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Author Topic: Blood Vault of Armok {Succession Game}  (Read 4826 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blood Vault of Armok {Succession Game}
« Reply #15 on: October 04, 2008, 12:22:39 am »

We are using the latest version.  Will be updating and uploading a save on monday.  At the moment I'm 2/3 of the way throuhg.  We have 30 dwarves (only 1 died)...strangest thing is passing the one tomb makes everyone happy because it is a +coffin+.  Strange, eh?

Also, we have a fair amount of iron and coke.  Someone will have to have fun with that.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blood Vault of Armok {Succession Game}
« Reply #16 on: October 06, 2008, 09:41:50 am »

~~~~From the Personal Log of Dresdor, Outpost Leader of Nazushrath Nom "Bloodtemple of God"~~~~
16th Granite 201

After a long and trying journey, we have arrived at site of the destroyed temple.  I expected to see ruins or at least some sign of the ancient home of our Blood God, but there is nothing but a rolling hillside and sand dunes.  I have ordered the others to see to unloading the wagon and gathering plants and wood.  I take the only pick, and head to the cliffside.  It is time to strike the earth.

4th Slate

After a month of mining and setting up, I have made two wonderful discoveries.  First, we have struck rock salt, which, when processed, will make our meals more delicious and help to preserve our meats.  The second discovery is as dangerous as it is wonderful.  Our fortress is built in a vein of iron and lignite.  This is wonderful for the potential for weapons and armor, but terrible as lignite explodes when lit on fire.  I will have to mine out every single bit of lignite around our rooms before the others can set up their workshops.  One spark from a forge, and our entire home would go up in a blaze.

10th Felsite 201

Outside, a small strawberry farm has been set up for temporary food and drink supplies.  As well as workshops for furniture and defense.  Inside, I am busy mining away at a massive cleft of hematite and lignite.  If we can find flux stone we will have massive amounts of steel.

1st Hematite 201
Time passes quickly in the mines.  Above ground, we have a marksdwarf trained, and plenty of strawberries.  In the depths, I have nearly mined out all the lignite and hematite.  The vein was not massive, but it was large enough to provide us with some decent amounts of fuel and iron. 

26th Hematite 201
As I was mining, my sight blurred and I had a vision.  I must entrust other dwarves to see my vision through.  I saw Armok's will: a monumental tribute to our god, bound in the salt that was his first gift to us here.  Others may deign to use the iron and obsidian we have also been blessed with, but the vision is clear: A rock salt pillar to his glory.

21st Hematite 201
I have been mildly injured in a cave collapse outside.  I was cleaning up the cliff side to make our entrance, and my vision, more suiting to the blood god.  Not watching where I was digging, I removed a support that was needed to keep up the mounts of dirt below me.  I fell, injuring my arms and legs.  With rest, I should recover, but for now someone else will have to take over my mining duties.

3rd Limestone 201
I have recovered from my ordeal, and am prepared to take up my duties again.  Apparently, there was a large rhesus monkey attack as I rested.  Luckily, our resident mason and marksdwarf took care of things, and we netted a large number of corpses for butchering.  I have ordered a massive butchering, cooking, and tanning operation so we don’t loose anything that the blood god has gifted us with.

12th Limestone 201

The caravan has arrived.  Fortunately we have some things for them, but not nearly as much as I had hoped.  The rhesus maques and other difficulties have prevented massive crafting efforts, and our fortress is a mere scratch in the earth.  Oh well, I will tell them the news I have, and see what news comes from the mountain homes.

13th limestone 201

The merchants have left with their goods.  They seem spooked by this place, and when I started to haggle they told me that they weren’t interested in haggling and packed up.  If fear prevents us from trading with the outside, we will have big problems.  I look at this as a test, Armok is seeing if we can survive without support from home.  I certainly hope we pass.

25th Limestone 201

The rhesus maques are back.  We will have even more meat for the winter.  Our resident exterminator is taking care of things.

