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Author Topic: Ringkindling: Histories of Greed and Madness  (Read 2165 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Ringkindling: Histories of Greed and Madness
« on: September 20, 2008, 04:52:09 pm »

From the Journal of Charlemagne Osatis, founder of Ringkindling

1st of Granite, 501

As the 22nd eldest nephew of King Zefon, ruler of the great Empancipated Wheel, long may it turn, it falls to me to lead the expedition further into the Barb of Riders. I will construct a glittering fortress to rival the mountainhome herself! It is the opinion of many in the court that I will be siftly eaten by a carp, but I'll show them! I'LL SHOW THEM ALL!

I have recruited a team of heroes to be my first settlers. Chief amongst them is Heliti a carpslayer who informs me he is of great repute throughout the Continent of Satin and beyond! I also bring with me the beastmaster Xombis, who believes he can actually tame one of the monsters. In addition I have in my team a woodcutter, and three miners whose services I won in a game of rock-differentrock-thirdkindofrock.

I was also able to acquire a large quantity of only very slightly irregular turtles at a great bargain!

So we few settlers, The Dignified Basement, set out to settle the place where Lustfulwhisker the Barbarian of Yore meets the Barb of Riders. There's naught left to do but strike the earth!

1st of Granite, 501 - Second Entry

We've reached Lustfulwhisker the Barbarian of Yore. Already I think I can see the carp brooding in it's depths, plotting against me. I will resist them if it costs me my life, and the lives of my companions!

6th of Granite, 501

The miners are still chipping away at the courtyard, so no actual fortress exists yet as such, but construction of a statue in my likeness in complete. Morale is high.

11th of Granite, 501

We finally began construction of the fortress proper, and struck sapphire soon after! Surely we are favored by Deler, god of jewels.

14th of Granite, 501

It is taking the carp too long to make their first move. I know they are there, but their silence troubles me. Whatever they are planning must be foul indeed. I have ordered that a wall be built around the fortress courtyard, hopefully the carp can be stopped by mortal stone...

22nd of Granite, 501

I ordered the statue of myself bejewled, and now it is adorned with hanging rings of sapphire. The carp-wall is nearly complete, however I fear any opening large enough for a dwarf could easily permit passage of a carp. I must think on this.

4th of Slate, 501

I have ordered the construction of an indeterminate number of wooden spikes. I will decide when enough spikes have been made. I will line the opening with spikes, then connect them to a lever. If an army of carp beseiged Ringkindling, a mere pull of a lever and then SPIKES! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

13th of Slate, 501

The heat is tremendous. It is only mid-spring and many of the nearby ponds are drying up. Lustfulwhisker remains unchanged, brimming with our invisible enemies. Soon the spikes will be ready and we will at least be safe from these scaled horrors.

5th of Felsite, 501

Heliti swims in the water while he fishes, tempting fate. We told him that we have large stores of food and no place to store new fish, so he merely tosses his catch beside the body of water from which he retrieves it. "I don't want to get ouf of practice" he says. He is just the kind of madman we need if we're to hold off the cosmic horror of the devil fish!
Heliti has so far only engaged the twisted minions of the carp: trout and mussels. It is only a matter of time before the puppetmasters reveal themselves however.

7th of Felsite, 501

The carpenter is creating wooden spikes with insufficient haste. I am beginning to doubt his loyalties.

7th of Felsite, 501 - Second Entry

I just thought of something: Carpenter. CARP enter. I must investigate this more fully.

10th of Felsite, 501

The cats Xombis brought with him are swimmers. They have sealed their own doom.

14th of Felsite, 501

The spike initiative is not proceeding on schedule. By the time the spikes are completed we will all be feed for the ravenous carp, who even now plot our gruesome demise from their watery temple of darkness. I have decided to begin construction of a giant watchtower to protect against carp. The carpenter feels this is overkill, thusly proving his allegiance to our sworn enemy. The carps plan is beginning to reveal itself. Luckily I am two, maybe three steps ahead of the devil fish. I have begun feeding the CARPenter false information. As far as he knows, Operation: Fishy Pincushion is still go.

15th of Felsite, 501

The recent revelation of traitors in our midst has made me more aware of our many and varied security inadequacies. I have ordered construction of a private room for myself, which can be sealed off from the rest of the fort from the inside. This will have to do until I can get a bunch more spikes.

23rd of Felsite, 501

I have finished personally smoothing the stone of the entryhall. I will begin on the courtyard, so that there is somewhere worthy of displaying the statue of myself, which I feel is still inadequately decorated.

25th of Felsite, 501

Some of Heliti's catches have begun to rot, making the area around the fortress stink of rotten fish. Good. Let the carp smell what happens to fish who cross the Dignified Basement.

26th of Felsite, 501

YES! I know what my statue was missing: the bones of my enemies. Although we lack carp bones at present, their allies the turtles will do for now. I also ordered the construction of helms from turtle bone. Let us wade into battle wearing the skins of our foes!

17th of Hematite, 501

The statue of myself has finally been situated! I have engraved a protective ward around it depicting the founding of the fortress, dogs, a buckler, and myself admiring dogs. If there's anything that might ward off carp, it's images of dogs. My work done outside, I began smoothing the stone of my new room. Who knows how long before I will have to lock myself inside to escape my many enemies?

23rd of Hematite, 501

The other sapphire was stolen by a theif. Well played carp, well played. It's obvious that as long as the carpenter is around our every move is being reported to those who dwell in the lake. I may have to deal with him once and for all.

25th of Hematite, 501

After much heated argument, I relented and allowed the construction of a trade depot. We might as well hang out a sign that says "Carp disguised as merchants, please come eviscerate us!"

5th of Malachite, 501

No new immigrants are coming this season. I can't blame them, with the carp apocalypse looming and security being so lax.

