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This game of Multiworld Madness has grown too large for me to handle. What would you have me do?

Muster up remaining strength and complete the current chapter. Bring the game to a logical close, then reboot it.
- 32 (37.2%)
Same as 1, but a whole new game will be started instead, still Multiworld, but no longer Madness.
- 9 (10.5%)
Get just this last turn done and reboot the game. No point wasting energy if updating takes so long.
- 31 (36%)
Get the last turn done and start a new game project.
- 14 (16.3%)

Total Members Voted: 86

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Author Topic: RTD - Multiworld Madness! Final Update: Parts 1 and 2, out of ~4.  (Read 404121 times)

Sean Mirrsen

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #690 on: September 16, 2008, 01:38:06 am »

Alright, it's up. Chaoticag might be happy about the starting rain. :)

Turn 21      
Quote from: Boksi
   I'll help andrea by cornering the elves between us.   
|   You get all menacing and intimidating again. You walk toward the bushes slowly, taking slightly to the right to circle around the elves. (Your menacing ability will be active, the elves have a -1 morale penalty)   
Quote from: Kashyyk
   If the elves are not dead yet I help Andrea again, If they are I go back to the keep.    
|   Wasting no time, you jump using all your strength, straight through the roof of the shop, over to where the elves are. You land right behind them. | Dismayed by all the enemies, the two able elves (Greeny and Scary) rush blindly out of the bushes straight at andrea. (+1 to andrea's to-hit)   
Quote from: andrea
   i crush the heads of the eves under my might hammer(maul)!!   
|   As the two elves charge at you through the bushes, you ready your maul, and swing it hard, sideways at head-level. | The green-haired elf receives only a glancing blow to the forehead, | and isn't seriously harmed, | but the scar-faced elf won't have a face to show off the scars, because the maul met his skull straight on, | shattering it into bloody fragments. | Crushed by the death of most of his friends, the green-haired elf is unable to hold himself any longer. As he runs, he stumbles, falls face down into the grass and doesn't get up, sobbing pitifully.   
Quote from: Gantolandon
   I try to invoke my power of fertile imagination again, to dream me up a good armor. The adamantine one for example.   
|   You close your eyes and start thinking about armor… good armor… shiny armor… beautiful armor… however, all you manage to do is lull yourself into sleeping, dreaming of beautiful armors. (-1 to rolls without failguard)   
Quote from: korora
   OK, I guess I'll try to finish what I started last turn and complete my ascent.   
|   This time you manage to ascend to the second floor without incident. As you suspected, it has been turned by the dwarves into a massive stockpile of wooden logs, metal ingots, and round shaped stones, though both seem half-depleted at the moment. At least six dwarves can be seen constantly hauling wood, metal, and stones up the stairs to the next floor. Sounds of arduous labor can be heard from there.   
Quote from: LASD
   I go to a safe spot where I can see the Elfzilla and paralyze it.   
|   You walk out of the shop and try to spot the Elfzilla, but the beast seems to be fighting the defenders on the roof of the keep while latched onto the walls of the keep from one side. Unfortunately, that side cannot be seen from where you're standing.   
Quote from: Jay Kayell
   I go outside, look at the elfzilla and scream "die in the name of Armok you vile abomination! blood for the blood god!". Then i jump up towards it and cut my way into its chest with various swords and axes attached to my armor.   
|   The Avatar of Armok steps into action. You walk out and around the keep to look at the abomination fighting against the brave dwarves. Hollering the battle cry of Armok (to which the dwarves respond again), you don't jump, you LAUNCH yourself towards the thing's chest as if you had scramjets attached. Your aim true, your mass significant, you CRASH into the beast, weapons first, slicing, dicing and mincing all the way! The beast is thrown off its position on the keep and starts falling! | You find the beast frustratingly difficult to significantly harm. Your entire array of weaponry managed to get stuck in its tough flesh, and all your efforts to free yourself were in vain. Fortunately, the beast decides to help you with