More quest variety.
more quest variety.
About the magic: I can imagine using a wizard to create water in a pool. It would be a designation. Or you could let water vanish magically. And military wizarddwarves who can throw fireballs, lightning or something like that.
I just wonder if magic will be learnable or not. I prefer the latter because an army of wizarddwarves just doesn't seem to be right in DF. Maybe, one out of 30 dwarves can even learn magic. And you would get a special announcement if a wizarddwarf is born or comes as an immigrant. Just some random ideas. ^^
BTW: I have an idea on how to make adventure mode more interesting. How about creating a world especially for adventure mode? Not just the world generation, but a combined effort to make it more interesting.
My plan is: Someone makes a thread where we search some people who want to build a fortress, a ruin, a cave or something like that for adventure mode. The more, the better. The first one gets the save and when he or she's done, it gets passed on and on.
The fortresses should not become too populated, so that it's not just another city. They should be interesting, maybe deadly and dwarf-less. I don't know if your dwarves stay in their fortress after abandoning it and going back to it in adventure mode, but you could just kill them.
We don't have to fill the entire world. Maybe just a small, but interesting part of it.
How do you like this idea?