5th Felsite, 210
"Bloody 'ell!" Durien cursed as he was knocked over by a mountain goat for the third time in the minutes since he had entered the courtyard. "Dratted mountain goats!"
"Calm down, dear. It wouldn' do ter offend Datan by cursin' 'er goats. B'sides, ain't they purty?" Zuglar gazed about her at the herd of gamboling goats with the pride of a mother looking upon her offspring.
"Purty, yea, I guess. Bu' we got--" Durien counted, scratched his head, recounted, and finally gave up as the goats kept milling about and messing up the count. "We got over t'irty o' th' critters! 'n' all bu' one o' 'em are female! We can' live li'e this! We'll be driven ou' o' fort 'n' home in months!"
Zuglar glared at her lover. "They're Datan's chosen ones, we will no' kill 'em!"
"Hummph!" Durien stalked a few feet away, still glowering at the goats. Suddenly he brightened. "I know how we'll kill 'em wi'out angerin' th' goddess! She'll tell us which ter kill and which not!"
Zuglar shook her head condescendingly. "I haven' hear' from 'er fer a while. Sartainly nothin' 'bou' killin' 'er faverite critters."
Much as I love her, there are times when she really annoys me. "No, no," Durien said aloud, "We needn' bother 'er wi' contactin' yer over such trivialities. We'll use 'er temple. I'm sure b'tween us Ablel, Ast 'n' I can come up wi' somethin'. I'fact, I'll speak to 'em righ' now."
You may speak to them, but I'll see to't not a single female goat dies. And Zuglar followed more slowly, thinking of ways to save her beloved goats.