that. Enraged at your bold attack, it grabs you with its left hand and throws you away! | You manage to keep your weapons attached to the armor, but they don't cause any damage as they are yanked along with you from the body of the beast. | You impact the ground near the keep with considerable force. | Your armor absorbs most of the damage, but the kinetic force rattles your entire body. You're covered with bruises, your legs are battered, your left ankle is sprained. Luckily, the injuries will be gone soon. | The formerly elven abomination, given its large size, couldnt do anything against the force of gravity. It fell down, crushing an apartment building. | The main supports of the building seem to be made of solid tree trunks going from the basement to the roof in one piece. How else to explain that the beast was mightily pierced whole by a dozen jagged wooden logs? | It's still alive alright, but pinned to the ground (-1 dodge again, -2 movement) and massively bleeding.   
Quote from: chaoticag
   I launch myself at elfzilla's left eye, scimitar first!    
|   Given the current state of the beast, this task hardly posed a challenge to you. Running out of the keep to see JK power-tackle the beast off the keep, you see where the beast had fallen and rush over there to see closer. As you approach, the beast looks at you with its eyes. The left eye is green. The right eye is purple. Deciding you like green more, you jump up, and with a loud ker-shplok drive your scimitar into the beast's eye, right up to the handle. | The beast hollers in pain as its left eye is transformed into a bloody mess. | The bloody eyesocket of the beast is now full of splinters, increasing its pain. | The scimitar breaks off at the handle, most of it still stuck in the beast's eyesocket.   
Quote from: Frelock
   I heal andrea and myself.    
|   You're really getting better at healing. Barely concentrating, you manage to completely heal both your wounds and andrea's. The elf behind your back, despite having pulled off a similar trick recently, looks at this process with great wonder in his eyes. (Get another Perfect double-heal for a skill increase)   
Quote from: Rooster
   "Seeing those bastard elves I Wish deeply from within to kill those barbarians and then I suddenly realize that I have to take care of the Abomination.
If this works I'll wuse my 2 km jump abilities to surprise attack Elfzilla (tm)
hope I won't roll 1 and jump waaaay far from where I wanted"   
|   Despite your best attempts, you cannot force yourself to become angry enough. You suddenly feel that you're better off unchanged. The vile abomination has already been knocked off, in any case.   
NPC Actions:      
Quote from: Greeny elf
   This elf has pale green hair, and wields a longsword and a rather battered shield of wood. Abdomen slightly pierced by a coin. Head ringing. Morale failed, down on the ground, sobbing.   
   He doesn't want to struggle anymore.   
Quote from: Shorty elf
   This one wields a shortsword, and is slightly shorter than the rest. His legs are torn, but bandaged. His lower body is torn. Unconscious and bleeding.   
   He can't wake up from his injuries. | he doesn't die yet.   
Quote from: Sneaky elf
   Rather dead at the moment.   
Quote from: Scary elf
   Dead. Beheaded in a rather messy way.   
Quote from: Limpy elf
   Dead. His past leg injury is not bothering him anymore.   
Quote from: Swordself 1
   This poor sod is carried by Frelock like a hunting trophy, impaled on an iron rung. He's unarmed and heavily bleeding.   
   The elf tries to communicate with you, but you can't understand his speech. His tone suggests he pleads for mercy or wants to surrender.   
Quote from: Elfzilla 2
   This is a massive, ten meters high beast made of elven bodies. It's mindless now, but still driven by rage and desire for flesh. It is, for all intents and purposes, a giant elven flesh golem. Currently impaled on the wreckage of an apartment building. Left eye missing, a wooden splintery scimitar stuck into the socket. It has a -3 to dodge, -2 movement, but still +1 against all damage.   
|    It attempts to get up from the wreckage, but the wooden beams hold it fast.   
Quote from: Keep Defenders
   The siege-operators dwarves have finally turned their attention on matters close at hand. They fire their ballistae at the beast.   
|    Their aim is true. Several large bolts tear into the elfzillian flesh. | One hit the beast into the chest, probably hitting something vital, as the beast growled, and vomited blood | all over chaoticag who was standing nearby. Well, at least it's not acid blood. The abomination's in poor shape, it's being worn down.   