9th of Malachite, 501

In order to acquire matching stone for the watchtower, interior space for workshops is being dug. Efficiency is key.

15th of Malachite, 501

The traitorous carpenter has constructed a bed for me which I ordered before I realized the extent of his corruption. I'd have to be a madman to sleep in that bed now, he's almost definately poisoned it.

26th of Malachite, 501

The watchtower is really coming along, construction of topmost layer will begin shortly. Our security situation will soon improve slightly, although we have a long way to go. Production of wooden spikes is still being intentionally sabotaged by the traitor.

14th of Galena, 501

The watchtower is all finished but the fortifications at it's peak. However, I am worried that the carp might circumvent the wall via the mountain. Therefore I am having slopes smoothed out with stone blocks, further securing the courtyard.

20th of Galena, 501

My panic room is still incomplete. I cannot remember which of my subjects is supposed to be the mechanic, and no one is fessing up. The workshop I demanded built inside the room (to aid in the speed construction of the panic room door) remains unfinished.

26th of Galena, 501

While the mechanic was constructing the mechanics workshop, I ordered the floodgate installed to seal him in. The only way he could get out way to finish my panic room. Unfortunately, the carpenter installed the floodgate and was trapped inside with him. I can only assumed that the mechanic was compromised, perhaps replaced by a carp duplicate. The panic room can no longer be considered safe (although it did come out quite nicely otherwise).

3rd of Limestone, 501

I had Xombis test the poison bed and he seems like he's still alive (note: look into possible carp connection to the undead). Sleeping on rocks has made me bold, I've decided to install the bed in the panic room and sleep there, if only to lure my enemies into a false sense of security. When the carp come to drag me off to hell they'll find it not as easy a task as they had estimated.

5th of Limestone, 501

Carpenter "fell asleep" on the watchtower. The carp are getting sloppy in their madness. No further work will be done on the watchtower, it is part of the carp's plan somehow. It would be unwise to continue construction until I know what they intend to do with it.

8th of Limestone, 501

One of Xombis's dogs gave birth to puppies. As yet, no carp connection has been confirmed.

8th of Limestone, 501 - Second Entry

Not to be outdone, one of his cats had kittens.

14th of Limestone, 501

It has started raining, and the ponds are filling up again, thusly opening up further points of entry into my lands for the carp. Much vigilence is needed.

17th of Limtestone, 501

I ordered the construction of some rock crafts in antisipation of an attack by the carps disguised as a merchant caravan from mountainhome. I am three steps ahead of the damned hellfish.

13th of Sandstone, 501

The carpenter continues to sabotage the spike production. If only he knew that his attempt to serve his dark masters was in vain, for the spikes are a decoy, a ploy to throw him off the scent. However, there is no sense in not making him at least nominally useful before I purge the traitors from our midst. The spikes will make a good, if slow in coming, secondary defense.

14th of Sandstone, 501

I have learned the names of two of the miners, Tig and NTheGreat. I have attempted to anagram the names to spell something carp related but have heretofore been unable to. So far they seem clean, but I'd be a fool to trust anyone at this point.

6th of Timber, 501

The carp have yet to send their fake merchants. The carpenter probably overheard me talking about it to the statue of myself and reported it to his superiors. Either that, or the statue has also betrayed me to the carp...

8th of Timber, 501

I have finished smoothing the stone of the courtyard and have begun work on the floor of the fortress proper. More stone is required to finish the courtyard, so construction has begun on bedrooms for the whiney traitors who infest my otherwise perfect fort like lice. You can be sure I will be closely monitoring any activity in these rooms.

13th of Timber, 501

Apparently everyone else assumed I was keeping track of the food and drink stockpiles. Long story short, I have no idea how many supplies we have. I have ordered construction of a desk and chair for myself so I might figure out where we stand. We might need to withstand a prolonged seige if the carp ever muster their forces.

18th of Timber, 501

I had my office set up directly in front of the new rooms. Let's see them try and plot my overthrow without me knowing it now! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

23rd of Timber, 501

I have begun looking into the situation of our supplies, and there are less than I previously estimated. While I was worrying about the physical security of the fort, the carp were slowly draining us of supplies. I shan't make the same mistake again, all food will now be stored inside the fort!

28th of Timber, 501

Both the carpenter and some of the other suspected traitors have been hanging around the statue of myself an awful lot. Either the statue has betrayed me, or they're using it to practice killing me. I will interrogate the statue later.

18th of Moonstone, 501

The food stores are finished, and the unrotten fish are being moved into them. I have insisted that strong doors be put in place to keep an carp sleeper agents from using the old dead-fish trick to sneak into my fort.

20th of Moonstone, 501

THEIF! The carp have hired a local tribe of kobolds to start stealing our supplies! Their final attack cannot be far off.

24th of Moonstone, 501

Despite numerous masons, no one has begun construction of the doors I ordered. Clearly the carp have infiltrated nearly the entire population of the fortress. That's why they haven't attacked yet, they plan to take it over from the inside. I should have had spikes installed outside my panic room.

3rd of Opal, 501

We have enough fish to get through the winter. It will be entertaining to see the traitorous swine forced to eat their own masters to survive the winter. That is, IF they survive the winter.

12th of Opal, 501

Double doors were installed on the food stockpile, which will hopefully keep carp from crawling out in the night and sucking my soul out through my mouth. Luckily my panic room is furthest from the stockpile, if any of the other dwarves have yet to betray me their screams will be my warning.

9th of Obsidian, 501

Heliti hasn't caught a fish in days. Clearly the carp are massing their forces for one final push. If only the carpenter hadn't been compromised and we had enough spikes we might survive. At the first sign of trouble I'm going to shut myself off in the panic room and let the traitors learn the fickle nature of their dark masters as they are consumed by the fishy horde.

