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Author Topic: Creating a magic system?  (Read 44944 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Creating a magic system?
« Reply #270 on: February 03, 2015, 02:05:17 am »

I'm bringing this thread back to life is both the "Search for an existing thread." rule and because in the February report toady said "Musical instruments and procedurally-generated art forms are next.  Then tabletop games for your dwarfs to play!  Then artifacts and magic!"

The magic system I'm about to suggest is one I think it would work well in dwarf fortress, now before you say that "high magic" and "industrialized magic" is not in the spirit of DF allow me to quote from Dwarf Fortress Talk #7.2, at the bottom of toady's 2nd paragraph "I certainly don’t have any problem if you can amp up your init options or your world parameter options more likely to be like ‘yeah my dwarfs can float, and fly on carpets, and make big guns that shoot fire guns ..." to me this mean being able to make both low and high fantasy worlds.

I also think the current versions method of necromancers, werebeasts and vampires implementation counts as at lest mid-level magic, so having more control over how much magic is in your world, from low to high is the natural progression I think, in the end though it is just a suggestion about a potential magic system and how it could be implemented.

Now lets talk about the potential world gen settings for low to high magic much like the minerals or beasts settings that already exist, it could look something like this.

"very-low magic" "low magic" "mid magic" "high magic" "Very-high magic"

This world gen settings could then affect all aspects of the magic system enabling the creation of both low and high fantasy worlds. The first system I'll address is the "Mana" system. I think having magic cause fatigue based on a percentile of the casters total stamina/fatigue is the most reliable why to integrate magic into the existing system while maintaining a sense of balance, as an example I'll use a generic "fireball" and "heal light wounds" spells.
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with casting time lets say it takes 50 ticks to fire a crossbow (I don't know actual amount ticks) and 200 to cast a fireball if both characters are "novice" skill level then in general ranged
combat the crossbow wins, because not only can it be fired 4 times faster but the wizard can only cast 5 fireballs before he passes out from exhaustion, the world gen setting could also affect this to.

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for advance gen use the same basic idea as the fatigue, a minimum value from 0.01 to a maximum value 10.0

Then there's spell failure and miscasts now for the sake of ease lets say spell failure means the spell simply does not work or activate and miscast means it explodes in your face (fireball) or makes the damage worse/melts you (healing), so lets say that a novice wizard has 50% chance failure per spell and that each skill level reduces that chance by 3% then even a grand master wizard still has a 8% chance of failure, now add in miscasts of 15% for a novice  that is reduced by 1% each skill level then a grand master still has a 1% chance of miscast, this too could be affected by world gen settings.

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advance world gen could use separate values of 0-100 for spell failure, failure reduction, miscast and miscast reduction which gives the player control.

the Idea behind failure going up and miscast going down in low magic and the reverse for high magic is that in a low magic setting it takes all your concentration and effort to cast just 1 fireball, so if you mess up the spell its more likely it simply fissiles out doing nothing where as in high magic you can cast fireballs like its new years eve as such there just more magic around but if you mess up a spell it can still go off, just not like you planned. That this can act as a balance for high fantasy also helps.

I think you can see that this would enables both low magic settings where magic is a mysterious thing all the way up to high magic settings where spells can be spammed.

I'll try and handle the magic and dwarf compatibility issue next, in some fantasy setting dwarfs are not mages or wizards because of their culture bias against it while in others its because of nature (they just can't), I'll personally focus on culture as I'm not overly fond of the other, this is where the personality belief system come into play, all character have a beliefs about aspects of their world examples being Law, Nature, Tradition ect, this idea simply adds magic to the list, so here is a quick example of possible magic beliefs

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I think that the average dwarf and by extension dwarf culture would be "finds magic disturbing" as it fits with general perception of what dwarfs think about magic without causing wars against other civs just because of magic use, so a basic civ entity version of this might look like this

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I think that to apply this any magic you need to base it around a set of skills that work together to make spells "acquired ability" how else do you tell the difference between a novice necromancer who has just learned the secrets of life and death from a grand master who has century's of experience?

