Sappho waves her hands around, chants some magic words, and watches the partially decayed corpse of the thread rise up...
So I pretty much ignored this Chrome business until very recently. Suddenly it is massively important to me. Since I've moved to Prague, the Facebook and Gmail pages have been finicky at best. At times I'd wait twenty minutes just for my Facebook status to update, and the chat? Fuggedabahdit. I'd avoid Facebook completely if I didn't have friends all over the world (and laggy/buggy as it is, it's still the most effective way to keep in touch), but Gmail... I can't give up Gmail.
I assumed it was some problem with the internet system here in the CZR, since everyone around me was having the same trouble. Today, however, Facebook had ground completely to a halt, and suddenly Gmail wouldn't load the text editor at all (so I couldn't write any emails). Other sites loaded just fine. I've been getting a lot of pop-ups lately about Firefox's new version and on a hunch decided to try another one - just in case. I didn't want to touch Explorer, and being the Google fangirl I am, I figured their new(ish) browser deserved a shot.
Facebook and Gmail both loaded up as though they were running from the hard drive. No delays, no problems. How is this possible? I've been unable to run either site properly on Firefox OR Explorer since I entered this country.
If Chrome had equivalents for Adblock and NoScript, I'd convert in a heartbeat. After years of using nothing but Firefox, the possibility that something could be better never even crossed my mind. But I'm not willing to risk all the icky virusy stuff I used to get in the Explorer days... So unless there's a javascript/ad blocker for Chrome that I don't know about, I'll probably only use it for the safest of safe sites.
So now I'm curious, has anyone else been having problems with Firefox lately? Anyone else been using Chrome in the year since it came out have any new feedback to offer? And is anyone considering running this Google OS that's supposed to be coming out soon?