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This game of Multiworld Madness has grown too large for me to handle. What would you have me do?

Muster up remaining strength and complete the current chapter. Bring the game to a logical close, then reboot it.
- 32 (37.2%)
Same as 1, but a whole new game will be started instead, still Multiworld, but no longer Madness.
- 9 (10.5%)
Get just this last turn done and reboot the game. No point wasting energy if updating takes so long.
- 31 (36%)
Get the last turn done and start a new game project.
- 14 (16.3%)

Total Members Voted: 86

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Author Topic: RTD - Multiworld Madness! Final Update: Parts 1 and 2, out of ~4.  (Read 404118 times)

Sean Mirrsen

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #1155 on: October 01, 2008, 03:15:43 pm »

My internet provider decided to go AWOL on me again, but it let me go over the turn again and see if I missed anything. I'll just finish up the statuses now and post it. Oh, and the keep withstood after all. But we got a few yellow and orange injuries now, "cutting it dangerously close", so to say.
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India

Sean Mirrsen

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #1156 on: October 01, 2008, 03:16:37 pm »

Alright, I forgot to post the previous post (I thought I clicked that button... guess not) so it's not much of a teaser now, heh.

Anyways, turn!

Turn 37      
Quote from: andrea
   i charge toward boksi, avoiding fight as much as possible, but bashing elves using my maul if needed.   
|   You run out of the tavern, but even with your lightning jolting everyone touching you, and you trying to skip as much fighting as you can, you still get tangled up in elves barely halfway to Boksi. Thankfully the elves are mostly occupied with assaulting the keep, and try to keep away from you.   
Quote from: Gantolandon
   I raise a powerful and scary howl, to bring misery and despair into the elven hearts. They are to imagine their forests burned down to the last path of moss, their animals butchered and left to rot, their streams poisoned and salted, unable to sustain any life, and earth in their lands composed only from sulphur and pitchblende...   
|   You jump up onto the battlements, and emit a blood-chilling ear-piercing howl! The elves halt their assault for a moment, and stop their ears. As your howl fills their minds with images of misery and despair, some of the elves feel a burning rage and desire to kill! Specifically, kill you. You've made quite a lot of elves run away, and wore down the morale of others, but a lot of elves are now specifically aiming at you.   
Quote from: Boksi
   I'll create a space-time anomaly linking together two disparate points; a wormhole, if you will. This will be a very short range one, sufficing to get myself out of the crater and I will not enter it unless I feel confident in it, preferring for it to blow up in my face than to have it blow up while I'm halfway through.   
|   Focusing your thought, you reach into the blackness of the interdimensional void, and try to manipulate it. Straining your mind, you pull the void out toward your location, at the same time pushing it toward another. You sweat heavily as you open your eyes, barely keeping your mind focused. Before you, surrounded by rainbowish swirling vortexes, is an oblong oval anomaly in space-time, and through the swirling blackish haze you see | the roof of the keep, though despite the anomaly standing upright before you, you see the roof from top-down. Keeping enough common sense not to plunge into the unknown thus, you thrust your halberd into the portal. It is wrenched from your hands and you see it fall onto the roof of the keep. Feeling you cannot hold it much longer, you decide to take the risk and jump into the portal. Your sweat freezes on you as the energies of the portal try to drain you of every ounce of yor life force, sending it into the interdimensional void! You struggle to keep your concentration, the exit of the portal suddenly seems to shift and deform, but in a matter of second you make it through! The portal closes as you fly out of it and fall onto the keep roof. | You land perfectly and pick up your halberd. You're very cold and tired.   
Quote from: Jay Kayell
   I use my blood to heal Frelock. Then I stand guard above him to protect him from any elves stupid enough to try anything.   
   It technically involves doing harm to yourself, so the blood bonus applies.   
|   Positioning yourself above Frelock, you use the sharp shimmering sword in your armor to draw some blood from an exposed part of your upper body, letting it pour onto Frelock. Your wound seals up quickly, but not before Frelock's wounds are touched by your blood and begin to heal. You still cannot cover all of his wounds at once, but at least his bleeding has stopped now. You stand guard over Frelock as he attempts to come to his senses.   
