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This game of Multiworld Madness has grown too large for me to handle. What would you have me do?

Muster up remaining strength and complete the current chapter. Bring the game to a logical close, then reboot it.
- 32 (37.2%)
Same as 1, but a whole new game will be started instead, still Multiworld, but no longer Madness.
- 9 (10.5%)
Get just this last turn done and reboot the game. No point wasting energy if updating takes so long.
- 31 (36%)
Get the last turn done and start a new game project.
- 14 (16.3%)

Total Members Voted: 86

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Author Topic: RTD - Multiworld Madness! Final Update: Parts 1 and 2, out of ~4.  (Read 404168 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #330 on: September 09, 2008, 10:44:39 am »

Sean, the alt text on Kashyyk's name gets cut off due to length (known bug in Firefox).  At home I have an extension that fixes it, but sadly here at work I do not (and others may not either).

In your earlier post, the two example methods looked almost identical to me, except their underline style was slightly different.
Didn't Firefox 3 fix that? Those things were sometimes cut off for me too until I installed it.

I like this display a lot and for the roll results the cutting thing shouldn't be a problem. But I also like the display of abilities this way a lot, since it makes them much clearer. So, if people don't have technical difficulties with them, that way of displaying should be used in my opinion.

Come on, turn!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #331 on: September 09, 2008, 11:02:33 am »

Yes, Firefox 3 did fix that.  Another method is to right click on the thing in question, and go down to properties (I'm assuming you're using windows).  That will give you a nice pop-up box with the entire comment.

I too like the new system.

In the style of the viking spam song:
Turn, turn, turn, turn, turn, turn, turn, turn, lovely turn, wonderful turn...
All generalizations are false....including this one.

Sean Mirrsen

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #332 on: September 09, 2008, 11:19:58 am »

Sorry guys, cellphone internet freaked out on me just as I was posting the turn. You won;t believe what conditions I am posting this in. Car, bumpy road, creaky )and cracked) screen joinyts...