Arrowfest! Only your luck will save you!      
andrea:|   You sidestep a particualrly bold arrow that flew close to you.   
Boksi:|   You don't bother to sidestep arrows, because they are afraid of you.   
Frelock:|   Your arrow-shield, having a mind of his own, wriggles out of the way of an arrow that scratches your right leg as it strikes the ground near you. | It's not deep, but the wound bleeds slightly.   
Jay Kayell:|   You are hit by several arrows that flew outta nowhere. | Your armor absorbs them and adds them to its arsenal. You have 3 unspent arrows.   
chaoticag:|   The arrows don't like vomity blood. They fly away from you.   
LASD:|   You don't see any arrows flying close.   
Kashyyk:|   You are also hit by several arrows into various parts of your body. | They pierce into your abdomen, right leg and left shoulder. | However, they don't even cause bleeding. You wonder if you even have blood anymore. The arrows don't bother you in the slightest.   
Greeny elf:|   The arrows have pity on him, and don't fall close.   
Shorty elf:|   They leavy the nearly-dead-anyway elf alone as well.   
Elfzilla 2:|   The elven archers stopped firing at the thing when it fell off the keep, but the marksdwarves still merrily send bolts in its direction. | It's not hurt by those attacks.   
Status after turn:      
Standing upright and menacing, out on the street beside the armor shop.      
Wearing a reddish-black jacket of Karl Moebius leather, underwear, and slightly torn jean shorts. Wielding a masterwork steel halberd.      
Head battered and bleeding. Abdomen bruised. Arms heavily bruised. Skin and flesh is of greyish color. Stunned. (-1 concentration)      
Abilities: Basic TK Manipulation.Basic TK Healing. Big Bully. Special status: Carbon Flesh Interweave. Can only speak goblin. Activated Visual Omnisensor.      
Standing upright out on the street beside the armor shop.      
Wearing underwear and fairly comfortable greyish trousers. Also wearing a armor set: -Iron splint-mail-, a shirt of leather, Bronze plated greaves, <<Iron high boots>>. Wielding a +Steel maul+.      
Abilities: Shrapnel Self. Basic TK Healing. Additional status: Blood Debt to God of War and Artifice.      
Standing upright on the second floor of the keep.      
Wearing underwear, and makeshift bra-scarf clothing. Also wearing the armor set: <<+Iron breastplate+>>, a soft leather shirt, an Iron helmet, some hard leather greaves and -Aluminum high boots-.  Wielding an Iron handaxe in the right hand, and a -Black bronze warhammer- in the left.      
Legs and arms bruised.      
Abilities: Basic TK Healing (!).      
Standing upright, covered in vomity blood, out on the street not too far from the keep.      
Wearing underwear. Wielding a useless chunk of wood that was the handle of his scimitar not long ago.      
Concussive damage to internal organs, large bruise on left upper arm. Bruised back.      
Abilities: Basic TK Healing.      
Down on the floor of the cellar of the tavern.      
Wearing underwear and a thin silky sweater. Covered in dried vomit. Right foot covered with elven blood and brains. Holding a paperclip and a nice pair of white socks. Wielding an Iron dagger.      
Asleep. Face and most of the body bruised. Hands pierced by numerous splinters. Left wrist sprained. Nasty scratch along the head. Light bleeding.      
Abilities: Basic TK Healing(!).      
Standing upright on the street near the armor shop.      
Wearing underwear. Holding a somewhat dirty <<*Giant cave spider silk robe*>>, and +hippo leather sandals+. Wielding an Steel Quarterstaff (with a bleeding swordself-kebob) and a -Small Iron throwing knife- as a backup weapon.      
Scratched leg, minor bleeding.      
Abilities: Slightly improved strength. Meagerly improved agility. Can be cautious while calm. Improved TK Healing II(!).      
Standing upright on the street near the armor shop.      
Naked. Wielding a -Steel Greataxe-.      
Flesh turned into iron, three arrows sticking out of abdomen, right leg, and left shoulder, but no serious damage is sustained.      
Abilities: Enrage Other. Enrage Self. Basic TK Healing. Special status: Activated Selective Translator. Steel scales. Extra: Rollerblades in the forearms.      
Standing upright near the ruined temple.      
Wearing underwear. "Wears" illusion clothing (white garments, white robe) seen only by him.      