23rd of Obsidian, 501

Winter is almost over, it seems that we will survive it despite the best effort of the carp menace. Next year I hope the defenses can be raised to the point where we will not need to live in constant fear of the devil fish.

1st of Granite, 502

We officially made it through the winter. I have decided that my duties as protector of the fortress will take up so much of my time that I'm passing on my petty administrative duties to Xombis, the only dwarf here who hasn't hinted at a secret alliance with the damn devil fish.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ringkindling: Histories of Greed and Madness
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2008, 05:41:40 pm »

Tig is definitely wondering why nobody let Charlemagne know that carp don't live in brooks(I think that's a brook, at least...not familiar with that tileset), but has kept her mouth shut in order to avoid getting connected to 'the conspiracy'. xD

Very nice beginning.  What tileset are you using?  I think it's funny how all the dwarfbucks turned into shirts.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ringkindling: Histories of Greed and Madness
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2008, 06:09:38 pm »

Very nice beginning.  What tileset are you using?  I think it's funny how all the dwarfbucks turned into shirts.

The dwarfbucks aren't shirts, those shirts are a pile of very ornate turtleshell helms. I'm using the Guybrush tileset.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ringkindling: Histories of Greed and Madness
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2008, 11:00:41 pm »

1st of Granite: Thank Armok that madman of a kings nephew has handed the rule of this place over to me. He was going about it the wrong way, carp do not live in this area. We are far away from their rivers and lakes. We have to worry about more sinister things than those bloody fish. Goblins are the real threat. Therefore I am mandating the construction of a giant pit with multiple bridges spanning its length to protect from the fierce goblins. This will be our top priority over the next year.

4th of Granite: The digging of the great pit has started. The miners are working at top speed to get this special project of mine completed.

14th of Granite: The filthy elven traders have arrived. I could smell their distinctive fruity/rotten meat breath from the masons workshop. At least they share my love of animals, hopefully they have brought a few exotic animals for me to seize.

16th of Granite: The traders had nothing of worth to me in their inventory. Hopefully next year they will bring some nice animals. An elephant or two would surely spruce this place up.

21st of Granite: My dog has given birth to a pair of wonderful puppies. These puppies will soon grow up large enough to protect the fortress from the evil goblins. So the more the merrier I say.

28th of Granite: That blasted statue of the previous crazed ruler has been the center of attention ever since I got here. Even now during my rule it is dominating what I do. Tig the miner who is supposed to be digging out the pit has started a party around it. This shall be stopped immediately. From now on, no parties are to be held while there is work to be done.

9th of Slate: You can tell it is Spring when your animals are giving birth left right and center. Today a pair of kittens, fresh from the womb have proven this to me.

29th of Slate: After realizing that there is no training rooms for new soldiers here at Ringkindling, I have ordered to be one built above the central stairway.

13th of Felsite: Digging is coming along as plan. If we keep going at this rate it should be finished by late Autumn. I have also ordered the furniture stockpile inside to a place safer from kobold thieves.

24th of Felsite: I have ordered the jeweler to cut the gems we have so that I can build windows around the pit for the dwarves to view any invaders coming in from safety.

1st of Hematite: It is now summer, as for progress, 4 floors have been dug from the pit. Most of them have already been smoothed.

10th of Malachite: Work is slowing down for some reason and we still haven't had any migrants reach our lands. Hopefully a wave comes soon so that I can recruit some warriors to defend us and get a couple of miners while I am at it.

24th of Galena: I have ordered a food processing area to be mined out. There is need for a farm here at Ringkindling as fish brought in by one fisherman won't be enough to feed the fort when migrants come. Unfortunately with miners being used in the food processing area they won't be able to dig out the pit.

1st of Limestone: It is now Autumn, my earlier assumption that the pit will be dug out by late Autumn looks like it may have been a bit hopeful. We have only dug out 5 of out of the 15 levels so far so it doesn't look like i will finish my project before the year even ends.

20th of Limestone: I have ordered our defensive position to be strengthen by doing some earth works and building some fortifications around the courtyard. This will take my miners away from the pit but I believe it is worth it.

1st of Timber: Gold has been struck by the miners who are digging out the pit.

19th of Timber: Wow this site is truly rich in minerals. The miners have just struck the rare rock crystal that is fabled for its ability to be sculptured into glass blocks.

1st of Moonstone: It is now winter. I have but a month to finish my pit. The pit will not be completed within my time frame so I am going to have to improvise. Instead of 15 stories deep it can be 10. I am pretty sure the drop will kill all but the strongest goblins. If my successor wants to fill it with the wooden spikes we have laying around, be my guest.

16th of Moonstone: Dammit, goblins have already arrived and have ambushed a dog who was  wandering around on the edges of our permitted  digging zone. I will order everyone inside and the pull up the bridges. I will have to wait this one out.

24th of Moonstone: The goblins are still out there. However it seems that their numbers have diminished from 5 to 2. I have no idea what happened as there are no goblin corpses, the just disappeared.

11th of Obsidian: The shortened pit is complete. Our fortress is now completely secure in a time of war. To be extra safe I have blocked off the previous exit with a set of floodgate and surrounded it with weapon traps. These floodgates should be left closed until a time of need.

15th of Obsidian: With the little time I have left before my year is up I will order the miners to dig out a secondary workshop area. This one can be for the coal powered forges so that the next overseer can hopefully get a glass forge going to pump out some green glass windows. These are greatly needed for the bedrooms as they are currently open to the pit.

23rd opf Obsidian: Another goblin ambush has occurred. I have again ordered everyone inside, this time it looks like the wood cutter who was outside at the time has been caught in it.

