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Author Topic: Angcuggan Okbod: The Red Sands of Doom  (Read 27651 times)


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Re: Angcuggan Okbod: The Red Sands of Doom
« Reply #240 on: November 20, 2008, 07:50:31 pm »

The swimming pool is complete, but I'm not letting anyone use it until we have more free labor than jobs.
The Unforgotten Beast, Shoruke, has come! A pale-skinned human. It has heterochromatic eyes and moves in an unpredictable manner. Beware its rapier wit!


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Re: Angcuggan Okbod: The Red Sands of Doom
« Reply #241 on: November 21, 2008, 05:31:46 pm »

My Dwarf is so like me it's a little scary.  ;D

And a Titan in a cage? EPIC. Now we just need to send a request to Nist Akath so we can watch the Captain wrestle it to death!

Oh, and Skaguar? Hilarious.  ;D


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Re: Angcuggan Okbod: The Red Sands of Doom
« Reply #242 on: November 21, 2008, 07:02:34 pm »


Shoruke's Log. 3rd of Galena. (late summer, year 23) (not 32, gah)
I stationed Rick in the arena, and had one of the nobles pull the lever. The Count Consort, to be precise. While he was in there he mandated that we make one bronze item. Easy enough. But he seems to have lied about his demand for "item in tomb": apparently a lever isn't what he wanted, despite it technically being 'anything'. The bum.

Anyway, Rick's dogs were left out of the match and Rick faced down all 53 goblins on his own. Bonus points!

The Count Consort raised the drawbridge (that's about the only thing nobles are good for: pulling levers during labor crises), and pulled the other five levers to let the goblins out. He was kinda slow about it, but it got done.

Here is a recording of this epic fight.

Rick went from professional macedwarf to accomplished macedwarf. Pretty soon he will receive the title "mace lord".

And I love Rick's apparent ability to use flying goblins as ammunition on other goblins. It's hilarious.
I also love that he's fast enough to send an enemy flying, CATCH UP TO THEM, and hit them again in midair.

And I think Rick has invented a new term: goresplosion.

Gore splo' shun. n. An explosion of blood, guts, organs, limbs, equipment, and clothing, caused by a creature (who has been recently sent flying) being suddenly stopped by something tougher than it is.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2008, 10:51:02 pm by shoruke »
The Unforgotten Beast, Shoruke, has come! A pale-skinned human. It has heterochromatic eyes and moves in an unpredictable manner. Beware its rapier wit!


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Re: Angcuggan Okbod: The Red Sands of Doom
« Reply #243 on: November 21, 2008, 07:40:59 pm »

I'd love to watch that, but a certain dwarven guard is threatening to hurt me.


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Re: Angcuggan Okbod: The Red Sands of Doom
« Reply #244 on: November 21, 2008, 07:42:17 pm »

Shoruke's Log. 26th of Galena. (late summer, year 23)
The hottest days of the year are behind us, I guess, but it's still too hot.

We're having serious trouble keeping up with mandates. I mandated some windows (easy), just to maintain appearances. I'll admit that it gives me a happy feeling when one of my mandates is met in good time, but I try not to do it to much to avoid hypocrisy.

We still don't know what will satisfy the "item in tomb" mandate. We're trying as hard as we can to make a copper statue and a bronze statue in time and get them into his tomb, since he likes the semiprecious metals.

I've made Rick into a hunter. Basically the only differences between that and his normal training are that he also gains ambushing experience (who knows, it could come in handy), I don't have to tell him where to go every time I want him to kill something, and he won't get pissed off at long 'patrol duty'.
The Unforgotten Beast, Shoruke, has come! A pale-skinned human. It has heterochromatic eyes and moves in an unpredictable manner. Beware its rapier wit!


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Re: Angcuggan Okbod: The Red Sands of Doom
« Reply #245 on: November 21, 2008, 10:16:55 pm »

That was beautiful!  Often I lost sight of Rick and could only keep track of his position by the vast amounts of death he was dishing out.

My favorite part was definitely Rick catching up to and hitting goblins that he had sent flying.

You, sir, have most definitely earned the bonus points.


