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Author Topic: Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud[Community Fortress]  (Read 50762 times)


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Re: Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud[Community Fortress]
« Reply #105 on: September 27, 2008, 12:41:57 pm »

It wierd.  I've almost started to pity those poor genocidal elves.
Ancient Babylonian god of RAEG
"Don't tell me what you value. Show me your budget and I will tell you what you value"
« Last Edit: February 10, 1988, 03:27:23 pm by UR MOM »
mainiac is always a little sarcastic, at least.


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Re: Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud[Community Fortress]
« Reply #106 on: September 27, 2008, 03:56:29 pm »

1st Malachite

We were ready to try our first bit of river moving today. Ukat was so excited to see her plans for the pumps to be brought into action. My part was small, but important, digging out the access point for mulch to build the wall and helping where I was needed with the masonry.

However, when we were first ready to dig I suddenly was struck by a great thirst. Not for the water that was all around me, but a proper dwarven thirst. The kind that stick in your throat and run back out your nose unless satiated. So, just before digging out the final part of the trench I went to get a drink.

Now I can't figure out why EVERYBODY is angry at me...

25th Malachite

Bats, bats everywhere! They are in the bedrooms, in the Meat Hall, filling the sky! Demonic rats on wings they are getting into everything and ...
Dear Likot there is one in my hair! Arrrghhhhhhhhhhh~~~~~~

10th Galena

Ukat informed me today that we are exactly one bat short of the power needed to have our pumping system working properly. My response was short, straightforward, and quite sane.

"A... bat?"

The mechanic looked as smug as I had ever seen her, her face literally glowing behind the layer of mud that caked it from working on the gears. "Yes, yes Rikkir, a bat. It's a unit of power, you see, the amount of thrust a single bat's wing projects on the bat as it struggles to elevate itself. We test it by tieing bats onto the waterwheels and having them push."

" tied a bunch of bats to a waterwheel?" I was the epitome of loquacity.

"Yes, they provide a tremendous amount of power, those bat wings." Ukat said as she leaned over a gearbox and adjusted a few loose stone mechanisms, her face obscured by her hair as she leaned down, "A few of them escaped in the last test last month though, I wonder where they got too?"

"... Why do you need a waterwheel over water if it's powered by bats?" I asked contritely, quickly grasping the concepts that she sent at me with the utmost precision.

Ukat looked at me with a serious look on her face, her eyes steady, "Well, we could tie them to windmills to provide power, but the water motivates them more. Especially AFTER they get dunked, they try and fly away so hard that they don't even realize that the wheel is just going to dunk them again."

Gasping, my mouth open sagely at her description, I allowed Ukat to finish the remainder of her preparations in peace. Later that night, when she had went to bed I visited the waterwheels just to make absolutely CERTAIN that she was pulling my leg when she said that. I definatly was NOT looking for the bats in full belief of everything she said. No, no way...

1st Obsidian
Yet again one of my children has begun walking. With so many birthday parties around the year for my kids it was hardly a noteworthy event. I almost forgot to get her a gift.

And yet I still do not feel guilty.
Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud[Community Fortress]
« Reply #107 on: September 27, 2008, 04:05:26 pm »

Sometime at the End of summer

If I never need to spend another minute in water for the rest of my life, I will be a happy dwarf. The last few weeks I've been alternating between sleeping, half-drowning, and gasping for breath on the side of the brook as *I* try and build the wall.

No, not my useless, layabout, brick making husband. ME.

The others decided that, since it was my project originally to divert the brook from it's sources into our moat and reclaim the land around it... I should be the one to do all of the building in the brook. Let me tell you now, building in the middle of a flooding river is TERRIFYING.

Well, I'm off to work again. It may be some time before I can write in you again diary, unless you want to get wet pages.

1st Limestone

We continue our work on the river redirection project. It suddenly behooves me that this project may take years to fully finish. I still hate water.

9th Limestone
I think I've nearly perfected my technique of half-drowning in order to get this wall segment built. The redirection of the first brook is complete! I'm going to go snuggle a blanket for a week now and just tell everyone who tries to bother me to bugger off while I'm on break. We'll see how long I can get away with that.

In other news, Frea's youngest girl has begun drinking alcohol today. She looks so cute tipping that barrel.

1st Moonstone
Although winter has come to our home, I'm still working to wall of the second streamlet. After we finish it we will take a brief break to see the effect on the rest of the brook before continuing.

