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Author Topic: Angcuggan Okbod: The Red Sands of Doom  (Read 27647 times)


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Re: Angcuggan Okbod: The Red Sands of Doom
« Reply #270 on: December 05, 2008, 07:22:55 pm »

Shoruke's Log. 2nd of Hematite. (early summer)
Litast the furnace operator is now Litast... the legendary WEAPONSMITH!!

Sweet! Even better than having a blindingly fast weapon-melter (which we already have anyway; Thuellai doesn't do a whole helluva lot else), we know have a blindingly fast, super-awesome weapon producer. He made The Coincidental Bridge, an (it's "an" not "a") iron spear. It's valuable, too... 96,000☼ to be precise. Anyway, here it is:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I wonder... does anyone in the military have the courage to wield it? Surely a weapon as great as this should be used to the benefit of our fortress. Banzay, being our military's only speardwarf, is reserved for this great honour.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2008, 10:05:49 pm by shoruke »
The Unforgotten Beast, Shoruke, has come! A pale-skinned human. It has heterochromatic eyes and moves in an unpredictable manner. Beware its rapier wit!


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Re: Angcuggan Okbod: The Red Sands of Doom
« Reply #271 on: December 06, 2008, 12:01:24 pm »

Well, the human caravan came, and got ambushed (now that's odd) by goblins. Some of the wagons were attacked but not injured. One of the human merchants driving a wagon seemed to be wrestling a goblin who was walking alongside the wagon, without either of them taking damage. Then, after two of the merchants and one of their bodyguards were killed, some of the merchants went berserk, melancholy, or stark raving mad. This of course caused them to start fighting each other (a melancholy merchant beat the living schist out of the berserk merchant who was assaulting him), kill each other, and cause the rest of the merchants (including one donkey) to start going ballistic.

I forgot to take a picture of it... I'm sorry. But take my word for it, it was funny.

Eshtan, the fortress' only non-Rick macedwarf, also suffocated during sparring (presumably he got stabbied through the ribs).

So I'm going to savescum and see if we can save some lives.
The Unforgotten Beast, Shoruke, has come! A pale-skinned human. It has heterochromatic eyes and moves in an unpredictable manner. Beware its rapier wit!


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Re: Angcuggan Okbod: The Red Sands of Doom
« Reply #272 on: December 06, 2008, 12:29:34 pm »

Shoruke's Log. 13th of Hematite. (early summer, year 24)
Well, it's the time of the year when the human caravan comes. I told Flint's squad to stand outside the gate, just in case the goblins come... they usually do around summer. I also suppose I should get the dwarves to haul so-


Well, that caught me off guard. For some odd reason, I figured the goblins would stop trying to siege us for a bit and just give us a bunch of ambushes. Oh well. Flint's squad is outside, to protect the merchants, and I'll station Monk's squad upstairs in The Tower so that they can rain death out onto the goblin forces.

*sets Monk's squad to patrol the second floor of The Tower*

apparently patrol routes are exactly identical to clear glass floors. How very disconcerting. Also, someday I'm going to have to put an ammunition pile up there, so that the marksdwarves can reload easily.

Flint was the first into the fray, followed closely (very closely) by Maggarg and Eshtan the macedwarf. They, along with the help of their dogs and a couple of the human merchant bodyguards, have successfully defended the traders. Meanwhile,es inside are busy hauling stuff to the depot.

Shoruke's Log. 14th of Hematite. (early summer)
Well, the traders are safe, I think. But the human liason is just standing on the edge of the fortress' boundaries, not moving, and there's a goblin squad heading towards him... I think I might have to send Flint on an interception mission.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2008, 12:37:12 pm by shoruke »
The Unforgotten Beast, Shoruke, has come! A pale-skinned human. It has heterochromatic eyes and moves in an unpredictable manner. Beware its rapier wit!


