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Author Topic: big newb questions  (Read 3082 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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big newb questions
« on: October 21, 2008, 10:08:17 pm »

hey everyone, i'm new to this game and these forums and i got some big newb questions. please take note that i've already read a lot of the beginner guides on dwarf fortress wiki.

after experimenting with wall and moat technology, my paranoia with possible oncoming hordes bothers me. i have yet to be attacked by anything, but i don't grasp the game enough to create a military and thus rely on my army of cats and dogs to scare most small critters away. the place i've chosen is apparenly non-hostile to the extreme, but any help on making my fortress actually resemble something that can repel possible invaders would be appreciated.

mechanisms are beyond my grasp, period. i've read all the wiki articles i could find on switches, but i've yet to make one work. in particular, i want to make a floodgate work. i'm not sure how to actually connect the floodgate with the mechanism. whenever i try it just says that i "need more mechanisms" which confuses and dumbfounds me, and i'm pretty sure that the floodgate only has two settings "open" and "close" so i'm not why i'd need more than one switch, secondly, i'm not sure how to connect all the mechanisms to begin with!

after playing so long, a liaison or something came over with all his buddies. they walked all over and the chief guy stalked one of my dwarves for like a good half-hour while he was trying to dig. then he accidentally fell into one of the pits that he dug and got trapped into the moat i was building. he stayed in the until all his friends left and my moat was completed, and as the final channel that connected the river with the rest of the ditch was dug, water rushed into my moat, and scared the little liaison. he ran from the water to the inevitable dead end, where he drowned to death. he looked real important, but i've yet to be told that anything negative has come of this. will their be consequences in the future?

sincerely, this forums newest newb, Josh


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: big newb questions
« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2008, 10:21:31 pm »

I fear I am being trolled.  Oh well.

mechanisms are beyond my grasp, period. i've read all the wiki articles i could find on switches, but i've yet to make one work. in particular, i want to make a floodgate work. i'm not sure how to actually connect the floodgate with the mechanism. whenever i try it just says that i "need more mechanisms" which confuses and dumbfounds me, and i'm pretty sure that the floodgate only has two settings "open" and "close" so i'm not why i'd need more than one switch, secondly, i'm not sure how to connect all the mechanisms to begin with!

1) Ensure at least one of your dwarves has the Mechanics skill enabled ('v', find dwarf, 'p', 'l', scroll down to mechanics)
2) Build a Mechanics Workshop
3) At the workshop, build some mechanisms (at least 3, for this example).  This'll take rock, which you should have in abundance.
4) Place a lever using the 'b'uild menu: 'b', 'T', 'l'.  This will use up one mechanism.
5) Construct a floodgate.  Or more than one.  Whatever.  Go nuts.  If you construct your floodgates out of rock, you do this at a Mason's Workshop.
6) Place your floodgates using the 'b'uild menu.
7) Once both the floodgate and lever have been placed, use the 'q' menu to add a task to the lever: 'q', go to lever, 'a'dd task, choose link to floodgate.  A list of all floodgates you have placed will pop up; find the floodgate you want (the list is sorted from earliest placed to last placed).  This will cost two mechanisms -- one will go on the floodgate, and one on the lever.
8) Once this is done, you can use the 'q' menu to add the "Pull the lever" task to the lever: find lever, 'q', 'a', 'P'.  Some dwarf will eventually come and pull the lever.
9) You can link the same lever to multiple floodgates, and it'll control them all simultaneously.  Just repeat steps 5-6.

scared the little liaison. he ran from the water to the inevitable dead end, where he drowned to death. he looked real important, but i've yet to be told that anything negative has come of this. will their be consequences in the future?

Chances are the humans will siege you.  If you don't care about style and do care about surviving, ensure that you can block off the entrance to your base -- either a bridge over a moat hooked to a lever or similar.  Behind the entrance, put lots of traps.  Lots and lots and lots of traps.  Let invaders enter the tunnel of death, closing the entrance so that only as many as you can manage get in.  Once they've been taken care of and the traps reset, open again, etc.
Also, you can manufacture vomit at a smelter.  Subsequently removing the smelter spews vomit over a surprising area.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: big newb questions
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2008, 12:30:44 am »

About impressive defenses, I like building an aboveground fort to support the dwarves living below.

Encompass a large area within a ring of channels. Leave at least a 3x3 open spot unchanneled for wagon access to your trade depot. This dry moat will force invaders and traders and wildlife through the access way. This is how you can control the battlefield you fight on.  I then will build a ring of walls within the channels. A wall after a moat looks impressive, and it will prevent dwarves from interrupting their outside jobs when there are hostiles wandering about in the unsecured area. Eventually, you will channel out the access way and build a bridge instead, either retractable, or one that will raise toward your fortress.

