +35 (Rogue +4/ Druid +2/ Mage +1, +7 Str, +5 magic, +5 morale, +1 size, +10 circumstance)
        Damage +16 (base 1d6 / 1d3, +11 Str, +5 magic)
        Speed  415%(base 100% +5% Rogue +5% Druid +55% circumstance) x 150% magic x 170% weapon
Size           Small:
  (base small)

Defense Class  35:
  (base 10, +3 Rogue, +1 Druid, +6 Dex, +5 morale, +4 insight, +1 size, +5 circumstance)
_______________(27 while casting)

Coverage       0:
  (base 0)

Movement Rate  80%:
  (base 75%) x 150% magic x 145% skill x 50% hiding

Hit Dice Rolls 172:
   [20 + 6d6 (3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 3) + 3d8 (4, 4, 6) + 2d4 (2, 2) + 99 (WIS bonus) x 90% (Size)] + 25% (Toughness)
Mana Rolls     409:
   10 + 6d6 (6, 1, 3, 3, 3, 3) x 5 + 3d12 (3, 6, 6) x 5 + 2d20 (18, 8) x 5 + 99 (WIS bonus)
__(Bonus Mana)______(base 409, +40 magic)
Encumbrance    None:
   (Light 99.9s, Moderate 300.0s, Heavy 600.0s, Extreme 900.0s, Max Press 800.0s)

Magic Resist   75%:
  (base 0, +75 magic)

Spell Slots    5th:
  3+7 / 2+2 / 1+1

Special Abilities:
  Animal Companions
  Command Animals
  Infravision (100 ft)
  Innate Spells:
    Hold Person
    Vampiric Touch
    Magic Fang
    Pass without Trace
    Divine Agility
  Nature Sense
  Scent (70 ft)
  Sharp Senses +6
  Sneak Attack +4d6
  Spellcasting (5th)
  Strong Soul
  Improved Uncanny Dodge
  Unearthly Luck
  Wild Shape (3 HD)
  Woodland Stride
  Psychosomatic Might
  Thief in the Night (54%)
  See Invisibility
  Caster Level: Cold Magic +4

  Armor Proficiency: Light
  Combat Reflexes
  Empower Spell
  Great Fortitude
  Improved Critical
  Intensive Study:
    Improve Stealth and Sneak Attack +1
  Iron Will
  One Body, One Soul
  Scribe Scroll
  Spring Attack

Resistances and Armor:
  Slashing Damage 40
  Piercing Damage 40
  Blunt Damage 40
  Fire 19
  Cold 12
  Acid 15
  Lightning 15
  Life Drain 15

Complete Immunities:

Proficiencies Simple Weapons, Short Blades, Archery, Staves, Thrown, Spears, Daggers, Flexible, Light Armor, short bow, scimitar and scythe

Skill Ratings:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spiritual State:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
CharGen Options and Choices:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
On The Ground:
  32 uncursed sheaf arrows
  uncursed small glass vial (with 5 doses of viper venom)
  uncursed small glass vial (with 3 doses of dark reaver powder)
  uncursed studded leather
  uncursed short sword
  uncursed short bow

Known Spells:
  Mage Armor                      1  100%   10 +15
  Protection from Evil            1  100%    5 +4
  Shield                          1  100%   10
  Spook                           1  100%    5 -2
  Magic Missile                   1  100%    1 3d4+3
  Spider Climb                    1  100%    5 +10
  Phase Door                      1  100%    2 1d4+4
  Resist Fire                     2  100%    7 +8
  Bull's Strength                 2  100%   15 1d4+1
  Heroism                         3  100%   25 +2
  Hold Person                     3  100%    6
  Vampiric Touch                  3  100%    5 3d6
  Produce Flame                   1  100%    1
  Cure Light Wounds               1   97%    0 1d8+5
  Lifesight                       1  100%   10 +11
  Camouflage                      1  100%    5 +5
  Call Companions                 1  100%    2
  Magic Fang                      1  100%    5 +2
  Obscurement                     1  100%   10 +2
  Summon Nature's Ally I          1   94%    2
  Pass without Trace              1  100%    5
  Beast Claw                      2  100%   20 +4
  Barkskin                        2  100%   20 +13
  Prayer                          3  100%   25 +2
  Meld into Stone                 3  100%   30
  Divine Agility                  5  100%   45 +4, +25%
  Hallow                          5  100%   80

« Last Edit: April 04, 2013, 11:40:59 am by kuniqs »


  • Bay Watcher
  • The Prettiest Kyuuki
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Re: Incursion
« Reply #588 on: April 13, 2013, 08:01:00 pm »

Hrm. Well, sharing this, from the testing group. Don't think it's hit the public facing one yet. Ah well.

Hi, everyone,

  I have some news that I know is going to disappoint people in this
community, but I wanted to be honest about it.