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Re: Angcuggan Okbod: The Red Sands of Doom
« Reply #273 on: December 06, 2008, 07:27:10 pm »

I think you should let him die, kill the merchants, and take their stuff.

We need new +Human bone bolts+ in the fortress.
And thus did the dream of dwarven antigravity fade away, not with a massive explosion or a flood of magma, but with a whimper.

I'm going to be depressed all day now.


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Re: Angcuggan Okbod: The Red Sands of Doom
« Reply #274 on: December 06, 2008, 10:24:44 pm »

oooh i like this story i want a dwarf.

Name: Unas
Proffesion: Crazy dude that steals stuff from the fortress to build a big tower, complete with farms and a well so he can live in there alone, forever. (Okay, maybe not even though it would be cool, if not ill take a marksdwarf)


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Re: Angcuggan Okbod: The Red Sands of Doom
« Reply #275 on: December 07, 2008, 09:13:57 pm »

Shoruke's Log. 16th of Hematite. (early summer, year 24)
The battle is won. Flint, Sir Geo, and Maggarg rushed north to intercept the goblins before they got to the human diplomat; they fended them off easily. Meanwhile, Monk's squad was rushing up to The Tower, but Monk got thristy and doubled back for some booze. I really must have a word with him. I told Void to take command of the squad, and stand on top of The Tower and shoot down onto the goblins... which he did. On the way out, though, one of the recruit-soon-to-be-marksdwarf people got a very severe case of Name Changing Syndrome. He asked me if he could change his name to Unas, and I said yes. Then he asked if he could set up his own hermit tower, using our fortress' materials. I told him that we have very little space, and few enough tower-building resources as it is, and that maybe in a few years (quite a few, actually) we could fulfill his wish.

Anyway, the marksdwarf squad (now led by Void, who was the highest ranking marksdwarf who wasn't drinking or sleeping) went atop the tower and rained iron into the limbs and organs of the goblins. Unas, the NCS marksdwarf, earned his colours during this skirmish. Before they could finish, Flint and his squad had come around The Tower (they had long since finished off the northern goblin squad) and began mopping up the fleeing goblins.

Only four escaped.

Anyway, with the conflict over, dwarves begin rushing out to claim the goblin loot and bring it inside.

The Unforgotten Beast, Shoruke, has come! A pale-skinned human. It has heterochromatic eyes and moves in an unpredictable manner. Beware its rapier wit!


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Re: Angcuggan Okbod: The Red Sands of Doom
« Reply #276 on: December 07, 2008, 10:25:33 pm »

Shoruke's Log. 8th of Malachite. (mid summer, year 24)
We successfully traded with the humans. Their liaison is being a... I believe the term is, hooplehead... he's moved two paces towards The Gate during the last month.

Other than that, nothing has happened. I get a little frustrated with all the hauling/forbidding/dumping/reclaiming/melting/trading designations, but yeah other than that it's all quiet around here. Perfectly quiet. It's very, very quiet around here.


Okay, we've actually had four waves of skamels in a row, and it's getting quite annoying. Especially to the workerdwarves... they can't get anything done, because the most important thing there is to do is to dump stuff, which is all outside, which is where the skamels are. I told Rick to go deal with it, but he's currently getting drunk so that he can continue fighting with maximum strength and coordination.

P.S. I heard a rumor that humans have an inverse effect when they consume alcohol. Instead of being a supplement, it's a depressant to them. How very odd.

Shoruke's Log. The next day... yeah sure that's it.
Well, Rick finished his booze and rushed outside. He made it JUST in time to watch the last of the skamels get caught in a cage trap. Now there are MORE skamels, again, for Rick to go kill? destroy.

