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Author Topic: War against the Elves, Community Adventuring Party  (Read 9620 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: War against the Elves, Community Adventuring Party
« Reply #45 on: September 19, 2008, 12:36:37 am »

Can I be the Frenchie, then?

A French Lizardman, ostracized due to his love of frog's legs. Seriously, it was an accident! And the high priest looked like a frog anyways.

Name: Le Lezard de la Nuit
Profession: Fruitcake
Skills: Adept Swordslizard
Shield User
Novice Armor User
Competent Wrestler
Novice Ambusher


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Re: War against the Elves, Community Adventuring Party
« Reply #46 on: September 27, 2008, 12:41:24 am »

I haven't updated this in a while because it's been my first week of school.

I'll run/post a new update momentarily.
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Re: War against the Elves, Community Adventuring Party
« Reply #47 on: September 27, 2008, 01:05:38 am »



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Re: War against the Elves, Community Adventuring Party
« Reply #48 on: September 27, 2008, 02:23:27 am »

Warlord's Log:
26th of Sandstone, 301

The troops are all assembled, and it is time to strike!
It would have been nice to have those marksdwarves, and I've heard tell that General Quenir has rallied three more lizardmen to our cause. However, after the news Zak brought home about the death of the Druid, I deemed it necessary to attack while the elves are confused and leaderless. 

Bizzare, Ee'Nutcase's copper whip is up on the roof of the castle.  I seem to remember mounting on the tavern wall, I wonder how it got here...

It took me a while, but I've finally managed to rally all of our troops together.

Well, all of out troops except Ko, who has elected to stay behind to gaurd the temple.

After two days of marching, we have arrived at our destination, may the warcamp of Blossommagic run red with Elven blood!


Warlord's Log: 28th of Sandstone 301, 
I now return from our first full-scale attack against the Elves, and what a battle it was.

Our initial approach was uneventful, but the battlefield was already littered with pieces of elven clothing and discarded arrows.  It seems our raiding parties were quite successful indeed.
I spotted two elves charging at us through the trees, a swordsman and a peasant.  A moment later I noticed a third elf in a green cloak, fearing an archer, I threw myself to the ground, shouting "Take cover!" to my warband.

A closer examination revealed the elf to be merely an animal caretaker, not nearly as much of a threat!

I relayed a quick correction to the warband "Scratch that, continue advancing!" They quickly rushed forward, and we made short work of the three elves.

As we moved on to the west, ever closer to the heart of the elven encampment, we were set upon by an elven archer.
Rafal was badly wounded by an arrow to the lower body, but a quick shot by Shoruke brought the elven bowman to the ground, allowing Zak and his axe to finish the job.  Zak even managed to block an arrow fired at point-blank range!

Rafal looked like he wouldn't make it without receiving a healer's aid, fortunately for us, we had a few healers waiting just outside of the encampment for just such an event.

Unfortunately, dragging Rafal off of the battlefield would have meant calling a retreat, and I was faced with a difficult tactical decision: retreat, and try to get Rafal to the healers before he bled to death, or continue the offensive, and hope Rafal would make it on his own.
Either retreating or charging ahead would have placed my warband under threat from any elven archers lurking in the woods, which would have been a terrible waste if Rafal died while we tried to retreat.

For the good of my warband, I decided to...

And the decision is yours! 
Continue the battle, hoping Rafal's bleeding will stop on its own,
Or retreat to the healers, hoping to save Rafal before he bleeds out!

I'll run with whatever plan gets more votes.
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Re: War against the Elves, Community Adventuring Party
« Reply #49 on: September 27, 2008, 02:40:19 am »

Hmm if he dies there may be a higher chance of my guy being included  :P

Nah let the poor guy live and get out of there


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Re: War against the Elves, Community Adventuring Party
« Reply #50 on: September 27, 2008, 02:50:51 am »

On my digital honour, Leave No Comrade Behind.


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Re: War against the Elves, Community Adventuring Party
« Reply #51 on: September 27, 2008, 04:05:58 am »

Let him live. This will only reinforce his hatred against the elves, turning him into an insane killing machine!


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Re: War against the Elves, Community Adventuring Party
« Reply #52 on: September 27, 2008, 04:33:12 am »

He should live! The more meatb-, I mean companions to help us battle the elves, the better!