24th of Obsidian: The carpenter was today killed while running from the goblins. It was however not the goblins that killed him but rather my newly dug pit. As the carpenter was running across the bridges to safety, the lever I had previously ordered to pull at the sighting of goblins yesterday was finally pulled. The result: a dead carpenter at the bottom of the pit. Oh well, I suppose it is a nice finishing touch to the pit. Consider it a christening with blood if you will.

30th of Obsidian: My turn is up. I now hand over control to Heliti. I trust that he will look after the fort in a truly dwarven fashion.



  • Bay Watcher
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    • Justice City Recovery Center
Re: Ringkindling: Histories of Greed and Madness
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2008, 01:33:19 am »

TAKE THAT CARPENTER! Those who betray the mighty Emancipated Wheel to the devil fish will be crushed beneath it's powerful... spokes.

edit: How does the pit work? Will goblins just run into it?

edit edit: Also, I'll have you know meddling with the statue of Charlemagne is the highest treason sirrah!
« Last Edit: September 25, 2008, 01:41:18 am by Charlemagne »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ringkindling: Histories of Greed and Madness
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2008, 03:33:11 am »

The pit is just a giant hole in the ground 10 z levels deep. Spanning its length are four drawbridges that can be raised or lowered to let traders in. I was originally going to have each drawbridge separately connected to a lever but i ran out of time. The pit could have been 1 z level deep and it still would have stopped invaders but I felt like digging out something extaordinary. There aint that much special to it really.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ringkindling: Histories of Greed and Madness
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2008, 09:36:00 pm »

Journal of Heliti 1st of Granite
I sit at the bottom of the pit that was ordered dug out, from up above 10 floors high Xombis calls down to me.
"You're in charge!" he hollers.
"What?  Why?" I call back, confused.
He seems flustered and for a moment he doesn't reply "Erm. . . well, we're being attacked, you do something about it!" 
Outraged I yell "No you!"
Silence, I wait for his reply.
"It's the first of Granite" he says simply.
"Son of a bitch!" I whisper to myself in the pit.
and I remember. . . a day two years ago back in the mountainhome, when Charlemagne told us this
Our wisest dwarven scholars assure us that there are absolutely no monsters here, making it the perfect spot to embark. In fact, they repeatedly said they'd stake their reputations on this fact, so we can rest assured that absolutely no monsters are anywhere near here.
Either these wisemen were not as wise as they hoped to be or our first ruler mistook the local drunks for the enlightened elder dwarfs.  The last ruler Xombis has thrusted responsibility on me at an awkward time, goblins are at our main gate and armed to the teeth with crossbows and swords.  With an apparent siege it becomes apparent that we need food in our mountain home.  Xombis, although a cowardly wretch for thrusting leadership on someone inexperienced in the middle of a siege, was wise enough to start the construction of a kitchen and still so that we can outlast them.  And just so I can solve two problems at once, I've begun construction of a butchery to deal with all these CATS!  Xombis was also nice enough to leave a note at the levers, one opens the south gate but he left a cryptic remark on the other one, "Not sure what this lever does??"  Naturally I'll have to pull it to find out.  But first theres the matter of the heart, a fellow dwarf who's worked and struggled along side us deserves more than this pit he's begun rotting in.  I'll place his Coffin in Xombis room, so that he can be reminded of his failings for the duration of his life.  Least important but worth note is the insufferable-ability of not having a public place to eat with ones colleagues.  These last two years I've been clamoring for one, but they've thought of nothing but themselves.  A public dining room is in order, noting fancy, but a place to eat and socalize.

3rd of Granite
We've pulled the lever aaaaand. . . . nothing.

5th of Granite
Told NtheGreat to stop mining and start cooking and brewing. were nearly out of alcohol which is more alarming than having goblins at the front door.  I also handed him a meat cleaver. He held the cleaver hesitantly and asked me where he was going to butcher the cats, I told him to butcher them in Charlemagne's room.

10th of Granite
I need to deal with these goblins before it starts harming trade and immigration, (the life blood of any fortress)  The goblins equal us in number, they're armed but we're dwarfs, and as such there is always a mechanical way to deal with them.

Our plan is to let the drawbridge down ever so politely, when they try to cross we raise it on them into the convenient pit.  Before we attempt that however I want a fall back plan, all the spikes will not be used for the pit.  Instead all 59 of them will be arrayed at our side of the bridge to skewer and goblin that manages to get across.  If that all fails, then we'll engage them in hand to hand combat to the death if necessary.

11th of Granite
Damn feline has given birth to MORE CATS!

14th of Granite
Some Dwarf must of tipped off the goblins that we were scheming a trap, or maybe the cats. . .  as all the goblins have fled the field of battle.

15th of Granite
Dear Armok that REEKS, we've moved the corpse but still some foul odor has spread from the bottom all the way to the top floor.  Naturally I'm stuck with a room that has yet to receive a gemmed window.  Maybe we won't give Ast a coffin, we'll just throw his rotting corpse into Xombis' room and have him breath easy for a while.

17th of Granite
Western Drawbridge lowered, just in time for the elfs.

21st of Granite
Again!  What keeps reeking up the place?  Probably the damn cats.

23rd of Granite

After some investigation I've concluded that the cats must be birthing their litter purposely into the chasm to kill them and cause a wave of stench over the entire fortress.

I've chained the offending cat at the far side of the bridge to stand watch as punishment.

2nd of Slate
NtheGreat slaughters kittens for meat all day and all night.  Charlemagne has deposited my good friend into his burial receptacle in Xombis' room.

3rd of Slate

Found a kitten that was holding an iron bolt in it's paw.  The bastard was going to stab me with it in the night, he even had one hidden behind his rear paw.  I've marked him for slaughter.

11th of Slate
Traded some finished goods for a caged bear, unfortunately they only had 1.  I've ordered some wooden bins to be constructed to help in the lugging of these materials.

