I wasn't testing anything to do with that, as I hadn't heard about this problem. I'm not sure what's up. It wasn't the lack of titles in the item entries as the PM speculated, as I have those, unless I'm not doing it correctly. I don't know what other factors go into a feed getting recognized.
Here's the latest file (with most of the items snipped):
Yeah, just after sending that PM, I went in and checked that stuff out myself.
(As you can use Internet Explorer on a .rss to view the source... helpful)
From what I saw, everything *should* be working..
I'll poke around some other RSS feeds a bit, see what I can come up with.
Using a working Words of the Day feed from MSN, I have come up with the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <rss version="2.0" xmlns:ResGet="EncartaApp:ResGet">
- <channel>
<title>Words of the Day</title>
- <item>
<title>What does 'effrontery' mean?</title>
<description>shameless nerve</description>
- <item>
<title>What does 'buckram' mean?</title>
<description>stiff fabric</description>
- <item>
<title>What does 'mendacity' mean?</title>
<description>telling of lies</description>
Could it, perhaps, be as simple as that very first line being missing from yours? I can't imagine, but...
I'm also not sure as to the use of the xml:space="preserve" in your <description> tags...
Hmm. This is intriguing.
It also could be perhaps that each entry requires its own URL...
I could see that, being that you'd want to click on the day and actually go to the day, rather then the very top of the page or another page altogether...
I can't imagine it'd be able to tell if it was actually a different URL or not, so that one seems simple enough to test...
In theory, you could put that in each item listing and something might happen...