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Re: War against the Elves, Community Adventuring Party
« Reply #53 on: September 27, 2008, 08:49:27 am »

Keep him alive. He's already proven his ability to draw arrows to himself, and since my axelizard has neither shield nor armor skill, I'd like to have as many arrow magnets as possible around.


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Re: War against the Elves, Community Adventuring Party
« Reply #54 on: September 27, 2008, 10:32:41 am »

If you can get everyone to follow you out of the camp i'd say go heal
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Re: War against the Elves, Community Adventuring Party
« Reply #55 on: September 27, 2008, 02:05:14 pm »

 I say retreat. Don't let the elves get the satisfaction of a kill!

 And Ko, battling the local monitor lizard population, feels ready to leave the temple for glorious combat.
Buck up friendo, we're all on the level here.
I would bet money Andrew has edited things retroactively, except I can't prove anything because it was edited retroactively.


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Re: War against the Elves, Community Adventuring Party
« Reply #56 on: September 27, 2008, 06:33:15 pm »

Do not stop until there are no elves or the war band has fallen in honorable battle!


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Re: War against the Elves, Community Adventuring Party
« Reply #57 on: October 04, 2008, 11:27:22 pm »

Warlord's Log (continued)

For the good of my Warband, I decided to retreat, I could not sacrifice a good warrior like Rafal.
I ordered Zak to take charge of the rest of the Warband to keep the elves occupied as I retreated, dragging Rafal after me.

Now that's what I call poetic justice!  I'm glad we have Shoruke along.

But it was all for naught!  Rafal didn't make it!

The only thing I could do for Rafal was exact vengeance for the death of an honorable warrior. I shouted to my Warband "Rafal has fallen! The elven monsters shall pay for this in blood! Press the attack!"

Zak and I killed a bowyer.  It was easy, really, Zak twisted is axe around in the elf's hand for a while, then I struck the creature's leg off, and it bled to death rapidly.
Licking the blood off my Khopesh, I urged my warband forward. to further glory.

Shourke shot another elf to death just before I could reach it to finish the job.

I rushed further into the encampment in a lust for vengeance, Vactor struggling to keep pace with me.  we encountered two elven peasants.

And struck them down.

I sighted through the trees and elf animal caretaker and, aha! a serious challenge! - an elf spearman.  I carefully waited for Zak and Vactor to catch up to me before making my attack, It would not do for me to die because I was distracted by the animal caretaker while the spearman lined up a killing blow.  Finding myself with nothing other productive means of combat in the brief moments before my allies caught up to me, I did what any sensible lizardman would do -- I threw a turtle at him.

The elves advanced on me, and I backed away, waiting for the perfect time to strike.  Zak and Vactor arrived on the scene, and begun fighting the animal caretaker.  I abruptly stopped my retreat and hooked the elf's spear away with my Khopesh and charged at him with my shoulder, his shield took most of the impact, but the frail monstrosity was sent flying to the ground by the sheer force with which I launched myself at him.

I brought my khopesh down on the elf, but he brought his shield up in time to block my attack.  His spear no longer entangled in the curve of my weapon, he stabbed me - rather clumsily - in the arm, fortunately, the spear's deadly tip glanced off my scales.
With a renewed vigor I heaved my weapon down upon him again, only to have it blocked the shaft of his spear.
I glanced over to my side, and saw that Zak and Vactor were having far more success with the animal caretaker. 

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: War against the Elves, Community Adventuring Party
« Reply #58 on: October 04, 2008, 11:52:08 pm »

The Animal Caretaker is finished. If the heart is pierced, the wound is mortal. Hell, if anything happens to the heart, the wound is mortal.

Also, on Rafael, that wound was mortal too. The Abdominal Aorta is an artery that emerges from the left side of your heart and circulates around your body. No way in hell you could have gotten him to safety before he bled out.
And thus did the dream of dwarven antigravity fade away, not with a massive explosion or a flood of magma, but with a whimper.

I'm going to be depressed all day now.


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Re: War against the Elves, Community Adventuring Party
« Reply #59 on: October 05, 2008, 01:06:06 am »

I swung my khopesh at the elven spearman again, but he brought his shield up to block the attack and, using the opportunity I had given him, he sprung to his feet.  What the elf lacked in strength, he more than made up for in speed, this would indeed be a difficult fight. 