Abilities: Improved Intelligence. Basic TK Healing. Power of Trickery (+). Special status: Blessing of Peace. Invisible. Beast Within. Extra: Doesn't know who he is, and calls himself Red.      
Out on the street, not far from the keep.      
Wearing underwear, and a white/pink/yellow suit and top hat made of underwear. Also wearing the armor set: <<+Iron chain Cuirass+>>, -Iron chain gloves-, Iron chain greaves, and Iron low boots. Wielding a *Aluminum tower shield*      
Battered head and upper body(back). Bruised left foot.      
Abilities: Power of Peace. Special status: Peacekeeper.      
Jay Kayell:      
Out on the street, not far from the keep.      
Wearing purple stretchy shorts. Useless shreds of underwear on right arm. Wielding a +Iron flanged mace+. The armor is armed with a collection of axes and swords, and its steel fists as well.   3 wooden arrows are loaded into the armor.   
Unharmed, but starting to feel a little dizzy.      
Abilities: Novice Wrestler. Basic TK Healing. Blood of the Blood God. Blood Rage. Special status: Wearing Improved Corpse-steel power armor.      
Tavern:   Two-floor building. The door is blown out, the doorframe is torn out as well. Amid the room is a large barricade of broken furniture, elven corpses and trash. Half of the building's roof is gone, most of it is now smashed into the floor. A large hole is broken into the storage cellar. Another hole is busted through the building's wall. There're some weapons stuck into the first floor's ceiling. The building houses your enter/exit point.   
Human/Dwarven Capital:   Large city on the outskirts of hell knows where. Holds a modest amount of homes, from hovels to two-floor apartment buildings, a set of shops, a temple, and a keep. Currently being surrounded by a verily horde of elves. The dwarves are mounting a large defence using siege engines atop the keep.   
Food store:   Square one-floor building with long tables laden with salted and fried meats of all kinds. There's a single wide table at the far end, with a chest on top of it. There's a mighty fine hole broken through the ceiling.   
Cloth store:   Rolls of cloth and various cloth, silk, and leather articles of clothing are on the many shelves inside this building. There's a single wide table at the far end, with a chest on top of it. The entire building is barely standing, most of its roof is collapsed. There's a pile of elf-paste near the building, and some elven corpses.   
Armor store:   Everywhere in the shop various pieces of armor are thrown about, shields of different sizes litter the floor, and arrayed under the now-broken shelves and tables are enough various boots to outfit a battalion. At the far end of the building, there is a single wide table. The heavy chest is on the floor, broken, a large supplement of coins from it now covers the floor.   
The Keep:   Large four-floor building. The first floor is almost devoid of furniture. A lot of civilians are huddled together in groups all over the floor. At least a dozen and a half guards are also there. The second floor is a massive stockpile of wood, metal, and stone. Dwarves constantly lug the materials to the upper floors. The roof of the keep is fortified with ballistae and catapults.   
The Temple:   Tall and proud, beautiful building of white marble, a solid first floor surrounded by columns is supporting several ring-shaped floors held up by beautiful marble supports. A deep pool of shiny, clear water can be seen inside the building. Well, it probably was like that. A large brigade of elves has run over the place. The top two floors are toppled, and the marble ruins have fallen into the pool. The pool itself is red with blood, numerous corpses, that you can only assume are of slain priests, are floating in it. The solid walls are too hard for the elves to knock down, so they have destroyed several nearby hovels and have brought the furniture and broken logs, and lit them on fire inside and all around the building, thinking fire will destroy it. The whole place is a very sad sight. Many awfully happy elves are gathered around the burning building.   
Background: [4]   It's starting to rain, first drops of water are falling onto the ground. Korora can see (or feel) that the key is not on the second floor, but higher. All the people on the street can see that the main forces of the elves are closing in.   
« Last Edit: September 16, 2008, 03:56:55 am by Sean Mirrsen »
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India