If your map has water that freezes in winter, do not put the water in your moat. Invaders can walk on frozen water and perhaps catch you unaware one day.

With this simple defense, you can funnel enemies to your attack animals/dwarves, or lay down an area of defensive traps. Cages are very economical and give you a steady supply of captives to torment any way you desire. Weapon traps can usually fire off a few times before a dwarf needs to clean them. Traps are so successful on defense that some folks consider their use an exploit. I don't lol.

The best way I use to channel a moat, is designating up ramps dug on the level below the ground. Then you can just designate remaining up ramps for removal, or complete your wall ring, to prevent access to your fort.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: big newb questions
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2008, 01:34:29 am »

I had lots of trouble figuring out how mechanisms work at first. I kept trying to attach the mechanism to the door or floodgate concerned directly.

I don't think it would ever have occurred to me to try attaching it from the actual lever. That still strikes me as a really counterintuitive way of doing things.

Il Palazzo

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: big newb questions
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2008, 07:13:53 am »

About the liaison, he usually arrives with human/dwarven caravans and wants to talk to Your broker(check the[n] menu to see which dwarf is it/assign a different one). Disable all labor types for the said dorf(some people like to draft him(her) temporarily instead, or so I've heard), then they'll have a nice chat - You'll be able to choose which goods the caravan should bring next year. When they're done the liaison buggers off to be back next year - don't forget to enable labor for the broker again.
[You sure You're a newbie? letting him stay in the moat and happily connecting the water flow was just so... dwarflike]


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: big newb questions
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2008, 11:52:46 am »

my fortress of impregnable solitude is reaching fruition, kinda sorta.

after exploring with the Z-axis some more, i've found that the site that i've chosen, which i believed to be a huge mountain, was actually just some small hills, and all my moats and walls were worthless because both walls and moats were in the surrounding valleys, so any invading creature needed only to go around them.

upon discovering this, i built a new tunnel which i'd planned to be the new entrance to the fort. to enforce this, i'd startd building a great wall all around my fortress, including ontop of the shallow river that runs through it (lets hope future enemies aren't marines that just swim under it!). all my token effort is repeatedly undermined by my own dwarves though, they seem to purposefully leave large gaps in the wall for no reason, and on the points where the elevation changes leaves eery gaps as units can just walk on top of the less elevated wall and over to the other side. my orders to patch up these oversights is ignored completely at the best of times, and suspended by my own dwarves at the worst.

in more hilarious news, in patching up the holes overlooking the elevated land around my river, one of my dwarves building it inadvertantly trapped himself over the river and he is now forced to watch the river as he dies of thirst.

i've figured out how to make mechanisms work. thanks guys.

using my newfound knowledge, i've tried building a water death trap in the 'official' entrance to the fort, which is where i presume invaders would be funneled when the wall was completed (which i presumed would have gone alot smoother than it had), by using 'channel' to make the floor extra deep so its easy to coerce water into it, with a nearby underground tunnel connected to the moat with a floodgate. it has yet to be tested on live specimens.

i need some help trading. the elves came to me wanting to trade, but i can't figure out how to do it. I understand moving things over their to trade, and entering the trade screen, but when it comes to the actual exchanging part, i'm stuck. i offer him things that are equal in value to what i want, but i can't do anything.

also, some rhesus macaque monkey showed up at the same time as those elves, and they started stealing things from the elven traders! they disappeared mysteriously after that, and when i was looking through the trade screen, i noticed "rhesus macaque cages" and i concluded that the elves had caught them and were now trying to sell them to me.

while i haven't been officially invaded yet, i have been bothered by kobold thieves and goblin snatchers or something, and i'm pretty sure those are bad. i've assigned a new migrant (who brought his own crossbow) as a soldier (i think!), but when they show up, he isn't kicking their ass. what do i do to order him to kick ass?

one of my armorers or something got "possessed by unkown forces" or somesuch, they caused her to stop working and make her blink with an exclamation mark. after so long she went crazy, so i locked her in her bedroom. she's brooding in their something aweful, she's torn off her shoe and when i examine it it says that it's 'blood spattered' or something. whats wrong with her and how do i make her stop?

finally, dwarves keep leaving the vicinity of my walls to get a drink upstream or downstream the river. the only bad thing about this is that their is a river running straight through the fort which i've zoned as a "drinking spot"! they are risking themselves needlessly, and i want them to stop undermining my paranoid fantasy of security. how do i do so?
« Last Edit: October 22, 2008, 12:01:01 pm by chaoticjosh »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: big newb questions
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2008, 12:00:15 pm »

As of now, since bad guys cannot climb, a single pit and retracting bridge can do more for base defense than the largest of armies. Make it the only way in and you're set.