16th Sandstone 201

Some migrants have arrived.  I am surprised because of the bad results with the caravan.  However, word of our blessings by Armok have spread, and new believers have come.  We have received a tanner, a butcher, a peasant, an animal trainer, another miner, another peasant, a woodcrafter, and a bonecarver,

14th Opal 201

We have lost one of our own.  The miner that arrived not long ago succumbed to a kobold thief.  The thief escaped.  I find that this mere immigrant is a fitting sacrifice to our blood god, and have placed his remains beneath the monument to Armok.  It is nearly complete, and the scaffolding is being removed now. 

3rd Granite 202
The monument is done. Now we can turn our attentions below the earth once more, to the beginnings of our mountain home.  From this sandy loam a mighty temple to Armok, the blood god, shall arise.

5th Felsite 202

The locations of the future workshops have been sited, and prepared for mining.  Temporarily, we are using one of them as a barracks.  Also, the unsmoothed beginnings of our Grand Dining Room have begun.

9th Felsite 202

Some more migrants have arrived.  Among their numbers are A metalsmith, a miner, five, peasants, a woodworker, a milker, an engraver, a ranger, Dyer, a jeweler, a lye maker, a butcher, and a cheese maker.

20th Felsite 202

I questions Armok’s blessings.  This fortress will be a massive death trap if we are not careful.  We have discovered more lignite in the workshop area of our fortress.  This means even more mining and rebuilding of our mountain home.  The work of the faithful is long and arduous, I am just thankful Armok has only recalled one of our number to his side.

18th Hematite 202

Smoothing of the main entryway and stairway of Armok are underway.  I hope to get the bedrooms dug soon as well, as our sheriff is demanding additional space for his equipment. 

16th Malachite 202

Our butcher has been possessed by Armok.  I wonder what he will make in homage to our god.  He has taken Sylvite, birch logs, and lignite.  These signs and symbols from Armok are our only hint of what the Blood God wants with us. 

22nd Malachite 202
The work is finished.  It is a sylvite statue of the blood god himself.  Oddly enough, the mason has made an image of the statue in the statue, with an image of himself next to the image of the statue, surrounded by dwarves.  When making an artifact of this quality, some vanity is necessary.

22nd Limestone 202
The caravan has arrived.  I hope we will be able to actually trade with them this time.  I have ordered the masses of bone crafts to be moved to the depot, but without them being in bins, it will take a long time to gather them all up and place them in the depot.

We have managed to trade for some meat and other goods.  I hope next year we will be able to buy some silk cloth or at least get a farm of pig tails in order.  Our clothes are starting to dissolve around us, and while I'm sure some of the dwarves may not mind running around bare as stone, I prefer some covering.

9th Timber 202

Some migrants have arrived.  An animal dissector, a miner, 2 peasant, Animal Caretaker, Cheese maker, Furnace Operator, and a Planter.  Armok keeps sending nearly useless dwarves to us, and I am happy to turn them to more useful forms of craft.  Like engraving.  Any dwarve knows how to carve stone from birth, and with practice some of their work is pretty nice to look at.  At this time, our main staircase, with the great statue, is completely engraved.

16th Timber 202

One of our crafters has been taken by a fey mood.  Almost instantly, he returned with a Rock Salt Hatch cover.  I'm not sure what meaning to gather from this, but I assume it is the will of Armok for us to have a hatch cover.  I've attached it to the main stairway immediately before the grand statue.

1st Granite 203

Things have been so busy I have not had time to write.  We now have a handful of dwarves with skills only rivaled in legends.  Those around me say I tunnel through solid stone as if it were sand, and our clerk is masterful with the logbooks and accounts.  Our resident mason is churning out one masterpiece after another, and our woodcutter must merely look at a tree and  it falls in homage to his skill.

Bedrooms have been dug for myself and our sheriff.  We have begin small bedrooms for some of our other dwarves, but mining is slow, as is construction of the beds.  We have our workshops, especially our kitchen and butchery, in full operation.  We have no crops except for the hide root and strawberry farm on the surface.  The time I've taken to listen to Armok's will has aged my soul greatly, and I am in need of rest from this tedious job of shepherding all of these dwarves.  I think I will retire for a while at least, and craft wonderful statues to decorate our home.