15th of Slate

A common sight from the butchery.  I smile whenever I see NtheGreat dragging a cat by the tail.

22nd of Slate
More unholy kitten birthages in my fortress!?

15th of Felsite
I've halted the kitten slaughter and instead will use them for a devious trap, I'll link two cages and doors to a row of pressure plates.  When an enemy steps on the pressure plate it will release the cats and kittens onto him, from the other side of the hall it will release the bear and a raccoon.

4th of Hematite
The entire fortress is a mess, stinky clouds fill the halls everywhere, people snicker as I walk past and call me the messy leader.  The stink keeps the goblins away it seems, no problems with them to date.

9th of Hematite
Human Traders have arrived, I'll give them a pint of my own blood for an anvil.

23rd of Hematite.
I've traded most of our raw fish and biscuits for an iron anvil.

24th of Hematite
AMBUSH!!!!  The Goblins have revealed themselves by firing a bolt at the humans outpost liason as he chats with me on the walls.  The bolt tore a chunk out of his hand.  I've ordered Charlemagne to grab a crossbow and get up in the tower, but it'll probably take him too long, the Goblins are rushing over the northern hills to get at our western bridges.  I delay until they're near and then order them raised.

They've failed to pull the levers, but the lowly cage traps have caused the goblins to cower and run.

14th of Malachite
I've ordered wood and caged dogs for next years shipment, as we're lacking in both fields.

15th of Malachite
I've replaced the now dead cat at the western gate with one of its foul kittens.

5th of Galena
An alternative path from the west entrance without compromising fortress security is underway.  An alternative bridge is already being constructed.

8th of Galena
The goblins we've caged snarl at me whenever I walk by.  Maybe I'll do something about them soon.

9th of Galena
Delegated Tig to the mass production of coke to feed the forge.

25th of Galena
Smoothing of the alternative path progresses quickly, begun work on an arrow trench along the north face of the western entrance.  Can't be too paranoid in this place.

6th of Limestone
Water in case of an emergency needs to be provided, I've begun work on the basic necessities for an above ground well.

18th of Limestone
I've begun work on a statue that will put Charlemagne's to shame, it will be golden encrusted with rubies.

21st of Limestone
The base of the spot I have chosen for my statue has been engraved, the masterwork art I can relate with, but there are two more lewd drawings which make me doubt Charlemagne's sanity.

26th of Limestone
Fishing isn't as relaxing as it used to be.  As I lounged on the brookside I looked up to see a goblin firing a bolt down at me!  I ran for my life.  The attacking force was led by Mato, a dwarven guard and his 4 goblins.  In my panic I ran past the western drawbridge, forcing me to run north away from danger.  The goblins were right behind me. . . but first they had to play a game of bloody kitten catch.

My fear gave speed to my stout legs and I reached the eastern walls on the outer side,  "OPEN THE GATE!" I screamed.  At that moment Solon inside the fort had pulled the lever to the far bridges, the force of the drawbridge killed the attacking Dwarf Mato instantly and flung 2 of his goblin companions straight into the air and down into the pit - leaving two goblins scratching the heads at our western gate.

Xombis opened the South gate to let me in while Charlemagne shot at the goblins from the archer corridor - scaring them off.

2nd of Sandstone
1 goblin remains outside unconceous in the brook with an arrow in his stomach and spleen, the other goblin risked the south gate once we opened it and was promptly killed by our weapon trap.  To my glee Tig has begun work on my golden statue.

3rd of Sandstone
Permitted the others to go outside again, continued work on the well.  Decided not to go fishing anymore and delegated another kitten prewarning device to be chained to the western gate.

4th of Sandstone
I thought the coast was clear. . . apparently I was wrong.  Charlemagne was going outside to clean a trap when he stumbled upon 3 goblin swordsmen led by another dwarf "Bur Anxusnsusp" who carried a crossbow on his shoulder.

I yelled for him to run and for someone to pull the lever to the far bridge, hoping he could get back in time and that it would kill the attackers.

However Charlemagne ran past the goblins without them managing to even touch him, the enemy marksdwarf just stood there looking surprised.  Xombis, Solon and Myself rushed to the armory to grab crossbows and I've yelled at NtheGreat to pull the lever to the south gate so Charlemagne has somewhere to run while we try and pick off the goblins if they run past chasing him.  As the goblins chased Charlemagne the enemy Dwarf decided he could take on the fortress single handedly.

5th of Sandstone
The enemy marksdwarf has been caught in our cage trap without firing a shot.  Charlemagne has easily out fled the Goblins who have retreated once they realized their leader was captured.  Under our watch Charlemagne returns to the safety of the fortress under the south gate.  We leave the south gate open in preparation for the Dwarven Caravan.

12th of Sandstone.
I had earlier dug out a funeral chamber for the remaining 6 dwarfs.  The stone within is being smoothed for the final voyage.

18th of Sandstone
Started work on a wind powered millstone.

22nd of Sandstone
Still no migrants and no dwarf caravan, my spirits have dropped greatly.

25th of Sandstone
As soon as I get the wood needed for the windmill I'm shutting the front gate and sulking for the rest of the winter, stuck with a bunch of nut heads.

16th of Timber
I want more bins and I need to complete the well by channeling into an underground tunnel.  To do this I've opened the outer door. . . and I'm putting Charlemagne on watch with a crossbow over it. . . just to be safe.

19th of Timber
The Catslayer `NTheGreat' Athelilid has organized a party at Golden Statue.
Hell YEAH!  NTheGreat, Tig and Myself were the only people who decided to party as everyone else is a tool and decided to keep working, suckers.

1st of Moonstone
Winters here, party's over.  Back to work.

2nd of Moonstone
Tig and Myself rejoin the party which NTheGreat never left.

7th of Moonstone
Tig is the last to leave the party, party over.