Il Palazzo

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: big newb questions
« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2008, 01:09:28 pm »

so many words... me head is spinning

  • have You read DFwiki?
  • trading: offer them some more in value than You want for yourself, they're trying to run bussiness there. Also Elves are bent on spreading their evil nature-loving ways, so don't offer them bodies of mercilessly slaughtered trees or other plants etc.
  • kicking ass: recruits usually get their ass kicked instead. about ordering them around: explore the [m]ilitary and [x)=squads menus.there You can set weapon/armor preferences and set stations and patrol routes
  • 'strange moods' happen every now and then once per every dwarf when they're having a sudden idea about making an artifact. Such a dorf needs a workshop of a correct kind - which is determined by his highest skill[check wiki for details] so an armorer wants... a metalsmith's forge. if you haven't got one, or the materials he wants, then he goes insane and dies miserably. and once he's gone bonkers there's no way to save him(I think)
  • drinking: [o)ptions->[z]->[d] to toggle zone-only drinking


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: big newb questions
« Reply #8 on: October 22, 2008, 01:26:57 pm »

Also, build a well. This will remove bad thoughts due to dirty water and they prefer wells anyway. Also, don't you have enough booze, why do your poor dwarves drink ugly WATER?
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: big newb questions
« Reply #9 on: October 22, 2008, 01:43:09 pm »

Also, build a well. This will remove bad thoughts due to dirty water and they prefer wells anyway. Also, don't you have enough booze, why do your poor dwarves drink ugly WATER?

i was hoping i could ween the dwarves off of their rampant alcoholism.

sorry for the long post Illpalazzo, i get carried away sometimes. yeah, i'm sorry i didn't check dfwiki first. i really like these forums though.

i'm thinking of starting over on a perfectly flat map. the hills are getting in the way of security far too much.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: big newb questions
« Reply #10 on: October 22, 2008, 02:03:41 pm »

Dwarves are dependent on alcohol for everything though; they work best when hammered. No real Dwarf would deign to drink water...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: big newb questions
« Reply #11 on: October 22, 2008, 02:37:22 pm »

Dwarves are dependent on alcohol for everything though; they work best when hammered. No real Dwarf would deign to drink water...

are you implying my dwarves are fake?

anyway, i have a question about rivers. is it possible to divert or reroute a river entirely? i think having an entire river under your control would be awesome.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: big newb questions
« Reply #12 on: October 22, 2008, 02:46:32 pm »

As it stands now, prepare for a lot of fun. I am sure the people who already answered know things quite a bit better than me. I could give you atleast a tip: make sure you have access to magma and sand. You can make glass with that, and almost anything out if it. For free, as magma and sand don't run out. And for defence, yes, traps in a maze work extremely well.

For rivers: If you {d}esignate a c{h}annel, you can make offshoots of the main river. It is also possible to dam a river in, but I don't quite know how. Unless it freezes in winter, then you can dig it out across the length and put walls or floodgates in it's path. Also useful to know is that underground water doesn't freeze. Which makes a well very handy indeed.
For that viciously bad pun, I'm gonna introduce a NPC named Vlynndar just so that I can kill him of in a cruel and unusual way.
Watermelons are pretty important.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: big newb questions
« Reply #13 on: October 22, 2008, 02:49:09 pm »

Dwarves are dependent on alcohol for everything though; they work best when hammered. No real Dwarf would deign to drink water...

WATER?! WATER?! OH GOOD GOD, WATER, oh god freaked out as soon as I heard the word WATER, ETC
Rather than having them directly force you to mine adamantine, I would suggest that they give you strange moods that require adamantine. "Dig out the adamantine or Urist here goes insane and dies" is suitably vicious.

(It occurs to me that you can probably get "Lovecraft" as the random name of your fortress. That's when you know you're screwed.)

Bromor Neckbeard

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: big newb questions
« Reply #14 on: October 22, 2008, 04:15:11 pm »

First off, stop making your dwarves drink water.  It's undwarvenly and inhumane.  Armok frowns on your shenanigans.  Also, they take more breaks and longer breaks if they haven't had a good honest tankard of booze lately.

Quote from: chaoticjosh
anyway, i have a question about rivers. is it possible to divert or reroute a river entirely? i think having an entire river under your control would be awesome.

