Think about it this way:
Consider a very small labyrinth with a one-tile wide passageway shaped like a donut. A thirsty dwarf is there, a few steps away from a barrel of booze. He could go the long way around or the short way, so the game has to check which way will be better. Once Mosus has figured out that he should go the short way, he sets off, and doesn't have to search for paths to the booze anymore. He takes a step though, and all the sudden a kitten drops through a hole in the ceiling ahead of him. Now he has to reconsider. Should he try to crawl under the kitten or should he go the long way around? Supposing he decides to take the long way, he'll have to reconsider again if the kitten steps across the barrel.
If the passageway was 2 tiles wide, here's how the scenario would be different: The initial search would be more difficult, because for every one step down the passageway, Mosus has to decide if he should go diagonal, or straight ahead. Once he's decided on a path, however, it's really easy to find a new one once there's an unexpected obstruction: The search algorithm can be optimized to notice that there's a readily available path one diagonal step away from the chosen path. Since a diagonal step is just as quick as a step straight ahead, Mosus knows it's not going to take him any longer to get there than the way he was going, and since he knew the way he was going was the best available, he doesn't have to keep searching.
Notice what happens if we then add cross passageways to turn our donut into a spoked wagon wheel. Instead of deciding from two original directions he must choose whether to cross the wheel at each spoke, and if so, whether to go straight across, or turn at the center (and which way?) What you've done with the big open rooms is essentially keep adding spokes until there's no more rock. This means that each dwarf taking a step has to make choices. A lot of choices.
Granted, you can eliminate many of those choices without fully investigating them, but the fact remains that there are a lot of possible ways to get from A to B. Another problem is that by increasing the scale of your passageways, you've also probably made the distance between things larger, which means the paths are longer, and the difference between a near miss and a hit doesn't get discovered until you've spent more time looking.
Basically, what you need to do is provide some assistance to the initial search by saying don't look for a path form here to there, that's just stupid. (do this by placing a wall or channel or something.) Just don't create bottlenecks where all the dwarves get funneled through one small set of tiles, because this sets all of them looking for new routes.
So anyway, that's pathfinding in a nutshell. I know that was a complicated answer to a simple question, but hey, I'm a computer scientist. If you want to know even more, look up A* on wikipedia.