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Author Topic: The General Reborn {Community Fort}  (Read 10542 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The General Reborn {Community Fort}
« Reply #75 on: October 31, 2008, 10:35:55 am »

I'm looking into wedding stuff at the moment, but when I get a few minutes of downtime I'll add those characters and post an update.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The General Reborn {Community Fort}
« Reply #76 on: November 02, 2008, 12:45:04 am »

First Doctor Zombie, and now you, Dresdor!?

Does writting martial forts cuase one to get hitched?

*reconsiders plan for a naval comunity fortress
Even the avatars expire eventually.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The General Reborn {Community Fort}
« Reply #77 on: November 02, 2008, 05:20:07 pm »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The General Reborn {Community Fort}
« Reply #78 on: November 02, 2008, 06:19:14 pm »

i like being the 'head engineer'. I get to be in the story so much.

Why sure, Strife, I'll teach you a bit about mechanics!
Your first task: make some rocks into mechanisms and then traps.
The Unforgotten Beast, Shoruke, has come! A pale-skinned human. It has heterochromatic eyes and moves in an unpredictable manner. Beware its rapier wit!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The General Reborn {Community Fort}
« Reply #79 on: November 03, 2008, 12:08:10 am »

Perhaps getting married causes one to play DF, as that's the order it happened in.

Well, getting engaged at least.

OOC Update: My computer is dissasembled at the moment, but I still have plenty of story to write up, so there will be story, but I am unable to post any character stats for a day at least.  Also have been busy most of the weekend, but hopefully monday night/tuesday will be better.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The General Reborn {Community Fort}
« Reply #80 on: November 03, 2008, 12:34:09 am »

Zak wiped his brow.  After many long months of smoothing and engravings parts of the fortress, he was becoming quite the artist.  The General's office was nearly completely engraved.  He admired his work, a picture depicting his own creation of the artifact statues just across the hall.  He hoped the General would like it.

He started to walk out to head upstairs to get a drink, when he noticed something.  The General's logbook was sitting open on the desk.  Curiousity got the better of him, and he paged through it.  Most of it was mundane, day-to-day reports of fortress operation.  However, some of the earlier entries piqued his interest...

I'm not sure what to even do with this lot.  I don't remember discipline being this bad at Pickspells.  Certainily the common dwarf has not fallen so far in a thousand years.  Things will be difficult until I can get some organization here.

Confused, he turned to another page.

It seems that the King has decided that Vesa, for all purposes, will be our leader until such a time as democratic elections can take place.  This is primarily done to ensure that nobody pays attention to me, or assumes this is a strict military outpost.  Also, it is to draw attention away from the General who up until two months ago, is unheard of in this kingdom.  The Goblins need to know that they should attack us over the Mountain Homes, but not enough to suspect that I am here.

Still very confused, he turned to the earliest entry.  The last lines told him all he needed to know.

I am not sure why I have been brought back here.  I do know that the kingdom has need once again for General Babkadol.  I am called, and so from death I answer.

Zak felt the blood draining from his skin.  Surely, The General couldn't was impossible to think that....There's no way that.... Or was there?  No.  No, the General was just making a reference to Babkadol, that's all.  There's no reason to think anything weird was going on...everything is okay, there's nothing to worry about...

Just that the woman he trusted with his life...a woman that he felt very attracted to...might have died a thousand years ago.  He really needed that drink now.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The General Reborn {Community Fort}
« Reply #81 on: November 03, 2008, 10:22:57 pm »

Well, I wasn't saying it like it's a bad thing. I'll probably get married at some point *shudders*. It's just, that, if you note my title, I'd like to get into USMA, and you can't be married or have any legal dependants, so meh.

I haven't even asked the girl I like on a date.

Anyway, continue with the good work Dresdor!
Even the avatars expire eventually.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The General Reborn {Community Fort}
« Reply #82 on: November 04, 2008, 12:11:10 am »

The door creaked, and the General looked up.  Silently, Haukur entered and saluted.  "Hello, Haukur,"  she said.  "How are you today?"  He nodded and smiled a large smile.  "I'm glad to hear it."  The General liked Haukur, mostly because unlike every other dwarf around, he actually listened.  It was very strange he didn't speak, but he still had ways of communicating.

"What can I do for you, Haukur?" She asked, and passed him a sheet of parchment and a piece of charcoal.  She waited patiently as he drew on it, and showed her the picture.  It was of a dwarf with a sad expression.  "I thought you said you were happy?" 