  Since just before Christmas 2012, I have been working on a
different project unrelated to Incursion in either its tabletop RPG
or roguelike game forms. My new project is a post-apocalyptic
tabletop game; I don't want to talk about too much yet because
I have nothing to show, I'm not sure if I'll be releasing it under
my real name and it's not especially relevant to this community.
It was supposed to be a brief diversion after which I would
return to Incursion, but has grown far more substantial at this
point (though it is still far more finite and contained than the
elaborate design for Incursion had become).

  This is something which kind of grabbed my attention and
inspired me, and I have neglected to look at this forum as a
result. I saw the discussion here about status when I re-
approved Thrydon, and I felt obligated to say something as
this has gone on too long.

  Incursion is a huge, huge project with a vast amount of
labor invested. At the same time, it is not currently in a
playable state as either a tabletop RPG or a roguelike
computer game, and there's a lot of work before it will get
there. I'm not "abandoning" it, and I'm not releasing the
sources -- but I also haven't been actively developing it
for about four months now, and I wanted to be honest with
people about that.

  When will new Incursion come? I don't know. At this
point, maybe some years in the future -- or maybe never.
It's far too much an investment of labor for me to want
to throw it away, but it's status for now is "shelved". I know
that will disappoint people, and I'm sorry. I'm not really
able to work in things in my spare time when other,
different things have my interest far more strongly, and
that's my situation right now.

  It would be best for everyone concerned if people
considered Incursion dead at this point. It's not
precisely true -- I do plan to get back to it someday --
but I don't feel people should be waiting on news for a
game that isn't actively being developed at the moment
and has had a huge amount of time since the last

  I want to offer sincere thanks to everyone who
supported the game and showed interest, and I'm
sorry I don't have anything more appealing to tell you.

  Best wishes in all things,

-- Julian Mensch
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Incursion
« Reply #589 on: April 13, 2013, 08:10:52 pm »

Shame he won't release the source, but I've considered it "dead" for all intents and purposed for a couple years now.
This sentence contains exactly threee erors.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Incursion
« Reply #590 on: May 07, 2013, 05:09:06 am »

 :'( :'( :'(


  • Bay Watcher
  • Grinning God of Death
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Re: Incursion
« Reply #591 on: May 08, 2013, 09:13:09 pm »

Shame he won't release the source, but I've considered it "dead" for all intents and purposed for a couple years now.

Me too, but it's still one of the best out there, unfinished and all.

Maybe he'll come back to it or throw some old source out there. But that's entirely a pipe dream. All I know is Incursion still is one of the most fun Roguelikes out there in my vastly cynical mind. Wish I could atleast thank the guy for the work he's done, even if my hopes were dashed by the news.
I am surrounded by flesh and bone, I am a temple of living. Maybe I'll maybe my life away.

Santorum leaves a bad taste in my mouth,
Card-carrying Liberaltarian


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Incursion
« Reply #592 on: March 16, 2014, 12:31:30 pm »

Shame he won't release the source, but I've considered it "dead" for all intents and purposed for a couple years now.

Me too, but it's still one of the best out there, unfinished and all.

Maybe he'll come back to it or throw some old source out there.
indeed he is finally doing exactly that
« Last Edit: March 16, 2014, 12:33:14 pm by TripJack »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Incursion
« Reply #593 on: March 16, 2014, 01:02:53 pm »

Its good that he is finally putting up the source code. He mentioned 'veins of the earth' discussed here. I dont see any forums on the incursion site. Where is this discussion?


  • Bay Watcher
  • Grinning God of Death
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Re: Incursion
« Reply #594 on: March 16, 2014, 01:08:43 pm »

I am surrounded by flesh and bone, I am a temple of living. Maybe I'll maybe my life away.

Santorum leaves a bad taste in my mouth,
Card-carrying Liberaltarian


  • Bay Watcher
  • Urist McAngry
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Re: Incursion
« Reply #595 on: March 16, 2014, 01:20:47 pm »

Its good that he is finally putting up the source code. He mentioned 'veins of the earth' discussed here. I dont see any forums on the incursion site. Where is this discussion?

Assuming it's about the game using the T-Engine, there's a Veins of the Earth discussion there :


  • Bay Watcher
  • The Prettiest Kyuuki
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Re: Incursion
« Reply #596 on: March 16, 2014, 01:39:30 pm »

Its good that he is finally putting up the source code. He mentioned 'veins of the earth' discussed here. I dont see any forums on the incursion site. Where is this discussion?
Over here. Though yeah, as per Rob's mention, most dedicated veins of the earth discussion is probably going on elsewhere.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Incursion
« Reply #597 on: March 17, 2014, 09:32:42 pm »

After playing this for *years* I've finally beat it.