the examples magic skills I'll use are the traditional magic elements plus four additional ones inspired by the dominions games and almost all of them can be linked to a DF Deity sphere or even multiple sphere's  e.g Mist - air/water, magma - fire/earth or a sphere may fall under two different elements e.g. murder - death and blood and if you don't mind making more abstract connections then even spheres like happiness (nature/astral/air) or jealousy (nature/astral/fire) can be aligned to a magic element..

here are some examples

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a lot of spheres fall under one or more of these magic type elements, these are just examples of possible magic types, Along side these magic "elements" are the spell types or magic "schools"

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The magic skills work by necessitating multiple skills to cast even one spell and much like how the fighter and sword/hammer/spear skills or archer and crossbow/bow are simultaneous in training\use so should these magic skills, an example being fireball requiring level 3 Pyromancy and level 4 Evocation and with other spells requiring even more skills e.g. heal light wounds (cuts, bruising) level 2 astral, level 3 nature and level 5 evocation. also if you add the skills I talked about to the preference's system you could get.

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There are also four main types of spells in two "groups", independent/communal and immediate/ritual.

Independent spells are cast by a single wizard working alone, an example being the fireball from earlier as even on v-low it can be cast by one wizard

communal spell are spells too costly/powerful for just one wizard to cast so as an example take the heal light wounds spell from v-low and it costs 160% fatigue which no one wizard can pay, but if two work together they can each pay half.

immediate spells are the type of spells that are cast as might be expected in combat e.g. fireball or haste, as they are cast immediately.

ritual spells are more powerful but take time (weeks/months) and resources (regents/gems/sacrifices) an example being lichdom/immortality for necromancers giving them a goal and making them more active in the world, or regeneration of lost limbs/youth for Druid's may explains why elves have them as leaders, could even have goblins summoning demons from hell, gives them a reason for all the kidnapping.

The attributes that I think these magic skills should use are.

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all of this is just an example of how magic could be implemented for both low and high magic, so any thoughts, ideas or improvements?
"The long-term goal is to create a fantasy world simulator in which it is possible to take part in a rich history, occupying a variety of roles through the course of several games." Bay 12 DF development page

"My stance is that Dwarf Fortress is first and foremost a simulation and that balance is a secondary objective that is always secondary to it being a simulation while at the same time cannot be ignored completely." -Neonivek


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Creating a magic system?
« Reply #271 on: February 03, 2015, 08:46:40 am »

I wouldnt like the game to have an overpowered magic system but instead have artifact items and weapons take on magical properties. Such as maybe a legendary sword could make someones limbs explode on contact or something

Manveru Taurënér

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Creating a magic system?
« Reply #272 on: February 03, 2015, 12:04:38 pm »

Usually link this whenever there's a magic discussion in case someone's missed it, since a lot of people aren't even aware of threetoe's stories, so here ^^

Cado's Magical Journey

This is the most extensive source afaik of what Toady plans DF magic to be like (at least as of 2011) and is a nice read as well. Go to the bottom if you just want the commentary and game details. No time to comment on your ideas specifically atm, but hope this can be of some use anyway.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Creating a magic system?
« Reply #273 on: February 03, 2015, 05:50:43 pm »

I wouldnt like the game to have an overpowered magic system but instead have artifact items and weapons take on magical properties. Such as maybe a legendary sword could make someones limbs explode on contact or something

Usually link this whenever there's a magic discussion in case someone's missed it, since a lot of people aren't even aware of threetoe's stories, so here ^^

Cado's Magical Journey

This is the most extensive source afaik of what Toady plans DF magic to be like (at least as of 2011) and is a nice read as well. Go to the bottom if you just want the commentary and game details. No time to comment on your ideas specifically atm, but hope this can be of some use anyway.

I personally don't consider low fantasy as fantasy at all, more like medieval + extras... Also I've already addressed the issue of high vs low fantasy with a quote from toady himself but in case you skipped it.