6th Moonstone
With the second streamlet is blocked off. Pete had the idea to convince the kids to help us take down the walls as a "game"

It was wildly successful.
Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud[Community Fortress]
« Reply #108 on: September 28, 2008, 06:18:03 pm »

Woohoo. You can name a girl Tirean for me, if'n you don't mind. I like this thread.


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Re: Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud[Community Fortress]
« Reply #109 on: September 28, 2008, 06:53:39 pm »

10th Granite

Elves, again, two more than last year including pack animals.. This group led by a male elf who called himself Avafi Strangerblossoms. This time they simply went to the depot without incident. I'm starting to wonder if the elves are stupid, or simply suicidal. Either way, throwing away the junk they bring (in addition to their welcomed exotic food and crafts) is becoming more and more tedius, especially after needing to clean up after frequent ambushes. There has GOT to be a way to do both at once..

12th Granite
Right on the tail of the elves, probably following them, was another goblin raiding group. This group was mosltly speargoblins, and really not particularly powerful, so I'll just let them be.

16th Granite
A second wave attacked the gate today nearly on the heels of the last scattering members of the first wave. Caught just slightly off-guard, I raced to close the gate to no avail. Two of their members made it though the gatehouse. Carnage ensued

20th Granite
Ukat came to me today with an amazing plan. She suggested that, since we had a lot of captive goblins in cages AND a lot of captive elves in the depot... why not make them fight to see who is stronger.

She is, of course, crazy. It's a crazy idea. So crazy, in fact, that it'll probably work! I'm glad I thought of it. Thanks for reminding me Ukat. :D

27th Granite

The elves will to live is remarkable, simply remarkable.

Every time they have visited our home, they have talked of peace. Whenever one of us would deign to listen (pretty rare, I try and get them into the depot quickly. But in nine years of having elven visitors come it's bound to happen that somone talks to the elves.. if only to reinforce their hatred of them.) they talked of nothing but peace and harmony with all living creatures.

Now, seeing them in combat, I feel the need to laugh at such statements.

When the elf's life is on the line, even those who preach the loudest, like Avafi did when he first came, they become just as barbaric as you or I. Clawing, biting, tearing at foes like the beasts that they use to transport their goods. While doing so, they even APOLOGIZE to the creature they are killing, stating that they do not really want to kill it. Hipocracy of the highest order!

Three goblins have faced against them, and only one elf has been mortally wounded. The rest of them continue to trip, throw, and pummel the goblins as we chuck them into the pit, crying for mercy and apologizing to their god and the poor armed goblin as they murder it in self-defense.

This is vastly entertaining.

14th Slate

The elves had just overcome everything we had thrown in with them when they snapped. Filled with bloodlust, the stench of goblin iron drenching their clothes, they began to tear into each other with a fury that far surpassed what they had done to the goblins we had thrown in with them.

The fighting lasted for hours, until finally Avafi was the last remaining surviver. His screams echoing through our little valley as he clawed at the fortifications that protected us and our children from the mad elf.

Finally I sent Ukat to deal with him, her bolt finding the elf's heart just as quickly as it would any other creature. For murdering her latest elf, she has been given the title "Markswoman", and has expressed to me that she really doesn't mind being drafted to shoot at things anymore.

So ended Avifi Strangerblosssoms, the scenerio of fords.
Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud[Community Fortress]
« Reply #110 on: September 28, 2008, 07:09:36 pm »

I'm glad to see that our fortress uses the rational "bat" unit for force measurement.  Some fortresses use the "stone", which is sheer madness!  Also, it nice to be able to help those poor elves... help put them out of their misery!
Ancient Babylonian god of RAEG
"Don't tell me what you value. Show me your budget and I will tell you what you value"
« Last Edit: February 10, 1988, 03:27:23 pm by UR MOM »
mainiac is always a little sarcastic, at least.


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Re: Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud[Community Fortress]
« Reply #111 on: September 28, 2008, 07:58:24 pm »

The next chick that Rikkir or Frea craps out, please name Jack. I think at least one chick must have a manly name.
And thus did the dream of dwarven antigravity fade away, not with a massive explosion or a flood of magma, but with a whimper.

I'm going to be depressed all day now.


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Re: Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud[Community Fortress]
« Reply #112 on: September 29, 2008, 08:04:25 pm »

9th Limestone

Summer was mostly uneventful, except for the raising of our armory.
This autumn I plan to build the structures for what will be our second step in moving the brook, which involves draining the most aggressive rivulet and damming it's entrance. I've already talked it over with Mulch, and he agreed that it seemed the next logical step in our excavation of the area. Ukat seemed happy too, when I tried to enlist her support in the idea.

