How much are unicorn bones worth? Are they anything compared to mermaid bones?
One fifth as much as merfolk bones.
You can't tame them because they don't have a pet tag. I don't know if [CAN_LEARN][CAN_SPEAK] creatures will breed properly.
Has anyone seen if merfolk will breed properly if kept in an indoor swimming/spawning pool? and if so, if the water is at 4/7, can they still breathe?
Moving water tends to move creatures inside of it. If you have a chasm, you can pour the water into it and strain out the mermaids. If not, you can either continually and slowly pump the water out, or make a large, multi-z-level room that you continually empty and when the bottom of it gets to 6/7, you refill. I'm not sure which would be more effective.
Again, anybody yet see if this is feasible, and if so, what structures are needed to "strain" out the finny moneysacks?
Really, won't you just need a room with chained up mermaids that has 4/7 water and a door leading to the airdrowning room for the babies? It doesn't really seem that hard. I might try mermaid farming.
This wouldn't work, because we'd have to mod them to be tamable and amphibious (or figure out underwater kennels), and then the "air-drown the baby moneysacks" plan wouldn't go as well. But if they are tamed, then you just tell your butcher to go after the younglings, and it's like any other meat industry: aka, boring and nondwarfy.
So from what I can gather from the thread currently is that, without modding, you'd need to funnel your merfolk out of the ocean, and into a
concentration camp breeding pool, and then somehow separate out the children and extraneous males from the herd, either by airdrowning or some other devious means (preferably involving magma, aquifers, drawbridges, and forgotten levers).