Not entirely.  You can control a river on your fortress map any way you want, and when you get a bit more experience with the game, I highly recommend you try to dam off an actual river (as opposed to a "brook"), it's a lot of fun and a huge engineering project.

However, whatever efforts you make on the fortress map won't affect the world map.  Even if you divert a mighty river and flood a nearby canyon, this won't be reflected on the world map, it will look the same as always and any rivers you've messed with will magically continue on their original courses once they leave your fortress area.

Quote from: chaoticjosh
all my token effort is repeatedly undermined by my own dwarves though, they seem to purposefully leave large gaps in the wall for no reason, and on the points where the elevation changes leaves eery gaps as units can just walk on top of the less elevated wall and over to the other side. my orders to patch up these oversights is ignored completely at the best of times, and suspended by my own dwarves at the worst.

The most common reason for dwarves to suspend tasks is because they saw a fearsome woodchuck or deer (or possibly one of those damn monkeys) and got scared.  You can manually unsuspend the task by moving your cursor over the unbuilt wall and pressing "s", I believe.  You may have to do this a few times before you get your walls built completely.

Quote from: chaoticjosh
i need some help trading. the elves came to me wanting to trade, but i can't figure out how to do it. I understand moving things over their to trade, and entering the trade screen, but when it comes to the actual exchanging part, i'm stuck. i offer him things that are equal in value to what i want, but i can't do anything.

Once you have stuff marked to trade on both sides, you press "t" to trade, I believe.  However, you have to offer more than you're getting until your trader becomes a lot more experienced.  Don't worry if the traders won't give you a fair deal, this happens to everybody.

Quote from: chaoticjosh
also, some rhesus macaque monkey showed up at the same time as those elves, and they started stealing things from the elven traders! they disappeared mysteriously after that, and when i was looking through the trade screen, i noticed "rhesus macaque cages" and i concluded that the elves had caught them and were now trying to sell them to me.

No, the elves caught those rhesus macaques in their homeland and brought them thousands of miles to YOU, because clearly you don't have ENOUGH rhesus macaques already.  Traders will fight to defend themselves, but they don't capture anything.

Quote from: chaoticjosh
while i haven't been officially invaded yet, i have been bothered by kobold thieves and goblin snatchers or something, and i'm pretty sure those are bad. i've assigned a new migrant (who brought his own crossbow) as a soldier (i think!), but when they show up, he isn't kicking their ass. what do i do to order him to kick ass?

Well, first you have to (shift-A) Activate him so that he's a "Recruit" instead of a "Peasant" or whatever.  Then you have to go into the "Military" screen (by pressing "m", naturally) and over at the right side, there's an area that shows what weapon he's equipped with.  Change that to "crossbow".  Make sure there's an unequipped crossbow and some bolts somewhere for him to pick up.  I'd also recommend giving him some armor.  The military screen has an option called "view this unit" which you select for that dwarf.  Make sure that in the unit view screen, his unit is marked as "on duty".  Also, make sure that in that screen, he's set to "unit harasses dangerous wild animals", this will make him kill monkeys and deer as well as goblins and kobolds.

Once you have a drafted, armed and armored, on-duty soldier, you have to tell him where to go.  I think the command for this is "x" to access the military placement screen.  Once you're in that screen, you can station him at a single point by pressing "s", or you can set up a patrol route for him by pressing "p" in a few places.  Now, your dwarf should be kicking ass.

Quote from: chaoticjosh
one of my armorers or something got "possessed by unkown forces" or somesuch, they caused her to stop working and make her blink with an exclamation mark. after so long she went crazy, so i locked her in her bedroom. she's brooding in their something aweful, she's torn off her shoe and when i examine it it says that it's 'blood spattered' or something. whats wrong with her and how do i make her stop?

Look up "strange mood" on the DF wiki.  If a dwarf can't complete a strange mood, they go crazy and will either explode in a berserk fury like a disgruntled postal worker, or else they will mope around and eventually commit suicide.

Quote from: chaoticjosh
finally, dwarves keep leaving the vicinity of my walls to get a drink upstream or downstream the river. the only bad thing about this is that their is a river running straight through the fort which i've zoned as a "drinking spot"! they are risking themselves needlessly, and i want them to stop undermining my paranoid fantasy of security. how do i do so?

As I said, stop making your dwarves drink water.  This IS going to present a problem when you get a force of goblin ambushers, which should happen for you within a game year or so.  Get yourself a booze industry up and running.  Trying to make a nonalcoholic fortress is an advanced challenge reserved for seasoned veterans who think a triple-aquifer Terrifying glacier is too easy.

I hope some of this helps you.
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