"Toady:   It’s cool to think about how to make magic unreliable, unpredictable, all that kind of thing, but of course if you go too far in that direction so that every artifact is a death trap waiting to happen then there’s just going to be a lot of mood dwarf crushed under bridges. So you don’t want to go to nuts with it. The other kinds of magic there is where it’s not an industrial process are things like having conditions, so if one dwarf were inspired by the god of the harvest to create a chest that you can bring with your armies so that they never have to have supplies or food, then that artifact could in fact be very reliable; it would not be understood and the god might say ‘if you want to keep using this then never march during the full moon’ and if you do then we can really indulge in catastrophic horrible things because it’s your fault; the werewolves can come out of the chest and eat everybody, or whatever needs to happen. So that kind of thing where you don’t necessarily want to make – since craftsmanship is kind of the hallmark of the dwarves – I wouldn’t necessarily say that all the artifacts would be god inspired; it’s just a possible root that can be taken among many, but you want to not necessarily avoid the dwarves actually understanding and being able to construct magical things, but there should be a lot of consequences to dwarves understanding. So let’s say that we have a dwarf that understood how to apply runes of fire to a sword to make flaming swords, then assuming that process doesn’t take twenty years – and that wouldn’t be practical because games rarely last that long, or if they do it’s a very dedicated process, it’s not something you can expect a regular kind of casual or even not casual player to do, just sit there and play out a twenty year fort – then you have to wonder ‘why can’t I just make a ton of flaming swords?’ And there’s nothing necessarily wrong with that, to have all the dwarves that come from this fortress have these swords with these fire runes on them or something, but it’s kind of a strange magical process if that’s what you’ve got going on ... it’s kind of depressing in a way if magic isn’t mysterious. But at the same time you do have armies of magically armed creatures; it’s not an unheard of thing, so you could be the ones doing that, it’s just something that I wouldn’t necessarily indulge in, especially as a default thing. I certainly don’t have any problem if you can amp up your init options or your world parameter options more likely to be like ‘yeah my dwarves can float, and fly on carpets, and make big guns that shoot fire guns ...’"

I think people are getting caught up on "it’s kind of depressing in a way if magic isn’t mysterious." without taking into account the part I highlighted.

so yeah toady prefers low magic but he is fine with having a world gen setting to make high magic if that's what the players wants and I know that I want high magic as do some other people which is why I what to discuss world gen options that allow you to create ether high or low magic worlds to your preference.
"The long-term goal is to create a fantasy world simulator in which it is possible to take part in a rich history, occupying a variety of roles through the course of several games." Bay 12 DF development page

"My stance is that Dwarf Fortress is first and foremost a simulation and that balance is a secondary objective that is always secondary to it being a simulation while at the same time cannot be ignored completely." -Neonivek


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Creating a magic system?
« Reply #274 on: February 04, 2015, 06:04:12 pm »

did...did you guys just necro a thread from 2008?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Creating a magic system?
« Reply #275 on: February 05, 2015, 05:57:48 am »

I did, suggestions forum rule,  "Search for an existing thread. If you find a thread similar to your idea, you can bump it to expand on the suggestion, even if the thread is old.  However, please do not bump threads just to show support."

this thread matched the idea I wanted to post, so I followed the rule and posted it in here.
"The long-term goal is to create a fantasy world simulator in which it is possible to take part in a rich history, occupying a variety of roles through the course of several games." Bay 12 DF development page

"My stance is that Dwarf Fortress is first and foremost a simulation and that balance is a secondary objective that is always secondary to it being a simulation while at the same time cannot be ignored completely." -Neonivek


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Creating a magic system?
« Reply #276 on: February 05, 2015, 06:09:19 am »

It really is a damned if you do damned if you don't situation where the only possible option that would satisfy everyone would be simply not to post... well satisfy everyone except himself.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Creating a magic system?
« Reply #277 on: February 05, 2015, 06:55:53 am »

It's better to add content to an existing suggestion thread than proliferate new redundant ones. This way avoids people adding on the same content again that's already in the old thread, thinking they're being original. People who want to comment or add to the new part of the suggestion can now read the whole thread before posting additional stuff, saving everyone time, including Toady.

Suggestion threads and those omnibus-type threads in general discussion are the type that should be expanded rather than rebooted.

For example, if I want to post new Touhou songs/videos I should add them to the existing Touhou song/video thread even though it's techincally a "necro" rather than make a new 2015 Touhou song thread. The Touhou Song Thread won't ever be the wrong place to post those video links, no matter how long it was since the last post.