10th of Moonstone
Construction of a tower far out in the Eastern plain will help snipe out troublesome foes.

27th of Moonstone
Underground path to the lookout tower is completed, the tower base has been constructed.  Work has begun on it's second floor. 

1st of Opal
All entrances have been sealed for the winter.  Short of a flying army of harpy riding goblins, we should be safe for the rest of the winter.  I'm becoming quite depressed about the lack of companions in the fort.  I wish I could of had a few people immigrate from the mountainhome.

6th of Opal
Although it was fun while it lasted, we've all become sick and tired of Charlemagne smelling like cat guts.  We've removed the butchers shop from his room and moved it to somewhere more convenient.  We didn't do a very good cleaning up after ourselves however.

18th of Opal
Began crafting things to sell for the spring meeting with the Elfs.

8th of Obsidian
Less than a month left of my reign and I still haven't dealt with the prisoners. . . screw it.  It's the next leaders problem not mine.  I'm finishing my fiscal year by completing the far tower and by buffing up the rooms to make sure no one goes bat shit crazy, (if we haven't already.)

1st of Granite
Thats it, no new faces, all the stress on my shoulders.  Someone else gets to be in charge.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ringkindling: Histories of Greed and Madness
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2008, 04:05:17 pm »

Man, what's the deal with the lack of immigrants? I suspect carp involvement.


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Re: Ringkindling: Histories of Greed and Madness
« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2008, 05:25:30 pm »

Do we have access to a dwarven civilization?


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Re: Ringkindling: Histories of Greed and Madness
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2008, 05:45:48 pm »

1st Granite.

It seems that I have had responsibility of this place suddenly thrust upon me. Seeing as my prior job consisted mainly of attempting to keep down the fortress cat population, my knowledge of the fort is minimal. I shall spend some time exploring the fortress to get an idea of how it works.


After looking around, there are a few things here I feel that could be improved.

- We don't seem to have any proper roads. Given the large amount of rocks and trees around, we're going to have to clear a proper path for the wagons before summer arrives.
- Despite the local forest, we have no wood stored whatsoever.
- There aren't any doors on the butchers workshop and the fishery.

There are probably plenty of other things I could expand upon, but that should keep me busy for now. I'll also work on clearing out a bit more space around the fortress. We may only be 6 strong at the moment, but we're (hopefully) bound to expand in the future. I'll start by designating some more workshop and storage space, and expand the staircases around the fort for larger amounts of traffic.

This space, and the stone it will generate, should hopefully last us for a fair while.


14th Granite.

Work on the new space is progressing slowly. An elven caravan is approaching, so we'll see if they have anything useful to trade.

...Come to think of it, I'm not sure what we have that we can trade to them. I'll have to look into it.


14th Granite (Later that day).

It seems that the Goblins have decided that this is the perfect time to ambush, thankfully just after I put a kitty on guard duty, rather than just before. I suspect that the cage traps along the bridge are all empty so I'll have to see what the military strength of this fortress is like.

...It seems that this fortress doesn't have any permanent military strength, despite the fortifications everywhere. We do have plenty of legendary dwarfs, but I'll rather not risk any deaths considering they don't have any armour. Note to self: forge some armour and set one of the dwarfs up as a defender. Do we have any metal ore, anyway? I saw some gold nuggets somewhere, but gold isn't known for making strong armour, even if it is pretty.

Anyway, the goblins. I'll have to try flicking them away using the bridges for now.


16th Granite.

That went...a lot better than expected, actually. I sent out the request for the leavers to be pulled, at which point everyone decided that it would be a great time to drink, sleep or party. It seems the 3 cage traps were loaded, netting us two goblins and the dwarfen renegade leading the group. With the goblins almost all the way across the bridge and having only managed to raise the side bridge so far, I assigned the nearest dwarf, Solon, to military duty and prayed that he might manage to at least slow them.

The three goblins have left a total of 11 distinct bits. I'll have to get Solon a decent set of armour. He's a force to reckoned with when he's wielding an axe. Hell keep working for now though, as we need all the able hands we can get.

This whole situation has brought up a small problem, though. We don't seem to have area to dispose of what's left of these goblins. I'll have the bits that are lying around the entrance area thrown into the pit, and hope the 10 stories separating us from them will be enough to hide the smell.

18th Granite.

I've opened up the southern floodgates to quickly gather some wood around the tower. I'm sure the elves who are now approaching the trade depot will complain about what I'm doing later, but they can complain all they want. I need more wood.


19th Granite.

Another one? Or probably the second wave of the first one. Hopefully I can get the elves across the bridge and raise them fast enough this time around.


25th Granite.

The goblin ambush ended up being fairly uneventful. One of the elves managed to attract the goblins attention before they got into the fort, resulting in them being chased around until they entered through the southern door, at which point some of the goblin force became skewered on the weapon traps guarding the door. The rest seem to have fled. Now we can start trading, just as soon as Charlemagne comes off his break.


6th Slate.

Charlemagne finally stopped taking breaks, drinking and carrying stuff to stockpiles long enough to trade. As expected of elves, they came with mainly useless junk. Pages and pages of their poor liquor, weak wooden weapons and thin cloth armour. I purchased the two logs and 4 rope reed ropes they brought, along with a alligator in a cage, as the prior rulers here seem to have a thing for exotic animals in cages.

I should start work on a pit to throw goblins into, where I can perhaps tether the more violent of the animals we have in these cages.

Also, it turns out that the pit isn't quite deep enough to hide the smell. I'll have to designate a sealed room for refuse and such.


25th Slate.

Work on the new workshop/storage area is proceeding as slowly as always. The first workshops there have been built, designed to process the large amounts of siltstone we have lying around into blocks for building the roads. Everyone else here seems to think that sitting around processing the stone into blocks before making roads out of them is a waste of time, but I can't be having roads everywhere knocked together out of rough stone.