Haukur shook his head and pointed to the General and then the sad dwarf.  She suddenly understood.  "Yes, I have been sad lately, Haukur.  A good friend of mine died and I feel like it is my fault.  I was Neo's commander after all."  Haukur started drawing fervishly.  He showed her the symbol, it was the same symbol she had designed Neo's tomb around.  "I'm not sure I understand you, Haukur."

He sighed and wrote clearly underneath the symbol he drew other images.  One of a dwarf surrounded by goblin bodies, the dwarf was shining with some glow.  In the other, a dwarf was bowing before another dwarf.  He drew lines to the first symbol to signify meaning.

"You mean that the symbol means honor and obedience?" He nodded his head.  "So you think that Neo was happy to serve, and honored to be able to die in battle the way she did?"  Haukur shrugged.  He then pointed to the symbol, then to himself and saluted.  "But you would be honored to die under my command?"  He smiled and nodded.

"I hope that is not neccesary, my friend."  She sighed heavily.  "I have a secret I have only shared with those that have needed to know, Haukur.  However, I trust that you will keep it between us."  Haukur nodded.  "I am not who I have said I am.  Haukur, I am not a great general of this age.  I have only walked the earth for a few years, before that I slept for a thousand years.  I have wakened to a world were our race is all bud extinct, and I feel a great pressure on my shoulders.  Do you understand what I am saying?"

He nodded and started drawing. It took him many long minutes to work, and at one point he removed a small plant from his pocket and applied a pigment to part of the parchment.  When he was done he showed it to the General, and she smiled.  "Yes.  You have caught on perfectly, Haukur."  He saluted, and bowed on one knee.  "Thank you for cheering me up, Haukur.  I needed that."  He stood and set the parchment on her desk, before walking back to the door.  He saluted again and walked out the door.

The General looked again at the parchment and smiled.  The folded up the page and put it into her journal.  Maybe things weren't so bad.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The General Reborn {Community Fort}
« Reply #83 on: November 04, 2008, 12:18:55 am »

 :o.Also, I assume you've got the other requested dwarves in and simply haven't gotten to that point in the story right?
What again? Iron scepter - Lovehealing? Oh, I almost shed a tear... Put it in your ass, I'm talking about importans artistic defences!!! You see, yaks and bridge... Stop polishing that scepter! You're disgusting me!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The General Reborn {Community Fort}
« Reply #84 on: November 04, 2008, 12:42:28 am »

Currently my save is up to about year 4 in the third or fourth month.  The story is only up to about year 3, summerish.  There are a few major events I want to have play out before I start playing on my save again, and as such, I haven't assigned new dwarves yet.  I will before I completely catch up, but I want some other stuff to play out first.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The General Reborn {Community Fort}
« Reply #85 on: November 05, 2008, 02:10:45 am »

OOC: First, I want to point out how ridiculous it was that CNN reported that Obama won 2 seconds after the pacific coast's polls closed.  I know he carried those states anyway, but at least tally some votes before calling the election.  K, thanks.

IC: "What do you mean you've banned armor exports?" The Generals voice roared through the mountain halls.

"It's simple," Vesa's calm voice said.  "Our own soldiers are lacking equipment, and you've been trading armor away for anvils and cloth."

"I've been trading away wooden shields.  That's hardly a piece of armor we're lacking." The General retorted.  "What right do you have to tell me what I can and can't trade at my outpost?"

"Well, General, I think it's quite clear." Vesa said.  "I am the mayor of this outpost by royal deecree until the dwarves here see fit to elect another mayor." She shoved a roll of paper under the General's nose.  Sure enough, it was a royal decree stating exactly was Vesa had said.

"So that's it then, you've decided you know what's better for this outpost than me?"

"Pardon me, General, you just seem out of touch."

"I won't forget this, Vesa," she said.  "I knew it was a mistake to not officially take charge of this place, and I will see a fair democratic election takes place. If the dwarves here like your leadership, then I will follow you, but if they prefer another's, I expect you to step down."

"And I will, General, but until then, no armor exports.  All violators will be jailed, which, as sheriff, will be your doing."

"Aye, Vesa." The General sulked off to her bedroom, and slept fitfully.  Things were not going well.  She woke, and could not get back to sleep.  She began writing in her logbook, when a piece of parchment fell out.  It was the one Haukur had drawn on earlier.  Looking at it, she smiled, and fell asleep with it clenched to her heart.


