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Author Topic: Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud[Community Fortress]  (Read 50701 times)


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Re: Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud[Community Fortress]
« Reply #150 on: October 08, 2008, 08:13:28 pm »

22nd Sandstone - Frea's Diary

Incompetents! I am surrounded by incompetents! Or at least, I am surrounded by one incompetent... at least from that side.

By that Incompetent, I mean Rikkir. Of course.

Yet again while mining she has manged to dig into the brook, flooding the basin where her previous attempts to drain the brook sources has left a massive blue scar just outside of our village, as well as more stone than we care to deal with. She wasn't even the least bit apologetic about it either! I swear, if she wasn't so fast at digging and increasing our population, I'd take a sword and make her spar with me unarmed until she was beaten raw.
 Of course, she'd use her minor spinal injury as an excuse not too. The slacker.

Either way, this flood needs to be stopped before our basin for future expansion becomes an unintentional pond. I've asked Ukat to get on it, and she seemed eager for the work... if a little short with me for some reason. Probably the sun or something like that.

26th Sandstone - Frea's Diary

Urgh, it's over.

Once ukat got the pump running it only took Mulch a second to make the wall. Of course, convincing Rikkir that we did NOT need her to build the wall wasn't easy. As she would keep telling mulch that she'd get right on it, and then wading into the chest deep water with her child in her arms. When she was forced to tread water the infant would get swept away, and she would immediatly stop the job, grab the kid, and then go back to her office to suspend the damn wall.

Next year I think I'm going to mandate that she actually trades with the elves, rather than seizing their goods. Just to piss her off in revenge.

Oh yeah, and everything is soaked over there.

27th Timber - Frea's Diary

Pete has gone mad!

He tore through the village today, tearing away his clothing and shouting at the top of his lungs that he had an idea. That demons and angels had spoke to him in a dream and he had seen the end of the world. Mulch tried to restrain him and talk sense into the dwarf, but Pete would not have it and quickly grabbed some cloth and opals before locking himself inside of his clothier's shop.

I've locked Rikkir in her bedroom when mulch was out. Whatever has possessed Pete is bound to attract her religious fervor. I don't want him hurt, even if he has gone a little mad, and it's for the best that she not see him until this possession has passed.

29th Timber - Deep scratches dug into the wall with a darning needle.

Throw away the coat,
it's useless.
Mud and dirt stain it, eventually it will tear.
Darn the cloth three times,
old cloth,
good cloth,
Dyed red like the eyes of the demon who speaks to me while I sleep.

Throw away the cap,
it's ugly,
Blood and Vomit encrust it, eventually it will be lost
Darn the cloth three times,
old cloth,
good cloth
It's color in the opals like the eyes of the demon who speaks to me when I sleep.

Sew along the seam,
it's important.
The beauty of a homely face, disguised amidst her friends.
Darn the cloth three times,
old cloth,
good cloth.
Cloth that shines the color of the eyes of the demon who speaks to me when I sleep.

Gauzy, lacy, sheath,
it's mine
The shield for those who's secrets lie deep within the sky.
Darn the cloth three times,
old cloth,
good cloth.
Cloth that hold the opals.
The opal eyes of angels who fly amidst the sky.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2008, 12:34:42 pm by Jamini »
Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud[Community Fortress]
« Reply #151 on: October 08, 2008, 10:37:08 pm »

goo goo ca-cho Mrs. Robinson,
Jesus loves you more then you can know
woah woah woah
God bless you please Mrs. Robinson,
Heaven holds a place for those who pray
hey hey hey!
Ancient Babylonian god of RAEG
"Don't tell me what you value. Show me your budget and I will tell you what you value"
« Last Edit: February 10, 1988, 03:27:23 pm by UR MOM »
mainiac is always a little sarcastic, at least.


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Re: Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud[Community Fortress]
« Reply #152 on: October 10, 2008, 01:03:00 am »

1st Moonstone

*click...ta-tick... click*

The sounds of the picks rattled in the lock, their metallic tacking just audible over the soft whine of the dog tied outside of the small house. With deft hands the stout figured worked on the locks, soft oaths being muttered to the sky.

"Damned locks. I'm a trapmaker... not a thief. What does you expect me to do?" Ukat struggled against the stone door, slamming one hands on it in frustration as she resettled the lockpicks and tried again.