The fact that the fortifications and walls around the trade depot, along with the trade depot itself, are made with rough stone is something I'll have to address in the future. I can't be living in a fortress where the walls are built from stone taken directly off the floor.


13th Hematite.

The human caravan has turned up. The wagons have, unfortunately, bypassed our fort due to the vast number of boulders, trees and such littering the way. They're not moving at the present moment, however, as the replacement trade depot has yet to be finished. Hopefully I can have it finished before they get bored and leave.


15th Hematite.

Another ambush! Charlemagne , who discovered the hammerdwarf lurking around the entrance made short work of the renegade dwarf, but there will no doubt be goblins close behind, so we'll have to keep our eyes peeled.

16th Hematite.

More goblins showed up. Two where caught in cages, and the remaining two were taken down by Charlemagne, but not after managing to badly wound his left lower arm. Nothing that won't soon heal, but an injury nonetheless. A second goblin wave encountered the caravan, which took the goblins down whilst themselves losing a guard.


8th Malachite.

The number of goblin corpses lying around are beginning to stink the place up. I really need to sort out waste disposal.

In other news, the new trade depot has been completed. The traders have unloaded their goods, and we are now waiting for Charlemagne to start trading. The guild representative is also chasing him around, trying to get a meeting out of him. We don't seem to have managed to create a huge amount of crafts this year, but we'll buy what we can.


9th Malachite.

Trading was disappointing, to say the least. The humans came with nothing but a few dog cages, a single set of bronze bars, with the rest of the space taken up with wood. I was easily able to purchase everything in exchange for the crafts we have made since the elves visited and some old clothes we had left over. We need to get the road to this place finished, as the camels alone don't carry nearly enough stuff.

The guild representative also finally got his meeting, asking mainly for amulets, drinks, large gems and blocks. Considering there is nothing we desperately need, I didn't request much, aside from a few bins of cloth and leather, as our current clothing seems to be poor condition.


16th Galena.

Progress on digging out the storage/workshop area is as slow as ever. I wonder what the miners spend at their time, doing, as it certainly doesn't seem to be mining. Work on the road has also finally begun, and an indoor drinking/fishing area is under construction to help keep everyone safer.


12th Limestone.

Another ambush! Perhaps we'll be able to get the bridges up fast enough this time around. Thankfully it's mainly wrestlers, so they shouldn't post too much of a threat. I'll station Solon with his axe at the end of the bridges, just in case.


13th Limestone.

Battle went as expected. Once again, everyone was far too busy wasting their time doing whatever it is they do to raise the bridge, so the goblins wandered across, losing 3 of their numbers to the cage traps and the rest to Solon. I ll keep alert for any other waves of goblins coming in.


26th Limestone.

A second wave of the ambush has approached, it seems. The 3 remaining goblins proceeded to run away after the first 3 got caught in the cage traps.


27th Sandstone.

Very little has happened over the past month. Work is nearly complete on the indoor fishing room, to allow us to fish without the risk of running outside into a potential goblin ambush. A sealed refuse room will also be completed soon, so we won't have waves of miasma clogging up the entrance hall.


1st Granite.

Winter was completely uneventful. A single thief turned up, but aside from that nothing much happened beyond slow work on the road, and mining out the insides of this mountain. I shall pass on my rule to the next person, as this fortress should now be able to continue onwards without my guidance.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ringkindling: Histories of Greed and Madness
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2008, 08:26:02 pm »

27th Sandstone.
Work is nearly complete on the indoor fishing room,

Heliti likes this ruler.

Duke 2.0

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Re: Ringkindling: Histories of Greed and Madness
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2008, 09:56:40 pm »

 Well, things have turned to crap 'round 'ere. Despite the defensive measures taken over the years, goblins seem to have done a number on us. I was down in the pit mining when Heliti was chosen as the leader, and I applaud his work. In fact, the last two guys who rules this place seems somewhat... sane. Hopefully I can uphold this tradition.
 My first act? Well, seeing as most goblins get to us via sneaking, we need to detect them before they get anywhere near us. I have ordered several single spike traps built outside for the sole purpose of making anything trying to ambush us squeal with fright. I would want to get some crossbowdwarves trained, but it seems we really cannot spare anybody now.

 My next plan will be to fortify the rocky outcroppings above us. Any bowgoblin could take us all down where it hurts. Also, I noticed a lack of booze. When I traveled to the brewery to complain about it, I saw a barrel was already being hauled there. Huh, that’s convenient. Now if only would head over the lever when gobbos come, then we will be golden.

 16th Granite,
 Elves came today. I'm sending various rock crafts to the depot, and telling everybody to get inside. We don't need a goblin ambush to get us.

 23rd Granite,

 Ha! Knew it! Because of my forward thinking I prevented goblins from taking any more lives. A group of wrestlers and lashers led by a Dwarf are now at the bridges, awaiting their doom.
(I had an image of goblins being dropped down into the pit, but it was destroyed. Sorry. Just imagine a bunch of ... with a few 'g's with a blue background around in it. Also, dwarves laughing up a storm.)

 24th Granite,

 Seems some goblins were lead in by a marksdwarf. Thinking back upon this, we were extremely lucky. The squad of three goblin wrestlers and a dwarven marksdwarf were able to sneak into the control room just as Charlemagne was going for the bridge levers. Due to this the marksdwarf was never able to fire a shot. Two seconds later, he was in a pool of pulp as Heliti and Tig rushed over to take down the goblins. It is unfortunate Charlemagnes right shoulder and upper arm are wounded. I'm sure he will walk it off.
 Oddly enough, the Elves rushed down into the tunnel for the outside tower during the attack. Cowardly bastards. Still, they have not been outright annoying yet.