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Re: Angcuggan Okbod: The Red Sands of Doom
« Reply #246 on: November 22, 2008, 12:14:16 am »

If anyone's wondering, Rick RFB is up to 88 notable and 191 other kills... suffice to say he's been busy.

Shoruke's Log. 9th of Limestone. (early autumn, year 23)
I have decided that Rick being a hunter is actually a bad idea, on account of my inability to reassign dwarves who reach a certain level of weapon skill.

Monk is better! His head is completely healed, and he has no injuries (nervous or otherwise) to speak of.

So today, some skamels were harassing the mechanics and engravers working on the outside of The Tower. Rick wasn't hunting them (apparently you can't 'hunt' the undead... another reason to have Rick in the military, not a hunter). Two were caught in a cage trap, but one was tracking an armorer on a hauling mission who got scared and ran... in the opposite of the direction of the gate. Monk to the rescue! He pulled off something I honestly didn't believe possible: he one-shotted a skamel. Then he rained slow destruction onto another, giving it several grievous injuries... and ran out of ammo. He found himself with no adequate choice but to book it back into the fortress.

Then Rick comes hurtling out of the fortress and of course, finishes the job... which at this point is two camels, one of which is grievously injured.

Shoruke's Log. 10th of Limestone. (early autumn)
Dammit. The goblins are here again. And Rick isn't done rescuing that one last metalcrafter! Thankfully, none of the goblin squads are near Rick or the metalcrafter.

I suppose I'm going to have to station the military inside The Gate and watch the goblin forces crumble against our cage traps and uber-mightiness again. It never, ever gets old.

The goblins are divided into three squads... one is half-composed of ranged combatants, which becomes less and less surprising with every siege... but what IS impressive is that one of the goblin civilization's rulers is here, too.

Actually, I have an intelligence file on him that I brought with me from the mountainhomes. I update the files when I talk to the liaison, and I also use whatever legends, rumors, and stories I hear from the humans. Anyway...

Name: Ngokang Malluurar
Profession: Goblin Recruit, local goblin leader
Bio: Has no physical combat expertise, but he has a relatively high IQ of 80. This makes him a demi-prodigy compared to other goblins, and has earned him the rank of Commander in the goblin forces despite his total lack of charisma, physical prowess, and political clout. Commands a small goblin squad of swordsmen and wrestlers.

I'm worried about Rick though. He might be forced to engage the entire goblin assault team on his own. He could probably manage it, but it will be harder than the arena match since they have armor and weapons.

Shoruke's Log. 13th of Limestone. (early autumn)
The siege is broken, and they never even got close to The Gate. Rick killed the skamel, while the armorer ran north around the volcano to escape the goblin assault team. Rick then started making his way back west (he was slightly north and to the east of The Tower), but found that the northernmost of the goblin squads was too close; he had no choice but to engage them, brutally outnumbered. However, shortly after combat started, Monk and some of the other marksdwarves appeared on top of The Tower's wall and began supplying Rick with covering fire; between Rick (who is equivalent to a squad of his own) and the marksdwarves (whose covering fire is EXCELLENT), the goblin squad was annihilated quickly. Only after the fighting had temporarily stopped did Rick realize that one of the slain goblins was supposed to be a leader, an important figure. His armor bore no extreme decoration, and he wore no jewelery in the fashion of a goblin war hero. But a strip of cloth was showing beneath the goblin's armor, and from this Rick instantly knew what rank the goblin held. Rick is very familiar with goblin military culture; "know thine enemy" he sometimes says.

Meanwhile, the other two squads (one of which, you must remember, is half composed of marksgoblins) were watching from across a barren desert as a lone macedwarf supported by two marksdwarves blew their leader and his squad away (literally). The stopped in their tracks. Then they looked at each other, and then they broke ranks and ran.

Rick, not even breathing hard, shrugged at the slain goblin leader and looked at the other retreating goblins. Then his gaze shifted down a few degrees; the marksdwarves had run out of ammunition, and there were several injured goblins from the northernmost squad trying to escape. He ran over and, one by one, put them out of their misery. Then he walked calmly back to The Gate, musing to himself that The Relieved Evils (the goblin civilization) was down to two leaders.

