"Urist claims to have a healthy appreciation for alcohol but on the 23rd of Felsite she was seen going to the river for a drink. How can we trust somebody who is regularly sober?
My name is Zon Wheelbucket, and I approve this message."
"zon wheelbucket claims that i was drinking water. However, during the latest goblin siege, he killed 9 dwarves because he was busy getting drunk instead of watching his post. He also drank all of the beer, so we all had to drink from the river that week. How can we trust a dwarf when he places his own drunkenness above everyone elses? Isn't that why we formed socities in the first place? to be drunk together?
I'm Urist, and I approve of this message. but not on zon wheelbucket. he sucks.
Last year, Urist stated he would make sure there would be enough beer for several years to come. With such recklessly low supplies, we were sure to run out and fall into soberity. How can we trust a dwarf that cannot fulfill his promises?
Zon Wheelbucket is a veteran, seeing his comrades slaughtered on the field. The only way he left the field was if somebody dragged his injured body off.
A vote for Zon Wheelbucket is a vote for change. A vote for strength! A vote for dependability!
I'm Zon Wheelbucket, and I approve of this message.
Zon Wheelbucket claims to be a war hero. He claims to know what is true to a Dwarf's heart. But, is Zon really all there?
No one has seen Zon sparring for years. Why is that? A closer look into Zon's medical records show that he sustained a spinal injury, while sparring with a fresh recruit wielding a wooden spear. A wooden spear bought from
Elves. Can you really trust a man who associates with anyone who associates with Elves?
A vote for Urist is a pull of the trade depot flooding lever.
I'm Urist McMayor, and I approve this message.