             Emi Ferholm III, The Ambitious Conqueror [WINNER]

The key to this character was rushing to the pantheon and then getting as many god given gifts as possible.
And focusing defense: this character was as powerful without armor as with it by mid game and had a fairly easy time early to mid. Heavy flail + shield gives about +20 defense. >30 is plenty for early game. And I could crit on 14 for 4d14+50 by the time I got high mastery.
Somehow along the way I managed 40 defense and from there it just rocketed to 60. ~50s at the win thanks to some plate from Erich.

Hesani is an amazing god. Just getting zen defense has been the turning point in many of my character's lives.
Hesani 6+ and decent saving throws or globe of invulnerability made Murgash's army harmless.

Being lawful good and getting neutralities (e.g. neutral to plants) made things hard by end game since it was hard just to walk across the dungeon without accidentally 1 hitting a fast moving friendly and losing alignment (which makes lots of gods angry). And the allies from Immotian and Mara cause huge headaches for alignment since they seem to have their own opinion on whats a neutral.

with 50+ def (higher than most dragons can reliably hit), weapon immunity +1, and resilient all I had to fear was magic (which is surprisingly absent in this game) and instant kills like grey nymphs.

Gender Female
Race   Human
Class  Warrior 11
XP     79024
 Bonus 30%
Next @ 66000
Align  Lawful Good
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Special Abilities:
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Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Resistances and Armor:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Complete Immunities:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Skill Ratings:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Spiritual State:
I abused the gods system on this run as much as I could
Also, if anyone knows how to be a lay worshiper of Asherath, or even how to convert, pls let me know.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

CharGen Options and Choices:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
On The Ground:

Known Spells:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Incursion
« Reply #598 on: March 17, 2014, 11:39:24 pm »

I decided to try this game. Then I remember that I had tried it before, and I have the same problem now that I had then.

When I launch the game, the window goes to the title screen and freezes. But the game doesn't freeze; if I drag the window around, it jumps to where it should be. So I can move around the title screen or the character creation, but not without having to stop and drag the window every couple of actions. If I go fullscreen, that problem goes away, but then the colors go all crazy. Everything gets kind of yellow, and it went really blue one time. Has anyone heard of this problem before? I'd really like to be able to work around it, because the game sounds pretty cool.
"I love quoting myself!" - Fanofgaming


  • Bay Watcher
  • The Prettiest Kyuuki
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Re: Incursion
« Reply #599 on: March 17, 2014, 11:44:02 pm »

After playing this for *years* I've finally beat it.
Congratulations! Especially rocking that lawful good. LG is an utter pain to maintain in Incursion.

... now do it on challenge mode :P

Also, yeah, you can disable complicity transgressions (i.e., your allies wrecking your alignment). Was one of the things boss Mensch even recommended, especially if you had allies or a mount (poor paladins). AI FoF protocol was never quite kinkless, and it's bloody close to impossible to maintain some alignments (Like LG, heyo) without turning off complicity. I've had paladin runs fall because complicity wasn't off and a trap caused them to take an alignment hit. Nasty stuff.

Though as commentary goes, your equipment choices boggle my mind. Mostly-useless boots of stability instead of sexy, sexy striding? Acid warding ring instead of... almost anything else? I guess the ring of animal kinship was for neutrality, but...

Did you ever get any actual use out of the amulet of bile? It almost seems like you just had terrible luck finding kit, or somethin'. Not entirely impossible with 13 luck and normal difficulty, I guess...

Though yeah, that's a crazy amount of god finagling. Kudos for that. Re: Asherath, I want to say conversion was a simple matter of, well, converting at an altar. Forget what it took to be a lay worshiper, if it was even possible. Maybe a prayer or sac attempt, even though ashy doesn't like the latter. Kinda' looks like you were a lay worshiper of Ash, though... might just not have ever done anything to gain favor, which certainly isn't impossible in a normal run.

Nothing much to say on build and whatnot. Beyond the lay worship abuse, you had a pretty standard (read: Effective) sword/board warrior build, which can be fun stuff. If you're looking for a build with seriously silly crits, give a halfling warrior with a sling specialty a try. Make sure you start with 18 luck, and watch the sub-10 crits roll in :P

When I launch the game, the window goes to the title screen and freezes. But the game doesn't freeze; if I drag the window around, it jumps to where it should be. So I can move around the title screen or the character creation, but not without having to stop and drag the window every couple of actions. If I go fullscreen, that problem goes away, but then the colors go all crazy. Everything gets kind of yellow, and it went really blue one time. Has anyone heard of this problem before? I'd really like to be able to work around it, because the game sounds pretty cool.
I couldn't tell you any specifics -- or what, precisely, is causing it -- or how to fix it, but I can tell you the cause is probably related to either your operating system or your video card. Inc goes a little wonky with more than few. Best suggestion would probably be to try it on a different machine, or possibly try running it in a virtual machine for an older OS. Could give compatibility modes and whatnot a try, but I doubt it would help much.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2014, 11:58:38 pm by Frumple »
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