Shoruke's Log. 18th of Malachite. (mid summer)
Well we're onto about our 12th wave of skamels in a row, the only interruptions being a skaguar and a giant desert scorpion (both of which are potentially dangerous so I had Rick destroy and/or kill them). He's at high master macedwarf, as well as grand master armor user... he's about the fastest thing out on the sand. (excluding projectiles)

Shoruke's Log. 1st of Galena. (late summer, year 24)
We FINALLY got something harmless as our current local wildlife... a leopard. It's been like, an entire month of killing skeletons. Rick eventually had to take a break, so I sent out the main body of the military (led by Flint) to do some skamel hunting. And I thought Rick was tough... Flint, Maggarg, and Sir Geo (all of whom are legendary and are therefore insanely fast and get to the combat first) can decimate a squad of skamels in no time flat. Between the three of them they ca-


A leopard?!?!? We need its skin for the Tax Collector's ridiculous mandates! Go kill it, NOW!

Shoruke's Log. 2nd of Galena. (late summer)
While Rick is out chasing down that leopard, I noticed that the human liaison has come inside and now seems quite willing to parley with me. But, since there is so much to do, I'm going to have to assign myself to the military temporarily, station myself in my room, and lock the door.


Screw it, I need food. Parley later.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2008, 11:43:57 pm by shoruke »
The Unforgotten Beast, Shoruke, has come! A pale-skinned human. It has heterochromatic eyes and moves in an unpredictable manner. Beware its rapier wit!


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Re: Angcuggan Okbod: The Red Sands of Doom
« Reply #277 on: December 07, 2008, 11:46:24 pm »

Shoruke's Log. 3rd of Galena. (late summer, year 24)
Rick killed the leopard. Hopefully the labor crises doesn't prevent us from tanning it's skin. But the really annoying thing is, it was replaced by- take a wild guess- FRICKING SKAMELS. Argh.

Shoruke's Log. 5th of Galena. (late summer)
Rick finished off those skamels, and now we have... normal, living, breathing, harmless camels. Take a break, Rick. Did I mention he's high master macedwarf now?

In other news, we settled the import agreement with the humans... the same stuff, basically anything we could use.

Shoruke's Log. 14th of Galena. (late summer) (still...)
Rick is still sloughing through hordes and legions and zounds of skamels. They just don't seem to stop coming. What the hell? Are the elves having druid competitions or something? At least the practice is showing. He's reached the level of grand master macedwarf... pretty soon he'll be equal in rank to Flint, Maggarg, Sir Geo and Monk.

I just have one problem. THE BONES! They're frigging everywhere. Seriously, if you stand atop The Tower and turn in a slow circle, there will not be any time during which you cannot see camel bones. If you could make a bone block out of 10 bones, we could finish The Tower now using just bones! *checks the stockpile records* we currently have 1,509 bones lying around our fortress. 1.5k! We're going to have to start measuring them in the thousands! By the holy toenails of Armok, this is insane.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2008, 12:20:22 am by shoruke »
The Unforgotten Beast, Shoruke, has come! A pale-skinned human. It has heterochromatic eyes and moves in an unpredictable manner. Beware its rapier wit!


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Re: Angcuggan Okbod: The Red Sands of Doom
« Reply #278 on: December 08, 2008, 12:04:16 am »

Could I have a dwarf?  :D
Name: Lilika
Gender: Female
Profession: Speardwarf or swordsdwarf.
I hope she stabs LOTS of stuff.
Call me Rika.
'I often don't know where my Luggage is, that's what being a tourist is all about,'said Twoflower.


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Re: Angcuggan Okbod: The Red Sands of Doom
« Reply #279 on: December 08, 2008, 12:35:54 am »

Of course you can have a dwarf. Everyone can have a dwarf.

Shoruke's Log. 17th of Galena. (late summer, year 24)
One of the royal guard, who was injured during training, came down with NCS today. Logem, the swordsdwarf-guard, wished to be henceforth known as Lilika and to be switched into the military. She won't see any action until her leg heals (it's broken, so it shouldn't be long). To make sure that we still have enough dwarves in the royal guard, I assigned Fath the axedwarf to The Guard; he has a spinal injury and won't train (I've made a practice of assigning the nervously injured into The Guard; that way not all of our legendary fighters will be unusable).