Quote from: LASD
   I take my shield to a dark corner, give it an intimidating stare and thoroughly explain why it has to come alive and start speaking. Then I persuade it to do it.   
|   You throw your shield to the ground, and start screaming at it, cursing and spewing saliva all over the place, trying to pummel your will into the cold hunk of metal. After your fit of insanity passes, you look at your shield. You see your reflection in the polished surface, and just stoop down to pick the shield up as you notice that the reflection... is not you. Well, it is you, but it is looking at you, and it looks... malicious, evil. It's as if all your curses combined with your willpower and posessed this shield. The reflection does not speak, vocally or otherwise, and you are not sure it could if it wanted to. You still pick the shield up. At least it can't move the shield by itself. Or so you think.   
Quote from: Frelock
   I attempt to wake up and heal myself and any other friendly who happens to be near me.   
|   You don't manage to wake up this time, though not through lack of trying.   
Quote from: korora
   I'll stay right where I am and assume a defensive stance.  No elves shall pass!   
|   You assume the Gandalf stance, and shout at the elves: "YOU! SHALL!! NOT!!! PAAAA<hrk>", at which point you are promtply trampled into the dirt by the rampaging horde. | You got stabbed and slashed multiple times, opening deep wounds all over your body, | Some of your internal organs are damaged, you are nauseous, but thankfully your vitals are still functioning. You're bleeding heavily though. | The Ashcraver shines dimly, and you feel some power returning to you. Some of your wounds close a little.   
Quote from: Kashyyk
   I join Korara in his pretection of the keep smiting elves with the my new doors.   
|   The doors proved to be much too unwieldy when you're not blind with rage, and you are quickly brought down. | You are covered by the doors as you fall, however, and most elves just run over you without causing damage.   
Quote from: Rooster
   I try to use my potential to advance in my metal god powers    
|   You stand up and attempt to contact your inner self for guidance to achieve your maximum potential, but just as you are about to be enlightened, the ballista you're standing next to unloads onto the elves, and one of its heavy metal arms strikes you in the head with brutal force! | You're thankful for this body's thick skull as you are thrown back over the battlements, battered and stunned, but with your head intact. You're still falling though. | A squad of elf archers cushions your impact, paying with their lives for your safety. You pick yourself off the bloody mess you've created, and get ready for chopping the treehuggers into oblivion.   
Quote from: chaoticag
   (RTTAI:{3}) I try to improve my TK bolt ability to work at longer range.   
|   You work on better focusing your mind's energy in your fist. You suddenly feel like a yellow-haired ninja kid for some reason. After some time practicing, you manage to improve your focus to fire the bolts at the short range of 10 or so meters. Doing so greatly taxes your strength though. (further -1 to constitution and strength if used)   
NPC Actions:      
Quote from: Elica Larifera
   Elica is a swordself. Recently hired by Frelock. He's armed with a wooden longsword, and dressed in (somewhat pierced) green-grey close-fitting clothing with scarce leaf-shaped decoration. Is badly burned, but otherwise alright, standing in the completely destroyed tavern.   
|   He just sits there, deciding that the ongoing battle is too much for him to handle.   
Quote from: Ballista operator dwarf
   This is the ballista operator dwarf who was resurrected by Frelock. He practically LOVES Frelock. Has brown hair and wears clothes of indiscernable blackish leather.   
   He's still firing away.   
Quote from: Horde of elves
   A sizeable threat to anything wearing leather or sleeping in wooden beds, this force of several thousand elves now surrounds the keep, and pretty much occupies the entire town. The elves are focusing their assault at the now-broken doors of the keep!   
|   They manage to plow down korora and Kashyyk, but are stopped short when half a dozen guards just block the doorway with axes and swords, and a dozen more fire arrows over their shoulders.   
Quote from: Keep Defenders
   The guards on the first floor make an effort to drag korora and Kashyyk in, while the marksmen and all other fire away at the elves.   
|   The guards are overtaken and killed, and many marksmen are injured by this point, so the elves suffer little casualties.   
Quote from: Elf Heavy 2
   An elf clad in heavy wooden armor lined with a shimmering material, and armed with a broadsword with shimmering edges. On the ground not too far from JK.   