Zak had almost finished with the General's room.  Vesa was clamoring that she needed her room improved and wouldn't do without a better office.  He decided that she could wait, and instead, would finish with the General's rooms first.  Ever since the royal decree that made her mayor came up, nobody seemed to like Vesa very much.  She just seemed so full of herself.

Zak scooted the bed over to engrave below it.  A piece of parchment fluttered out of the blanket.  He picked it up and looked at the image on it.  It was a female dwarf in full armor.  She carried a mighty spiked shield and a cruel and powerful looking warhammer.  The most impressive part of the drawing was her helm.  It was made out of a dragon's skull with green gems inset into the eye sockets and forehead.  Zak recognized the symbol immediatly, and it confirmed his suspicions.

"Why, dear General, would you have a drawing of Babkadol, wearing her great dragon helm?  You are such a mystery.  If only I could bring you that helm...but it is lost to history.  Perhaps...perhaps there's something I can do to remind you of your glory days..."

He tucked the parchment back into the blanket and began making designs.  He knew the General's birthday was coming up and he would surprise her with a wonderful treat.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The General Reborn {Community Fort}
« Reply #86 on: November 05, 2008, 04:15:53 am »

Man your writings great keep it up  ;D

I spose I will start posting more journal entries and stuff soon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The General Reborn {Community Fort}
« Reply #87 on: November 05, 2008, 10:17:33 am »

Ngom led the others to the dwarven outpost in silence.  He knew what was at stake if there was no less than a mighty fortress spewing gold riches where his allies had lost their lives.  He knew he'd rather die to dwarves than face the wrath of his tyrant king.

"Stop here." He said.  "You and you, scout ahead, and report back immediatly."

Two goblin thieves nodded, and ran off towards the hills.  Their shouts were heard on the breeze minutes later, making Ngom cringe.  The dwarves were expecting them.  "Move out, we need to get to the fortress to see what that tower is about.  MOVE!"

The two squads moved out.  Ngom motioned to Edem, the human mercenary leading the second squad, to circle around the hillside and come at the dwarves from the south.  he took the other squad from the west.  Cocking his new crossbow, he readied himself.


The General watched as two goblins in cages were brought to the jail.  It brought a smile to her face to see the miserable lot where they belonged, behind bars.

"Don't worry, you'll be free our arena!" She yelled at them, and the smaller of the two wet himself.  It didn't matter that they didn't have an arena...yet.

"GENERAL!" Shoruke yelled down the main stairwell.  "GOBLINS!!!"

She ran to the observation platform above the main entrance, which was newly fortified.  Shoruke pointed to a group of goblins coming from the northwest, who seemed very interested in the water ladder.

"Squad one and two, head out to meet that threat."  Cheers came up from the barracks below, and the champions of the fortress and their crossbow wielding brothers charged out the main entrance.


Ngom was dissapointed.  Besides some windmills and gear assemblies, not much was discerbale from the outside of this sealed tower. He could hear liquid roaring around inside, and assumed it was pumping water, but why?  The dwarves could tap the brook directly instead of pumping water up to the sky.  It was very mysterious.

"We will have to go to our second plan.  Capture one alive, and I will interogate it."  The goblins snickered and readied their axes.  Ngom was the only one in this squad with a crossbow, the rest prefered more personal means of massacre.


Dastot was eager for battle.  He was the first out, the first to spot the enemy, and the first to raise his crossbow.  He lined up a shot at a cowardly looking goblin standing behind the five goblins with axes.  He placed his finger on the trigger, and a goblin bolt punctured his brain.  His shot flew off into the sky, hitting the support tower, but Dastot didn't care, he was on his way to Warholla.


Mad Larks saw his friend Dastot fall.  He spotted the small goblin in the back, and called to the other three remaining marksdwarves.  "Follow me, two behind one beside."  The dwarves got into formation.  They hurried towards the goblins, and stopped suddenly when they were in range, kicking up a lot of dust.  A goblin bolt flew beside them, and Mad Larks smiled.  Raising his crossbow, he gave the order to fire.


Ngom strained his eyes to see beyond the dustcloud the charging dwarves had stomped up.  He didn't know if his last bolt hit anything or not.  He wondered what the dwarves were doing. 

Then four of his axegoblins fell with bone bolts sticking out of them.  Panicked, Ngom bolted behind the tower, out of site of the dwarves.  He would have to use their cover to his advantage for the moment, and slink away at the first opportunity.