Save file:

Tried to upload a map, but the website isn't letting me.

Maggarg - Eater of chicke

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blood Vault of Armok {Succession Game}
« Reply #17 on: October 06, 2008, 10:48:10 am »

Downloading it as we speak.
I might actually move all my saves to version 40d now so I don't get irritated when I change versions.
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blood Vault of Armok {Succession Game}
« Reply #18 on: October 07, 2008, 10:48:41 am »

I like it so far :D good luck with your turn Mag
Gone on hiatus due to RL. Major apologies to all involved in LP thread.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blood Vault of Armok {Succession Game}
« Reply #19 on: October 07, 2008, 12:51:03 pm »

For those wondering about my contribution to the temple: Here's our first monument, the one that is immediatly in front of our entryway.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blood Vault of Armok {Succession Game}
« Reply #20 on: October 09, 2008, 02:46:08 pm »

Maggarg! Get that oversized turkey out of your mouth and tell us: how's it going?


Maggarg - Eater of chicke

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blood Vault of Armok {Succession Game}
« Reply #21 on: October 11, 2008, 04:18:12 am »


It's going fairly well, actually.
I had a bit of computer trouble earlier in the week, and I managed to break my big toe, but despite that, I'm in summer, and I can easily get through a season or two in a day.

...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.

Maggarg - Eater of chicke

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blood Vault of Armok {Succession Game}
« Reply #22 on: October 12, 2008, 11:53:42 am »

1st Obsidian.
I have arrived at the Bloodtemple of Armok,
ever may he rule the heavens. The previous
Architect of His will, Dresdor, has advised me
upon the continuation of His temple.
We are eight and thirty strong here, but
I have noticed that our food stocks are low.
We must combat this, for though hunger
leads to piety, it also leads to weakness.

3rd obsidian
I have found that we have no farms. This is what
has lead to our shortages. Our mighty god does
not tolerate such neglect, and he may punish
those who do so. I see that we have a vein
of cinnabar, bright scarlet in the dark stone
around it. I see also that we have a magma pipe,
the fiery blood of the earth. It is a shame indeed
that we do not have a flux.
We also have a surplus of stone lying around.
I must construct something.

4th obsidian
We struck microcline, the fool's adamantine.
I have little love for this soft, azure rock,
as it resembles the cursed sky.

6th obsidian
We have trained our first marksdwarf today.
Although it is not a truly dwarven weapon,
it lets blood all the same.
Blood for the Blood God!

8th obsidian
I ordered our dwarves to build
a great wall of rock salt across
our current courtyard. I will soon floor over
the hillside as well, to avoid any enemies gaining
access to our fort. I was forced to leave a wide gap
to allow the bloated, soft trader scum inside, as
we are also meant to trade with the weak back at the
mountainhome, tho' it was them who allowed
His temple and His will to be ignored.

10th obsidian
I have noticed that the previous leader allowed
rooms to be dug into a vein of haematite, allowing
it to be wasted! We must not waste the iron granted
to us by our God!

11th obsidian
We have struck Mica. A weak, filmy stone,
useful for a window, perhaps, but not in this fort.

14th obsidian
I may begin the magma works next month, as it will
allow us independence from coal.

18th obsidian
the wall goes well.
Soon we shall have watchtowers and gates.
On another note, food stocks are grim.
I am glad I prepared a farm.

19th obsidian
A Rhesus macaque has stolen a sock!
It may only be a sock, but soon the apes
will grow bolder and bolder. We all know
that wherever apes go, they cause mayhem.
I have ordered our marksdwarf to hunt it down.

23rd obsidian.
I am already planning our gatehouse and guard towers.
it shall be imposing indeed, at least until the
temple is constructed. I fear that I may not
start it in my reign, as I am more concerned with keeping
the fortress running and defended.

24th obsidian
I have postponed the exploratory mining project, as it is
simply too large, and it prevents our miners from
accomplishing important tasks.