|   He is completely destroyed morally, with the death of his master and Gantolandon's help. He tries to just walk away from the battle, but his armor probably caught the eye of a siege operator on the keep, and he's killed by a particularly precise ballista bolt.   
Elven assault!      
andrea:{2}   Andrea suddenly bumps into a particularly angry warrior elf. He leaps at andrea, trying to cleave him into two! | You don't manage to evade the attack, and the elf | is suddenly engulfed in a vortex of lightning, and suddenly accelerates! He hits andrea in the head with his foot, but is himself propelled with immense force, striking a nearby tree, breaking it, and tumbling to a stop in a very mangled heap. Andrea's head is bruised.   
Jay Kayell:{5}   JK uses his vast array of weaponry to slice and dice every elf who comes near, and his armor effortlessly withstands any arrows shot at him.   
Frelock:{5}   Frelock is protected by JK and is not harmed.   
korora:{5}   Korora seems to be forgotten or taken for dead, because the elves just run over him, not bothering to strike him or make sure he's dead.   
Kashyyk:{3}   They haven't forgotten Kashyyk though, and even though the doors shield him from most attacks, the most persistent elves still poke at him with their swords, but do no damage to the iron flesh.   
chaoticag:{1}   Chaoticag's recent (even if fruitless) discharge was not left unnoticed. Some of the elves who were running away decided that alone he might make a fine target, and attack him! | Exhausted from using his TK so much, chaoticag cannot react in time. | His armor deflects some of the attacks, but one particularly strong stab of a wooden shortsword penetrates it. Chaoticag's lower body is badly gashed, | his intestines are badly cut up, as well as his kidneys. He is very nauseous and vomits. He is bleeding, internally as well.   
Rooster:{6}   Rooster suddenly lets out a mighty yell, and rushes headlong into the fray! He cleaves left and right, his guitar-axe for some reason producing sounds not unlike the tunes of some decent heavy metal as it strikes the elves! He kills many in his fury, and many more just run away from the music, that is clearly very badly perceived by them.   
Status after turn:      
Standing upright on the roof of the keep.      
Wearing a reddish-black jacket of Karl Moebius leather, underwear, and slightly torn jean shorts. Wielding a masterwork steel halberd. Holding a wooden arrow covered in andrea's blood.      
Minor scars and numerous cuts  all over the body. Covered in frozen sweat. Tired. (-1 str)      
Abilities: Basic TK Manipulation.Basic TK Healing. Big Bully. Special status: Carbon Flesh Interweave. Can only speak goblin. Activated Visual Omnisensor.      
Standing upright in the field among the elves.      
Wearing underwear and fairly comfortable greyish trousers. Also wearing a armor set: -Iron splint-mail-, a shirt of leather, Bronze plated greaves, <<Iron high boots>>. Wields a +Steel maul+.      
Head bruised.      
Abilities: Shrapnel Self. Basic TK Healing. Empowered by Lightning (currently fully charged).      
Down on the ground near the keep entrance.      
Wearing underwear, and makeshift bra-scarf clothing. Also wearing the armor set: <<+Iron breastplate+>>, a soft leather shirt, an Iron helmet, some hard leather greaves and -Aluminum high boots-.  Owns an Iron handaxe and a -Black bronze warhammer-, both on the third floor of the keep for now. Wields The Ashcraver.      
Badly cut up, wounds covering body and arms. Some damage to internal organs. Bleeding.      
Abilities: Mighty. Extremely Agile. Basic TK Healing (!).      
Standing upright out in the field behind the elven assault.      
Wearing the armor set: +Steel Chestplate+, -Copper chainmail-, Aluminum cap, hard leather leggings and <<Copper plated boots>>. Wielding a wooden longsword.      
Lower body badly gashed, damaged intestines and kidneys, internal and external bleeding. Nauseous.      
Abilities: Basic TK Healing. Extended TK Bolt.       
Standing atop the keep battlements.      
Wearing underwear, a thin silky sweater, and a set of armor: A <<*Bone full plate armor*>>, +Bone gauntlets+, +Bone high boots+, and +Bone full helm+. Holding a paperclip and a nice pair of white socks. Wielding a +Bone Axe+.      
Much of the skin is burned and causes pain. Right hand seriously burned. Hands pierced by numerous splinters. Nasty scratch along the head.      
Abilities: Basic TK Healing(!). Special status: Activated Selective Translator.      
Down on the ground beside JK.      
Wearing underwear, a somewhat dirty <<*Giant cave spider silk robe*>>, and +hippo leather sandals+. Wielding a Steel Quarterstaff and a -Small Iron throwing knife- as a backup weapon.      
Some nasty cuts on the body. Light bleeding. Unconscious.      
Abilities: Slightly improved strength. Meagerly improved agility. Can be cautious while calm. Improved TK Healing III. Stone Frank's Revivification. Basic TK Field. Special status: Activated Selective Translator.      