Currently, Rick is fighting with yet another squad of skamels... and it's got me thinking. Wouldn't it make sense that the skamels are being raised by the elves? Really, no other species has hippie-powers like they do, and even if some other race had psychedelic powers, wouldn't they raise zombies? Elves are, after all, the only race that eats the flesh of those who siege them. That's why the only thing left to command as undead are bones.

By this logic, I deduce the elves are building up to an all-out war against us. They are sending wave after wave of skamels at us in a hope of weakening our defenses; but all they have succeeded in doing is to allow Rick to practice up to grand master level, and catch a few extra skamels for future arena matches. Since the elves are being this hostile towards us, it is in our self-defensive interest to be hostile towards them, too. However, I feel it is necessary to dupe them a bit; presumably they will send another caravan next year, and we must be ready to thin out their population... we will kill them.

Death to the elves! WARRR! Just not quite 'officially' yet.

[/log] OMG I forgot to post some personalities. Here we go.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

And I'm thinking I'll put up the fortress map just before fall hits. That way we have maximal surface messiness for everyone to view.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2008, 10:06:34 pm by shoruke »
The Unforgotten Beast, Shoruke, has come! A pale-skinned human. It has heterochromatic eyes and moves in an unpredictable manner. Beware its rapier wit!


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Re: Angcuggan Okbod: The Red Sands of Doom
« Reply #280 on: December 08, 2008, 08:20:50 pm »

Shoruke's Log. 25th of Galena. (late summer, year 24)
I took a day off to sketch out the entire fricking fortress. Sheesh. I can just imagine the faces of the scholars when they review my journal in a thousand years.

"What the... the bones... they're everywhere... is this an exaggeration?"
"Teacher, why is that desert made of bones?"

Shoruke's Log. 2nd of Limestone. (early autumn)
Rick is finally a legendary champion! The fortress foundations reverberated with the chants of


and such things. Boy oh boy.

However, I'm a little worried about our labor situation. The caravan should show up in a couple weeks, and we still have piles and piles of hauling/dumping to do.

And I've been implementing a plan all year... we will not cut any trees for a year. Then we'll cut them all down next year, and the elves will be PISSED. Just another way to get them pissed enough at us to declare open war.

Shoruke's Log. 12th of Limestone. (early autumn)
Well, the merchants are here, and of course we're not even close to being done the quantum stockpiling of the goblin loot. Oh well. I'll set the designation anyway, and someone might get a start on it.

And the skamels. By the holy nose of Armok, they just fricking... keep... coming. Rick has been reducing hordes of them to dust for months now (but, since reaching 'hero' status, he doesn't mind the long patrol duty anymore). Currently we've got a giant skaguar... I suppose I should have Rick deal with that one too, while he's at it. But I'll wait until all the merchants are safely inside the fortress, to circumvent the possibility of skeletal monsters appearing right where the merchants are.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2008, 08:45:02 pm by shoruke »
The Unforgotten Beast, Shoruke, has come! A pale-skinned human. It has heterochromatic eyes and moves in an unpredictable manner. Beware its rapier wit!


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Re: Angcuggan Okbod: The Red Sands of Doom
« Reply #281 on: December 08, 2008, 08:57:11 pm »

Sorry Lilika, your leg is still broken.

Shoruke's Log. 14th of Limestone. (early autumn, year 24)
...Okay now this is just fricking WEIRD. I think the human diplomat mixed over-sleeping with hibernation. Humans normally show up in early summer. It is now fall, and the human diplomat JUST NOW showed up. And, just like that other one, he isn't moving.

The dwarven diplomat, on the other hand, has already begun negotiating with our Countess.

Shoruke's Log. 15th of Limestone. (early autumn)
The Countess is about 1/3rd done the negotiations with our diplomat.

