": Lots of feedback on recent posts, and more ideas. I know: it's huge. Apologies and thank you for putting up with me.
-> All in all <- The majority of the things discussed in this thread, in my opinion, should definitely be considered to be uncommon, if not rare happenings. This means that they should, by no means, happen during every raid, or (if you happen to be lucky or careful), that they should not happen at all. The possibility of it occuring though, would certainly add to the game.So some creative ideas for not just digging are the oft' mentioned siege towers, ladders, pit filling, bridge building, as for more stealthy options: grappling hooks, and other such climbing gear, and once integrated things like elves using eagles to fly over the walls.
In general, I loved your post.
Some good feedback, and also more good suggestions.
Grappling hooks would be an awesome idea for highly trained units arriving from a major civ that's
really pissed at you. This should certainly be impossibly rare, but has potential for small strike squads trying to stealth in. Maybe even snatchers! (if your goblin civs are large enough and have other races mingled in with them)
Walls (Constructed walls, not smoothed) could be defense against the average digger...
Honestly though, I hate the idea of walls being "safe" from digging. Sure, it wouldn't be easy, but honestly, which would be harder? Digging through an inconceivably thick slab of pure, solid stone... or deconstructing a wall made with block and mortar?
When I think of a block wall, I think about a brick (and mortar) wall. You need something to help cement the wall in place. Though it may be difficult getting through mortar,
as long as you have a sufficient tool it is possible. It'll take time: just as how it takes time to remove constructed walls. It should take a long time for someone to deconstruct a wall... but a simple built wall is not as immovable as the earth itself. If we're talking about realism and adding digging potential, we can't just say "oh, well built walls don't count." That's simply unreal.
...more "down deep" creatures like Antmen you would want to find a stone that they can't dig through.
Well.. if antmen dig without tools, there would have to be a limit. How dense the stone you can dig through should be somewhat dependent on your tools. You're not digging through terribly dense/hard rock with a less dense, semi-malleable pick. The pick would bend or break on such a hard surface. This should honestly go for any civ (save maybe dwarves).
The idea of random tunneling creatures accidentally digging into my Hammerer's dinning hall...
This brings up another awesome idea! The concept of warring civs sending in a forward expedition into your territory and attempting to establish fortifications and a main staging area for a forthcoming assault. Basically a group of soldiers and a group of engineers (peasants) who will dig and build fortifications. This would probably be a 'on the down-low' sort of thing, so you wouldn't get a raid warning.
They'd appear and begin building a staging area, while the soldiers protect them. If caught early, a counter-insurgency raid to push them out would be probably all that is needed to remove them. If un-noticed, this could be a potential problem. Different civs could handle this differently. Goblins could have underground "barracks", eventually growing into a fortified stone tower. Humans would dig moats, and chop trees to build wooden walls, eventually growing into a small fortified keep of sorts. This shouldn't be thrown around lightly, though. This should be major war-time tactics.
You'd should really have to piss someone to warrant this....things like elves using eagles to fly over the walls.
Bloody awesome idea-- I love it! Too bad, in all honesty, it's
far more controversial and
way more hax than digging ever could be. Even if you pissed of another Dwarf Fort, these guys would be a lot worse. Come on, stealth elves jumping down off the backs of eagles to sneak in?! Man! What a marvelous idea! (...assuming you have above-ground gatehouses or moats that can be traversed in such a fashion).
I can't imagine what you'd do to piss anyone off that much to make them ride eagles over embattlements! But i'd really give my fort to see this happen!
Regarding elves: What they ought to do, instead of digging[1], is plant trees near your fortress and use their elven hoodoo to send bigass tree roots bursting through your walls. This would wreck the place but not actually let them in. (The holes in your walls are full of tree root, and the elves can't dig the roots out without hurting the tree, so they don't.) This fits with the elven way of battle, which is to stand back and snipe instead of actually invading.
I don't know about the tree roots. Eagles sound more fun, imo. Trees should take time to grow. I'm not fond of the magical 'hoodoo', personally.
Though... Ents, anyone?
Another way to approach sieges - subterfuge.
Well. If the previously kidnapped dwarves (which would take a whole heck of a lot of time to mature) were to come back when the raid appears, how would they get inside? At that point, a non-friendly/uncontrollable dwarf is a different symbol, isn't he? You just assume it's a friendly? Wouldn't someone notice "hey, I don't recognize him?" And if you've already closed your gates, how does he get in in the first place? Does he arrive early? Then let's take it back a step: wouldn't people notice an unfamiliar face that
nobody knows after a while? Especially one who doesn't act as he should? (having been raised by goblins, there would be differences in the way he acts, and as he isn't your dwarf, he wouldn't always do as is asked)
An unhappy dwarf being a douche has more potential than this does, imo. Though I don't rather like the idea very much, it's certainly a pretty good one if handled right. Again this should be a very rare happening.
As for moats. Digging would perhaps encourage deeper moats around your fort, especially on dirt&soil levels. There should also be a % chance (based on race intelligence?) that enemy civs might "accidentally" dig through damp soil and flood their own tunnels. This could help counter-balance digging to some extent.
Improved Digging
Another good idea is if certain aspects of the Realistic Digging (
http://www.bay12games.com/forum/index.php?topic=24932.0) idea were implemented. Balancing against digging enemies would become
much easier. It'd take longer to dig through stone (esp for enemies) as we've discussed. All you'd have to do is push a few enemies out of their tunnel, get a lever set up on a support, back out, and cave it in on them. After caving in a tunnel, you'd buy yourself more time to fortify the area! (Assuming they are considering digging again, if they have any diggers/engineers left) This also leaves open the option of someone screwing something up and accidentally caving in their own tunnels on themselves, and failing miserably in their attempt to get into your fort!
Eternal Voting
Thank you bap for adding this to the eternal voting list. Seriously, if you've read this far into this horrible post, doesn't that warrant a vote?
P.S. Sorry for all the bloody super-long posts, guys!
And thanks again for putting up with me! (assuming you did)