Turn 11   
Quote from: Jay Kayell
   I try to gain superhuman powers through a pact with Armok.
|   Suddenly you pass out and fall. In your mind, you suddenly see yourself standing amid a flat plain. The sky, the sun, the few clouds you see are all shades of red. You look down,  and the ground all around you and as far as the eye can see is red, drenched with blood. Huge mounds can be seen in many places, made of corpses of all kinds of creatures. You turn around, and see a very large mound of corpses. Atop this mound, on a morbidly majestic throne of bones and bodies, sits a being you cannot describe, at least twenty meters tall, clad in dark red armor, surrounded by a bloody mist. It lifts its arm, and points its finger at you. Terrified, you do not move, though you are not sure you that could if you tried to. The being speaks, its voice deep, loud and menacing: "You have pleased me, mortal. None could achieve this honor in the millenia for which this puny world existed. For this, I shall grant you a part of my power! Wield it well, mortal, and let no foe stop you!" The figure then opens its hand, and a stream of red light interwoven with black strands hits you in the chest! You wake up on the floor, sweating heavily. Your numerous wounds have healed themselves. (You have made an equivalent of a cheat in this world and got a snippet of the power of Armok. Your blood will heal your wounds, or any others' wounds for that matter, though not instantly, and not without expending itself. In addition, you get a +1 to causing harm to living creatures as long as there's a decent amount of blood in your view.)
Quote from: korora
   I'll heal myself up.
|   You seem to be getting better at this. The bones in your arm are properly fixed, and the scratches on your body are gone without a trace. (Get another positive healing, and you'll get a healing failguard)
Quote from: Gantolandon
   Using my dagger and a torch from the wall (or any open light source), I burn JK's wound, trying to stop the bleeding.
|   The only source of open light you can find is the sun. You use your dagger to reflect a sunbeam at JK's face. He frowns at you.
Quote from: chaoticag
   I fortify the tavern, wouldn't want a random arrow to richochet all over the place killing us all.
|   You fashion a makeshift door out of an unbroken table, and seal up any openings leading outside with bits of wood. There are now a grand total of None unbroken tables in the tavern. There still are a few chairs, so you fashion a makeshift barricade out of them, and add all the rotting elf meat to it. Sure, it's nasty, but it may scare those bastards off. Or make them try to eat it so they are distracted and you can jump on them.
Quote from: Frelock
   I attempt to improve my TK healing ability (not sure how, but I do want to avoid blast damage without increasing the risk of failure, also want to improve the multiple healing ability.
|   You tried hard, but you only made it depend less on concentration. (You lose the +1 in noncombat. Hey, it helps avoid blasts! On the plus side, it will negate any -1 concentration penalty you might have.)
Quote from: Boksi
   I attempt to realize a limited form of the true potential of telekinesis, deflecting items, be they arrows, weapons or vomit-encrusted cat leather skirts.
|   Through heavy concentration, you learn to emit a uniform stream of TK force through your hands. Works for "rock come here" and "rock go away" tricks, but not much else. (You can pick up a small item without walking to it, or push someone/something away without touching him/her/it)
Quote from: andrea
   I heal Jay Kayell / i bash the doors of nearby shops to try to find some armor
   You suddenly see all of JK's wounds close. You decide to go for plan B instead.
|   You run out of the tavern, looking for a shop, ANY shop, to bash its door in in hopes of finding armor-y treasure! You clear the corner of a particularly high house, and suddenly see it! A shop! You charge towards it, your maul high above your head, and bash on the poor door with all your might! | The door gives off a CRACK, a gaping hole blown through it. It teeters back and forth and suddenly falls into the shop. | Still no dice. The shop sells clothing. Some of the heavier leather pieces might actualy be better than the armor the elves wear.
Quote from: Rooster
   I make some illusion snow-white clothes on me.
|   You create an illusion of snow-white clothes and a robe on you. You believe that they are there. Now you have to persuade everyone else that they are there.
Quote from: LASD
   I look for an armor shop and go in.
|   You wander around the town for a bit. You feel that you are lost. Suddenly, you see a troop of 5 elves, with shortswords, longswords, shields and bows, clad in grey-green clothing, slowly sneaking through the street. | You manage to remain out of their view. Seeing one of the bow-elves lagging behind, you use your peace power on him! He stops, unaware of your presence.
Quote from: Kashyyk