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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #691 on: September 16, 2008, 01:59:14 am »

Ummm, the point of healing myself was to get rid of my sprained ankle.  Anyhow, I graciously attempt to understand what the elf is saying using that fun headband, and try to convince andrea not to kill my potential recruit.
All generalizations are false....including this one.

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #692 on: September 16, 2008, 02:12:53 am »

I thought I edited that bit...  fixed now, your ankle was healed.

Also, I again forgot to reduce Andrea's kill requirement. It's only two elves now, so unless someone else kills the wounded elf, he has high chances to not need your potential recruit.
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India


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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #693 on: September 16, 2008, 02:15:17 am »

hey, i killed another elf this turn. now i have to kill only 2 more elves, not 3. update were too fast

thanks for the healing frelock , i needed it.

i maul the elves in the most deadly way i can think of. both elves. i have to kill them!

rain... it is good. later i'll try to learn how to use thunders to attack enemyes... i can't be a good thor if i can't use thinders.


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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #694 on: September 16, 2008, 02:18:13 am »

you know what? if i kill only one elf next turn, then i'll ask frelock if i can kill his elf after we go back to a safe place.

edit: after i finish bashing elves, i'll go to the cellar of the tavern. it should be a safe place easy to defend, and gantolandon is alone there, and sleeping.
what will you do ? tavern or keep?

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #695 on: September 16, 2008, 02:26:04 am »

I think you should concentrate on one elf, or pick up one elf and bash the other with him. :P The wounded elf is unconscious and bleeding, and can die any turn.
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India


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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #696 on: September 16, 2008, 02:33:56 am »

you are right. i use my free hand to maul the greeny elf using as a weapon the shorty elf. i pick the shorty helf by the head. just to be sure that he will die.

Jay Kayell

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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #697 on: September 16, 2008, 04:13:06 am »

I rip off elfzilla's arm and beat him to death with it!
Decapitation - enjoy the difference


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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #698 on: September 16, 2008, 04:42:43 am »

hey, iron man, are you sure you are that strong? elfzilla arm must be quite heavy.

Jay Kayell

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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #699 on: September 16, 2008, 05:01:57 am »

Good point.

New action: I cut elfzilla's head off and impale it on one of the wooden supports.
Decapitation - enjoy the difference


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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #700 on: September 16, 2008, 05:57:56 am »

I run to the armor store.


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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #701 on: September 16, 2008, 06:02:47 am »

I eat some meat, as my injuries will need large amount of proteins...


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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #702 on: September 16, 2008, 07:31:26 am »

I continue upstairs.
DFPaint, a cross-platform 'screenbuilder' utility


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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #703 on: September 16, 2008, 08:58:20 am »

Looks like I'll have to change my actions again  :D
hmm This "stage" is almost complete...
so first:
I try to convince the temple (I'll do it even if this temple isn't full of godly energy) to arise as a divine golem to get revenge on its destroyers, and if that doesn't work I'll convince gods to do it (especially god of war and artifice)
- sounds familiar anyone? ;D
I try to attain true Illusion mastery

Sean Mirrsen

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Re: Roll To Dodge - Multiworld Madness. Runs RTD Extended 1.3.
« Reply #704 on: September 16, 2008, 09:11:34 am »

Still 3 players to go.

"Convincing the temple" is rather awkward, but I'll roll for that (this is RTD after all). Bear in mind though, you don't know who the temple was to. Chances are, the god will manifest as a kitten and get OMNOMNOM'ed by elves the next second. :P
Multiworld Madness Archive:
Game One, Discontinued at World 3.
Game Two, Discontinued at World 1.

"Europe has to grow out of the mindset that Europe's problems are the world's problems, but the world's problems are not Europe's problems."
- Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, Minister of External Affairs, India
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