Now we have a bunch of metal to melt and clothes to dump again. The siege only lasted three days, but it's still possible that the dwarves from the mountainhomes will have been scared off again. I sometimes wonder if the retreating goblins from the annual fall siege run into the dwarven caravan, judge it to be an easier target, kill the guards and make off with the loot. I figure that the marksmen squad of goblins could easily have laid waste to half or more of the dwarven caravan.

Shoruke's Log. Supplementary.
I feel it is important at this point to assemble my collection of military intelligence (it's actually not an oxymoron in this case) on the goblin civilization. Historians in a thousand years can look at my journal and, with this information, plot out how events of this current day transpired.

The goblin civilization had four rulers when The Red Sands of Doom was established. Their leaders were, in descending order of importance, Bosa the Ruler, Ngokang Malluurar the recruit, Atu Ozudab the Goblin (I presume he works producing things... or maybe he's what we dwarves would refer to as a peasant?), and Strodno Ngonslaxu the Elite Bowman.

Strodno Ngonslaxu was defeated by Rick RFB earlier this year, during an arena match. Ngokang was killed by Rick during our most recent siege. I find it odd that the goblins have sent half of their leaders to our gate only to die. Perhaps even the goblins have heard of Rick... he is, after all, an enemy of their civilization.

Perhaps the other two of the goblin leaders will eventually come to our fortress. A lazy ruler and a layabout goblin should be easy enough to kill... it's the various squads they bring with them that I worry about.

Rick, for his part, is an enemy of as many civilizations as he is a citizen. He is an enemy of The Relieved Evils (the goblin civilization from which our goblin problem stems) and The Vice of Axes, which I presume is another goblin civilization. The kobolds don't exactly like him either, but they have no speech and their civilization has no real name.
The Unforgotten Beast, Shoruke, has come! A pale-skinned human. It has heterochromatic eyes and moves in an unpredictable manner. Beware its rapier wit!


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Re: Angcuggan Okbod: The Red Sands of Doom
« Reply #247 on: November 22, 2008, 12:31:00 am »

Shoruke's Log. 15th of Limestone. (early autumn, year 23)
The dwarven caravan has come! So I assigned a bunch of goblin clothing to be brought to the depot... but I think I assigned too much, and the dwarves are still busy hauling the loot from that last goblin siege. We have another labor crisis! GAH!

Shoruke's Log. 5th of Sandstone. (mid autumn, year 23)
I'm wondering if I'll have to take extreme measures to get the items to the depot in time. It's not happening nearly fast enough. Actually, I'm going to do it right now, to ensure that we get done in GOOD time. Massive job cancellations!

Shoruke's Log. 18th of Sandstone. (mid autumn)
The caravan just left. We managed to get everything to the depot and get the trading done in time... barely. And we brought WAY too much stuff to the depot. Not wanting to have to dump all of it again, I just put all the extra stuff in with the trading offer... the mountainhomes have just made about 80,000☼ worth of 'profit' from us.


Profit?!?!? They can't use goblin clothing any more than we can (and we use it for giving away to people for free), and they gave us useful stuff... wood, metal, equipment, food, booze. I'd say we came out on top in this deal.

I wonder if we'll get migrants any time soon. We haven't had any in... I think two years. Maybe offering this much excess stuff will attract the more capitalist of dwarves away from the mountainhomes.

Maybe it would help to rename this place. "The Red Sands of Doom" isn't exactly an attractive name. Then again, it has a certain ring to it, a certain impressiveness.

"You LIVE in the red sands of doom?"
"Yup! My whole life. It's not SO hard once you get used to it, and the booze is AWESOME."
"Sweet! I'm there." could happen. If only we ever got a chance to talk to anyone other than merchants.

In other news, the bottom level of The Tower is FINALLY complete, except for some fortification carving... but that's superficial. We have a two-block-width tower! Or at least, the base of such a tower.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2008, 11:19:35 pm by shoruke »
The Unforgotten Beast, Shoruke, has come! A pale-skinned human. It has heterochromatic eyes and moves in an unpredictable manner. Beware its rapier wit!


