Update: Suggestion to toggle (on/off) certain objects or aspects of the game for CPU/FPS reasons or aesthetics.
-Excessive content -- see below for specifics
(ravensgrace)-Blood -- killing things does or does not produce blood
(Dolohov)-Chunks -- keep bodies whole, don't produce severed arms and heads
(Dolohov)-Death -- only have permanent unconsciousness
(Neonivek)-Torture/World-Gen Torture
(ravensgrace/Skizelo)-Taunts -- semi-/mega-beast
(Skizelo)-Some of the language-vocabulary.
(ravensgrace/Skizelo)Update: Thanks to Toady's brilliant foresight and
this link it appears that this suggestion isn't nearly as relevant for me, personally, but it may be relevant to others. Feel free to contribute to the list!
Excessive Content: To be clear this does not mean removing blood, starvation, loss of limbs, or death. The term, excessive, can obviously be interpreted a thousand different ways, and everyone has their own opinion. To clarify what I mean when using it, here's my definition: Anything clearly stated in the game that goes above and beyond simple descriptions, or isn't left up to the imagination. For instance,
"blood spatter" and
"dwarf chunk" aren't deemed excessive, whereas
"Urist is sprayed with brains and blood" is deemed excessive.
Original post (deprecated): I'd like to introduce DF to my 8 and 10 year olds, but I'd need an option that disables some and/or all of the adult content. Of course, the setting could also be
increased for those that wanted it. So, the TOAD_RATING could be like the ESRB, but better.
I know I'm probably in the minority with this suggestion, so derogatory comments shall be overlooked.