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Author Topic: Edgidity  (Read 1261 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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« on: September 03, 2008, 09:06:55 pm »

This may not be a bug, just a misunderstanding, in which case chastise me (Yes!  Yes!  *ahem*), but...

I've got a little room in the corner of the map, hemmed in by aquifer, more aquifer a layer below.  (Yes, I'm trying to get beneath it, experimenting a bit, and this is one of the lowest top-accessible non-aquifer cavities I've so far found.[1])  The current layout is as follows :
Code: [Select]
       ### 0
########.# 1
#........# 2
#........# 3
##.....O.# 4
 #...OO.O# 5
 #...%%.+# 6
 ##..O._X# 7
  ######## 8
It's on a different computer, so not so easy to get an image across like others have done.  Hope I've done it fairly self explanatory, save for the percent instead of division symbol for the pump (draining from east to west), needing to explain how the + is the top of a wall built in a previously pump-drained gap at -1Z, the underline being channeled part of the floor and using a hash for the solid walls (it's actually a uniform-coloured block representing Peat Wall, damp in most places) rather than an array of grates.  You can work out that the sequential letters and numbers are for grid-reference purposes, I hope.  ;D

The ground at I4 actually has the corkscrew of a prior pump (now dismantled), laying there, and there's 1-deep water evaporating from some of the 'open area' (simplified to '.', even when apostrophes and commas) bits, but none of this should have any effect on the following issue, to my knowledge.

So... I want to build a wall at H5 (to ensure water doesn't come back into the diggings before being (power-)pumped up to +1Z (where it is dealt with accordingly).  The wall at H4 is there as remnant of the last pumping effort, but retained as a handy way to prevent the builder of H5's wall being sealed in by forcing him to stand on H6 to do so.  But it complains when I try.  The one and only reason given is "Too close to edge".

I remember previously having problems extending surface-built walls too close to the edge, on a prior version, but investigation shows that the wall similarly complains at H6 (where the 'edge' could be the channelled area), yet only gets "Building Present" or "Blocked", at most (over the pump or built/natural/permanent walls, respectively) and can be built on any other open space.  Including G7 which is both next to the (undiggable) map-boundary along row 8 and the channel.  In fact, the dwarf-trapping construction of a wall on I7's up-down staircase square would be next to the channel /and/ adjacent to both of the undiggable areas of row-8 and column-J, and yet complains not one jot despite the plethora of edginesses that might apply...

Directly above H6 is a channelled-open floor area in the Z above (where I'd fed vertical power down before deciding to make this Z-level's pump manually^Wdwarvenly operated) and above H5 is undisturbed floor with a built wooden upwards staircase that should not cause any issues.  D7 and E4 are also channeled on the layer above, I7 at +1Z is a downward stairway, elsewhere on that level is either floor or undisturbed/wooden wall forming a corner-hugging working cavity, except where a pump pulling up through D7's gap pokes through to an open area that's the next level of liquid banishment, with a gear assembly next to it giving power ultimately from the surface.  I can't see any of this being an issue, either, but I thought I'd mention it.

Similarly, the layer below has just the dug up-down continuation of the stairway (7/7 flooded), a wall as indicated in the map explanation (in a space that was once damp white sand wall before being dug out the resulting flooding drained) and a (pre-)dug-out area beneath where the channel is.  My target, though, is to dig out H6's subterranean counterpart and build a wall there, then drag the pump along one more (retaining walls adjusted) and perhaps eventually make myself gap enough to fit another pump in before seeing if the -2Z is accessible for digging and safe to dig through...  (I could send fast miners in while pumping, and let them gain more experience in swimming while they're there, but that seems a cop-out and I'd prefer to not induce too much dampness of stone by my own actions where there was none beforehand...)

Logic dictates that I could just build some more walls[2] where it currently allows me to build to effect the same dwarf-safe room sealing action, but I thought I'd report this.  In full expectation of having something painfully obvious pointed out to me in return for my attempt at thoroughness in my explanation...

Also, it's a good excuse to quit the game for the night and Get Some Sleep.  :o

[1] This game being a (failed) attempt to rediscover a nominally full-aquifer zone where I'd chanced upon a magma pipe that I could dig down beside, which unfortunately crashed on an unwise use of Zoom-Bld.  This zone should also have a magma pipe (also flux, I think, if I remember the Find options, but so far no sign of it or its obsidian poking above the aquifers...  Apart from some damp Andesite (the tunnelling into having unleashed a predictable tidal wave into a fellow low-lying area bounded on all sides and below by aquifer) there were a mere four blocks of Realgar so far found in diggable form.  Thank heavens for trade caravans that carry stone blocks.  :D

[2] Or, indeed, start over...  No great loss.  Well, some sleep.

[Edit: Forgot to say, this is version 40c.  Unmodded.]
« Last Edit: September 03, 2008, 09:11:32 pm by Starver »

Toady One

  • The Great
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Re: Edgidity
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2008, 06:37:17 pm »

Building walls near the edge is currently restricted for non-subterranean tiles only.  Some of the things you described could change that status, but it's difficult to piece it together from the descriptions.  If that's it, then that's it.  Could be a better system I suppose, but it's what I'm using now to prevent some strangeness with migrants/armies.
The Toad, a Natural Resource:  Preserve yours today!


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile
Re: Edgidity
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2008, 08:24:35 pm »

Building walls near the edge is currently restricted for non-subterranean tiles only.  Some of the things you described could change that status, but it's difficult to piece it together from the descriptions.  If that's it, then that's it.  Could be a better system I suppose, but it's what I'm using now to prevent some strangeness with migrants/armies.
Hmm, let's see.  Well, because I'd drilled to (or from) the surface for that power transfer vertical shaft that I wasn't then using), it'll have had one of those two squares definitely marked as "outside" and encounter that problem (not both, I'm sure, but there could be some overspill effect).

I've currently put that world on ice, though, because of the various problems I have (mostly the continual demands by possessed/etc dwarves for the raw stone that I don't have, but that's a pretty good answer you gave there.  No complaints from me, I may revisit it later when I have more hydrodynamic experience. ;)

(And, yes, I see that it would cause problems with migrants and armies finding themselves having to materialise within the walls of an edge-to-edge fortress.  The time I Reclaimed a site and found the wagon and Reclaimers materialised on the top floor of a tower-block my previous (and ultimately doomed) settlers had made was an interesting experience. ;)