She spent the next three days in her house making diagrams and graphs.

The only problem I've had with it is that it may require some of us to go outside of our defenses, should we get ambushed outside of the gates we would have little to no defense. It's a worrysome problem, but there really isn't much I can do about it. We really do need to clear that land.

10th Limestone

Work on the mini aqueduct was suspended due to an ambush. It was led by the Guard Perad Nohusladgi (a human hammerman) who met a tragic end when 'heroically' leading his squad.

After his death they quickly departed.

12th Limestone

A second ambush consisting of a single wrestler followed the first.He jumped out and screamed at the top of our lungs, charging the nearby war dog.

I hardly laughed more the night that Pete tried to juggle... juggle wooden logs that is.

13th Limestone

A third squad consisting of three speargoblins attacked the west gate today. I have a feeling that we have seen the last of the goblins for this season, it's rare that more then two squads attack, and three is nearly unheard of. I'm headed out now to go build the aqueduct that will safely get the riverwater flowing down the slope.

20th Limestone

A goblin has made off with my baby! NO!
I must get him! I must stop them! /----
to use their hands as /----------/ turn them
into potash wi/-----/ a spoon! tear them apart!
Oh Mulch, mulch... what have I done? What will I tell him? The thief is long gone and I have no idea where to look.


21st Limestone, Mulch Diggum's log

Rikkir has locked herself in the bedroom and refuses to open the door, even for me. I'm getting worried that the loss of little Bembral might be too much for her. She has locked the mechanism and barred it with our table, and only responds through the grate was telling me to go away.

I'm worried about her.

23rd Limestone - Echo's diary

Rikkir went back to work yesterday. Frea had said that she had locked herself in her bedroom for nearly three whole days. Normally I wouldn't believe her, but looking at how disheveled she was I'm starting to think that she might be right.

I don't know, Its almost like I don't really know Rikkir anymore. I mean, we talk... but not much and never for long. Back nine years ago when we started she was the one who had convinced me to start cutting loose, to relax and just have fun. Now, however, she seems dark... broody. Scary.

She went back to mining today, but even that seems different now. She digs recklessly and angerly, chopping at the stone as if it was the flesh of the goblin who had stolen her child. Microline! Perhaps she was in her mind!

It's not my place to say anyway, I'm going back to work.

7th Timber - Rikkir's Diary

Today Sarek Eshan was injured when I was digging out the brook, breaking her leg as the loose stone that she was standing on gave way when I removed a pillar supporting it.

This brook is awkward to work with, it cannot stand on it's own and yet I need to treat it almost exactly like regular stone in all other regards. It's thin, flakey, and above all else... wet.

I must be more careful in the future.

22nd Timber

Frea has given birth to her third son today. Perhaps my children will not lack for potential husbands after all!

1st Opal

I noticed Frea talking with Abod today about the plans to divert the brook while I was in the wine cellar the other day. I don't think she knew I was there.  She mentioned how I had been different ever since the abduction... how I was getting reckless and hotheaded. When Abod had spoken in agreement, she even went as far to say that perhaps it was time somebody else lead us.

The nerve!  Although it pains me to admit it, I have a feeling that soon, possibly very soon, something bad will come of this talk. I must act, I must consolidate my power, in particular with the children and Echo, the former who will have far more say in six years, when they will be old enough to understand everything and will be given proper jobs to match their freshly-aquired dwarven sense of duty, and the latter to ensure that even if Frea does convert my oldest and most devout friend to her cause, that I will still hold a majority among the adults.

I really hope nothing comes of this. I really do.

The Events of Opal 5th

It was a dreary day, the early morning fog not quite dispersed from over the western bank of the brook in Ulolgeshud. In mourning for the darkening of the sun, the cattails that lined the murky waters that marked the edge of the moat for the last mountainhome hung heavy and low, their heads full and ready to burst with seeds and their colors dark and thick. However, the goblin Komalix Snuslu didn't care about the weather, or the shape of the plants that lined the river. No, his gaze was locked on the dwarf child playing before him Feb Eshan.

Greedily the wrestler licked his lips, his knuckles cracking slightly as he used them to keep his upper body out of the mud that surrounded the foliage he had taken refuge in. His silk clothing long since stained with the brown substance. Ignoring his discomfort, the goblin instead thought of what he would do with the child. He could kill it, taking it's few possessions and using the meat to fill his stew. Being so young, it could hardly be as stringy and tough as some of the human adults he had eaten in the past. At least, he expected the child to be comparable to veal. The meat tender and unaged.