The more important news is that the skaguar attempted a one-creature assault on the fortress. It obviously failed, because everyone in the vicinity fled inside, but this means that since the skaguar is our of commission, a new creature could show up. (why the hail does this system exist?) Of course it was skamels again. Thankfully, they weren't TOO close to anything important (i.e. The Gate or the human diplomat), but I'm going to have to send Rick out to deal with them.

As soon as he's done his drink.

*Rick goes and gets a drink*
*Rick heads towards the entrance to Soldier*
*on the way he takes a bed and has a nap*


Shoruke's Log. 20th of Limestone. (early autumn)
Apparently, humans are able to move when under threat of being maimed by an undead camel. Unfortunately, Rick is still snoozing, so we can't really save the diplomat for another short while.

*Rick wakes up*


By the way the dumping jobs are mostly done, which means that pretty soon we can start bringing stuff to the depot.

Shoruke's Log. 21st of Limestone. (early autumn)
Well I think the workerdwarves are partially blind. They can't see skamels coming across a PERFECTLY FLAT desert until it's almost on top of them. And it's not like the winds are causing dust storms or anything. Anyway, now Rick needs to go save the haulers... again. Apparently he likes his job though, so it's okay. I imagine it's great stress relief.

Shoruke's Log. 22nd of Limestone. (still early autumn)
Well now that the human diplomat is no longer running for his life but he's still moving, he should now come to the fortress to talk with me.


He went back to his old spot at the edge of the fortress boundaries.


Anyway, after that round of skamels, and another round after that, it would be logical to assume that there's more skamels for Rick to kill. Wrong again! Now we have living camels, which I prefer a lot more. Rick can finally take a break from doing laps around the fortress, chasing down murderous camels hell-bent on killing workerdwarves and human diplomats.

Speaking of diplomats, which is related to economics, which is related to trading, which is related to our depot, which is related to hauling jobs, the dumping is (pretty much) done, and we can now focus on getting the goblin clothes two spaces from the quantum stockpile to the depot. There's five pages of hauling jobs to do, and there's probably not much time before the merchants announce they will leave "soon". We can make it.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2008, 09:40:14 pm by shoruke »
The Unforgotten Beast, Shoruke, has come! A pale-skinned human. It has heterochromatic eyes and moves in an unpredictable manner. Beware its rapier wit!


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Re: Angcuggan Okbod: The Red Sands of Doom
« Reply #282 on: December 10, 2008, 12:04:44 am »

Dig out a new neighborhood of the fort, made with food stockpiles, a legendary dining room, and about 15 craftsdwarves bedrooms/workshops, all making bone related items.

Either that, or train EVERYBODY in marksdwarfship with bone bolts.
And thus did the dream of dwarven antigravity fade away, not with a massive explosion or a flood of magma, but with a whimper.

I'm going to be depressed all day now.


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Re: Angcuggan Okbod: The Red Sands of Doom
« Reply #283 on: December 10, 2008, 12:17:08 am »

Monk's idea was to start decorating EVERYTHING with bone. Rock furniture, metal furniture, the silly crafts that we still have, even the other bone bolts... decorate them with bone.

Which would of course set the mood quite well, I think.

Immigrant: "Umm hey Shoruke, is there some meaning to having bones all over the place? It's umm, morbid."
Shoruke: "Yeah, it's because bones are so thoroughly integrated with our fortress' history that we figured we should have them as part of our very culture."
The Unforgotten Beast, Shoruke, has come! A pale-skinned human. It has heterochromatic eyes and moves in an unpredictable manner. Beware its rapier wit!


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Re: Angcuggan Okbod: The Red Sands of Doom
« Reply #284 on: December 10, 2008, 09:04:10 pm »

It might be too late for this, but you can mass-forbid things by typing d-b-f(I think). In fact, you can mass do a lot of things. Also, in the orders menu you can set the items of dead people to auto-forbid. It's new and useful.

One more thing, you said you sketched up the fortress, so can we see it?
BTEAMHOB-Year 10 - It's POI'd to the extreme
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