Zak sprung to my aid, quickly stepping over (or by the sound the elf's ribs made, on) the animal caretaker to rush at the elf spearman.  Zak swung his axe at the elf's leg, badly gashing it.  The animal caretaker grabbed at Zak's legs, sending the axedwarf sprawling into the spearman, knocking both mammals to the ground.  Seeing Zak faced with the problem of wresting two elves, Vactor drove his pike though the animal caretaker's arm, forcing the elf to let go of Zak.

With the spearman buried under a steel-clad, pissed-off Dwarf, I took the opportunity to hack at the monster's uninjured leg, this time to sucess! I brought by Khopesh down on my foe six more times, injuring his liver, breaking his shield-arm, and hacking both of his legs off, as Zak kept hold of the elf's weapon.
I hack at the elf again, breaking his weapon arm, and causing him to drop his spear.  Vactor stabbed the elf in the hand with such force that one of its fingers was ripped off.
Vactor and  I hacked at our - now thoroughly defeated - foe sending teeth and hands flying of the beast, until Zak, no longer burdened with wrestling the monster's weapon arm, brought his axe down upon it's neck, neatly decapitating it. 

"With all due respect, Warlord" growled Zak, addressing me and Vactor, "What's the matter with you two tallfolk? Messin' around lopping off hands an' fingers an' teeth while the elf's tryin' ta bloody run me through with 'is spear!  When ya kill someone, ya do it clean-like!"  Zak proceeded to dust himself off and wipe the elven gore off his axe using his beard.  I was not used to this type of insubordination, and I certainly wouldn't have gotten such disrespect from my own kind, but we were in the middle of a battle, and I had no time to reprimand him.  My response was "I'll kill elves how I see fit, now follow me.  We will regroup with Shoruke, and exact further vengeance for Rafal and Ee'nutcase."

I picked up the elf's spear, thinking "I believe I have found a new favorite throwing weapon", then remembering my other throwing weapon, I recovered my turtle.  The splatter of elven blood on it would make it taste even better.

We regrouped with Shoruke and Stryke, killing two more elves on the way back.

As we advanced deeper into the forest retreat, Zak broke off from our group, and wandered out of sight into the woods,  he returned later with more bloodspatters than before.  That brought our count of elves killed in this assault up to 12. Excellent.

We spotted a swordsman and another bowyer through the trees,  I shouted for my warband to charge, and they followed me into battle.  I advanced at the bowyer, and it all happened so suddenly that I lost track of the situation for a moment. I had just stabbed the elf in the chest, when the lower half of his head just... exploded.

It wasn't until I heard Shoruke utter a triumphant hiss, and I saw the copper arrow pinning the elf's lower jaw to a nearby tree that I knew what had happened.  Leaving the bowyer to bleed away, I wiped the teeth off my face and began to move towards the swordsman.

But Shoruke had hissed too soon!, An arrow flew out of the forest and hit Shouke in the hand!

I quickly spotted the sniper, and ran at her.  I didn't get there in time to prevent the archer from firing again, though, this time wounding Shoruke badly.

Shoruke fell to the ground gasping, and I continued to run at the archer, blocking an arrow aimed for me. The archer's next arrow hit me in the hand. It hurt!  Enraged, I threw my new spear at the elven archer, wounding her leg.  In the time it took me to grab and throw my spear, the elven archer had pulled back and launched another shot, which thankfully, I blocked.

Behind me, I heard Vactor shout a battlecry, and an elf scream in pain. I guessed, correctly, that I wouldn't have to worry about the elf swordsman coming up beind me while I fought the archer.

Now I just had to survive getting close enough to the sniper to kill her.

to be continued.

It seems that the overwhelming majority of votes was to save Rafal, as for what good it did...
Despite my best efforts, Rafal bled out not 3 steps after I tried to save him.

re: axe
Oh, so that's what the Abdominal Aorta is, I always thought it was some small organ near the kidneys or appendix. (shows you what I know about anatomy).

Edit: corrected an omission: "but Shoruke had hissed too soon!..."
« Last Edit: October 12, 2008, 05:24:11 pm by CaveBacon »
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