Or, he could take the child's flesh and make a sculpture, using the bones as a support and shaping the flesh as his will desired. With the proper preparation such a sculpture could last for years, slowly decaying until the only portion left are the bones.

The third and final option however, was probably the best. At least in the eyes of Komalix. He could take the child alive and make it his own. It was a little old, being bigger and stronger than most, but Komalix could see that it was still young enough to be impressionable, tamable. He could take it, make it his own. It was rumored that another goblin had done the same with a very young child, hardly more than a baby, and that he was growing up swiftly now that it had been seperated from its dam. With such a child, once captured and tamed, he could do whatever he wanted to it. None of the other goblins would stop him, no matter how barbaric the action, and whatever pleasure he wanted could be his. Yes, that would be best. To steal it and keep it for his own. A cute little pet.

With a heave Komalix stood and began to creep towards the child, his eyes glowing red as he reached out and grabbed for the child's bare leg, attempting to drag it away.

The young creature squealed, sending out a shot and drove a fist at Komalix, stunning him and awakening a rage within the goblin. With a snarl he grabbed the leg and pulled it close, making to break the limb and then make off with the child. One small injury would heal, after all, and the prize was worth it.

Komalix almost didn't see her, a much taller and thicker dwarf rising from the shrubbery nearby, the stones that she had been affixing to the bank discarded as she swung her pick at him with impossible speed. There was no time to relax, just pain as the blow drove him to the ground. The pick pinned him as it landed, and the world faded to black as the dwarf spoke quietly in her own language, "Nobody touches my child. NOBODY!"

20th Obsidian

Frea has openly opposed me, claiming that my loss of a child makes me unfit to be the leader of our small band. When it was put to a vote, the final tally was four to three: Ukat, Mulch, and Abod voting for me to remain as our official leader, while Pete and Echo voted for Frea. My overtures to the planter were in vain, mostly because she works far more closely to the cook and they know each other so well.

I'm starting to fear what may happen when our children grow up. I must begin planning my campaign to remain in power NOW, before she wins any of my children over to their cause when they become old enough to hold sway in our town meetings.

21st Obsidian

Some goblin snatchers harassed us when we were doing more work on the moat. the war dogs quickly tore it apart. I am tempted to assign some war dogs to myself in order to increase the protection of my children.

Of course, that would mean I'm tripping over dogs as well as kids, as opposed to just kids right now.
Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud[Community Fortress]
« Reply #113 on: September 29, 2008, 09:21:03 pm »

Hey, I'm all for leadership that's completely blinded by rage.  Rationality just distorts your world view.
Ancient Babylonian god of RAEG
"Don't tell me what you value. Show me your budget and I will tell you what you value"
« Last Edit: February 10, 1988, 03:27:23 pm by UR MOM »
mainiac is always a little sarcastic, at least.


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Re: Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud[Community Fortress]
« Reply #114 on: September 29, 2008, 10:32:26 pm »

Damn it.....A boy? Maybe I should making more posts in this thread.

Anyhow, I'm wondering how you will go about catching the dwarf child when he comes back leading a siege? Or maybe he will just die the same horrible death tons of humans, golbins, and elves have felt before.
And thus did the dream of dwarven antigravity fade away, not with a massive explosion or a flood of magma, but with a whimper.

I'm going to be depressed all day now.


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Re: Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud[Community Fortress]
« Reply #115 on: September 30, 2008, 12:44:28 am »

Yeah, it sucked to have that happen. I relived Rikkir from architechture duty while we were still building bridge/aqueducts for the rest of the year after that.

I didn't even have a chance to catch the snatcher too. It must have spawned less than two tiles from Rikkir, grabbed the kid, and ran like mad.

If I DO see him leading an ambush or siege "fun stuff" may happen.
Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.

Mulch Diggums

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Re: Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud[Community Fortress]
« Reply #116 on: September 30, 2008, 01:08:43 am »

I like the sound of this fun stuff
ooooo! Swamp wiskey! Yeah!!


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Re: Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud[Community Fortress]
« Reply #117 on: September 30, 2008, 01:16:41 am »

Really enjoying this story. I'd like to be added to the list for male children

Name: Fireheart, and I'd like him to be trained as a swordsdwarf


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Re: Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud[Community Fortress]
« Reply #118 on: September 30, 2008, 02:17:07 am »

The goblin volunteered to hide him from the elves, silly. :P


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Re: Last Dwarves in the world. Ulogeshud[Community Fortress]
« Reply #119 on: September 30, 2008, 12:13:31 pm »

Granite 1st

        "...and yet you continue to try and finish that damn dam even though it's suffered multiple setbacks, including the loss of your youngest male child!" Frea's voice echoed through the meeting hall, her eyes flashing as she slammed her hand on the granite table in front of her, causing the goat tallow candle that rested upon it to wobble dangerously in the low light, "What have you got to say Rikkir, why are we still doing this?"

