However that caused lifeviz to not start at all. So I took a look at and added the stair_stone to the two areas that seem to list the textures. Now lifeviz starts normally but the stone stairs do not render at all.
You also have to change the function build_textures() in
And only 148 triangles! This is your lucky day sir.
This is hilarious, i love it! Please tell me you're going to upload the model somewhere.
I'm still thinking about how to implement model choosing easily, but if you guys can keep motivated to make a few more models of various types, we might get enough stuff together to make model sets for all kinds of tastes.
148 minimum for a fully connected mesh, bad practice otherwise =O
I'm not sure what you mean with fully connected mesh, but i am reading it in the way that the eyes and the mouth are connected with 1-dimensional polygons to the frame. This is not necessary as long as there are no holes in the model.
I've been thinking about how to solve the problem of displaying creature/item models in the world and i have been stumbling over the fact that one tile has to accomodate a dragon at least. As such pretty much ALL item and creature models would be fairly small, especially if i tried to display multiple models in the same tile. Right now i'm thinking however that that approach is pretty stupid and i should do the same thing Toady does, which is to display whatever is in the tile as filling the tile and cycle through everything in it over time when there are multiple contents.
So, for example, if there is a workshop in which a sword is lying, a dwarf and a cat, it would first display the dwarf, a second later the sword, then the cat, then the dwarf again, ad infinitum, with all three models being big enough to fill the tile.