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Re: Angcuggan Okbod: The Red Sands of Doom
« Reply #248 on: November 23, 2008, 08:26:10 pm »

Log Of Dracnor entry 1

Finally found some material that won't combust in my forge area so I can write a small log, all I know is if those "Nobles" mandate one more battleaxe i'm going to ask Shoruke if we can't rig some Weapon Traps Presents in the nobles rooms... that'll give them all the Axes they could ever want, i'll even take care of the kids on my free time...unless they come to the forge and melt like this lovely iron... I think its around noon, time to haul something up to the Tower to cool off outside.
The Worlds Best Trap includes a single left footed -Pig Tail- sock.
Madness? This isn't Madness...This is DWARF FORTRESS.


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Re: Angcuggan Okbod: The Red Sands of Doom
« Reply #249 on: November 25, 2008, 08:18:21 pm »

Shoruke's Log. 24th of Sandstone. (mid autumn, year 23)
I was having some qualms about the fortificational structure of The Tower... I was worried that the goblins would be able to shoot through the fortifications on the second level if they simply stood next to The Tower's base, without penalty. I have decided that, to ensure that this problem does not arise, a channel is to be dug around The Tower, except on The Gate's side. And also on the side opposing The Gate, where the channel would otherwise lead into the Glass Hallway. We don't want goblins shooting into the fortress and at the civilians, now do we? But it's good that we can shoot down at the goblins in comparative safety. I suppose, since that one part of The Tower is going to have no channel to protect the marksdwarves (they shouldn't need it, but you know... safety first) we're going to need traps on that section of The Tower to compensate.

Shoruke's Log. 11th of Timber. (late autumn)
Two and a half weeks of almost all work being done to improve the surface. Construction of clear glass blocks, dumping and melting (everything that needs these jobs performed on them is outside), channeling, and setting up cage traps. There's also some cage and block hauling to make us surface workers' (I say "us" because I assigned myself to the mechanic's team) jobs easier. There's some "construct wall" jobs, but the masons are too busy carving fortifications to get around to it.

Oddly, I think the miners managed to channel the ground right out from underneath three of the merchants' feet on their way out. Now they're stuck in a channel, so I'm having the miners dig them out again.

And the migrants were too wussy to migrate here again. Gah! I actually kinda miss having an ever-increasing population... it inspires growth. And besides, we could use some more hauling power around here. I suppose, if we want to attract migrants, we need to keep the nobles alive for a bit longer... but after we get a wave of migrants, their downfall is certain. Partly because they thoroughly deserve it, but mostly because I cannot allow their oppression to continue any longer than necessary. (Yes I consider another wave of migrants necessary)

Shoruke's Log. 24th of Timber. (late autumn)
We finished making cage traps on the west side of The Tower (the spot over the Green Glass Hallway, that I didn't want to leave open), so I picked up a pickaxe and now I'm helping the miners with their channeling. Speaking of which, we got the merchants out safe and sound. They weren't even miffed.

We also ran out of pearlash, but we aren't out of pearlash components... so as far as construction on The Tower goes, we're still good.

But something else, something awesome, has happened. Rick has now gained enough skill proficiency that we can now officially give him the title Mace Lord. His previous title, General, takes precedence of course, but it is a high honour to be able to be called a warLord.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2008, 08:38:08 pm by shoruke »
The Unforgotten Beast, Shoruke, has come! A pale-skinned human. It has heterochromatic eyes and moves in an unpredictable manner. Beware its rapier wit!


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Re: Angcuggan Okbod: The Red Sands of Doom
« Reply #250 on: November 25, 2008, 09:25:38 pm »

Shoruke's Log. 15th of Moonstone. (early winter, year 23)
Well, us dwarves were just minding our own business, constructing a tower to keep intruders out, when who should arrive but intruders! A vile force of darkness, to be exact. I told everyone (barring the military) to stay inside. Boy oh boy are people bored. Anyway...

