I gave a quick search, but didn't find anything specifically related to this, and I was a tad bit curious. Forgive me if it has already been asked and I missed it somewhere.
I've been trying to determine a rough estimate for the relative length/width/height for tiles, in-game, in feet. What i'm curious about is there any indication towards a potential length/width of rooms? I have my own theory on height that seems to work out just fine. But are tiles considered to be perfectly square? Or not? Any ideas?
If water can be a maximum of 7/7, my first assumption is that that is feet of water. The tile containing 7/7 water: can hold 7 feet of water -- and currently is holding 7 feet of water. So the room would be 7/7 full: 7/7 = 1 == 100% full. This leads me to deduce that an average room height, in a dwarf fortress is 7ft tall.
Another supporting idea is that Dwarves can stand in 4/7 water, but cannot stand in 5/7 water. My estimate for 1/7 being equivalent to 1 foot of water also works here. Let's say an average dwarf is around 5 feet tall (numbers may vary depending on source -- but lets work with ~5). It would be possible for a 5ft person to wade through 4 feet of water, be it possibly uncomfortable. But submerging a 5ft person in 5ft water? Then they need to be able to swim to continue to breathing.
So according to this theory the average height of a tile is approximately 7 feet. Should we assume tiles are considered perfect cubes, and a tile must be 7x7x7? This would certainly account for being able to have multiple items, people, and pets all in one square. What about stockpiles then? More specifically seperated for organization purposes?
One section of wall would then become 7feet thick. That is
a lot of wall. This can be a good amont of wall however, especially to keep invaders from busting down walls too easily. Thick walls would be necessary in a fortress. As for siege engines potentially breaking walls -- A layer of 3 walls put together.. 21 feet thick.. should be enough to reinforce walls from being completely destroyed by siege weapons.
So a 7x7x7 cube seems logical to me. Anyone else? Feedback/opinions?