1st granite
The ditch for the wall has begun excavation.
I will soon order a drawbridge to be made, then
I shall begin on the palisade and towers.

6th granite
The ditch goes well.
Little else to report.

10th granite
The filthy nature-worshiper elves
arrived today. The so called "elder race" deserve
nothing but our contempt, and we shall show that.

12th Granite
The work on the Cinnabar Bride has begun.

14th granite
Seized all the arrows, wood, food
and booze from the elves.
This has boosted our stores.

15th granite
I noted our absence of a proper catacomb network.
we cannot have a temple without burial grounds.
Once again, I fear that this is not a goal I will
be able to achieve.

16th granite
I noted that we have no mechanic or architect, and
I have told a cheese-maker to train as one.

19th granite
I was most vexed today as I found that the
bridge is still incomplete! In my fury, I
bodily hauled the idle cheese-monger to his
job and beat him until he submitted to my will!
I could feel the pride of Armok, father of
the dwarves.

21st granite
I struck another dwarf today. He was
a miner, announcing that they had struck alunite.
He was clearly doing so to avoid work, and armok
does not favour the idle.
Apparently the only job of the architect and
mechanic is to design the building, and it is
my job to build it.
There will be blood.
Blood for the Blood god!

23rd granite
I decreed that our defenses be made of rough rock.
It is befitting of them. (And it actually looks
rather nice, in my professional opinion as a

26th granite
The Blood gate is finished! Construction may begin
on the gatehouse.

3rd slate
I finally found where our plants were going.
We were producing hundreds of lavish meals, at
the cost of our alcohol production. I have since
ordered our cook to stop.

5th slate
the fortifications are taking shape.
Soon no goblin will dare to approach us.

8th slate
Very little has happened.
I was informed that this area was
crawling with the green filth, yet I
have not seen a single one.

9th slate
Recent finds in the mines have been red beryls
and silver.

14th slate
The initial fortifications are complete, and now the guard towers may be constructed.
The lever still hasn't been constructed.

19th slate
I had a few animals slaughtered to keep the meat stocks up.

24th slate
The Blood Bridge has been linked to the corresponding
lever. Aside from this, everything is dull.
The previous overseer did not see fit to use the
soil layers for stockpiles and limit the amount
of stone waste.

27th slate
another month nearly over.
Communication with the Mountainhome has
been sporadic at best.
Logem silamost, an engraver, has withdrawn
from normal society recently, and we believe he has been
isnpired by armok to make a great construction.

28th slate
Today, Logem claimed a craftsdwarf's workshop.
I hope he makes a cinnabar idol.
Alas, he has only taken up some rock salt.
He shall not die, as he has begun his work.

4th felsite
I can see grass growing in the "moat".
Eventually, this must be filled with MAGMA.
Logem has created Submasos, a rock salt bracelet.
It is only worth 4800 coins.

9th felsite
Our drinks run low.
I shall have our brewers set to this problem.
Some migrants have arrived, allowing us to expand
our pitiful army.

11th felsite
We now have a glassmaker, so our future
temple will have glass windows.
We should really set up a magma dump to dispose
of all the waste rock.

12th felsite
I ordered some smoothing and engraving to be done.

14th felsite
Due to his newfound skills granted to him by
Armok, Logem the engraver is truly legendary.
(His first masterpieces are in my room.)

16th felsite
He has gone on to engrave many more masterpieces.
Many of them are renditions of the day that Dresdor founded
this fortress, all depicting different scenes.

17th felsite
we had a party at the statue on the staircase.
It was enjoyable.

21st felsite
Dresdor wants me to make backpacks.
In the holy books of Armok, it specifically
states that backpacks are forbidden. Then again,
in another chapter, it says we should make enough backpacks to
cover a mountain.
I think I'll just leave it be for the moment.

23rd felsite
Started work on the palisade today.
Soon we will have a safe haven in this land.

26th felsite
The mason's shop is so cluttered that I can barely move!
I need someone to come and haul it all away.