"Just keep at it." the a rough male voice responded from the corner of the house, his eyes constantly looking up and down the street, watching for any signs of another awake dwarf while the Mechanic worked on the lock. "You said you can work with any mechnical thing, didn't you?"

"A lock is different from a trap, is different from a catapult. You and Abod made this, not me. Why don't you have the key?" Ukat replied testily, feeling the first tumbler drop under her fingers.

"Frea took the keys, and Abod refuses to help. She says its for the best that Rikkir not see Pete until his madness has passed. I wouldn't be asking for you to lend a hand if I could do it myself, would I?" Mulch sounded defeated, his voice tired as he glanced down the empty, moonlit street once again.

"You think differently? Rikkir hasn't been the same since the time she left."

"I do. She's not as different as some of you have put on. Yes, she's more religious, more determined now than ever, but she's still Rikkir underneath. She still has the same doubts and foibles."

"...and the religious fanatic thing?" Ukat snipped as she felt the second tumbler lock into place.

"Quiet" Mulch held up a hand as another dwarf crossed the street a short distance away, the face of Echo shining in the torchlight as she finished her night shift and headed to her home. A moment later she had entered her house and mulch allowed himself a sigh of relief. "We don't know any more than you do Ukat, but Pete is my closest friend and Rikkir is my Wife. I need to do what I feel is best for them."

Ukat shook her head as the third tumbler clicked and the door swung open, "I don't know how you two always manage to rope me into these things. I swear one day you two will be the end of me. Rikkir! Wake up!"

The house was small, occupied by a single dwarf and a bed. Awake and dressed, Rikkir Esker sat on her bed, wearing a set of white robes with an expectant look on her face. As the door opened she stood and quickly ran to it, brushing past Ukat and embracing Mulch. A moment later they broke apart, her face was awash with concern and excitement.

"I knew you'd come! How is Pete?"

The faces of her two friends were a mixture of happiness and stern worry as both of them tried to answer her at once.

"The same." Ukat started, her next sentence overridden by Mulch's.
"He's still in his workshop. Screaming at the walls."
"We're starting to think he might go insane."
"More insane, he's already halfway there now."
"We've tried everything we can do."

Rikkir held up her hands as the two of them spoke in rapid sucession, their voices overlapping. As a pause came up in their speech she reached into her robe and pulled out a small book, 'The Scriptures of Likot' written neatly on the cover in Rikkir's handwriting. With a quick gesture and a simple motion the Priestess of Likot waved her hand and nodded towards the Clothier's shop.

"Take me to him."


Frea had been listening to the chanting for hours, every night. The doors to the workshop were locked, and no matter how much she wanted to have a restful sleep, nothing could be done about the sounds that were directly next to her bed. It was maddening. A steady beat, like a heartbeat, a thrum of a familier voice chanting words in an unfamilier tounge. The words of a demon, a voice like an angel, the sounds of Adamantine, who's secrets were so long ago lost to her kind. It was enough to drive a dwarf mad.

And of course, she could do nothing. That chanting, that music that reminded her of her every failure as a leader. Of the times she was forced to blame others for her own failings, and of the times that she took responsibility where none was necessary. The cries of goblins, men, and elves as they died over and over again.The screams of pain, of agony, as her own husband worked on a project so secret that nobody could know. Nobody would know. His only words had been to not let Rikkir interfere. The only time he had been lucid enough for Frea to understand had been in his plea that the resurrected one not be allowed to stop what would come. The couppance that would come.

It was garbled. The sounds, the smells, the memories. The words and images all twisted into one confusing whole as Frea tried to force sleep onto her exhausted frame, fighting the chanting that was going on in the other room. The incessant and persistent chanting, the product of obsession and possession.

Quite suddenly the chanting stopped, in it's place came the voices of others. A commanding voice that demanded both respect and fear. One that no dwarf could hear and not understand it's power. A voice so ancient, so powerful, that all she could do was weep at it's strength. It was great and terrible.