Down on the ground near the keep entrance.      
Naked. Wielding the keep's steel-spiked stone doors.      
Flesh turned into iron, three arrows sticking out of abdomen, right leg, and left shoulder, numerous small dints and cuts.      
Abilities: Enrage Other. Enrage Self. Basic TK Healing(!). Special status: Activated Selective Translator (2). Steel scales. Extra: Rollerblades in the forearms.      
Standing upright out on the field not too far from the keep.      
Wearing underwear (probably), a set of armor consisting of hard black studded leather armor and greaves, iron plated high boots, and fur-quilted iron shoulderpads with horns. Wields a +Steel Guitar-Battleaxe+.      
No outstanding abilities.      
Standing upright on the roof of the keep.      
Wearing underwear, and a white/pink/yellow suit and top hat made of underwear. Also wearing the armor set: <<+Iron chain Cuirass+>>, -Iron chain gloves-, Iron chain greaves, and Iron low boots. Wielding a *Evil Aluminum tower shield*      
Battered head and upper body(back). Bruised left foot. Sprained right wrist. Minor burns on various parts of body.      
Abilities: Power of Peace. Power of Persuasion (suit bonus does not apply).Special status: Peacekeeper.      
Jay Kayell:      
Standing upright out in the field amidst the horde of elves, near where the elven leader was.      
Wearing purple stretchy shorts. Useless shreds of underwear on right arm. Wielding a +Iron flanged mace+. The armor is armed with a collection of axes and swords (including one shimmering elven blade and one wooden with shimmering edges), and its steel clawed fists as well. The armor has 5 unspent arrows.      
Unharmed, slightly dizzy from blood loss.      
Abilities: Novice Wrestler. Basic TK Healing. Blood of the Blood God. Blood Rage. Special status: Wearing Composite Reinforced Corpse-steel power armor.      
Tavern:   Was a two-floor building. Now it's a mangled ruin, thoroughly blasted apart. The building used to contain your enter/exit point, but how to use it is completely up to you now.   
Human/Dwarven Capital:   Large city on the outskirts of hell knows where. Holds a modest amount of homes, from hovels to two-floor apartment buildings, a set of shops, a temple, and a keep. Currently being surrounded by a verily horde of elves. The dwarves are mounting a large defence using siege engines atop the keep.   
Food store:   Square one-floor building with long tables laden with salted and fried meats of all kinds. There's a single wide table at the far end, with a chest on top of it. There's a mighty fine hole broken through the ceiling.   
Cloth store:   Rolls of cloth and various cloth, silk, and leather articles of clothing are on the many shelves inside this building. There's a single wide table at the far end, with a chest on top of it. The entire building is barely standing, most of its roof is collapsed. There's a pile of elf-paste near the building, and some elven corpses.   
Armor store:   Everywhere in the shop various pieces of armor are thrown about, shields of different sizes litter the floor, and arrayed under the now-broken shelves and tables are enough various boots to outfit a battalion. At the far end of the building, there is a single wide table. The heavy chest is on the floor, broken, a large supplement of coins from it now covers the floor.   
The Keep:   Large four-floor building. The first floor is almost devoid of furniture. The doors are gone again. A lot of civilians are huddled together in groups all over the floor. At least a dozen and a half guards are also there. The second floor is a massive stockpile of wood, metal, and stone. Dwarves constantly lug the materials to the upper floors. The third floor is turned into a massive workplace, with many workshops constantly working. The fourth floor is a large storage of siege ammo and some strange barrels. The roof of the keep is fortified with 9 ballistae and 3 catapults. There is some strange metal safe in the center of the roof, with 4 small keyholes and 1 large depression.   
The Temple:   Tall and proud, beautiful building of white marble, a solid first floor surrounded by columns is supporting several ring-shaped floors held up by beautiful marble supports. A deep pool of shiny, clear water can be seen inside the building. Well, it probably was like that. The entire thing has recently tried to rise up in mighty wrath as a gigantic statue of a carp, but failed miserably and broke to pieces. Afterwards, the overpowered Rooster single-handedly sent the whole place into oblivion along with the elves, who now cannot be seen, heard, or even smelled by anyone other than themselves.   
Background: [3]   The light steadily fades. Judging by the looks of the hauler dwarves, the ammo stockpiles are almost empty.   
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #1157 on: October 01, 2008, 03:29:53 pm »