   I will run up the stairs back to what ever area we started in.
|   You unearth..err unmeat yourself from the pile, and proceed to find a stairway. The stairway, covered by the trapdoor, managed to hold your weight, so you quite easily busted it outward and climbed up. You're now in the same room as everyone else started in.
NPC Actions:   I'm a lil bit annoyed by having to do circles around "Sword-elf 1"s for names, so I'll give them some identifiers if you don't mind.
Quote from: Sword-elf 1
   This one has pale green hair, and wields a longsword and shield of wood. Let's call him "Greeny".
Quote from: Sword-elf 2
   This one wields a shortsword, and is slightly shorter than the rest. Let's call him "Shorty".
Quote from: Sword-elf 3
   This one also has a shortsword, and looks around warily as he walks. Let's call him "Sneaky".
Quote from: Bow-elf 1
   This elf's face has obviously seen better days, it's scarred all over. He has a longbow. Let's call him "Scary".
The whole group sneaks quietly through the street.   
Quote from: Bow-elf 2
   This one seems to have been in battle not long ago. He's slightly wounded in the leg, but is no longer bleeding. Carries shortbow. Let's call him "Limpy".
   The elf is paralyzed by LASD's power. He is not aware of why he is doing nothing.
|   Whatever he ever wanted to do, he doesn't do it.
Status after turn:   
Standing upright.   
Wearing a reddish-black jacket of Karl Moebius leather, underwear, and slightly torn jean shorts. Wielding a masterwork steel halberd.   
Unharmed. Skin and flesh is of greyish color.   
Basic TK Manipulation.Basic TK Healing. Carbon Flesh Interweave.   
Standing upright.   
Wearing underwear and fairly comfortable greyish trousers. Wielding a +Steel maul+.   
Left arm battered. A few ribs on the left side cracked, one broken. Body and all limbs bruised. Several large wooden splinters in left leg. Light bleeding.   
Abilities: Shrapnel Self. Basic TK Healing. Additional status: Blood Debt to God of War and Artifice.   
Standing upright.   
Wearing underwear, and makeshift bra-scarf clothing. Wielding an Iron handaxe in the right hand, and a -Black bronze warhammer- in the left.   
Basic TK Healing (!).   
Standing upright.   
Wearing underwear. Wielding a cracked +Ashen Scimitar of Splinters+.   
Bruised back.   
Basic TK Healing.   
Standing upright.   
Wearing underwear and a thin silky sweater. Covered in dried vomit. Right foot covered with elven blood and brains. Holding a paperclip and a nice pair of white socks. Wielding an Iron dagger.   
Face bruised.   
Basic TK Healing.   
Standing upright.   
Wearing underwear. Holding a greenish warm sweater and skyblue shorts, both too small to wear. Wielding a -Small Iron throwing knife-.   
Meagerly improved agility. Can be cautious while calm. Improved TK Healing II.   
Standing upright.   
Flesh turned into iron, but otherwise unharmed.   
Abilities: Enrage Other. Enrage Self. Basic TK Healing. Extra: Rollerblades in the forearms.   
Standing upright.   
Wearing underwear. "Wears" illusion clothing (white garments, white robe) seen only by him.   
Bruised left upper arm. Face heavily bruised, eyes swollen (-2 to sight-dependant dodge, will heal eventually).   
Abilities: Basic TK Healing. Special status: Blessing of Peace.Blessing of Trickery (+).  Extra: Doesn't know who he is, and calls himself Red.   
Crouching behind cover.   
Wearing underwear, and a white/pink/yellow suit and top hat made of underwear. Wielding a brittle bow made of a chair and underwear.   
Abilities: Power of Peace   
Jay Kayell:   
Down on the floor, face upwards amidst the wreckage of an elfzilla golem.   
Wearing purple stretchy shorts. Useless shreds of underwear on right arm. Wielding a +Iron flanged mace+.   
Abilities: Novice Wrestler. Basic TK Healing. Blood of the Blood God. Blood Rage.   
Tavern:   Two-floor building. Door blown out and replaced by a table. What remained of the furniture is now heaped into a massive barricade along with most of the corpses/chunks/other trash that was found throughout. There's a pile of steel weapons there, some of it stuck into the first floor's ceiling. It also houses your enter/exit point.
Human/Dwarven Capital:   Large city on the outskirts of hell knows where. Holds a modest amount of homes, from hovels to two-floor apartment buildings, a set of shops, a temple, and a keep. Currently being surrounded by a verily horde of elves.
Food store:   Square one-floor building with long tables laden with salted and fried meats of all kinds. There's a single wide table at the far end, with a chest on top of it.
Cloth store:   Rolls of cloth and various cloth, silk, and leather articles of clothing are on the many shelves inside this building. There's a single wide table at the far end, with a chest on top of it.
Background: [3]   LASD noticed that the elves are moving towards the keep, the big stone building near your tavern. There seem to be some constructions atop the keep.

