Ok i dont want to be a nuisance or be a smartass with this but, since i was looking at the list anyway and there was at least one obsolete suggestion, i thought i'd just take another look just in case there's more to clean up. here's the results (and sorry for the wall of text crit)
#32 (duplicated in #237)
Center on Announcement
Or zoom to announcement. Helpful in finding out where dwarves died, where that sucker who is starving is, etc. May also include more delicate controls for announcement (I don't care about microcline damn in, but gimme that orthoclase!)
Seems to me that announcements.txt pretty much fulfils this request. More announcement types could be included, but this particular suggestion doesnt specify that much. Death can be centered upon as it is an announcement. Starvation is a state and it doesn't get announced anyway. Specific announcements for minerals etc. could be a suggestion on its own. But the title doesn't hint at that at all.
Dwarves can appear/be assigned to doctor profession, which increases healing and allows Hospital workshops to be built. Doctors may be appearing nobles. Medicine allows prosthetic limbs, faster healing, happy thoughts, less dying.
don't we already have this?
Eggs, eggs, eggs.
All kinds of eggs that you can find, trade and especially: hatch! Who knows what might come out? A dragon, an ostrich, a (baby) giant spider (awww..)? Or if you're more pragmatic you can cook them in an omelette.
Isn't this already implemented?
#278 (suggestion is ok - see following posts)
Combat Preference Overhaul
Basically, make combat preferences in adventure mode (C) bring up a more detailed page (like in Slaves to Armok: God of Blood with being able to exclusively attack with weapon or body part, and where to target)
Doesn't adventure mode fighting already work like this/allow this?
Animal Pens
An animal pen is a building, the size of a kennel, into which animals can be placed/assigned. The outer edge of the pen is a fence. The inside is open. Animals inside the pen can still breed, a crucial difference to cages. They may move about inside the pen, but will not attempt to path outside of it and use up excessive game resources trying to wander between meeting areas and getting stuck at tightly closed doors. Animals inside pens can be milked, adopted, or sent to the butcher. This removes the need to make rooms full of ropes to contain the animal population, and is a very reasonable solution to containing animal populations found in reality since ancient times. Plus, you could build pens for each species of animal if you wanted. This suggestions would also help to solve the issue of sorting through large animal populations, since if you sorted pens by breed, you could more easily see how many you had. Basically: a pen is a larger form of a cage which allows you to see the animals inside and allows the animals to breed.
This is not only essentially the pen/pasture system but as its implemented it doesn't enforce fences and stuff so its inclusive of the suggestion. I'd call this implemented.
Scouting Skill to detect Ambushers
A new skill called Scouting falling under the Ranger group. Scouts detect hidden Ambushers or thieves on the map within a large (10-40 tile) radius when using their skill. Scouts can be assigned watch-points or told to roam freely. With a good group of scouts it should be possible to avoid much of the losses of herbalists, woodcutters and fishers that currently get killed in ambushes. Scouts will also have uses once off map-travel is possible.
This is already covered by the Observer skill, at least according to the wiki.
Scars and prosthetics
Creatures should get scars from fights and injuries. Serious injuries like missing limbs can be lessened by the purchase of prosthetics. Scars should appear in the legend screen with their origin explained.
Pretty much implemented, though there's nothing to replace arms/hands at this point and you could have hooks/wooden hands etc. but idk.
Specific weapon selection
Being able to choose specifically which weapon your dwarf should pick up.
Already possible through the military menu.
Ceramics and Cement
There are many ceramic and cement products that would fit within the Dwarven technology base. They include: Pottery (with and without glazes), brick, lime-based cement for mortar, concrete, lime-plaster (AKA stucco or render), and whitewash.
Implemented to the extent reasonable considering the setting. At least counts as partially implemented, but I might be stepping out of line here.
The following pairs seem to be essential duplicates of one another or inclusive of one another without conflicts, maybe votes should be merged(?):
dwarf emotional status in unit list etc.
#70 & #197
3d designation
#254 & #61
custom biome raws
#279 & #304
ropes and pulleys
#308 & #58
starting off with more dwarves at embark and options related
#227 & #56
player controlled imprisonment
#203 & #255
resuming worldgen after ending a game
#136 & #209
#135 & #305
#92 & #114
workshop raws
#75 & #206
#54 & #99
Interestingly, i didnt find triplets, only pairs.
#51 practically exists through DFMP
just a comment here
Magic related suggestions:
just thought this was interesting - personally i dont like most of these.
some entries of particular note (that dont really belong on that list):
#238 is a good suggestion but by being on the list it contradicts its own goal and purpose. it doesnt belong there
#193 another interesting suggestion, discussed many a time on the forum AFAIK. still doesnt belong on the list
#149 lol?
#108 seriously?
honestly, i tried to be strict and objective/impartial when looking at these but there are like 200 suggestions in that list that serve no purpose, either because they contradict core aspects of the game and the idea behind it or serve little to no actual purpose and implementing them would change practically nothing for players. some are downright ridiculous (such as #257 by someone who posted like 3 times in 2009 - no offense dude but simulating molecular structures would be supercomputer level computing), others are just mishmashes of stuff the suggester wants rather than solid straightforward suggestions that someone else can actually relate to and feel like voting for - i think some cleanup is in order, maybe an announced trial period for all suggestions that are low in votes or really old and have few votes (like 5 or less), at the end of which they get disabled and their votes cleared, just like implented ones (though it might be a very bad idea as well). i think it would be way easier to grasp the actual body of meaningful suggestions that way, giving Toady a much easier job. It would also make posters read more suggestions before just clicking on the first 10 or 15 (honestly what kind of madman would read 300+ suggestions?
). I think its obvious people don't read all suggestions or search for keywords, evident by the duplicates and inclusive suggestions. Some are intentionally close to others, but differ on details the suggester considered important - those are ok i think.
Categorization and classification as major/minor would help about 5000% percent. Maybe even identify partially satisfied suggestions. I dont know php but i would be willing to give improving the script a shot - i intend to learn it anyway. If that's not doable, i could still make an effort to create categories and classify suggestions so that the original author can easily figure out what needs to be added to the script and the admin can also easily move/re-add suggestions.
I havent read this entire thread and i'm not going to sift through 42 (interesting number) pages so if these comments have already been made lots of times already and i'm just repeating old stuff (or if i'm being annoying), just tell me to shut up and i will
edit - i just read draco18s post just before my first one on this thread. i'm an idiot and i should've read the thread.