chaoticag needs help...
but elves are entering the keep!

well, i'll go to chaoticag. if there are any elves between me and him... well, i'll let you decide in which way i'll kill them. but there must be electricity. i was thinking about me running into a lightning. i mean that i am into the lightning and i run with it, through the elves (and of course, killing the elves.

if there are no elves, i just try to heal him if possible this turn.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #1158 on: October 01, 2008, 03:31:45 pm »

OK then, time to lock this place down!
First: I grab Korora and the doors, throw him into the keep and put the doors back in place. Preferably from the inside.
Second: I continue to do this until the doors are in place and reinforce them if they are in place.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #1159 on: October 01, 2008, 03:33:35 pm »

I find the keymasters and try to persuade them to give their keys up if they want us to defend the keep more. If they won't we'll kill them and take the keys anyway, leaving the fortress exposed to elven attack. They have seen enough to not underestimate us...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #1160 on: October 01, 2008, 03:42:06 pm »

Well, I over-overdid it. Maybe I deserved it. Although I'll be sure to turn this to a good thing at some point.

I'm getting quite scared about the elves, and I don't think I can rely on my shield for protection anymore. At least Boksi is now on the roof to defend everyone.

I'll help Gantolandon.

Jay Kayell

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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #1161 on: October 01, 2008, 03:44:00 pm »

I grab Frelock and bring him to the tavern, killing every elf in my way.
Decapitation - enjoy the difference


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #1162 on: October 01, 2008, 03:51:16 pm »

I advise all players not in the keep to get their darn quick. I will be locking the doors and not opening them. They will stay locked forever now. Anyone on the upper levels might want to find a rope to pull our friends up with.
Unless you really want me to open the doors.  ;D


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #1163 on: October 01, 2008, 04:03:19 pm »

i am fully charged, and i can still kill undreds of elves.

also, remember there is the tunnel between the keep and the tavern


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #1164 on: October 01, 2008, 04:11:33 pm »

I suppose I'll start up the TK field and fly over to chaoticag.  I'll heal him and myself next turn if I succeed.
All generalizations are false....including this one.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #1165 on: October 01, 2008, 04:15:32 pm »

Alright, note to self: do not travel through interdimensional vortices unless protected from energy drain of all kinds.

I pray to the dwarven gods, probably the one of earth and metals, to make my bones and body sturdy enough to withstand extreme concussive force, so that for example, my terminal velocity is non-lethal.

I'm jumping on the bandwagon late, but better late than never eh?


Jay Kayell

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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #1166 on: October 01, 2008, 04:17:34 pm »

Aren't you unconcious Frelock?

If Frelock succeeds in getting away from the elves on his own I attack any elf who's near the tavern.
Decapitation - enjoy the difference

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #1167 on: October 01, 2008, 04:18:59 pm »

He is, but he's down to a -1 penalty for it, so he might just wake up.
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #1168 on: October 01, 2008, 04:21:12 pm »

boksi, why are you holding a arrow covered in my blood?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #1169 on: October 01, 2008, 04:26:23 pm »

That, if I recall correctly, was from a long time ago when you were shot, and he helped you by pulling the arrow out.  I forget exactly how it all went down, though.  As for my penalty, I decided now might be a good chance to throw up a TK field, as I can't get an epic fail, and I can't get an overshot (that said, I still have a 50% chance of normal failure).  And thanks again JK for looking out for me.
All generalizations are false....including this one.
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