28th felsite
Designated armour, ammunition and weapon storage rooms.

1st haematite
It is now summer, and the weather is somewhat warmer.
This means that construction on the wall may speed up.
We dwarves may not like the sun, but we do like
nice warm rooms.

5th haematite
I ordered more barrels made.
we had run out.

7th haematite
made more plans for our palisade.
we definitely need four towers at each corner, and a line
of crenelations all the way along.

8th haematite
Zulban ishonul, a recruit, has been killed.
I presume it was during training or something.
He was expendable, and his blood was spilt, so it
must have been the will of Armok.
Blood for the Blood god!

11th haematite
I hear that the priests have declared that the Music with
Rocks in was divinely inspired by Armok.
I believe that we should have a group playing in the
temple, should we finish it.
cannibal elves sounds like a good name.

12th haematite
The human caravan has arrived. We shall still seize their goods,
but as contemporaries, not superiors. Humans do not worship armok,
but they are at least more dwarvish than the cursed elves.

14th haematite
a snatcher!
all dwarves on alert!

16th haematite
An ambush! Our fortress is barely into it's
second summer! Armok must be testing us, as is His will.
I shall hope that the human guards will be of assistance.
A farmer has been struck down.
I have ordered all civilians inside.

19th haematite
The ambush was mostly slaughtered in a rain of bone bolts.
I shall allow the squad leave so that they may train.
Curses, a few goblins still remain.

21st haematite
The ambushers have made no moves.
I shall allow dwarves outside again.
(goblins make a serious FPS hit :<)

26th haematite
I think I shall install myself in one of the
larger noble rooms.

1st malachite
No booze.

2nd malachite
a recruit has bled to death.

5th malachite
Dug out a bar and block storeroom.
made sure it was all in the sand, as I do not
want any more stone lying around.

I was planning to update in one huge block, but I decided to do this so you didn't think I was dead.
Computer trouble ironed out for the mo.
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blood Vault of Armok {Succession Game}
« Reply #23 on: October 12, 2008, 11:59:47 am »

I look forward to my turn with much bloodlust ;D
Gone on hiatus due to RL. Major apologies to all involved in LP thread.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blood Vault of Armok {Succession Game}
« Reply #24 on: October 12, 2008, 03:45:18 pm »

Is your formatting just off, or did you intentionally try to write this like some poem?



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blood Vault of Armok {Succession Game}
« Reply #25 on: October 12, 2008, 04:45:35 pm »

So...   A sylvite statue bearing an image of a sylvite statue in sylvite? 

"I accidentally dislodged a single tile at ground level while trimming the hill around the fortress entrance, and it punched through a lava moat, a gem stockpile and a bone stockpile before coming to a halt in someone's bedroom.  The bedroom's owner, a planter, was in bed at the time, and he got up and walked to the door just in time to get a coating of lava, gems, bones and scorched legendary miner chunks."  -NCarter


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blood Vault of Armok {Succession Game}
« Reply #26 on: October 12, 2008, 04:50:43 pm »

Sounds big Maggarg, hope your fortifications don't ruin my temple entrance.

Maggarg - Eater of chicke

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blood Vault of Armok {Succession Game}
« Reply #27 on: October 13, 2008, 10:41:19 am »

Is your formatting just off, or did you intentionally try to write this like some poem?

I write everything in notepad.
I try and guess how wide the posting box is and I never bother to correct it.
Sorry if it's disconcerting.
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blood Vault of Armok {Succession Game}
« Reply #28 on: October 13, 2008, 10:42:51 am »

Naw. It gives your writing character. It's like the writing of a slightly demented but poetic priest.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Blood Vault of Armok {Succession Game}
« Reply #29 on: October 14, 2008, 10:15:20 am »

Maggarg cancels Play Dwarf Fortress

Maggarg has been taken by mood

Pretty Kitty, tame cat, has been struck down

Maggarg begins a mysterious construction

Maggarg has created KittyKillah an artifact cat bone keyboard

Dresdor is bored.  Dresdor goes on break
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