The dwarves cheered as the last of axegoblins fell.  The other three went inside, but Mad Larks was determined to find the slinking menace that had killed Dastot.

"I'll come with you, Larks," Thuellia said.  "He won't get away from both of us."

Mad larks turned to agree, when a bolt flew down from the hillside behind them.  It pierced Mad Larks through the calf, sticking in the wound.

"Get down!" He yelled, and hobbled behind a tree.  He caught site of a handful of goblins, some with bows, some without weapons, led by a human decorated in bone trophies.  He gave an order and the goblins came charging down the hill.

Mad Larks loaded his bow, and fired from around the tree.  One of the marksgoblins fell into a bloody heap.  However, one of the answering bolts hit him in the shoulder.  "Thuellai, we have to kill these guys.  That guy up there is a northern mercenary.  They are some of the best warriors in the world, and they'd sooner die than fail a contract."

Thuellai nodded, and watched as the goblins came closer and closer.  He readied his spear.  "No matter what happens, Larks.  It's been fun."

Mad Larks smiled and let loose another bolt.  A second marksgoblin fell, leaving just two more, and two wrestlers. The four goblins reached the trees where the duo were hiding.  Thuellai jammed his spear through one of the wrestler's skull, and dislodged it in one fluid motion.  Without time to reload, Larks jammed a bolt in the menacing marksgoblin's hand.  While it was distracted, he grabbed it's head and snapped it's neck. 

Larks saw Thuellai throwing his spear at Larks's head.  Panicked, the marksdwarf ducked, and heard a sickening thud behind him.  Turning, he saw the second wrestler impaled on the fisher's spear.  Nodding his thanks, Larks downed the last marksgoblin with a quick shot, leaving only the mercenary.

He stood on the hillside, and brought his crossbow to bear.  Larks nodded to Thuellai, and both screamed a warcry, and charged up the hill. 

A bolt whipped by Larks's head, and he didn't flinch.

A second hit him in the forearm, he kept running.

A third hit him in the gut.  The pain was immense.

He loaded his bow. 

A fourth hit him in the leg.  He collapsed to the ground.  By sheer force of will, he got up and kneeled on his good leg.  Aiming, he fired.  The bolt flew the short distance in mere moment, but it seemed like days.  It hit the mercenary, squarely in the chest.  The barbs of the bolt shredded his heart and lungs.  The mercenary stuttered back a step.  Knowing death was near, he cocked his bow one last time to kill the errant marksdwarf.  A blur hit him at full force, knocking him to the ground. 


Thuellai pummeled the body of the mercenary until it was unrecognizable.  He had seen Larks get hit, and this bastard was not going to live to gloat about it.  He stood, and ran down the hill to find his friend.

Mad Larks was laying in a pool of his own blood.  Thuellai ran to his side, and leaned over his friend.

"Don't worry, Larks, I'm here.  We'll get you fixed up soon."  He started to pick up the marksdwarf, when Larks stopped him.

"Pull out the arrows." He said.

"You'll bleed to death!  I won't..."

"Thuellai, my leg is crippled.  I can feel the bone, it's shattered.  I'm not going to walk again.  My arm too, it's in a bad way.  I'm not living like a cripple, pull them out."


"Please.  Let me die a hero instead of live a miserable life."

Thuellai wiped back the tears, and patted his friend on the shoulder.  Amid Larks's screams of agony, he pulled out the arrows.  The color drained in both their faces.  Larks whispered one last thing.

"Thank you, my friend.  May we meet again in Warholla..."  His breath rattled in his throat, and Mad Larks was no more.


Ngom head an outraged cry.  Looking beyond the tower, he saw the carnage that unfolded while he had hid.  A dozen goblin bodies littered the field, along with a couple dwarves.  That foolish mercenary lay in a bloody heap at the top of the hill.  The cry came from a dwarf, covered in blood, looking on another dwarf's body.  How pitiful this race is.  Still it provided an opportunity.

"Hey dwarf!  Sorry your little girlfriend died!  Come here and I'll send you to death with him!"


Thuellai heard the goblin taunting him.  He knew it was probably a trap, he just didn't care.  He walked slowly towards the goblin, stopping only to retrieve his spear from the bloody head that was another of the enemy race.  The goblin taunted him still, but Thuellai didn't hear it.  When he was within a dozen feet, the goblin fired a bolt at him.