However Behind it, a counterbalance came. A soft voice, a stubborn and determined voice which refused the demands of the strength. When the first voice raged, the second stood fast. It's feminine words seeming to infuse themselves with the very stone around it. A familiar voice, one that she heard every day it seemed. At once Frea snapped to full alertness, her eyes quickly clearing as she rushed to the door that separated her bedroom from the workshops. With a heave she drove her shoulder into the rock door. Striking it three times before the sturdy hinges broke.

She had walked into a scene from a carnival house.

Cloth covered the small house from top to bottum, it's red and green hues filling every side of the building with pig tail. Opals were strewn across the floor, and deep within the workshops a red glow shone out malevolently. Noise, carnival music, filled every crease and fold of the workshops, adding even more malevolence to the scene.

In the center of it all were Pete and Rikkir, the two locked hand to hand several feet above the ground. Rikkir's white robes flew out wildly in every direction, the her book of scriptures in her right hand as she shouted to the man. Her words lost in the roar of sound. Across from her was Pete, his features hardly recognizable behind a thick gauzy veil, studded with opals and drinking in the red light like dwarven wine. The only visible part of his face were the eyes, grim red eyes, that burned through his headgear like two embers torn from the heart of the earth. As Rikkir spoke softly, he roared, as she pulled out her holy symbol, a disk of Prase carefully crafted into an amulet, he writhed and fought. He grabbed for her hair, her beard, and her eyes; ripping and gouging like an animal while she fought off his advances with vicious attacks of her own.

Across the room a stunned Mulch and Ukat stood, their faces filled with the terror that Frea felt. The red glow lighting their features with terror as they watched the battle above. Mulch's hand was on the sword at his waist, but her had not drawn it, and the crossbow on Ukat's back was not loaded. The sight having paralyzed even the most basic of defenses that the two military-trained dwarves had.

Above the fight reached a climax, Pete having driven Rikkir back towards the ceiling, his eyes filled with triumph as the Woodcutter and Weaver threw the Priestess towards the floor, her body no longer supported by the forces that had animated it a second before. She landed with a sickening crunch, her body going limp as the Pete howled in triumph and dove in for the kill.

The next moment all Frea remembered was a flash of light illuminating the smile on Rikkir's face as the Priestess shouted the first clear words that she had heard all battle. "Return Ziril ibmat Vush! Your time in this world ended in 430! Begone in the name of the true gods of dwarves, oh long-dead child of flames!"

2nd Moonstone - Frea's Log

Last night... last night I will never talk about diary. Never to you, never to myself, never to any of my children, and especially never to Rikkir, Pete, Mulch, or Ukat. It suffices to say that Rikkir has went against my wishes for Pete to leave his insanity, and I am glad she did. I can see now that I was a fool for not trusting her. Although I did deck her after her stunt, and I have rationed all of them to biscuits for a week, as is my right, I still see that I was wrong, and they right.

She may be prone to making mistakes, having delusions of grandeur, and trusting much to foolhardyness. But she is my friend, and I have mistreated her. I don't know what she did, and I don't want to know. Whatever path she has started down I have no intention of ever following, and whatever goals she has I must trust that she and I share the same results.

Either way, Pete has left his insanity. Leaving his deranged state with only two memories.

The first is tangable, the veil he wore on the fateful night when Rikkir saved his life.
The second is a name, Lalatol Vathemoth, Southtrue the saturnine Knots.

May no dwarf, man, goblin, or elf ever wear it.

20th Moonstone - Frea's Log
As our year comes to a close, I've decided that, due to the lack of goblin ambushes this year, we may be safe enough to begin work on the wall.

The copious number of blocks that Mulch and Rikkir have made are ideal for such a project, and I've reminded them that we can hold off on building more houses since our current housing needs are about equal to our capacity.

20th Obsidian - Frea's Log
An uneventful end to an uneventful year.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2008, 01:12:53 am by Jamini »
Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud[Community Fortress]
« Reply #153 on: October 10, 2008, 01:16:07 am »

Although it may be too much to hope, I do have slots open for dwarves. Approximately five kids are still unclaimed right now (I will admit they are the youngest though). Very soon the oldest children will start becoming of age, and then things should start getting really interesting FAST (hopefully).