If you spot errors, note them, I'll fix tem later.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2008, 06:53:13 am by Sean Mirrsen »
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #333 on: September 09, 2008, 11:30:50 am »

Alright, I can make due with that.

Can I heal Andrea if he's outside?  If so, I cautiously heal him and Rooster.  If not, I exercise.
All generalizations are false....including this one.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #334 on: September 09, 2008, 11:33:14 am »

I practice long-range telekenetic blasts.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #335 on: September 09, 2008, 11:35:16 am »

Time to actually do something! I attempt to kill the non-paralyzed bow-elf, seeing as he is the most dangerous one!


Sean Mirrsen

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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #336 on: September 09, 2008, 11:40:32 am »

Yer gonna have to roll a decent number to run out of the building, find the elf, and hit him. You don't have (or don't know how to use) the power to instantly see the location of your teammates. It's not nearly as dangerous as what chaoticag plans to do though. :)
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #337 on: September 09, 2008, 11:44:42 am »

I grab the biggest heaviest most dangerous looking weapon I can find.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #338 on: September 09, 2008, 11:46:45 am »

My adventures are becoming interesting.

I wait for the other elves to advance to at least an elven bow-shot away. Then, while intently staring at the paralyzed elf (and thus keeping him paralyzed), I persuade him to believe that he has to defend me by all means possible for the rest of my life.

If the elves notice they're missing one of their squad, I unparalyze him and flee (silently) towards an armor shop (and enter it if possible)

Woo! 200th post on the forums! This must be a sign! I will either succeed perfectly or die miserably.

EDIT: If the elves would attack because of some horrible rolls, I won't attack them or act in any hostile way. I'll just try to stay alive and show I'm not a threat to them.

P.S. I'm getting quite frightened by thinking the consequences of getting 1s.

P.P.S. "Limpy" doesn't seem to have a weapon, I hope this was intended.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2008, 11:52:20 am by LASD »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #339 on: September 09, 2008, 11:50:40 am »

do you people think that we should get some leather armor, or keep looking for metal armor?

Sean Mirrsen

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #340 on: September 09, 2008, 11:54:19 am »

LASD: I don't think you'll get a bonus on that, "defending you by all means possible" includes violence. Still, a perfectly feasible roll.

Andrea: there's no "leather armor" in the clothing store. But some of the heavier clothing pieces (+grizzlybear leather robes+ for example" are far better than the best cloth armors the elves can come up with, barring wooden plate.

Oh, and "limpy" just uses a shortbow. Which actually makes him more dangerous to you if you blink at a wrong time.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2008, 11:58:37 am by Sean Mirrsen »
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #341 on: September 09, 2008, 11:55:48 am »

I say if everyone tries to kill the group of elves, we'll get it done with a greater chance of success and less chance of injury.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #342 on: September 09, 2008, 12:07:46 pm »

Hey! thanks Frelock (hope this works)
I'll pay you back somethime
ekhm LASD / andrea - I'm counting on some clothing y'now  ::)
Hmm it looks we're barricaded so elves will have a hard time getting to us...
We'll squish them with right hands in asses (cause they're wimps :P )


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #343 on: September 09, 2008, 12:17:25 pm »

ok rooster

i take to the tavern as many heavy leather clothes as possible. heavy enough to give us any protection. (like that grizzlybear leather robe. but i owuld like to take enough clothes for everybody)

i hope to get a good roll here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #344 on: September 09, 2008, 12:18:24 pm »

LASD: I don't think you'll get a bonus on that, "defending you by all means possible" includes violence. Still, a perfectly feasible roll.
That's true, I didn't think of that. Making him join me would probably achieve the same goal, except with less desperation and zeal from the elf's side, but then I would get the bonus which removes the possibility of epic fail that could turn out really really bad for me. Unless I can keep the paralysis on without any rolling.

If I can keep the elf paralyzed without him being able to cause any harm to me (even if I fail the persuation), I'll do the defend-me-by-any-means-possible thing.

If I can screw the paralysis up, I'll make him join me.

One of the best things about this RTD is that actions aren't completely random and done to cause chaos, but in fact require (to some extent) thinking and a strategy. I assume this is primarily caused by permadeath, but also from the world having limits that are clearly stated and those things keep this game great. And Sean answering quickly to all questions is just brilliant.

EDIT: Also, my response to the elf attack is my response to all attacks. That could be written down as Pacifist-"Ability" or something.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2008, 12:27:53 pm by LASD »
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