There's four or five goblin squads, all at different parts of the west side of the fortress boundaries (if it's five, the last one mingled with another one). One of the squads is rediculously small, and comprised half of marksmen.

I am quite confidant we can win, without any casualties. After all, our military has four legendary dwarves and three heroes. We've also got (the base of) a tower.

Shoruke's Log. End of the first try.
Oh dear god I can't watch. (sorry for the bad Paint job...)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: December 18, 2008, 10:04:52 pm by shoruke »
The Unforgotten Beast, Shoruke, has come! A pale-skinned human. It has heterochromatic eyes and moves in an unpredictable manner. Beware its rapier wit!


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Re: Angcuggan Okbod: The Red Sands of Doom
« Reply #251 on: November 25, 2008, 10:22:43 pm »

Shoruke's Log. It's the 18th of both the month of Moonstone, and my try at not losing anyone to the goblins. (early winter, year 23)
Okay so... here's the whole thing in a nutshell...

Me: Stay inside.
Mebzuth the Marksdwarf: NO!
Me: Yes dammit!
Mebzuth: No, even more dammit! *runs outside* *shoots goblins* *dies*
*four repeats later*
Me: ditch your crossbow.
Mebzuth: 'kay, but I'm still going out.
Me: okay now go get a DIFFERENT one.
Mebzuth: ... you bastard.
Monk: I'm going!
Me: No don't!
Monk: *dies*
Me: you people are idiots!
*seven repeats later*
Me: Okay. We'll let that stupid woodworker die, and the rest of you, FRICKING STAY INSIDE THE TUNNEL. Then when they get close enough, i.e. WHEN I SAY SO AND NOT BEFORE YOU IDIOTS, you all rush out and swarm them to death.
*three repeats of Maggarg and Urist the Axe Lords dying later...*
Me: Alright. Everyone stay inside. No exceptions. Not even to save the woodworker.
*The goblins rush into the cage traps, the woodworker runs away, the siege is broken without the dwarves seeing any combat*
Me: That was lame.

Shoruke's Log. Supplementary.
I just noticed that, despite the utter lack of combat, there's a bunch of goblin corpses lying around the north side of the fortress boundaries. It didn't take much time to figure out why... there's three named skamels standing around them. I suppose we should clear the skamels off and go collect the goblins' stuff.

Shoruke's Log. A bunch later.
Whoa, I just noticed. When Rick went to clear off those skamels, he hit one of the skamels so hard one of the camel bones flew on top of The Tower. Now that's impressive.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2008, 10:48:41 pm by shoruke »
The Unforgotten Beast, Shoruke, has come! A pale-skinned human. It has heterochromatic eyes and moves in an unpredictable manner. Beware its rapier wit!


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Re: Angcuggan Okbod: The Red Sands of Doom
« Reply #252 on: November 25, 2008, 10:32:14 pm »

Teasing me with a promised recording and then no recording is really not cool.

I no longer lust for you Shoruke. But I still love you.

However, your sentence will be 99 hammerblows.

*I'm kidding. But serouisly, FIX THE LINK.*
And thus did the dream of dwarven antigravity fade away, not with a massive explosion or a flood of magma, but with a whimper.

I'm going to be depressed all day now.


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Re: Angcuggan Okbod: The Red Sands of Doom
« Reply #253 on: November 25, 2008, 10:52:36 pm »

OH CRIPES I'm sorry about the movie everyone. I guess I linked to the page that lets me edit the movie, as opposed to the page where you can actually watch the flipping thing. I think it works now.


how did Snuffs watch it then?
The Unforgotten Beast, Shoruke, has come! A pale-skinned human. It has heterochromatic eyes and moves in an unpredictable manner. Beware its rapier wit!


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Re: Angcuggan Okbod: The Red Sands of Doom
« Reply #254 on: November 25, 2008, 11:13:31 pm »

Dunno. But that truly was epic.

What the hell is his tomb like?

Oh yeah, and you've been elevated back to 'Lustful'.

Go Shoruke Go!
And thus did the dream of dwarven antigravity fade away, not with a massive explosion or a flood of magma, but with a whimper.

I'm going to be depressed all day now.
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