I'm still here. I just haven't done anything talkaboutable recently. Boring save compat/entity position code stuff that doesn't have much discussable appeal, and yeah, coupled with a few annoyances here and there unB12ish, I've been unusually quiet. I'm planning on catching up on internet matters today, though I have 52 emails and 3 1/2 pages of bug reports and 5 pages of suggestions and a bunch of story and crayon rewards from who knows how long ago, so I imagine I'll just be whittling away at it only to fall behind again. The computer move disrupted that a bit, not in a technical fashion, but just routine-wise. The new computer itself is working great and the transition was fine. I've been busy on the month-end project the last few days.
But yeah, because of the save compat changes and the things I'd like to bite off because of them, the next release likely won't be in October, but unlike the last wait, there will be dwarf mode changes this time -- at the bare minimum, being able to order around and organize your squads better, having them keep their positions and probably designate responses to specific threats (aka kill that rampaging hippo now!) and having more stuff to mess around with underground. I guess the later will also impact adv mode. I'm considering some of the training changes at this time as well, though I haven't yet made decisions on what additions there are best for the game. I'm aware of the various threads on it. I might also do the wound changes depending on how save compatish I evaluate that to be when I think about it more, and if that goes in it'll mean the phantom limb problems go away, which would be good. Still, there's a bit more drudgery to slog through on position rewrites.