He swatted it out of the air with the ease of swatting a mosquito.


Ngom smiled, he had hit the dwarf in the hand.  He loaded up another bolt and prepared to fire.  Only then did he realize that the dwarf wasn't injured, it had actually grabbed the bolt out of thin air.  Ngom swallowed hard and fired again. 


He didn't feel the pain, but he knew the bolt was in his shoulder.  It didn't matter.  The goblin was right there, almost within reach.  He threw his spear.  It missed wide.  The goblin looked fearful, and Thuellai prepared himself to choke the life out of the little rat.  The goblin fired another bolt, this one barely grazing the inside of Thuellai's leg.

He felt tired...he had to kill the goblin...but maybe after,,,,after a rest...


Ngom tied the unconscious dwarf up in a bag, and hefted it over his shoulder.  He was very heavy, but the sleeping draught on the last bolt should keep him unconscious for a long time.  However, the others would know he was missing and not dead if they didn't find a body.

No matter.  Ngom ripped off the dwarf's shirt, and ran over to the screw pump at the base of the tower.  He jammed the bloody garment into the mechanics, and hoped the dwarves would think their friend had died a horrible death.  Grabbing the sack, he fled to the Dark Tower, to interogate his victim.

OOC: sorry, Larks, your squad largely abandoned you soon after the first ambush died.  And while it was less dramatic than this, you still did a number ont he mercenary before dying.

More updates coming soon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The General Reborn {Community Fort}
« Reply #88 on: November 05, 2008, 12:43:58 pm »

Additionally here are the stats of everyone who is named...

No stats of novice rank or lower are used.

The General:
*Unbelievably Agile*
*Unbelievably Tough*
Proficient Hammerdwarf
Shield User
Armor User
Legendary Miner
Competant Appraiser
Proficient Engraver
Talented Wrestler

*Perfectly Agile*
*Superdwarvenly Tough*
Legendary Miner
Expert Mason
Legendary Engraver
Adept Wrestler

*Extremely Agile*
Expert Engraver
Competent Wrestler

*Very Strong*
*Extremely Agile*
*Extremely Tough*
Legendary Mason
Expert Wrestler

Stone Crafter
Expert Wrestler

*Extremely Strong*
*Extremely Agile*
*Extremely Tough*
Adept Brewer
Adept Cook
Grand Master Grower
Skilled Wrestler
Competant Thresher

*Extremely Tough*
Furnace Operator
Competent Armorsmith
Competent Metalsmith
Talented Herbalist
Bone Carver
Competent Wrestler

*Very Strong*
*Unbelievably Agile*
High Master Siege Operator
Proficient Wrestler
Proficient Mechanic

*Extremely Agile*
*Extremely Tough*
Skilled Herbalist
Skilled Grower
Talented Wrestler
Legendary Record Keeper

William Dark
*Perfectly Agile*
*Superdwarvenly Tough*
Legendary Wrestler
Competent Armor User
Expert Shield User

*Perfectly Agile*
*Superdwarvenly Tough*
Legendary Wrestler
Legendary Shield User
Accomplished Armor User

*Perfectly Agile*
*Superdwarvenly Tough*
Legendary Wrestler
Competant Engraver
Armor User
Accomplished Shield User
(Dabbling Speardwarf as we just got you a spear)

*Unbelievably Agile*
Adept Shield User
Legendary Wrestler
Competent Armor User
(Novice Macedwarf)

*Extremely Strong*
*Perfectly Agile*
Legendary Wrestler
Talented Shield User
(Novice Armor User)

Malaki Keone "Hoplite"
Neo (v1.0) "Poet Warrior"
Mad Larks "Crazy Crossbowman"
Urist the woodworker
Atir the peasant
Morul the herbalist
Dastot the Elite Marksdwarf
Kogsak the Wrestler
Aban the Wrestler

MIA (Presumed Dead):
Thuellai "Spearfisher"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The General Reborn {Community Fort}
« Reply #89 on: November 05, 2008, 03:18:32 pm »

So, did I seriously murder a few goblins before being brought down by this Ngom guy?  'Cause that would be awesome.  Shame I'm most likely murdered and whatnot, but I was hoping to score at least a few kills.
When you're following an angel, does it mean you have to throw your body off a building?

"So kids, what story do you want me to read to you tonight?"
"Oooh!  Oooh!  Goldibeard and the The Rotting Corpses!"
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