Either way, until next update!
Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud[Community Fortress]
« Reply #154 on: October 10, 2008, 03:52:13 am »

I'll take a dwarfing, one of the girls [oldest possible - would be nice to eventually contribute to this growing fort of splendors ^.^].  Since the forum name isn't exactly dwarfy, if you'll take names, I'll take "Linakesh".  No particular preference on eventual labor, since I don't think you have sand or magma for glass.  Engraver, bowyer, weaponsmith, carpenter, brewer, marksdwarf.. whatever'd be most useful
« Last Edit: October 10, 2008, 04:51:34 am by FellMoodFox »
The denser the dwarf, the more likely he'll survive his stupidity.


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Re: Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud[Community Fortress]
« Reply #155 on: October 10, 2008, 07:35:40 pm »

Sure why not, to get the plot more interesting I'll take one of the female dwarfs.

When of age I will choose to be a valkyrie. Spear, sheild, and horse please,(yes I know dwarfs can't mount horses). Preferably one with the mind set too, quick to anger, fearless characteristics, more than two would be preferable,(personality traits).
"OH NO! That carp is gulping at me menacingly, even though it cannot really threaten me from here on land!  I KNOW! I'll dodge into the water, where I'll be safe!"

Mulch Diggums

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Re: Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud[Community Fortress]
« Reply #156 on: October 10, 2008, 07:41:28 pm »

Maby one with a love for horses?
ooooo! Swamp wiskey! Yeah!!


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Re: Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud[Community Fortress]
« Reply #157 on: October 10, 2008, 08:08:43 pm »

I'll take a female child, name her Lilika.
Oh yeah if possible, make her a speardwarf or a swordsdwarf.
This update was aweeesome.   :D
Call me Rika.
'I often don't know where my Luggage is, that's what being a tourist is all about,'said Twoflower.


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Re: Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud[Community Fortress]
« Reply #158 on: October 10, 2008, 09:49:21 pm »

I'm actually surprised it's coherent. I wrote it at 3AM and I was exhausted when I started. :D

Also, sadly the only available child I could find with a love of horses OR spears was male. :/ Sorry.

Speaking of which, there are still four dwarves available in my current game, all of whom are male. If anyone still has interest.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2008, 09:54:17 pm by Jamini »
Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.

Mulch Diggums

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Re: Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud[Community Fortress]
« Reply #159 on: October 10, 2008, 09:58:43 pm »

I enjoyed the last story greatly, although it seemed alittle...odd. Random. Like the whole thing about aliens in indiana jones kind of random. But not so mutch in a bad way.
ooooo! Swamp wiskey! Yeah!!


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Re: Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud[Community Fortress]
« Reply #160 on: October 10, 2008, 10:34:58 pm »

Creamcorn's Profile:

14th Granite - Rikkir's Log of Holy Scriptures

And in the month of Granite, as so the earth does begin to recover and the first plants begin to sprout, so too will the trechery of the ancient evil that all of our kind must forever fight against. No matter how clever their tounges, or how deep their traps, always we must be vigilant against their plaintive advances, resisting for all of our worth the urge to aid them. For always the pointy-eared demons will have a trap to catch the unwary and snare the foolhardy.

15th Granite - Frea's Log

An elven caravan arrived today, not the usual kind that seems bursting with goods and happy elves. These ones were gnauter, taller, less graceful. When they introduced themselves at the gatehouse I could hardly belive my ears when they said they were from a different elven nation than the one that had destroyed us. Begging for us to allow them into our gates.

Heeding the words of the scout I had met last year, and her dire warnings, I was all ready to open the gates and quickly usur them inside. To at least talk about the possibility of peace. Rikkir's stance on trade until my ascension to power had been too steady and foolhardy. It was begging all of the elves, not just a select few, to have reason and desire to attack us. Out of vengance, out of anger. When I tried to open the gates however, Pete stopped me, his sharp eyes pointing beyond the gates.

 No sooner had they been pointed out than the goblins jumped from ambush, their elven leader screaming obscenities at the caravan masters. His plan already failed he drove them into our traps before rushing at the gatehouse himself. The carnage was so great I found myself covering Jack's eyes, if nothing else to spare her the sight as the elves and goblins slaughtered the caravans and melted back into the woods.

9th Slate - Rikkir's Diary

Once again my youngest walks. In honor of this day I have given her the name of Linakesh Eshan.

An old legend from our previous home says that when a dwarven child recives their true name, their true nature will be revealed. If it has any bearing, then ... well... I have no idea what Lina is going to be. She seems to be interested in everything and everyone equally even at her tender age.