 3rd Slate,

 I have ordered some traps to be assembled at the outside edges of the bridges. This way we don't need an animal to risk its life to detect ambushes. Animals will now be chained to the interior.

 5th Slate,

 N The Great has FINALLY started brewing drinks. Seems with Charlemagne resting, production has gone down a bit. Now it's mine this, and put that in a stockpile, and build these crap. Somebody goes to Depot and trade with the Elves, another guy feed Charlemagne. Somebody brew drinks, I'll handle the outside traps!

 Well, I just returned from the traps. Seems they work. Already a goat has become a vegetable from a spinal injury.

 2nd Felsite,

 Wait a second... The Elves have left! Damn, I was carrying water to Charlemagne! At least we could have seized some goods, or offered them some meat for the heck of it! Damn. Sneaky bastards.

 9th Hematite,

 The Human caravan has arrived. Hopefully any goblin menace can be quelled easily. I have ordered everybody inside and hope the traps work.

 3rd Malachite,

 I came back to the Depot to talk to the Humans, and they insisted that they have not finished unloading yet. Not yet?! It's been what, a month already! We could have dealt with whatever goblins could have ambushed us by now. I demanded I trade with what’s in the Depot, and they said not all the wagons were here yet. What the hell kind of wagon takes months to get 'ere?

(Please not the golden statue. Surrounding it are images of dwarves killing, hitting and striking down other dwarves.)

 8th Malachite,

 Now the traders have told me they will be leaving soon. According to them, they have yet to come! Bastards!

 18th Malachite,

 Well, the traders left. Next time, don't wait for a slow as hell wagon! I swear they waited just to cheat us. I remember Charlamaigne saying things about devil creatures, and I would not blame him. Tricky bastards.

 As soon as they left the Trade Depot, they all converged in the main hall. I think they crashed, because nobody's moving. Great, now everybody going that way will have to crawl under the damned things.

 24th Malachite,

 The traders have left. I considered dropping them off the bridge, but once words gets out that we butcher traders nobody will immigrate 'ere. I am not going to screw this place over for a few trinkets which would take YEARS to haul. With the traders off the map, it's like everything is running smoother. Almost like time is moving faster.

 Also, Charlemagnes room must creep out the liaison to no end. Bones everywhere and a thirsty leader with his upper arm broken almost in two.

 Wait, it seems they are in the bed together. He ordered the guy who brought him water to use the switch in his room before leaving, and a floodgate dropped down, sealing them. Odd.

 Finally, I ordered a cage to be erected near the entrance. If invaders cross the bridge, we shall release the hounds of war!

 20th Galena,

 14th Limestone,

 Thieves! One was chased off by a dog, the other was smacked around by Xombis.

 8th Sandstone,

 While laying water in front of Charlemagnes room, I noticed a lot of the bones are missing. Odd.

 Oddly enough, that's when I took a serious look at our water supplies.

 10th Timber,

 Well, no migrants this season despite leaving the bastardus traders alone. Hopefully the next guys will bring more luck.

 26th Timber,

 The monument has been completed. Where other leaders made a statue of themselves, I have constructed a monument to the starting seven, who have survived here with no outside labor for many years. We have lost loved ones, but it shall stand as a form of resistance to goblins.

 4th Moonstone,

 Gah, I can't take it anymore! Plump helmets day in an day out makes all of us tired. I have ordered plants to be gathered from outside. It may not be from underground crops, but it's something different from these blasted purple mushrooms!

 3rd Opal,

 I have completed the pit flooding system. It will take water from the brook and dump it into the put, hopefully drowning whatever is tough enough to survive such a fall. And do not worry; I have devised a drainage system. If it doe not work, then I'm designating a well over the pit and turning off all others. I'm sure Charlemagne will drink it all up, seeing how long he has been injured.

 5th Obsidian,

 I discovered a flaw in our defensive wall. While patching the wall, Tig trapped himself. We pointed and laughed, and left him up there for a few days before building him a ramp down.

 1st Spring,

 Well, it's spring. The winter chill has left these lands, and the fortress has a few improvements. We have no more bodies than when we started (Except for dead ones), but we have all learned a few things this year. Me, for example. While I doubt any of the plants I plucked were capable of being of use, I know I stand more of a chance than the others in the future.

 Well, I assembled everybody at the monument of the starting seven and told them that this is enough of my rule. Whoever else wants to rule, they can. However, I just wish to work humbly for my brothers and sisters. Charlamagne was not here, he was still in his room with the human woman liaison.
Buck up friendo, we're all on the level here.
I would bet money Andrew has edited things retroactively, except I can't prove anything because it was edited retroactively.

Maggarg - Eater of chicke

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Re: Ringkindling: Histories of Greed and Madness
« Reply #12 on: October 12, 2008, 03:33:59 pm »

She's probably just a very good nurse.
Ach, that could be taken the wrong way.
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.

Duke 2.0

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Re: Ringkindling: Histories of Greed and Madness
« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2008, 03:17:57 pm »

She's probably just a very good nurse.
Ach, that could be taken the wrong way.

 Done and done.

 Nothing like implying the previous rulers have odd or even unthinkable habits.

 "Oh yes, Qloos was seen in his bedroom with the entire dog population for some reason..."

Buck up friendo, we're all on the level here.
I would bet money Andrew has edited things retroactively, except I can't prove anything because it was edited retroactively.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Ringkindling: Histories of Greed and Madness
« Reply #14 on: October 13, 2008, 03:43:39 pm »

She's probably just a very good nurse.
Ach, that could be taken the wrong way.

 Done and done.

 Nothing like implying the previous rulers have odd or even unthinkable habits.

 "Oh yes, Qloos was seen in his bedroom with the entire dog population for some reason..."