         The blue-eyed dwarf that the cook had addressed was slow to answer, her face plaintive behind her beard, her mild voice    full of intensity. "We just can't just stop now Frea. That would be half-arsed and you know it. Think of all the space we are giving up by not using that area, are you trying to tell me that draining a little brook is too much for us? You must remember the stories of the waterfall at Tatlosh Okbod before they crumpled before an elven siege like the rest of the ancient cities! They had moved entire rivers with the might of their pumps and massive dams, redirecting miles of streams."

        "They also had over one-hundred and fifty dwarves. We have seven Rikkir! We should be more focused on building, on filling in what we have. Not expanding into more space!" Frea interrupted her face red, stopping when she noticed the heavy calloused hand of Pete on her shoulder. His own red beard shaking a solemn no.

        "My point is that we will need to go there eventually, and I'd rather drain it now than need to worry about it later." Rikkir retorted levelly. Her eyes quickly meeting those of the remaining four. Mulch, her beloved husband in his heavily patched trousers, was focused on the debat, nodding whenever Rikkir spoke. He was the closest to the project, aside from Rikkir herself, and had the largest part in getting it operational. Ukat, her new red tunic shining in the candlelight, nodding with every point as she remembered that Rikkir had promised that screw pumps would be used. He old friend Abod, the smith's apron hanging tightly against her ever-thickening frame, ate with disinterest to the conversation, this project didn't really require any smithing, and was quite boring and outside of her expertise. Echo, the planter in her smudged dress, shaking her head at the amount of resources spent on such a pointless project when there were dozens of others to happen.

        With sigh Rikkir waved to cut off Frea before she could speak, desperatly seeking to end the debate and return to the festivities that the children were continuing oblivious to their parent's argument. "Let's put it to a vote then. Everyone in favor of finishing the dam please say 'aye'."

       Almost immediatly, Mulch called out a hearty "Aye!", followed swiftly by Ukat's voice over the hubub. After they spoke there was an expectant silence.

       Chagrined Rikkir continued. "Those opposed say 'Nay'."

      Without hesitation both Pete and Frea said Nay, their voices overlapping one another. A short minute later Echo repeated the statement, her voice hardly audible over the sounds of the children playing. Neither side spoke, a deadlock. All eyes turned to Abod, who was finishing the last of her plate, stopping when she noticed that all eyes were on her. Putting down her fork she picked up the scrap of cloth that was on the side of her plate and used it to wipe her chin slowly, thinking over the effect for several minutes.

      Finally, she put down the cloth and shook her head. "I need to go with Rikkir on this Frea. While I don't care if we finish the project, I don't want us to half-arse anything. We have time, the kids haven't filled the houses we've built for them yet anyway. Let's let them finish what they started."

      Frea glared as she realized that she had lost, the table groaning under the force of her hands upon it. Finally she released it and nodded, already thinking about her plan for the next year as Glacies and Feb brought out dessert for everyone.

13th Granite Gracie's Diary

       The pointy-eared men came again. Momma tried to get me to stay at home and do school work, but I wanted to see them so I sneaked out of the house when nobody was looking. They looked pretty afraid as Auntie Rikkir led them towards the central platform, but they seemed to relax as Auntie R started talking to them. Assuring them they'd be safe and go home with lots of goods that we made. Mom keeps trying to tell me and the others that they go to a special place after we shut the gate, a place where they won't need all of their stuff.

        Mom said Rikkir is a bad influence and not to listen to her. Mom said that she is reckless, strong headed, even stupid sometimes. I'm starting to think she is right too. Whenever I play with Feb she's always ordering him around, treating him like a lost puppy who doesn't know how to not pee on the floor (like the puppies that Aunt Abod sometimes brings with her when she comes over, they follow her like she is their mother!). He hardly thinks for himself half the time, and the other half he just does what she says.

         Maybe it's like momma said to Sparrow the other day... no boy can think for themselves right. Either way, I'm going to talk to Feb and try and get him to think straight about his momma. He has got to learn to think for himself!
« Last Edit: September 30, 2008, 03:32:02 pm by Jamini »
Tales to remember from Bay12:

GENERATION -23:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and subtract 1 from the generation. Social experiment.
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