Similarly, suggestions never go "out of date" unless they become obselete: either Toady completely rules out the suggestion, or stuff gets implemented rendering the old suggestion meaningless. We won't see any sexual orientation threads any more, since that's in the game now, so there's no reason to necro those threads, they'd just be taking up space and wasting Toady's time. But a magic system hasn't been implemented, hence all the suggestions in this thread are still potentially part of the game, and current.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2015, 07:05:13 am by Reelya »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Creating a magic system?
« Reply #278 on: February 07, 2015, 05:56:52 am »

The BIGGEST problem Reelya is vague "Anything can go under this" suggestions.

I'd rather people who have new ideas for a magic system create their own thread then necro a vague abomination of made tasteless ground up newspaper paste with no real identity of its own.

Not that this thread counts... Only its title counts. Inside this was just this persons one idea for a magic system and how it could work.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2015, 05:59:37 am by Neonivek »

Pwned dwarf

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Creating a magic system?
« Reply #279 on: February 07, 2015, 02:55:54 pm »

how about make a default setting where there is NO magic whatsoever. So its the players decision for magic or not


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Creating a magic system?
« Reply #280 on: February 07, 2015, 03:54:36 pm »

how about make a default setting where there is NO magic whatsoever. So its the players decision for magic or not

Already there AND turning off magic also turns off supernatural creatures like dragons and giant elephants.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Creating a magic system?
« Reply #281 on: February 07, 2015, 06:29:36 pm »

how about make a default setting where there is NO magic whatsoever. So its the players decision for magic or not

I don't know quite what you mean be "default setting" do you mean the default setting is no magic? or a world gen setting to have no magic?

I just ask because my necro of this thread was focused on world gen settings for variable magic levels under player control, I had examples of possible settings from very-low to very-high with advance gen settings that could make it functionally impossible, I personally don't have problem with others people playing in no or low magic settings, I just prefer high magic because if my wizard can't throw fireballs he's not much of a wizard imho.

the necro was in also because in toadys February report he says "Well, we're back with more content full of meticulously researched detail!  Musical instruments and procedurally-generated art forms are next.  Then tabletop games for your dwarves to play!  Then artifacts and magic!" if any type of magic is coming soon-ish then its a good time to discuss possible systems, balances and player controlled settings.

The BIGGEST problem Reelya is vague "Anything can go under this" suggestions.

I'd rather people who have new ideas for a magic system create their own thread then necro a vague abomination of made tasteless ground up newspaper paste with no real identity of its own.

Not that this thread counts... Only its title counts. Inside this was just this persons one idea for a magic system and how it could work.

I was actually wondering how well my idea fit in with this thread but wanted to follow the rules, maybe I should have started a new one called "magic world gen settings" but I've seen new threads before where the first response is a link to a preexisting thread that is similar so....

Already there AND turning off magic also turns off supernatural creatures like dragons and giant elephants.

do you mean something like giving creatures a magic level requirement in the raws for world placement? 

kind of like this?
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

or did you mean the settings in advance gen for things like secrets, megabeasts, curses ect.
"The long-term goal is to create a fantasy world simulator in which it is possible to take part in a rich history, occupying a variety of roles through the course of several games." Bay 12 DF development page

"My stance is that Dwarf Fortress is first and foremost a simulation and that balance is a secondary objective that is always secondary to it being a simulation while at the same time cannot be ignored completely." -Neonivek


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Creating a magic system?
« Reply #282 on: February 07, 2015, 06:32:42 pm »

I would kind of like a system like what Threetoe wrote about, the mathemagic stuff where you have to carefully calculate what will balance with what (which wouldn't be easy even dealing in forces, never mind abstract concepts) or else risk fucking up in some unpredicted way.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Creating a magic system?
« Reply #283 on: February 07, 2015, 06:35:27 pm »

how about make a default setting where there is NO magic whatsoever. So its the players decision for magic or not

Already there AND turning off magic also turns off supernatural creatures like dragons and giant elephants.
Why would those count as magical?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Creating a magic system?
« Reply #284 on: February 08, 2015, 03:55:04 am »

how about make a default setting where there is NO magic whatsoever. So its the players decision for magic or not

Already there AND turning off magic also turns off supernatural creatures like dragons and giant elephants.
Why would those count as magical?

The ability to generate and survive fire that's hotter than the sun and violation of the square-cube law, respectively.
"☼Perfection☼ in the job puts pleasure in the work." - Uristotle
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