16th Slate - Glacies Diary

Today is a strange day diary.
Every day that passes things are weirder. Two years ago I thought I knew everything about the world, about my home, about my friends and my family. But now... now I'm not so sure anymore.

Mom says that I'm growing up. I'm not sure what to say to that. I know my body is changing, I'm stronger than ever before, sturdier, calmer certainly. My chest has started to bulge out into the breasts that can rival those of my mother. It reminds me of the times I spent with Feb, the two of us joking about how we would look as grown-ups. Me with a great chest beyond compare and him a tall and powerful as a pony stallion. Silly things, but... but now it's like it's becoming a reality.

What's even worse, is that Feb hasn't been himself. He's started talking diary, talking about a great plan. A combination of materials, of art and magic. He talks about adult things that he couldn't know about, and mentions secrets of craftsmanship that I can't understand. It's like the kid that I've grown up with for years has become an adult trapped in the body of a child. And I'm scared diary... I'm really scared.

17th Slate - Rikkir's Log

Like his father did, Feb has locked himself in a workshop. Refusing food and drink. Somehow he's managed to seal the door against the best of our efforts. Not that it matters, the sounds of the work going on inside is enough to deter even the most determined of us from trying to enter now that he has started working.

I'm a little worried.

21st Slate - Rikkir's Log

Today Feb emerged from the workshop, a brilliant smile on his face as he lifted an Idol of  a female swordsdwarf called Libadatek tangathgorroth, "Praisedbores the Trampled Disembowler." to the sky. Every feature of her body and face perfectly sculpted into the Ceder... the figuring entirely nude aside from a set of very revealing armor sculpted in acutal armor. It is beutiful, and I've asked him to let me place it in the cathedral near the altar with only a minimal, non-damaging change to the figuring..

I've also told Mulch that he really needs to talk to Feb about marriage and... well... the truth behind love, before he gets too old and experienced to need the lecture.

The Idol itself is defiantly worth over 64,000 Gnomeblight coins. The closest thing we have to currency due to the fact that elves always bring barrels and barrels of it along with them to die.

5th Galena - Rikkir's Log

I have had another girl, my sixth daughter now. In honor of that, I have decided her truename be Lilika Eshan, after my grandmother. Grandmother Lilika had been a swordsdwarf in the royal guard before the attack, and I hope that little Lilika will follow in her footsteps when she is of age.

4th Limestone
Frea's third youngest, who is currently nicknamed "Urist" Libashrur. Suddenly appeared in our midst today with an artifact. I'm not sure when he made it, and it's not very impressive, but either way we've all praised him highly for the effort.

« Last Edit: October 10, 2008, 10:37:22 pm by Jamini »
Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud[Community Fortress]
« Reply #161 on: October 10, 2008, 10:39:08 pm »

I'm done posting for today. Just a fair bit of warning.

Somebody important to the story dies next update.
Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud[Community Fortress]
« Reply #162 on: October 11, 2008, 04:45:58 am »

*laughs* Whoops! Sorry, wasn't meaning to be -all- of those, just a list of possibilities - whichever would be most helpful. ^.^* Thanks!  This looks like a fun community game - almost want to try and find another "no dwarf civs" world, try it myself...
The denser the dwarf, the more likely he'll survive his stupidity.


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Re: Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud[Community Fortress]
« Reply #163 on: October 11, 2008, 08:54:06 am »

A veil artifact... something so boring just had to get an exciting story.
Ancient Babylonian god of RAEG
"Don't tell me what you value. Show me your budget and I will tell you what you value"
« Last Edit: February 10, 1988, 03:27:23 pm by UR MOM »
mainiac is always a little sarcastic, at least.


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Re: Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud[Community Fortress]
« Reply #164 on: October 11, 2008, 01:02:56 pm »

A veil artifact... something so boring just had to get an exciting story.

A veil artifact made from possession by the husband of one of the most notable dwarves in the entire village who happens to be caught in the middle of a power struggle between the secular and spiritual leadership of the town (in wich, the secular branch actually has it's own very distinct history of cultist Dragon-Worship).  ^^ Not to mention that the possessed is the Sheriff.
Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.
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